David Garrett, John Lach, Charles A. Zukowski (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2004, Boston, MA, USA, April 26-28, 2004.
ACM 2004, ISBN 1-58113-853-9 BibTeX
editor = {David Garrett and
John Lach and
Charles A. Zukowski},
title = {Proceedings of the 14th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2004,
Boston, MA, USA, April 26-28, 2004},
booktitle = {ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI},
publisher = {ACM},
year = {2004},
isbn = {1-58113-853-9},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
General Session
- Azadeh Davoodi, Vishal Khandelwal, Ankur Srivastava:
High level techniques for power-grid noise immunity.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Soroush Abbaspour, Amir H. Ajami, Massoud Pedram, Emre Tuncer:
TFA: a threshold-based filtering algorithm for propagation delay and slew calculation of high-speed VLSI interconnects.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Qinwei Xu, Pinaki Mazumder:
Modeling of transmission lines with EM wave coupling by the finite difference quadrature method.
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- Liang Zhang, Wentai Liu, Rizwan Bashirullah, John Wilson, Paul D. Franzon:
Simplified delay design guidelines for on-chip global interconnects.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Hassan Hassan, Mohab Anis, Mohamed I. Elmasry:
Design and optimization of MOS current mode logic for parameter variations.
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VLSI design
- Frank K. Gürkaynak, Andreas Burg, Norbert Felber, Wolfgang Fichtner, D. Gasser, F. Hug, Hubert Kaeslin:
A 2 Gb/s balanced AES crypto-chip implementation.
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- Praveen Vellanki, Nilanjan Banerjee, Karam S. Chatha:
Quality-of-service and error control techniques for network-on-chip architectures.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Zhiyuan Yan, Dilip V. Sarwate:
Universal Reed-Solomon decoders based on the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Tay-Jyi Lin, Hung-Yueh Lin, Chie-Min Chao, Chih-Wei Liu, Chein-Wei Jen:
A compact DSP core with static floating-point unit & its microcode generation.
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- Sankar Barua, Joan Carletta, Kishore A. Kotteri, Amy E. Bell:
An efficient architecture for lifting-based two-dimensional discrete wavelet transforms.
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Poster Session 1
- Vijay Pillai, Harley Heinrich, K. V. S. Rao, Rene Martinez:
A stacked antenna broad-band RFID front-end for UHF and microwave bands.
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- Debayan Bhaduri, Sandeep K. Shukla:
NANOPRISM: a tool for evaluating granularity vs. reliability trade-offs in nano architectures.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- David A. Papa, Saurabh N. Adya, Igor L. Markov:
Constructive benchmarking for placement.
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- Ali Bastani, Charles A. Zukowski:
Design of superbuffers in sub-100nm CMOS technologies with significant gate leakage.
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- Jason W. Horihan, Yung-Hsiang Lu:
Improving FSM evolution with progressive fitness functions.
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- Feng Shi, Yiorgos Makris:
Fault simulation and random test generation for speed-independent circuits.
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- Jia Wang, Hai Zhou:
Minimal period retiming under process variations.
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- Marco Ottavi, Xiaopeng Wang, Fred J. Meyer, Fabrizio Lombardi:
Simulation of reconfigurable memory core yield.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Jong-Ru Guo, Chao You, Paul F. Curran, Michael Chu, Kuan Zhou, Jiedong Diao, A. George, Russell P. Kraft, John F. McDonald:
The 10GHz 4: 1 MUX and 1: 4 DEMUX implemented via the gigahertz SiGe FPGA.
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- Ramyanshu Datta, Antony Sebastine, Ashwin Raghunathan, Jacob A. Abraham:
On-chip delay measurement for silicon debug.
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- Yarallah Koolivand, Ali Zahabi, Nasser Masoumi:
Modeling of polysilicide gate resistance effect on inverter delay and power consumption using distributed RC method and branching technique.
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- ZhengYu Wang, M.-C. Frank Chang, Jessica Chiatai Chou:
A simple DDS architecture with highly efficient sine function lookup table.
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- A. Amirabadi, Javid Jaffari, Ali Afzali-Kusha, Mehrdad Nourani, Ali Khaki-Firooz:
Leakage current reduction by new technique in standby mode.
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- Tianyi Jiang, Xiaoyong Tang, Prithviraj Banerjee:
Macro-models for high level area and power estimation on FPGAs.
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- Keoncheol Shin, Taewhan Kim:
Leakage power minimization for the synthesis of parallel multiplier circuits.
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- Ozcan Ozturk, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Mary Jane Irwin, Ibrahim Kolcu:
Tuning data replication for improving behavior of MPSoC applications.
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- Abdel Ejnioui, Abdelhalim Alsharqawi:
Self-resetting stage logic pipelines.
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- Shaolei Quan, Chin-Long Wey:
A noise optimization technique for codesign of CMOS radio-frequency low noise amplifiers and low-quality spiral inductors.
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- Mohammad Moghaddam Tabrizi, Amir Amirabadi:
A CMOS elliptic low-pass switched capacitor ladder filter for video communication using bilinear implementation.
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- Sudarshan Banerjee, Nikil D. Dutt:
FIFO power optimization for on-chip networks.
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- Cristian Grecu, Partha Pratim Pande, André Ivanov, Res Saleh:
Structured interconnect architecture: a solution for the non-scalability of bus-based SoCs.
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- Takashi Nojima, Yasuhiro Takashima, Shigetoshi Nakatake, Yoji Kajitani:
A device-level placement with multi-directional convex clustering.
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- Martin Paluszewski, Pawel Winter, Martin Zachariasen:
A new paradigm for general architecture routing.
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- Hasan Arslan, Shantanu Dutt:
An effective hop-based detailed router for FPGAs for optimizing track usage and circuit performance.
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- Andrew B. Kahng, Igor L. Markov, Sherief Reda:
On legalization of row-based placements.
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- Yukiko Kubo, Hiroshi Miyashita, Yoji Kajitani, Kazuyuki Tateishi:
Equidistance routing in high-speed VLSI layout design.
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Low Power
General Session
- Bhaskar Mukherjee, Lei Wang, Andrea Pacelli:
A practical approach to modeling skin effect in on-chip interconnects.
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- Raoul F. Badaoui, Hemanth Sampath, Anuradha Agarwal, Ranga Vemuri:
A high level language for pre-layout extraction in parasite-aware analog circuit synthesis.
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- Guido Bertoni, Marco Macchetti, Luca Negri, Pasqualina Fragneto:
Power-efficient ASIC synthesis of cryptographic sboxes.
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- Hayward H. Chan, Igor L. Markov:
Practical slicing and non-slicing block-packing without simulated annealing.
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- Tun Li, Yang Guo, Sikun Li:
Assertion-based automated functional vectors generation using constraint logic programming.
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VLSI circuits
- Chung-Seok (Andy) Seo, Abhijit Chatterjee, Sang-Yeon Cho, Nan M. Jokerst:
Design and optimization of board-level optical clock distribution network for high-performance optoelectronic system-on-a-packages.
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- Wei Xu, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, Yuan Xie, Mary Jane Irwin:
Design of a nanosensor array architecture.
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- Edward K. S. Au, Wing-Hung Ki, Wai Ho Mow, Silas T. Hung, Catherine Y. Wong:
A binary--search switched--current sensing scheme for 4-state MRAM.
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- Adam O. Lee, Robert J. Weber:
Design of a 5-Gb/s PRBS generator in 0.18µm CMOS process.
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- Manuel Salim Maza, Mónico Linares Aranda:
Analysis and verification of interconnected rings as clock distribution networks.
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Future technologies
- Ramprasad Ravichandran, Nihal Ladiwala, Jean Nguyen, Michael T. Niemier, Sung Kyu Lim:
Automatic cell placement for quantum-dot cellular automata.
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- Shamik Das, Anantha Chandrakasan, Rafael Reif:
Timing, energy, and thermal performance of three-dimensional integrated circuits.
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- Fengming Zhang, Rui Tang, Yong-Bin Kim:
SET-based nano-circuit simulation and design method using HSPICE.
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Poster session 2
- Katsunori Tanaka, Shigeru Yamashita, Yahiko Kambayashi:
SPFD-based effective one-to-many rewiring (OMR) for delay reduction of LUT-based FPGA circuits.
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- Ambar A. Gadkari, S. Ramesh, Rubin A. Parekhji:
CESC: a visual formalism for specification and verification of SoCs.
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- Kenneth E. Batcher, Robert A. Walker:
Cluster miss prediction for instruction caches in embedded networking applications.
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- Fadi Busaba, Timothy J. Slegel, Steven R. Carlough, Christopher A. Krygowski, John G. Rell:
The design of the fixed point unit for the z990 microprocessor.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Zhen Guo:
How to reduce aliasing in linear analog testing.
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- Long Bu, John A. Chandy:
A keyword match processor architecture using content addressable memory.
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- Anh-Tuan Phan, Chang-Wan Kim, Min-Suk Kang, Sang-Gug Lee, Chun-Deok Su, Hoon-Tae Kim:
A high performance CMOS direct down conversion mixer for UWB system.
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- M. Reza Samadi, Aydin I. Karsilayan:
Multi-peak bandwidth enhancement technique for multistage amplifiers.
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- Thomas Eschbach, Wolfgang Günther, Bernd Becker:
Orthogonal hypergraph routing for improved visibility.
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- Mahilchi Milir Vaseekar Kumar, Saravanan Padmanaban, Spyros Tragoudas:
Low power ATPG for path delay faults.
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- Rohini Krishnan, José Pineda de Gyvez, Martijn T. Bennebroek:
Low energy FPGA interconnect design.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- David Zaretsky, Gaurav Mittal, Xiaoyong Tang, Prithviraj Banerjee:
Evaluation of scheduling and allocation algorithms while mapping assembly code onto FPGAs.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Kundan Nepal, Hui-Yuan Song, R. Iris Bahar, Joel Grodstein:
RESTA: a robust and extendable symbolic timing analysis tool.
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- Mirko Loghi, Massimo Poncino, Luca Benini:
Cycle-accurate power analysis for multiprocessor systems-on-a-chip.
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- Kenneth Fazel, Lun Li, Mitchell A. Thornton, Robert B. Reese, Cherrice Traver:
Performance enhancement in phased logic circuits using automatic slack-matching buffer insertion.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- C. Laoudias, Dimitris Nikolos:
A new test pattern generator for high defect coverage in a BIST environment.
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- Luigi Dadda, Marco Macchetti, Jeff Owen:
An ASIC design for a high speed implementation of the hash function SHA-256 (384, 512).
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- Jing Huang, Mariam Momenzadeh, Mehdi Baradaran Tahoori, Fabrizio Lombardi:
Design and characterization of an and-or-inverter (AOI) gate for QCA implementation.
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- Ozgur Celebican, Tajana Simunic Rosing, Vincent John Mooney III:
Energy estimation of peripheral devices in embedded systems.
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- Luca Macchiarulo, Consolato F. Caccamo, Davide Pandini:
A comparison between mask- and field-programmable routing structures on industrial FPGA architectures.
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Low Power
- Matteo Monchiero, Gianluca Palermo, Mariagiovanna Sami, Cristina Silvano, Vittorio Zaccaria, Roberto Zafalon:
Power-aware branch prediction techniques: a compiler-hints based approach for VLIW processors.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Alok A. Katkar, James E. Stine:
Modified booth truncated multipliers.
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- Victor V. Zyuban, Sameh W. Asaad, Thomas W. Fox, Anne-Marie Haen, Daniel Littrell, Jaime H. Moreno:
Design methodology for semi custom processor cores.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
VLSI design
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:13:51 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)