
Byoungho Kim

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4EEByoungho Kim, Nash Khouzam, Jacob A. Abraham: Efficient Loopback Test for Aperture Jitter in Embedded Mixed-Signal Circuits. VTS 2008: 293-298
3EEByoungho Kim, Zhenhai Fu, Jacob A. Abraham: Transformer-Coupled Loopback Test for Differential Mixed-Signal Specifications. VTS 2007: 291-296
2EEByoungho Kim, Hongjoong Shin, Ji Hwan (Paul) Chun, Jacob A. Abraham: Optimized Signature-Based Statistical Alternate Test for Mixed-Signal Performance Parameters. European Test Symposium 2006: 199-204
1EEHongjoong Shin, Byoungho Kim, Jacob A. Abraham: Spectral Prediction for Specification-Based Loopback Test of Embedded Mixed-Signal Circuits. VTS 2006: 412-419

Coauthor Index

1Jacob A. Abraham [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Ji Hwan (Paul) Chun [2]
3Zhenhai Fu [3]
4Nash Khouzam [4]
5Hongjoong Shin [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)