
Alexey Lvov

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7EEAlexey Lvov, Ulrich Finkler: Exact basic geometric operations on arbitrary angle polygons using only fixed size integer coordinates. ICCAD 2008: 494-498
6EEKanad Chakraborty, Alexey Lvov, Maharaj Mukherjee: Novel algorithms for placement of rectangular covers for mask inspection in advanced lithography and other VLSI design applications. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 25(1): 79-91 (2006)
5EEAlexey Lvov, Fook-Luen Heng: A graph based simplex method for the integer minimum perturbation problem with sum and difference constraints. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2004: 67-72
4EEBernard Chazelle, Alexey Lvov: The Discrepancy of Boxes in Higher Dimension. Discrete & Computational Geometry 25(4): 519-524 (2001)
3EEBernard Chazelle, Alexey Lvov: A Trace Bound for the Hereditary Discrepancy. Discrete & Computational Geometry 26(2): 221-231 (2001)
2EEBernard Chazelle, Alexey Lvov: A trace bound for the hereditary discrepancy. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2000: 64-69
1EEAmit Chakrabarti, Bernard Chazelle, Benjamin Gum, Alexey Lvov: A Lower Bound on the Complexity of Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Searching on the Hamming Cube. STOC 1999: 305-311

Coauthor Index

1Amit Chakrabarti [1]
2Kanad Chakraborty [6]
3Bernard Chazelle [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Ulrich Finkler [7]
5Benjamin Gum [1]
6Fook-Luen Heng [5]
7Maharaj Mukherjee [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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