
Sankaran Karthik

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5 Sankaran Karthik, Mark Aitken, Glidden Martin, Srinivasu Pappula, Bob Stettler, Praveen Vishakantaiah, Manuel A. d'Abreu, Jacob A. Abraham: Distributed Mixed Level Logic and Fault Simulation on the Pentium® Pro Microprocessor. ITC 1996: 160-166
4EENagaraj Nandhakumar, Sankaran Karthik, Jake K. Aggarwal: Unified modeling of non-homogeneous 3D objects for thermal and visual image synthesis. Pattern Recognition 27(10): 1303-1316 (1994)
3 Sankaran Karthik, Jacob A. Abraham, Raymond P. Voith: Optimizations for Behavioral/RTL Simulation. VLSI Design 1993: 311-316
2 Sankaran Karthik, Jacob A. Abraham: Distributed VLSI Simulation on a Network of Workstations. ICCD 1992: 508-511
1 Sankaran Karthik, Indira de Souza, Joseph T. Rahmeh, Jacob A. Abraham: Interlock Schemes for Micropiplines: Application to a Self-Timed Rebound Sorter. ICCD 1991: 393-396

Coauthor Index

1Jacob A. Abraham [1] [2] [3] [5]
2Jake K. Aggarwal (J. K. Aggarwal) [4]
3Mark Aitken [5]
4Glidden Martin [5]
5Nagaraj Nandhakumar [4]
6Srinivasu Pappula [5]
7Joseph T. Rahmeh [1]
8Indira de Souza [1]
9Bob Stettler [5]
10Praveen Vishakantaiah [5]
11Raymond P. Voith [3]
12Manuel A. d'Abreu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)