
Wayne M. Needham

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9 Wayne M. Needham: Nanometer Technology Challenges for Test and Test Equipment. IEEE Computer 32(11): 52-57 (1999)
8EEWayne M. Needham, Cheryl Prunty, Yeoh Eng Hong: High volume microprocessor test escapes, an analysis of defects our tests are missing. ITC 1998: 25-34
7EEPeter C. Maxwell, Steve Baird, Wayne M. Needham, Al Crouch, Phil Nigh: Best Methods for At-Speed Testing? VTS 1998: 460-461
6 Wayne M. Needham: Guest Editor's Introduction: Microprocessor Testing Today. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 15(3): 56-57 (1998)
5 Phil Nigh, Wayne M. Needham, Kenneth M. Butler, Peter C. Maxwell, Robert C. Aitken, Wojciech Maly: So What Is an Optimal Test Mix? A Discussion of the SEMATECH Methods Experiment. ITC 1997: 1037-1038
4EEWayne M. Needham: Just how real is the SIA roadmap. ITC 1997: 1151
3EEMagdy S. Abadir, Jacob A. Abraham, H. Hao, C. Hunter, Wayne M. Needham, Ron G. Walther: Microprocessor Test and Validation: Any New Avenues? VTS 1997: 458-464
2EEPhil Nigh, Wayne M. Needham, Kenneth M. Butler, Peter C. Maxwell, Robert C. Aitken: An experimental study comparing the relative effectiveness of functional, scan, IDDq and delay-fault testing. VTS 1997: 459
1 Wayne M. Needham, Naga Gollakota: DFT Strategy for Intel Microprocessors. ITC 1996: 396-399

Coauthor Index

1Magdy S. Abadir [3]
2Jacob A. Abraham [3]
3Robert C. Aitken [2] [5]
4Steve Baird [7]
5Kenneth M. Butler [2] [5]
6Al Crouch [7]
7Naga Gollakota [1]
8H. Hao [3]
9Yeoh Eng Hong [8]
10C. Hunter [3]
11Wojciech Maly [5]
12Peter C. Maxwell [2] [5] [7]
13Phil Nigh [2] [5] [7]
14Cheryl Prunty [8]
15Ron G. Walther [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)