
S. Surya

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3 Pradip Bose, S. Surya: Architectural timing verification of CMOS RISC processors. IBM Journal of Research and Development 39(1-2): 113-130 (1995)
2 Ali Poursepanj, Deene Ogden, Brad Burgess, Sonya Gary, Carl Dietz, David Lee, S. Surya, Mike Peters: The PowerPC 603 Microprocessor: Performance Analysis and Design Trade-offs. COMPCON 1994: 316-323
1 S. Surya, Pradip Bose, Jacob A. Abraham: Architectural Performance Verification: PowerPCTM Processors. ICCD 1994: 344-347

Coauthor Index

1Jacob A. Abraham [1]
2Pradip Bose [1] [3]
3Brad Burgess [2]
4Carl Dietz [2]
5Sonya Gary [2]
6David Lee [2]
7Deene Ogden [2]
8Mike Peters [2]
9Ali Poursepanj [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)