
Avijit Saha

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5EENina Saxena, Jacob A. Abraham, Avijit Saha: Causality based generation of directed test cases. ASP-DAC 2000: 503-508
4 William Canfield, E. Allen Emerson, Avijit Saha: Checking Formal Specifications under Simulation. ICCD 1997: 455-460
3 Avijit Saha, Chuan-lin Wu, Dun-Sung Tang: Approximation, Dimension Reduction, and Nonconvex Optimization Using Linear Superpositions of Gaussians. IEEE Trans. Computers 42(10): 1222-1233 (1993)
2EEAvijit Saha, Jim Christian, Dun-Sung Tang, Chuan-lin Wu: Oriented Non-Radial Basis Functions for Image Coding and Analysis. NIPS 1990: 728-734
1EEAvijit Saha, James D. Keeler: Algorithms for Better Representation and Faster Learning in Radial Basis Function Networks. NIPS 1989: 482-489

Coauthor Index

1Jacob A. Abraham [5]
2William Canfield [4]
3Jim Christian [2]
4E. Allen Emerson [4]
5James D. Keeler [1]
6Nina Saxena [5]
7Dun-Sung Tang [2] [3]
8Chuan-lin Wu [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)