
Hans-Dieter Kochs

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12 Kirsten Simons, Jörg Petersen, Hans-Dieter Kochs: LeaCoR: A WWW Based Least Cost Purchase System in the Electricity Market. International Conference on Internet Computing 2008: 330-335
11 Philipp Limbourg, Hans-Dieter Kochs: Predicting Imprecise Failure Rates from Similar Components: A Case Study Using Neural Networks and Gaussian Procedures. ARCS Workshops 2006: 26-35
10 Hans-Dieter Kochs, Jörg Petersen: A Framework for Dependability Evaluation of Mechatronic Units. ARCS Workshops 2004: 92-105
9 J. O. Dada, Hans-Dieter Kochs, Jörg Petersen: IskaWeb: A Web-Based Information System for the Classification of Industrial Wastes. International Conference on Internet Computing 2004: 617-623
8 I. Dürrbaum, Jörg Petersen, K. Stübbe, M. Bourhaleb, Hans-Dieter Kochs, Andreas Lapp, Jürgen Schirmer, Dirk Ziegenbein: Funktionale Modellierung varianter mechtronischer Systeme. Modellierung 2004: 291-294
7EEHans-Dieter Kochs, Holger Hilmer, Thomas Nisbach: Efficient Approximate Reliability Evaluation Using the Markovian Minimal Cut Approach. J. UCS 5(10): 644-667 (1999)
6 Karl-Erwin Großpietsch, Jacob A. Abraham, Johannes Maier, Hans-Dieter Kochs, Michel Renovell: From Dependable Computing Systems to Computing for Integrated Dependable Systems? (Panel). FTCS 1998: 296-301
5EEHans-Dieter Kochs, Walter Geisselhardt, Holger Hilmer, M. Lenord: Fault-Tolerant Communication in Large-Scale Manipulators. SAFECOMP 1998: 254-266
4EEStefan Wagner, Hans-Dieter Kochs: Quality Assurance at Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanizing Lines by Neuro-Model Assisted Fuzzy-Control. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 6(2): 151-160 (1998)
3 Stefan Wagner, Hans-Dieter Kochs: An Adjusted Evolutionary Algorithm for the Optimization of Fuzzy Controllers. Fuzzy Days 1997: 517-528
2EEHolger Husemann, Jörg Petersen, Christian Kanty, Hans-Dieter Kochs, Peter Hase: An User Adaptive Navigation Metaphor to Connect and Rate the Coherence of Terms and Complex Objects. Hypertext 1997: 214-215
1EES. M. Baginski, Hans-Dieter Kochs: Neural networks for process control of flat film extrusion systems. KES (2) 1997: 581-587

Coauthor Index

1Jacob A. Abraham [6]
2S. M. Baginski [1]
3M. Bourhaleb [8]
4J. O. Dada [9]
5I. Dürrbaum [8]
6Walter Geisselhardt [5]
7Karl-Erwin Großpietsch [6]
8Peter Hase [2]
9Holger Hilmer [5] [7]
10Holger Husemann [2]
11Christian Kanty [2]
12Andreas Lapp [8]
13M. Lenord [5]
14Philipp Limbourg [11]
15Johannes Maier [6]
16Thomas Nisbach [7]
17Jörg Petersen [2] [8] [9] [10] [12]
18Michel Renovell [6]
19Jürgen Schirmer [8]
20Kirsten Simons [12]
21K. Stübbe [8]
22Stefan Wagner [3] [4]
23Dirk Ziegenbein [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)