
Ron G. Walther

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3EEMagdy S. Abadir, Jacob A. Abraham, H. Hao, C. Hunter, Wayne M. Needham, Ron G. Walther: Microprocessor Test and Validation: Any New Avenues? VTS 1997: 458-464
2EEJacob A. Abraham, Sandip Kundu, Janak H. Patel, Manuel A. d'Abreu, Bulent I. Dervisoglu, Marc E. Levitt, Hector R. Sucar, Ron G. Walther: Microprocessor Testing: Which Technique is Best? (Panel). DAC 1994: 294
1 Sumit DasGupta, Prabhakar Goel, Ron G. Walther, Tom W. Williams: A Variation of LSSD and Its Implications on Design and Test Pattern Generation in VLSI. ITC 1982: 63-66

Coauthor Index

1Magdy S. Abadir [3]
2Jacob A. Abraham [2] [3]
3Sumit DasGupta [1]
4Bulent I. Dervisoglu [2]
5Prabhakar Goel [1]
6H. Hao [3]
7C. Hunter [3]
8Sandip Kundu [2]
9Marc E. Levitt [2]
10Wayne M. Needham [3]
11Janak H. Patel [2]
12Hector R. Sucar [2]
13Tom W. Williams [1]
14Manuel A. d'Abreu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)