2007 |
18 | EE | Arindam Banerjee,
Sugato Basu,
Srujana Merugu:
Multi-way Clustering on Relation Graphs.
SDM 2007 |
17 | EE | Arindam Banerjee,
Sugato Basu:
Topic Models over Text Streams: A Study of Batch and Online Unsupervised Learning.
SDM 2007 |
2006 |
16 | | Kiri Wagstaff,
Sugato Basu,
Ian Davidson:
When Is Constrained Clustering Beneficial, and Why?.
AAAI 2006 |
15 | EE | Ian Davidson,
Kiri Wagstaff,
Sugato Basu:
Measuring Constraint-Set Utility for Partitional Clustering Algorithms.
PKDD 2006: 115-126 |
2005 |
14 | EE | Mikhail Bilenko,
Sugato Basu,
Mehran Sahami:
Adaptive Product Normalization: Using Online Learning for Record Linkage in Comparison Shopping.
ICDM 2005: 58-65 |
13 | EE | Brian Kulis,
Sugato Basu,
Inderjit S. Dhillon,
Raymond J. Mooney:
Semi-supervised graph clustering: a kernel approach.
ICML 2005: 457-464 |
12 | EE | Arindam Banerjee,
Chase Krumpelman,
Joydeep Ghosh,
Sugato Basu,
Raymond J. Mooney:
Model-based overlapping clustering.
KDD 2005: 532-537 |
11 | EE | Shalini Ghosh,
Sugato Basu,
Nur A. Touba:
Synthesis of Low Power CED Circuits Based on Parity Codes.
VTS 2005: 315-320 |
10 | EE | Shalini Ghosh,
Sugato Basu,
Nur A. Touba:
Selecting Error Correcting Codes to Minimize Power in Memory Checker Circuits.
J. Low Power Electronics 1(1): 63-72 (2005) |
2004 |
9 | | Sugato Basu:
Semi-Supervised Clustering with Limited Background Knowledge.
AAAI 2004: 979-980 |
8 | EE | Shalini Ghosh,
Eric MacDonald,
Sugato Basu,
Nur A. Touba:
Low-power weighted pseudo-random BIST using special scan cells.
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2004: 86-91 |
7 | EE | Mikhail Bilenko,
Sugato Basu,
Raymond J. Mooney:
Integrating constraints and metric learning in semi-supervised clustering.
ICML 2004 |
6 | EE | Shalini Ghosh,
Nur A. Touba,
Sugato Basu:
Reducing Power Consumption in Memory ECC Checkers.
ITC 2004: 1322-1331 |
5 | EE | Sugato Basu,
Mikhail Bilenko,
Raymond J. Mooney:
A probabilistic framework for semi-supervised clustering.
KDD 2004: 59-68 |
4 | EE | Sugato Basu,
Arindam Banerjee,
Raymond J. Mooney:
Active Semi-Supervision for Pairwise Constrained Clustering.
SDM 2004 |
2003 |
3 | EE | Shalini Ghosh,
Sugato Basu,
Nur A. Touba:
Joint Minimization of Power and Area in Scan Testing by Scan Cell Reordering.
ISVLSI 2003: 246-249 |
2002 |
2 | | Sugato Basu,
Arindam Banerjee,
Raymond J. Mooney:
Semi-supervised Clustering by Seeding.
ICML 2002: 27-34 |
2001 |
1 | EE | Sugato Basu,
Raymond J. Mooney,
Krupakar V. Pasupuleti,
Joydeep Ghosh:
Evaluating the novelty of text-mined rules using lexical knowledge.
KDD 2001: 233-238 |