Volume 33,
Number 1,
January 1984
Volume 33,
Number 2,
February 1984
Volume 33,
Number 3,
March 1984
- Janice E. Cuny, Lawrence Snyder:
Testing the Coordination Predicate.
201-208 BibTeX
- Kyu-Young Whang, Gio Wiederhold, Daniel Sagalowicz:
Separability - An Approach to Physical Database Design.
209-222 BibTeX
- Seyed H. Hosseini, Jon G. Kuhl, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
A Diagnosis Algorithm for Distributed Computing Systems with Dynamic Failure and Repair.
223-233 BibTeX
- S. Louis Hakimi, Kazuo Nakajima:
On Adaptive System Diagnosis.
234-240 BibTeX
- John Paul Shen, John P. Hayes:
Fault-Tolerance of Dynamic-Full-Access Interconnection Networks.
241-248 BibTeX
- William R. Franta, John R. Heath:
Measurement and Analysis of HYPERchannel Networks.
249-260 BibTeX
- Benjamin W. Wah, Kuo-Liang Chen:
A Partitioning Approach to the Design of Selection Networks.
261-268 BibTeX
- Guang Xing Wang, G. Robert Redinbo:
Probability of State Transition Errors in a Finite State Machine Containing Soft Failures.
269-277 BibTeX
Volume 33,
Number 4,
April 1984
Volume 33,
Number 5,
May 1984
- Benjamin W. Wah, Y. W. Eva Ma:
MANIP - A Multicomputer Architecture for Solving Combinatorial Extremum-Search Problems.
377-390 BibTeX
- Hector Garcia-Molina, Richard J. Lipton, Jacobo Valdes:
A Massive Memory Machine.
391-399 BibTeX
- Miguel Angel Fiol, J. Luis A. Yebra, Ignacio Alegre de Miquel:
Line Digraph Iterations and the (d, k) Digraph Problem.
400-403 BibTeX
- Ehud D. Karnin:
A Parallel Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem.
404-408 BibTeX
- Robert A. Whiteside, Neil S. Ostlund, Peter G. Hibbard:
A Parallel Jacobi Diagonalization Algorithm for a Loop Multiple Processor System.
409-413 BibTeX
- Erling Wold, Alvin M. Despain:
Pipeline and Parallel-Pipeline FFT Processors for VLSI Implementations.
414-426 BibTeX
- Franco P. Preparata, Witold Lipski Jr.:
Optimal Three-Layer Channel Routing.
427-437 BibTeX
- Balakrishnan Krishnamurthy:
An Improved Min-Cut Algorithm for Partitioning VLSI Networks.
438-446 BibTeX
Volume 33,
Number 6,
June 1984
- Edward J. McCluskey:
Verification Testing - A Pseudoexhaustive Test Technique.
541-546 BibTeX
- Joseph L. A. Hughes, Edward J. McCluskey, David J. Lu:
Design of Totally Self-Checking Comparators with an Arbitrary Number of Inputs.
546-550 BibTeX
- David G. Furchtgott, John F. Meyer:
A Performability Solution Method for Degradable Nonrepairable Systems.
550-554 BibTeX
- John Paul Shen, F. Joel Ferguson:
The Design of Easily Tastabel VLSI Array Multipliers.
554-560 BibTeX
- El Mostapha Aboulhamid, Eduard Cerny:
Built-In Testing of One-Dimensional Unilateral Iterative Arrays.
560-564 BibTeX
- Paola Velardi, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
A Study of Software Failures and Recovery in the MVS Operating System.
564-568 BibTeX
- Cauligi S. Raghavendra, Algirdas Avizienis, Milos D. Ercegovac:
Fault Tolerance in Binary Tree Architectures.
568-572 BibTeX
- Hao Dong:
Modified Berger Codes for Detection of Unidirectional Errors.
572-575 BibTeX
- Bella Bose, T. R. N. Rao:
Unidirectional Error Codes for Shift-Register Memories.
575-578 BibTeX
- Eiji Fujiwara, Nobuo Mutoh, Kohji Matsuoka:
A Self-Testing Group-Parity Prediction Checker and Its Use for Built-In Testing.
578-583 BibTeX
- Bella Bose, Der Jei Lin:
PLA Implementation of k-out-of-n Code TSC Checker.
583-588 BibTeX
Volume 33,
Number 7,
July 1984
Volume 33,
Number 8,
August 1984
Volume 33,
Number 9,
September 1984
Volume 33,
Number 10,
October 1984
- Joep L. W. Kessels:
Two Designs of a Fault-Tolerant Clocking System.
912-919 BibTeX
- Peter J. Varman, I. V. Ramakrishnan, Donald S. Fussell:
A Robust Matrix-Multiplication Array.
919-922 BibTeX
- Balakrishna R. Iyer, J. Bartlett Sinclair:
Dynamic Memory Interconnections for Rapid Access.
923-927 BibTeX
- C. C. Guest, M. M. Mirsalehi, Thomas K. Gaylord:
Residue Number System Truth-Table Look-Up Processing - Moduli Selection and Logical Minimization.
927-931 BibTeX
- Maurizio A. Bonuccelli, Elena Lodi, Linda Pagli:
External Sorting in VLSI.
931-934 BibTeX
- Ten-Chuan Hsiao, Sharad C. Seth:
An Analysis of the Use of Rademacher-Walsh Spectrum in Compact Testing.
934-937 BibTeX
- Robert A. Mueller, Vicki H. Allan, Joseph Varghese:
The Complexity of Horizontal Word Encoding in Microprogrammed Machines.
938-939 BibTeX
- A. Yavuz Oruç, Deepak Prakash:
Routing Algorithms for Cellular Interconnection Arrays.
939-942 BibTeX
- John A. McPherson, Charles R. Kime:
Diagnosis in the Presence of Known Faults.
943-947 BibTeX
- Kuang-Wei Chiang, Zvonko G. Vranesic:
Comments on ``Fault Diagnosis of MOS Combinational Networks''.
947 BibTeX
Volume 33,
Number 11,
November 1984
Volume 33,
Number 12,
December 1984
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:22:59 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)