
Jacob A. Abraham

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247EESavithri Sundareswaran, Rajendran Panda, Jacob A. Abraham, Yun Zhang, Amit Mittal: Characterization of sequential cells for constraint sensitivities. ISQED 2009: 74-79
246EESriram Sambamurthy, Sankar Gurumurthy, Ramtilak Vemu, Jacob A. Abraham: Functionally valid gate-level peak power estimation for processors. ISQED 2009: 753-758
245EEVinod Viswanath, Shobha Vasudevan, Jacob A. Abraham: Dedicated Rewriting: Automatic Verification of Low Power Transformations in RTL. VLSI Design 2009: 77-82
244EESankar Gurumurthy, Ramtilak Vemu, Jacob A. Abraham, Suriyaprakash Natarajan: On efficient generation of instruction sequences to test for delay defects in a processor. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 279-284
243EERajeshwary Tayade, Sani R. Nassif, Jacob A. Abraham: Analytical model for the impact of multiple input switching noise on timing. ASP-DAC 2008: 514-517
242EERamtilak Vemu, Abhijit Jas, Jacob A. Abraham, Srinivas Patil, Rajesh Galivanche: A low-cost concurrent error detection technique for processor control logic. DATE 2008: 897-902
241EEJacob A. Abraham: Implications of Technology Trends on System Dependability. DATE 2008: 940
240EEBaker Mohammad, Stephen Bijansky, Adnan Aziz, Jacob A. Abraham: Adaptive SRAM memory for low power and high yield. ICCD 2008: 176-181
239EEBaker Mohammad, Martin Saint-Laurent, Paul Bassett, Jacob A. Abraham: Cache Design for Low Power and High Yield. ISQED 2008: 103-107
238EESavithri Sundareswaran, Jacob A. Abraham, Alexandre Ardelea, Rajendran Panda: Characterization of Standard Cells for Intra-Cell Mismatch Variations. ISQED 2008: 213-219
237EESavithri Sundareswaran, Lucie Nechanicka, Rajendran Panda, Sergey Gavrilov, Roman Solovyev, Jacob A. Abraham: A timing methodology considering within-die clock skew variations. SoCC 2008: 351-356
236EESriram Sambamurthy, Jacob A. Abraham, Raghuram S. Tupuri: A Robust Top-Down Dynamic Power Estimation Methodology for Delay Constrained Register Transfer Level Sequential Circuits. VLSI Design 2008: 521-526
235EEChaoming Zhang, Ranjit Gharpurey, Jacob A. Abraham: Low Cost RF Receiver Parameter Measurement with On-Chip Amplitude Detectors. VTS 2008: 203-208
234EEByoungho Kim, Nash Khouzam, Jacob A. Abraham: Efficient Loopback Test for Aperture Jitter in Embedded Mixed-Signal Circuits. VTS 2008: 293-298
233EEQingqi Dou, Jacob A. Abraham: Low-cost Test of Timing Mismatch Among Time-Interleaved A/D Converters in High-speed Communication Systems. VTS 2008: 3-8
232EEJoonsung Park, Hongjoong Shin, Jacob A. Abraham: Parallel Loopback Test of Mixed-Signal Circuits. VTS 2008: 309-316
231EERamyanshu Datta, Jacob A. Abraham, Abdulkadir Utku Diril, Abhijit Chatterjee, Kevin J. Nowka: Performance-Optimized Design for Parametric Reliability. J. Electronic Testing 24(1-3): 129-141 (2008)
230EERamyanshu Datta, Ravi Gupta, Antony Sebastine, Jacob A. Abraham, Manuel A. d'Abreu: Controllability of Static CMOS Circuits for Timing Characterization. J. Electronic Testing 24(5): 481-496 (2008)
229EEJen-Chieh Ou, Daniel G. Saab, Qiang Qiang, Jacob A. Abraham: Reducing verification overhead with RTL slicing. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 399-404
228EERajeshwary Tayade, Vijay Kiran Kalyanam, Sani R. Nassif, Michael Orshansky, Jacob A. Abraham: Estimating path delay distribution considering coupling noise. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 61-66
227EESankar Gurumurthy, Ramtilak Vemu, Jacob A. Abraham, Daniel G. Saab: Automatic Generation of Instructions to Robustly Test Delay Defects in Processors. European Test Symposium 2007: 173-178
226EEChaoming Zhang, Ranjit Gharpurey, Jacob A. Abraham: Built-In Test of RF Mixers Using RF Amplitude Detectors. ISQED 2007: 404-409
225EEJoonsung Park, Hongjoong Shin, Jacob A. Abraham: Pseudorandom Test for Nonlinear Circuits Based on a Simplified Volterra Series Model. ISQED 2007: 495-500
224EERajeshwary Tayade, Savithri Sundareswaran, Jacob A. Abraham: Small-Delay Defect Detection in the Presence of Process Variations. ISQED 2007: 711-716
223EEShobha Vasudevan, Vinod Viswanath, Jacob A. Abraham: Efficient Microprocessor Verification using Antecedent Conditioned Slicing. VLSI Design 2007: 43-49
222EEJacob A. Abraham, Daniel G. Saab: Tutorial T4A: Formal Verification Techniques and Tools for Complex Designs. VLSI Design 2007: 6
221EEByoungho Kim, Zhenhai Fu, Jacob A. Abraham: Transformer-Coupled Loopback Test for Differential Mixed-Signal Specifications. VTS 2007: 291-296
220EEShobha Vasudevan, Vinod Viswanath, Robert W. Sumners, Jacob A. Abraham: Automatic Verification of Arithmetic Circuits in RTL Using Stepwise Refinement of Term Rewriting Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 56(10): 1401-1414 (2007)
219EEShobha Vasudevan, E. Allen Emerson, Jacob A. Abraham: Improved verification of hardware designs through antecedent conditioned slicing. STTT 9(1): 89-101 (2007)
218EEQingqi Dou, Jacob A. Abraham: Jitter decomposition in ring oscillators. ASP-DAC 2006: 285-290
217EEVinod Viswanath, Jacob A. Abraham, Warren A. Hunt Jr.: Automatic insertion of low power annotations in RTL for pipelined microprocessors. DATE 2006: 496-501
216EERamyanshu Datta, Jacob A. Abraham, Abdulkadir Utku Diril, Abhijit Chatterjee, Kevin J. Nowka: Adaptive Design for Performance-Optimized Robustness. DFT 2006: 3-11
215EEByoungho Kim, Hongjoong Shin, Ji Hwan (Paul) Chun, Jacob A. Abraham: Optimized Signature-Based Statistical Alternate Test for Mixed-Signal Performance Parameters. European Test Symposium 2006: 199-204
214EERamtilak Vemu, Jacob A. Abraham: CEDA: Control-flow Error Detection through Assertions. IOLTS 2006: 151-158
213EEQingqi Dou, Jacob A. Abraham: Jitter Decomposition by Time Lag Correlation. ISQED 2006: 525-530
212EEShobha Vasudevan, Jacob A. Abraham, Vinod Viswanath, Jiajin Tu: Automatic decomposition for sequential equivalence checking of system level and RTL descriptions. MEMOCODE 2006: 71-80
211EESriram Sambamurthy, Jacob A. Abraham, Raghuram S. Tupuri: Delay Constrained Register Transfer Level Dynamic Power Estimation. PATMOS 2006: 36-46
210EEQiang Qiang, Daniel G. Saab, Jacob A. Abraham: Checking Nested Properties Using Bounded Model Checking and Sequential ATPG. VLSI Design 2006: 225-230
209EERamyanshu Datta, Gary D. Carpenter, Kevin J. Nowka, Jacob A. Abraham: A Scheme for On-Chip Timing Characterization. VTS 2006: 24-29
208EEHongjoong Shin, Byoungho Kim, Jacob A. Abraham: Spectral Prediction for Specification-Based Loopback Test of Embedded Mixed-Signal Circuits. VTS 2006: 412-419
207 Qiang Qiang, Daniel G. Saab, Jacob A. Abraham: An Emulation Model for Sequential ATPG-Based Bounded Model Checking. FPL 2005: 469-474
206EEQiang Qiang, Chia-Lun Chang, Daniel G. Saab, Jacob A. Abraham: Case Study of ATPG-based Bounded Model Checking: Verifying USB2.0 IP Core. ICCD 2005: 461-463
205EEShobha Vasudevan, E. Allen Emerson, Jacob A. Abraham: Efficient Model Checking of Hardware Using Conditioned Slicing. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 128(6): 279-294 (2005)
204EEJayanta Bhadra, Andrew K. Martin, Jacob A. Abraham: A Formal Framework for Verification of Embedded Custom Memories of the Motorola MPC7450 Microprocessor. Formal Methods in System Design 27(1-2): 67-112 (2005)
203EERamyanshu Datta, Antony Sebastine, Ashwin Raghunathan, Jacob A. Abraham: On-chip delay measurement for silicon debug. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2004: 145-148
202EEHongjoong Shin, Hak-soo Yu, Jacob A. Abraham: LFSR-based BIST for analog circuits using slope detection. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2004: 316-321
201EEJi Hwan (Paul) Chun, Hak-soo Yu, Jacob A. Abraham: An efficient linearity test for on-chip high speed ADC and DAC using loop-back. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2004: 328-331
200EEJianhua Gan, Shouli Yan, Jacob A. Abraham: Effects of noise and nonlinearity on the calibration of a non-binary capacitor array in a successive approximation analog-to-digital converter. ASP-DAC 2004: 292-297
199 Shobha Vasudevan, Jacob A. Abraham: Static program transformations for efficient software model checking. IFIP Congress Topical Sessions 2004: 257-282
198 Ramyanshu Datta, Jacob A. Abraham, Robert K. Montoye, Wendy Belluomini, Hung C. Ngo, Chandler McDowell, Jente B. Kuang, Kevin J. Nowka: A low latency and low power dynamic Carry Save Adder. ISCAS (2) 2004: 477-480
197EERamyanshu Datta, Ravi Gupta, Antony Sebastine, Jacob A. Abraham, Manuel A. d'Abreu: Tri-Scan: A Novel DFT Technique for CMOS Path Delay Fault Testing. ITC 2004: 1118-1127
196EEHak-soo Yu, Hongjoong Shin, Ji Hwan (Paul) Chun, Jacob A. Abraham: Performance Characterization of Mixed-Signal Circuits Using a Ternary Signal Representation. ITC 2004: 1389-1397
195EEAshwin Raghunathan, Ji Hwan (Paul) Chun, Jacob A. Abraham, Abhijit Chatterjee: Quasi-Oscillation Based Test for Improved Prediction of Analog Performance Parameters. ITC 2004: 252-261
194EEJing Zeng, Magdy S. Abadir, A. Kolhatkar, G. Vandling, Li-C. Wang, Jacob A. Abraham: On Correlating Structural Tests with Functional Tests for Speed Binning of High Performance Design. ITC 2004: 31-37
193EEAlper Sen, Vijay K. Garg, Jacob A. Abraham, Jayanta Bhadra: Formal Verification of a System-on-Chip Using Computation Slicing. ITC 2004: 810-819
192EEJing Zeng, Magdy S. Abadir, G. Vandling, Li-C. Wang, S. Karako, Jacob A. Abraham: On Correlating Structural Tests with Functional Tests for Speed Binning of High Performance Design. MTV 2004: 103-109
191EENarayanan Krishnamurthy, Jayanta Bhadra, Magdy S. Abadir, Jacob A. Abraham: Towards The Complete Elimination of Gate/Switch Level Simulations. VLSI Design 2004: 115-
190EEVivekananda M. Vedula, Whitney J. Townsend, Jacob A. Abraham: Program Slicing for ATPG-Based Property Checking. VLSI Design 2004: 591-596
189EEAshwin Raghunathan, Hongjoong Shin, Jacob A. Abraham, Abhijit Chatterjee: Prediction of Analog Performance Parameters Using Oscillation Based Test. VTS 2004: 377-382
188EEJianhua Gan, Shouli Yan, Jacob A. Abraham: Design and modeling of a 16-bit 1.5MSPS successive approximation ADC with non-binary capacitor array. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2003: 161-164
187EEWhitney J. Townsend, Jacob A. Abraham, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.: Quadruple Time Redundancy Adders. DFT 2003: 250-256
186EEWhitney J. Townsend, Jacob A. Abraham, Parag K. Lala: On-Line Error Detecting Constant Delay Adder. IOLTS 2003: 17-
185EEArun Krishnamachary, Jacob A. Abraham: Effects of Multi-cycle Sensitization on Delay Tests. VLSI Design 2003: 137-142
184EEDaniel G. Saab, Jacob A. Abraham, Vivekananda M. Vedula: Formal Verification Using Bounded Model Checking: SAT versus Sequential ATPG Engines. VLSI Design 2003: 243-248
183EEHak-soo Yu, Sungbae Hwang, Jacob A. Abraham: DSP-Based Statistical Self Test of On-Chip Converters. VTS 2003: 83-88
182EEKyoil Kim, Jacob A. Abraham, Jayanta Bhadra: Model Checking of Security Protocols with Pre-configuration. WISA 2003: 1-15
181EESungbae Hwang, Jacob A. Abraham: Test data compression and test time reduction using an embedded microprocessor. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 11(5): 853-862 (2003)
180EEJeongjin Roh, Jacob A. Abraham: A comprehensive signature analysis scheme for oscillation-test. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 22(10): 1409-1423 (2003)
179EEVivekananda M. Vedula, Jacob A. Abraham, Jayanta Bhadra, Raghuram S. Tupuri: A Hierarchical Test Generation Approach Using Program Slicing Techniques on Hardware Description Languages. J. Electronic Testing 19(2): 149-160 (2003)
178EESungbae Hwang, Jacob A. Abraham: Selective-run built-in self-test using an embedded processor. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2002: 124-129
177EEArun Krishnamachary, Jacob A. Abraham: Test generation for resistive opens in CMOS. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2002: 65-70
176EEJason Baumgartner, Andreas Kuehlmann, Jacob A. Abraham: Property Checking via Structural Analysis. CAV 2002: 151-165
175EEJing Zeng, Magdy S. Abadir, Jacob A. Abraham: False timing path identification using ATPG techniques and delay-based information. DAC 2002: 562-565
174EEVivekananda M. Vedula, Jacob A. Abraham: FACTOR: A Hierarchical Methodology for Functional Test Generation and Testability Analysis. DATE 2002: 730-735
173EEJacob A. Abraham, Arun Krishnamachary, Raghuram S. Tupuri: A Comprehensive Fault Model for Deep Submicron Digital Circuits. DELTA 2002: 360-364
172EEDaniel G. Saab, Fatih Kocan, Jacob A. Abraham: Massively Parallel/Reconfigurable Emulation Model for the D-algorithm. FPL 2002: 1172-1176
171EEKamalnayan Jayaraman, Vivekananda M. Vedula, Jacob A. Abraham: Native Mode Functional Self-Test Generation for Systems-on-Chip. ISQED 2002: 280-285
170EEJacob A. Abraham, Vivekananda M. Vedula, Daniel G. Saab: Verifying Properties Using Sequential ATPG. ITC 2002: 194-202
169EESungbae Hwang, Jacob A. Abraham: Optimal BIST Using an Embedded Microprocessor. ITC 2002: 736-745
168EEHak-soo Yu, Jacob A. Abraham: An Efficient 3-Bit -Scan Multiplier without Overlapping Bits, and Its 64x64 Bit Implementation. VLSI Design 2002: 441-446
167EEVivekananda M. Vedula, Jacob A. Abraham, Jayanta Bhadra: Program Slicing for Hierarchical Test Generation. VTS 2002: 237-246
166EENarayanan Krishnamurthy, Jayanta Bhadra, Magdy S. Abadir, Jacob A. Abraham: Is State Mapping Essential for Equivalence Checking Custom Memories in Scan-Based Designs? VTS 2002: 275-280
165 Rajarshi Mukherjee, Jawahar Jain, Koichiro Takayama, Jacob A. Abraham, Donald S. Fussell, Masahiro Fujita: Efficient Combinational Verification Using Overlapping Local BDDs and a Hash Table. Formal Methods in System Design 21(1): 95-101 (2002)
164EEJayanta Bhadra, Andrew K. Martin, Jacob A. Abraham, Magdy S. Abadir: Using Abstract Specifications to Verify PowerPCTM Custom Memories by Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation. CHARME 2001: 386-402
163EEJing Zeng, Magdy S. Abadir, Jayanta Bhadra, Jacob A. Abraham: Full chip false timing path identification: applications to the PowerPCTM microprocessors. DATE 2001: 514-519
162EEArun Krishnamachary, Jacob A. Abraham, Raghuram S. Tupuri: Timing Verification and Delay Test Generation for Hierarchical Designs. VLSI Design 2001: 157-162
161EEHenry Chang, Steve Dollens, Gordon Roberts, Charles E. Stroud, Mani Soma, Jacob A. Abraham: Analog and Mixed Signal Benchmark Circuit Development: Who Needs Them? VTS 2001: 415-416
160EENarayanan Krishnamurthy, Magdy S. Abadir, Andrew K. Martin, Jacob A. Abraham: Design and Development Paradigm for Industrial Formal Verification CAD Tools. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 18(4): 26-35 (2001)
159EESuresh Seshadri, Jacob A. Abraham: Frequency Response Verification of Analog Circuits Using Global Optimization Techniques. J. Electronic Testing 17(5): 395-408 (2001)
158EENina Saxena, Jacob A. Abraham, Avijit Saha: Causality based generation of directed test cases. ASP-DAC 2000: 503-508
157 Jeongjin Roh, Suresh Seshadri, Jacob A. Abraham: Verification of Delta-Sigma Converters Using Adaptive Regression Modeling. ICCAD 2000: 182-187
156EEHak-soo Yu, Songjun Lee, Jacob A. Abraham: An Adder Using Charge Sharing and its Application in DRAMs. ICCD 2000: 311-317
155EERaghuram S. Tupuri, Jacob A. Abraham, Daniel G. Saab: Hierarchical Test Generation for Systems On a Chip. VLSI Design 2000: 198-
154EERobert W. Sumners, Jayanta Bhadra, Jacob A. Abraham: Automatic Validation Test Generation Using Extracted Control Models. VLSI Design 2000: 312-
153EEJeongjin Roh, Jacob A. Abraham: A Mixed-Signal BIST Scheme with Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) Comparator and Counters. VLSI Design 2000: 572-
152EEPradip Bose, Jacob A. Abraham: Performance and Functional Verification of Microprocessors. VLSI Design 2000: 58-63
151EEJeongjin Roh, Jacob A. Abraham: A Comprehensive TDM Comparator Scheme for Effective Analysis of Oscillation-Based Test. VTS 2000: 143-148
150EENarayanan Krishnamurthy, Andrew K. Martin, Magdy S. Abadir, Jacob A. Abraham: Validation of PowerPC(tm) Custom Memories using Symbolic Simulation. VTS 2000: 9-14
149EENarayanan Krishnamurthy, Andrew K. Martin, Magdy S. Abadir, Jacob A. Abraham: Validating PowerPC Microprocessor Custom Memories. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 17(4): 61-76 (2000)
148EEJian Shen, Jacob A. Abraham: An RTL Abstraction Technique for Processor Microarchitecture Validation and Test Generation. J. Electronic Testing 16(1-2): 67-81 (2000)
147EEJian Shen, Jacob A. Abraham, Dave Baker, Tony Hurson, Martin Kinkade, Gregorio Gervasio, Chen-chau Chu, Guanghui Hu: Functional Verification of the Equator MAP1000 Microprocessor. DAC 1999: 169-174
146EERaghuram S. Tupuri, Arun Krishnamachary, Jacob A. Abraham: Test Generation for Gigahertz Processors Using an Automatic Functional Constraint Extractor. DAC 1999: 647-652
145EERichard Raimi, Jacob A. Abraham: Detecting False Timing Paths: Experiments on PowerPC Microprocessors. DAC 1999: 737-741
144EERajarshi Mukherjee, Jawahar Jain, Koichiro Takayama, Masahiro Fujita, Jacob A. Abraham, Donald S. Fussell: An Efficient Filter-Based Approach for Combinational Verification. DATE 1999: 132-137
143EEChia-Pin R. Liu, Jacob A. Abraham: Transistor Level Synthesis for Static CMOS Combinational Circuits. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 172-175
142EEDinos Moundanos, Jacob A. Abraham: Formal Checking of Properties in Complex Systems Using Abstractions. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 280-283
141EERobert W. Sumners, Jayanta Bhadra, Jacob A. Abraham: Improving Witness Search Using Orders on States. ICCD 1999: 452-457
140 Jacob A. Abraham: Position Statement: Increasing Test Coverage in a VLSI Design Course. ITC 1999: 1132
139 Jeongjin Roh, Jacob A. Abraham: Subband filtering scheme for analog and mixed-signal circuit testing. ITC 1999: 221-229
138 Kyung Tek Lee, Jacob A. Abraham: Critical path identification and delay tests of dynamic circuits. ITC 1999: 421-430
137 Rathish Jayabharathi, Manuel A. d'Abreu, Jacob A. Abraham: FzCRITIC - A Functional Timing Verifier Using a Novel Fuzzy Delay Model. VLSI Design 1999: 232-235
136EEJian Shen, Jacob A. Abraham: Verification of Processor Microarchitectures. VTS 1999: 189-194
135EEZeyad Alkhalifa, V. S. S. Nair, Narayanan Krishnamurthy, Jacob A. Abraham: Design and Evaluation of System-Level Checks for On-Line Control Flow Error Detection. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 10(6): 627-641 (1999)
134EERajarshi Mukherjee, Jawahar Jain, Koichiro Takayama, Masahiro Fujita, Jacob A. Abraham, Donald S. Fussell: An efficient filter-based approach for combinational verification. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 18(11): 1542-1557 (1999)
133EEDinos Moundanos, Jacob A. Abraham: On Design Validation Using Verification Technology. J. Electronic Testing 15(1-2): 173-189 (1999)
132 Karl-Erwin Großpietsch, Jacob A. Abraham, Johannes Maier, Hans-Dieter Kochs, Michel Renovell: From Dependable Computing Systems to Computing for Integrated Dependable Systems? (Panel). FTCS 1998: 296-301
131EESujit Dey, Jacob A. Abraham, Yervant Zorian: High-level design validation and test. ICCAD 1998: 3
130EEJian Shen, Jacob A. Abraham: Native mode functional test generation for processors with applications to self test and design validation. ITC 1998: 990-999
129EEDinos Moundanos, Jacob A. Abraham: Using Verification Technology for Validation Coverage Analysis and Test Generation. VTS 1998: 254-259
128EEKyung Tek Lee, Clay Nordquist, Jacob A. Abraham: Automatic Test Pattern Generation for Crosstalk Glitches in Digital Circuits. VTS 1998: 34-41
127 Dinos Moundanos, Jacob A. Abraham, Yatin Vasant Hoskote: Abstraction Techniques for Validation Coverage Analysis and Test Generation. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(1): 2-14 (1998)
126EENaveena Nagi, Abhijit Chatterjee, Heebyung Yoon, Jacob A. Abraham: Signature analysis for analog and mixed-signal circuit test response compaction. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 17(6): 540-546 (1998)
125EEJian Shen, Jacob A. Abraham: Synthesis of Native Mode Self-Test Programs. J. Electronic Testing 13(2): 137-148 (1998)
124 Craig M. Chase, Prakash Arunachalam, Jacob A. Abraham: Memory Distribution: Techniques and Practice for CAD Applications. Parallel Computing 24(11): 1597-1615 (1998)
123 Jun Yuan, Jian Shen, Jacob A. Abraham, Adnan Aziz: On Combining Formal and Informal Verification. CAV 1997: 376-387
122EERobert W. Sumners, Jacob A. Abraham: Hierarchical Specification of System Behavior. HASE 1997: 134-140
121 Raghuram S. Tupuri, Jacob A. Abraham: A Novel Functional Test Generation Method for Processors Using Commercial ATPG. ITC 1997: 743-752
120EERaghuram S. Tupuri, Jacob A. Abraham: A Novel Hierarchical Test Generation Method for Processors. VLSI Design 1997: 540-541
119EERathish Jayabharathi, Kyung Tek Lee, Jacob A. Abraham: A Novel Solution for Chip-Level Functional Timing Verification. VTS 1997: 137-142
118EEMagdy S. Abadir, Jacob A. Abraham, H. Hao, C. Hunter, Wayne M. Needham, Ron G. Walther: Microprocessor Test and Validation: Any New Avenues? VTS 1997: 458-464
117 Jawahar Jain, James R. Bitner, Magdy S. Abadir, Jacob A. Abraham, Donald S. Fussell: Indexed BDDs: Algorithmic Advances in Techniques to Represent and Verify Boolean Functions. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(11): 1230-1245 (1997)
116EEYatin Vasant Hoskote, Jacob A. Abraham, Donald S. Fussell, John Moondanos: Automatic verification of implementations of large circuits against HDL specifications. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 16(3): 217-228 (1997)
115EEHoon Chang, Jacob A. Abraham: An Efficient Critical Path Tracing Algorithm for Designing High Performance Vlsi Systems. J. Electronic Testing 11(2): 119-129 (1997)
114EEPrakash Arunachalam, Jacob A. Abraham, Manuel A. d'Abreu: A Hierarchal Approach for Power Reduction in VLSI Chips. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1996: 182-
113 Sankaran Karthik, Mark Aitken, Glidden Martin, Srinivasu Pappula, Bob Stettler, Praveen Vishakantaiah, Manuel A. d'Abreu, Jacob A. Abraham: Distributed Mixed Level Logic and Fault Simulation on the Pentium® Pro Microprocessor. ITC 1996: 160-166
112 Dinos Moundanos, Jacob A. Abraham, Yatin Vasant Hoskote: A Unified Framework for Design Validation and Manufacturing Test. ITC 1996: 875-884
111EERajarshi Mukherjee, Jawahar Jain, Masahiro Fujita, Jacob A. Abraham, Donald S. Fussell: On More Efficient Combinational ATPG Using Functional Learning. VLSI Design 1996: 107-110
110EEJacob A. Abraham, Gopi Ganapathy: Practical Test and DFT for Next Generation VLSI. VLSI Design 1996: 3
109EEAbhijit Chatterjee, Rathish Jayabharathi, Pankaj Pant, Jacob A. Abraham: Non-robust tests for stuck-fault detection using signal waveform analysis: feasibility and advantages. VTS 1996: 354-361
108EEHong Helena Zheng, Ashok Balivada, Jacob A. Abraham: A novel test generation approach for parametric faults in linear analog circuits . VTS 1996: 470-475
107EEAshok Balivada, Jin Chen, Jacob A. Abraham: Analog Testing with Time Response Parameters. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 13(2): 18-25 (1996)
106 V. S. S. Nair, Jacob A. Abraham, Prithviraj Banerjee: Efficient Techniques for the Analysis of Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance (ABFT) Schemes. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(4): 499-503 (1996)
105EEDaniel G. Saab, Youssef Saab, Jacob A. Abraham: Automatic test vector cultivation for sequential VLSI circuits using genetic algorithms. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(10): 1278-1285 (1996)
104EEAshok Balivada, Hong Zheng, Naveena Nagi, Abhijit Chatterjee, Jacob A. Abraham: A unified approach for fault simulation of linear mixed-signal circuits. J. Electronic Testing 9(1-2): 29-41 (1996)
103EEYatin Vasant Hoskote, Jacob A. Abraham, Donald S. Fussell: Automated verification of temporal properties specified as state machines in VHDL. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1995: 100-105
102EEYatin Vasant Hoskote, Dinos Moundanos, Jacob A. Abraham: Automatic extraction of the control flow machine and application to evaluating coverage of verification vectors. ICCD 1995: 532-537
101EENaveena Nagi, Abhijit Chatterjee, Ashok Balivada, Jacob A. Abraham: Efficient multisine testing of analog circuits. VLSI Design 1995: 234-238
100EEJawahar Jain, Dinos Moundanos, James R. Bitner, Jacob A. Abraham, Donald S. Fussell, Don E. Ross: Efficient variable ordering and partial representation algorithm. VLSI Design 1995: 81-86
99EEAshok Balivada, Yatin Vasant Hoskote, Jacob A. Abraham: Verification of transient response of linear analog circuits. VTS 1995: 42-47
98 Ghani A. Kanawati, Nasser A. Kanawati, Jacob A. Abraham: FERRARI: A Flexible Software-Based Fault and Error Injection System. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(2): 248-260 (1995)
97EEJacob A. Abraham, Sandip Kundu, Janak H. Patel, Manuel A. d'Abreu, Bulent I. Dervisoglu, Marc E. Levitt, Hector R. Sucar, Ron G. Walther: Microprocessor Testing: Which Technique is Best? (Panel). DAC 1994: 294
96 James R. Bitner, Jawahar Jain, Magdy S. Abadir, Jacob A. Abraham, Donald S. Fussell: Efficient Algorithmic Circuit Verification Using Indexed BDDs. FTCS 1994: 266-275
95EEAbhijit Chatterjee, Jacob A. Abraham: RAFT191486: a novel program for rapid-fire test and diagnosis of digital logic for marginal delays and delay faults. ICCAD 1994: 340-343
94EEDaniel G. Saab, Youssef Saab, Jacob A. Abraham: Iterative [simulation-based genetics + deterministic techniques]= complete ATPG0. ICCAD 1994: 40-43
93 Naveena Nagi, Abhijit Chatterjee, Jacob A. Abraham: A Signature Analyzer for Analog and Mixed-signal Circuits. ICCD 1994: 284-287
92 Edwin de Angel, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr., Jacob A. Abraham: A New Asynchronous Multiplier Using Enable/Disable CMOS Differential Logic. ICCD 1994: 302-305
91 S. Surya, Pradip Bose, Jacob A. Abraham: Architectural Performance Verification: PowerPCTM Processors. ICCD 1994: 344-347
90 Yatin Vasant Hoskote, John Moondanos, Jacob A. Abraham, Donald S. Fussell: Verification of Circuits Described in VHDL through Extraction of Design Intent. VLSI Design 1994: 417-420
89EEMarc E. Levitt, Kaushik Roy, Jacob A. Abraham: BiCMOS logic testing. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 2(2): 241-248 (1994)
88EEHoon Chang, Jacob A. Abraham: VIPER: An Efficient Vigorously Sensitizable Path Extractor. DAC 1993: 112-117
87EENaveena Nagi, Abhijit Chatterjee, Jacob A. Abraham: DRAFTS: Discretized Analog Circuit Fault Simulator. DAC 1993: 509-514
86EEGopi Ganapathy, Jacob A. Abraham: Selective Pseudo Scan: Combinational ATPG with Reduced Scan in a Full Custom RISC Microprocessor. DAC 1993: 550-555
85 Praveen Vishakantaiah, Jacob A. Abraham: Impact of Behavioral Learning on the Compilation of Sequential Circuit Tests. FTCS 1993: 370-379
84EENaveena Nagi, Abhijit Chatterjee, Ashok Balivada, Jacob A. Abraham: Fault-based automatic test generator for linear analog circuits. ICCAD 1993: 88-91
83 Naveena Nagi, Abhijit Chatterjee, Jacob A. Abraham: MIXER: Mixed-Signal Fault Simulator. ICCD 1993: 568-571
82 Praveen Vishakantaiah, Thomas Thomas, Jacob A. Abraham, Magdy S. Abadir: AMBIANT: Automatic Generation of Behavioral Modifications for Testability. ICCD 1993: 63-66
81 Praveen Vishakantaiah, Jacob A. Abraham, Daniel G. Saab: CHEETA: Composition of Hierarchical Sequential Tests Using ATKET. ITC 1993: 606-615
80 Sankaran Karthik, Jacob A. Abraham, Raymond P. Voith: Optimizations for Behavioral/RTL Simulation. VLSI Design 1993: 311-316
79EERobert B. Mueller-Thuns, Daniel G. Saab, Robert F. Damiano, Jacob A. Abraham: Benchmarking Parallel Processing Platforms: An Applications Perspective. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 4(8): 947-954 (1993)
78EERobert B. Mueller-Thuns, Daniel G. Saab, Robert F. Damiano, Jacob A. Abraham: VLSI logic and fault simulation on general-purpose parallel computers. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 12(3): 446-460 (1993)
77EENaveena Nagi, Abhijit Chatterjee, Jacob A. Abraham: Fault simulation of linear analog circuits. J. Electronic Testing 4(4): 345-360 (1993)
76EEPraveen Vishakantaiah, Jacob A. Abraham, Magdy S. Abadir: Automatic Test Knowledge Extraction from VHDL (ATKET). DAC 1992: 273-278
75 Ghani A. Kanawati, Nasser A. Kanawati, Jacob A. Abraham: FERRARI: A Tool for The Validation of System Dependability Properties. FTCS 1992: 336-344
74 Junsheng Long, W. Kent Fuchs, Jacob A. Abraham: Compiler-Assisted Static Checkpoint Insertion. FTCS 1992: 58-65
73EEDaniel G. Saab, Youssef Saab, Jacob A. Abraham: CRIS: a test cultivation program for sequential VLSI circuits. ICCAD 1992: 216-219
72EERabindra K. Roy, Abhijit Chatterjee, Janak H. Patel, Jacob A. Abraham, Manuel A. d'Abreu: Automatic test generation for linear digital systems with bi-level search using matrix transform methods. ICCAD 1992: 224-228
71 Sankaran Karthik, Jacob A. Abraham: Distributed VLSI Simulation on a Network of Workstations. ICCD 1992: 508-511
70 John Moondanos, Jacob A. Abraham: Sequential Redundancy Identification Using Verification Techniques. ITC 1992: 197-205
69 Jawahar Jain, Jacob A. Abraham, James R. Bitner, Donald S. Fussell: Probabilistic Verification of Boolean Functions. Formal Methods in System Design 1(1): 61-115 (1992)
68 V. S. S. Nair, Yatin Vasant Hoskote, Jacob A. Abraham: Probabilistic Evaluation of On-Line Checks in Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(5): 532-541 (1992)
67EEThomas M. Niermann, Rabindra K. Roy, Janak H. Patel, Jacob A. Abraham: Test compaction for sequential circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 11(2): 260-267 (1992)
66EEChun-Hung Chen, Jacob A. Abraham: Generation and evaluation of current and logic tests for switch-level sequential circuits. J. Electronic Testing 3(4): 359-366 (1992)
65 Jawahar Jain, Jim Bitner, Donald S. Fussell, Jacob A. Abraham: Probabilistic Design Verification. ICCAD 1991: 468-471
64 Sankaran Karthik, Indira de Souza, Joseph T. Rahmeh, Jacob A. Abraham: Interlock Schemes for Micropiplines: Application to a Self-Timed Rebound Sorter. ICCD 1991: 393-396
63 Chun-Hung Chen, Jacob A. Abraham: High Quality Tests for Switch-Level Circuits Using Current and Logic Test Generation Algorithms. ITC 1991: 615-622
62 Gopi Ganapathy, Jacob A. Abraham: Hardware Acceleration Alone Will Not Make Fault Grading ULSI a Reality. ITC 1991: 848-857
61 Abhijit Chatterjee, Jacob A. Abraham: Test Generation for Iterative Logic Arrays Based on an N-Cube of Cell States Model. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(10): 1133-1148 (1991)
60EEAbhijit Chatterjee, Jacob A. Abraham: Test generation, design-for-testability and built-in self-test for arithmetic units based on graph labeling. J. Electronic Testing 2(4): 351-372 (1991)
59EERamachandra P. Kunda, Jacob A. Abraham, Bharat Deep Rathi, Prakash Narain: Speed Up of Test Generation Using High-Level Primitives. DAC 1990: 594-599
58EEDavid T. Blaauw, Daniel G. Saab, Junsheng Long, Jacob A. Abraham: Derivation of signal flow for switch-level simulation. EURO-DAC 1990: 301-305
57EEKaushik Roy, Jacob A. Abraham: High level test generation using data flow descriptions. EURO-DAC 1990: 480-484
56 Chun-Hung Chen, Jacob A. Abraham: Mixed-Level Sequential Test Generation Using a Nine-Valued Relaxation Algorithm. ICCAD 1990: 230-233
55 David Blaauw, Robert B. Mueller-Thuns, Daniel G. Saab, Prithviraj Banerjee, Jacob A. Abraham: SNEL: A Switch-Level Simulator Using Multiple Levels of Functional Abstraction. ICCAD 1990: 66-69
54 Junsheng Long, W. Kent Fuchs, Jacob A. Abraham: Forward Recovery Using Checkpointing in Parallel Systems. ICPP (1) 1990: 272-275
53EERobert B. Mueller-Thuns, Daniel G. Saab, Jacob A. Abraham: Design of a scalable parallel switch-level simulator for VLSI. SC 1990: 615-624
52 Abhijit Chatterjee, Jacob A. Abraham: The Testability of Generalized Counters Under Multiple Faulty Cells. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(11): 1378-1385 (1990)
51 V. S. S. Nair, Jacob A. Abraham: Real-Number Codes for Bault-Tolerant Matrix Operations On Processor Arrays. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(4): 426-435 (1990)
50 Prithviraj Banerjee, Joseph T. Rahmeh, Craig B. Stunkel, V. S. S. Nair, Kaushik Roy, Vijay Balasubramanian, Jacob A. Abraham: Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance on a Hypercube Multiprocessor. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(9): 1132-1145 (1990)
49EEDaniel G. Saab, Robert B. Mueller-Thuns, David Blaauw, Joseph T. Rahmeh, Jacob A. Abraham: Hierarchical multi-level fault simulation of large systems. J. Electronic Testing 1(2): 139-149 (1990)
48EEDavid Blaauw, Daniel G. Saab, Robert B. Mueller-Thuns, Jacob A. Abraham, Joseph T. Rahmeh: Automatic Generation of Behavioral Models from Switch-Level Descriptions. DAC 1989: 179-184
47EECarol V. Gura, Jacob A. Abraham: Average Interconnection Length and Interconnection Distribution Based on Rent's Rule. DAC 1989: 574-577
46EEKaushik Roy, Jacob A. Abraham: A Novel Approach to Accurate Timing Verification Using RTL Descriptions. DAC 1989: 638-641
45 Jacob A. Abraham: Advances in VLSI-Testing. IFIP Congress 1989: 1013-1018
44 Kurt H. Thearling, Jacob A. Abraham: An Easily Computed Functional Level Testability Measure. ITC 1989: 381-390
43 Marc E. Levitt, Jacob A. Abraham: The Economics of Scan Design. ITC 1989: 869-874
42EECarol V. Gura, Jacob A. Abraham: Improved Methods of Simulating RLC Couple and Uncoupled Transmission Lines Based on the Method of Characteristics. DAC 1988: 300-305
41EEPatrick A. Duba, Rabindra K. Roy, Jacob A. Abraham, William A. Rogers: Fault Simulation in a Distributed Environment. DAC 1988: 686-691
40 Jing-Yang Jou, Jacob A. Abraham: Fault-Tolerant Algorithms and Architectures for Real Time Signal Processing. ICPP (1) 1988: 359-362
39 M. J. Marlett, Jacob A. Abraham: DC_IATP : An Iterative Analog Circuit Test Generation Program for Generating DC Single Pattern Tests. ITC 1988: 839-844
38 Jing-Yang Jou, Jacob A. Abraham: Fault-Tolerant FFT Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(5): 548-561 (1988)
37 W. Kent Fuchs, Kun-Lung Wu, Jacob A. Abraham: Comparison and Diagnosis of Large Replicated Files. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(1): 15-22 (1987)
36EEAbhijit Chatterjee, Jacob A. Abraham: On the C-Testability of Generalized Counters. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 6(5): 713-726 (1987)
35EEWilliam A. Rogers, John F. Guzolek, Jacob A. Abraham: Concurrent Hierarchical Fault Simulation: A Performance Model and Two Optimizations. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 6(5): 848-862 (1987)
34EEHsi-Ching Shih, Jacob A. Abraham: Transistor-level test generation for physical failures in CMOS circuits. DAC 1986: 243-249
33 Chien-Yi Chen, Jacob A. Abraham: On the Design of Fault-Tolerant Systolic Arrays with Linear Cells. FJCC 1986: 400-409
32 Kien A. Hua, Jacob A. Abraham: Design of Systems with Concurrent Error Detection Using Software Redundancy. FJCC 1986: 826-835
31 Jacob A. Abraham: Research in Reliable VLSI Architectures at the University of Illinois. FJCC 1986: 890-893
30 Prithviraj Banerjee, Jacob A. Abraham: A Probabilistic Model of Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance in Array Processors for Real-Time Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1986: 72-78
29 Robert H. Fujii, Jacob A. Abraham: Approaches to Circuit Level Design for Testability. ITC 1986: 480-483
28 Hongtao P. Chang, William A. Rogers, Jacob A. Abraham: Structured Functional Level Test Generation Using Binary Decision Diagrams. ITC 1986: 97-104
27 W. Kent Fuchs, Kun-Lung Wu, Jacob A. Abraham: Low-Cost Comparison and Diagnosis of Large Remotely Located Files. Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1986: 67-73
26 Prithviraj Banerjee, Jacob A. Abraham: Bounds on Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance in Multiple Processor Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(4): 296-306 (1986)
25 Timothy C. K. Chou, Jacob A. Abraham: Distributed Control of Computer Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(6): 564-567 (1986)
24EEHsi-Ching Shih, Joseph T. Rahmeh, Jacob A. Abraham: FAUST: An MOS Fault Simulator with Timing Information. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 5(4): 557-563 (1986)
23EEWilliam A. Rogers, Jacob A. Abraham: High level hierarchical fault simulation techniques. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1985: 89-97
22 Peter Y.-T. Hsu, Joseph T. Rahmeh, Edward S. Davidson, Jacob A. Abraham: TIDBITS: Speedup Via Time-Delay Bit-Slicing in ALU Design for VLSI Technology. ISCA 1985: 28-35
21 Robert H. Fujii, Jacob A. Abraham: Self-Test for Microprocessors. ITC 1985: 356-361
20 William A. Rogers, Jacob A. Abraham: CHIEFS : A Concurrent, Hierarchical and Extensible Fault Simulator. ITC 1985: 710-716
19EENiraj K. Jha, Jacob A. Abraham: Design of Testable CMOS Logic Circuits Under Arbitrary Delays. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 4(3): 264-269 (1985)
18EEPrithviraj Banerjee, Jacob A. Abraham: A Multivalued Algebra For Modeling Physical Failures in MOS VLSI Circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 4(3): 312-321 (1985)
17 Prithviraj Banerjee, Jacob A. Abraham: Fault-Secure Algorithms for Multiple-Processor Systems. ISCA 1984: 279-287
16 Ramaswami Dandapani, Janak H. Patel, Jacob A. Abraham: Design of Test Pattern Generators for Built-In Test. ITC 1984: 315-319
15 Dhananjay Brahme, Jacob A. Abraham: Functional Testing of Microprocessors. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(6): 475-485 (1984)
14 Kuang-Hua Huang, Jacob A. Abraham: Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance for Matrix Operations. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(6): 518-528 (1984)
13 Richard L. Norton, Jacob A. Abraham: Adaptive Interpretation as a Means of Exploiting Complex Instruction Sets ISCA 1983: 277-282
12 W. Kent Fuchs, Jacob A. Abraham, Kuang-Hua Huang: Concurrent Error Detection in VLSI Interconnection Networks ISCA 1983: 309-315
11 Jacob A. Abraham: Incorporating Test Technology into an Undergraduate Curriculum. ITC 1983: 162
10 Prithviraj Banerjee, Jacob A. Abraham: Generating Tests for Physical Failures in MOS Logic Circuits. ITC 1983: 554-559
9 Timothy C. K. Chou, Jacob A. Abraham: Load Redistribution Under Failure in Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(9): 799-808 (1983)
8 Kuang-Hua Huang, Jacob A. Abraham: Efficient parallel algorithms for processor arrays. ICPP 1982: 268-279
7 Richard L. Norton, Jacob A. Abraham: Using write back cache to improve performance of multi-user multiprocessors. ICPP 1982: 326-331
6 Timothy C. K. Chou, Jacob A. Abraham: Load Balancing in Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 8(4): 401-412 (1982)
5 Jacob A. Abraham: Functional Level Test Generation for Complex Digital Systems. ITC 1981: 461-462
4 Jacob A. Abraham, Daniel Gajski: Design of Testable Structures Defined by Simple Loops. IEEE Trans. Computers 30(11): 875-884 (1981)
3 Satish M. Thatte, Jacob A. Abraham: Test Generation for Microprocessors. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(6): 429-441 (1980)
2 Ravindra Nair, Satish M. Thatte, Jacob A. Abraham: Efficient Algorithms for Testing Semiconductor Random-Access Memories. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(6): 572-576 (1978)
1 Jacob A. Abraham: A Combinatorial Solution to the Reliability of Interwoven Redundant Logic Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(5): 578-584 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Magdy S. Abadir [76] [82] [96] [117] [118] [149] [150] [160] [163] [164] [166] [175] [191] [192] [194]
2Mark Aitken [113]
3Zeyad Alkhalifa [135]
4Edwin de Angel [92]
5Alexandre Ardelea [238]
6Prakash Arunachalam [114] [124]
7Adnan Aziz [123] [240]
8Dave Baker [147]
9Vijay Balasubramanian [50]
10Ashok Balivada [84] [99] [101] [104] [107] [108]
11Prithviraj Banerjee (Prith Banerjee) [10] [17] [18] [26] [30] [50] [55] [106]
12Paul Bassett [239]
13Jason Baumgartner [176]
14Wendy Belluomini [198]
15Jayanta Bhadra [141] [154] [163] [164] [166] [167] [179] [182] [191] [193] [204]
16Stephen Bijansky [240]
17James R. Bitner [69] [96] [100] [117]
18Jim Bitner [65]
19David Blaauw (David T. Blaauw) [48] [49] [55] [58]
20Pradip Bose [91] [152]
21Dhananjay Brahme [15]
22Gary D. Carpenter [209]
23Chia-Lun Chang [206]
24Henry Chang [161]
25Hongtao P. Chang [28]
26Hoon Chang [88] [115]
27Craig M. Chase [124]
28Abhijit Chatterjee [36] [52] [60] [61] [72] [77] [83] [84] [87] [93] [95] [101] [104] [109] [126] [189] [195] [216] [231]
29Chien-Yi Chen [33]
30Chun-Hung Chen [56] [63] [66]
31Jin Chen [107]
32Timothy C. K. Chou [6] [9] [25]
33Chen-chau Chu [147]
34Ji Hwan (Paul) Chun [195] [196] [201] [215]
35Robert F. Damiano [78] [79]
36Ramaswami Dandapani [16]
37Ramyanshu Datta [197] [198] [203] [209] [216] [230] [231]
38Edward S. Davidson [22]
39Bulent I. Dervisoglu [97]
40Sujit Dey [131]
41Abdulkadir Utku Diril [216] [231]
42Steve Dollens [161]
43Qingqi Dou [213] [218] [233]
44Patrick A. Duba [41]
45E. Allen Emerson [205] [219]
46Zhenhai Fu [221]
47W. Kent Fuchs [12] [27] [37] [54] [74]
48Robert H. Fujii [21] [29]
49Masahiro Fujita [111] [134] [144] [165]
50Donald S. Fussell [65] [69] [90] [96] [100] [103] [111] [116] [117] [134] [144] [165]
51Daniel Gajski (Daniel D. Gajski) [4]
52Rajesh Galivanche [242]
53Jianhua Gan [188] [200]
54Gopi Ganapathy [62] [86] [110]
55Vijay K. Garg [193]
56Sergey Gavrilov [237]
57Gregorio Gervasio [147]
58Ranjit Gharpurey [226] [235]
59Karl-Erwin Großpietsch [132]
60Ravi Gupta [197] [230]
61Carol V. Gura [42] [47]
62Sankar Gurumurthy [227] [244] [246]
63John F. Guzolek [35]
64H. Hao [118]
65Yatin Vasant Hoskote [68] [90] [99] [102] [103] [112] [116] [127]
66Peter Y.-T. Hsu [22]
67Guanghui Hu [147]
68Kien A. Hua [32]
69Kuang-Hua Huang [8] [12] [14]
70Warren A. Hunt Jr. [217]
71C. Hunter [118]
72Tony Hurson [147]
73Sungbae Hwang [169] [178] [181] [183]
74Jawahar Jain [65] [69] [96] [100] [111] [117] [134] [144] [165]
75Abhijit Jas [242]
76Rathish Jayabharathi [109] [119] [137]
77Kamalnayan Jayaraman [171]
78Niraj K. Jha [19]
79Jing-Yang Jou [38] [40]
80Vijay Kiran Kalyanam [228]
81Ghani A. Kanawati [75] [98]
82Nasser A. Kanawati [75] [98]
83S. Karako [192]
84Sankaran Karthik [64] [71] [80] [113]
85Nash Khouzam [234]
86Byoungho Kim [208] [215] [221] [234]
87Kyoil Kim [182]
88Martin Kinkade [147]
89Fatih Kocan [172]
90Hans-Dieter Kochs [132]
91A. Kolhatkar [194]
92Arun Krishnamachary [146] [162] [173] [177] [185]
93Narayanan Krishnamurthy [135] [149] [150] [160] [166] [191]
94Jente B. Kuang [198]
95Andreas Kuehlmann [176]
96Ramachandra P. Kunda [59]
97Sandip Kundu [97]
98Parag K. Lala [186]
99Kyung Tek Lee [119] [128] [138]
100Songjun Lee [156]
101Marc E. Levitt [43] [89] [97]
102Chia-Pin R. Liu [143]
103Junsheng Long [54] [58] [74]
104Johannes Maier [132]
105M. J. Marlett [39]
106Andrew K. Martin [149] [150] [160] [164] [204]
107Glidden Martin [113]
108Chandler McDowell [198]
109Amit Mittal [247]
110Baker Mohammad [239] [240]
111Robert K. Montoye [198]
112John Moondanos [70] [90] [116]
113Dinos Moundanos [100] [102] [112] [127] [129] [133] [142]
114Robert B. Mueller-Thuns [48] [49] [53] [55] [78] [79]
115Rajarshi Mukherjee [111] [134] [144] [165]
116Naveena Nagi [77] [83] [84] [87] [93] [101] [104] [126]
117Ravindra Nair [2]
118V. S. S. Nair [50] [51] [68] [106] [135]
119Prakash Narain [59]
120Sani R. Nassif [228] [243]
121Suriyaprakash Natarajan [244]
122Lucie Nechanicka [237]
123Wayne M. Needham [118]
124Hung C. Ngo [198]
125Thomas M. Niermann [67]
126Clay Nordquist [128]
127Richard L. Norton [7] [13]
128Kevin J. Nowka [198] [209] [216] [231]
129Michael Orshansky [228]
130Jen-Chieh Ou [229]
131Rajendran Panda [237] [238] [247]
132Pankaj Pant [109]
133Srinivasu Pappula [113]
134Joonsung Park [225] [232]
135Janak H. Patel [16] [67] [72] [97]
136Srinivas Patil [242]
137Qiang Qiang [206] [207] [210] [229]
138Ashwin Raghunathan [189] [195] [203]
139Joseph T. Rahmeh [22] [24] [48] [49] [50] [64]
140Richard Raimi [145]
141Bharat Deep Rathi [59]
142Michel Renovell [132]
143Gordon Roberts [161]
144William A. Rogers [20] [23] [28] [35] [41]
145Jeongjin Roh [139] [151] [153] [157] [180]
146Don E. Ross [100]
147Kaushik Roy [46] [50] [57] [89]
148Rabindra K. Roy [41] [67] [72]
149Daniel G. Saab [48] [49] [53] [55] [58] [73] [78] [79] [81] [94] [105] [155] [170] [172] [184] [206] [207] [210] [222] [227] [229]
150Youssef Saab [73] [94] [105]
151Avijit Saha [158]
152Martin Saint-Laurent [239]
153Sriram Sambamurthy [211] [236] [246]
154Nina Saxena [158]
155Antony Sebastine [197] [203] [230]
156Alper Sen [193]
157Suresh Seshadri [157] [159]
158Jian Shen [123] [125] [130] [136] [147] [148]
159Hsi-Ching Shih [24] [34]
160Hongjoong Shin [189] [196] [202] [208] [215] [225] [232]
161Roman Solovyev [237]
162Mani Soma [161]
163Indira de Souza [64]
164Bob Stettler [113]
165Charles E. Stroud [161]
166Craig B. Stunkel [50]
167Hector R. Sucar [97]
168Robert W. Sumners [122] [141] [154] [220]
169Savithri Sundareswaran [224] [237] [238] [247]
170S. Surya [91]
171Earl E. Swartzlander Jr. [92] [187]
172Koichiro Takayama [134] [144] [165]
173Rajeshwary Tayade [224] [228] [243]
174Satish M. Thatte [2] [3]
175Kurt H. Thearling [44]
176Thomas Thomas [82]
177Whitney J. Townsend [186] [187] [190]
178Jiajin Tu [212]
179Raghuram S. Tupuri [120] [121] [146] [155] [162] [173] [179] [211] [236]
180G. Vandling [192] [194]
181Shobha Vasudevan [199] [205] [212] [219] [220] [223] [245]
182Vivekananda M. Vedula [167] [170] [171] [174] [179] [184] [190]
183Ramtilak Vemu [214] [227] [242] [244] [246]
184Praveen Vishakantaiah [76] [81] [82] [85] [113]
185Vinod Viswanath [212] [217] [220] [223] [245]
186Raymond P. Voith [80]
187Ron G. Walther [97] [118]
188Li-C. Wang [192] [194]
189Kun-Lung Wu [27] [37]
190Shouli Yan [188] [200]
191Heebyung Yoon [126]
192Hak-soo Yu [156] [168] [183] [196] [201] [202]
193Jun Yuan [123]
194Jing Zeng [163] [175] [192] [194]
195Chaoming Zhang [226] [235]
196Yun Zhang [247]
197Hong Zheng [104]
198Hong Helena Zheng [108]
199Yervant Zorian [131]
200Manuel A. d'Abreu [72] [97] [113] [114] [137] [197] [230]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)