
James E. Stine

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22EEIvan D. Castellanos, James E. Stine: Compressor trees for decimal partial product reduction. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 107-110
21EEJames E. Stine, Jeff M. Blank: Partial Product Reduction for Parallel Cubing. ISVLSI 2007: 337-342
20EEIvan D. Castellanos, James E. Stine: A 64-bit Decimal Floating-Point Comparator. ASAP 2006: 138-144
19EEJames E. Stine, Nitin Naresh: Compressed symmetric tables for accurate function approximation of reciprocals. ISCAS 2006
18EEJohannes Grad, James E. Stine: Low power binary addition using carry increment adders. ISCAS 2006
17EEJohannes Grad, James E. Stine: Dual-Mode High-Speed Low-Energy Binary Addition. ISVLSI 2006: 428-429
16EEJohannes Grad, James E. Stine: New algorithms for carry propagation. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2005: 396-399
15EEJames E. Stine, Christopher R. Babb, Vibhuti B. Dave: Constant addition utilizing flagged prefix structures. ISCAS (1) 2005: 668-671
14EEJames E. Stine, Michael J. Schulte: A combined two's complement and floating-point comparator. ISCAS (1) 2005: 89-92
13EEJohannes Grad, James E. Stine, David D. Neiman: Real World SOC Experience for the Classroom. MSE 2005: 49-50
12EEJames E. Stine, Johannes Grad, Ivan D. Castellanos, Jeff M. Blank, Vibhuti B. Dave, Mallika Prakash, Nick Iliev, Nathan Jachimiec: A Framework for High-Level Synthesis of System-on-Chip Designs. MSE 2005: 67-68
11EEAlok A. Katkar, James E. Stine: Modified booth truncated multipliers. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2004: 444-447
10EENick Iliev, James E. Stine, Nathan Jachimiec: Parallel Programmable Finite Field GF(2m) Multipliers. ISVLSI 2004: 299-302
9EEBhushan A. Shinkre, James E. Stine: A pipelined clock-delayed domino carry-lookahead adder. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2003: 171-175
8EEJames E. Stine, Oliver M. Duverne: Variations on Truncated Multiplication. DSD 2003: 112-119
7EEJohannes Grad, James E. Stine: A Standard Cell Library for Student Projects. MSE 2003: 98-99
6 Kent E. Wires, Michael J. Schulte, James E. Stine: Combined IEEE Compliant and Truncated Floating Point Multipliers for Reduced Power Dissipation. ICCD 2001: 497-500
5 Michael J. Schulte, James E. Stine: Approximating Elementary Functions with Symmetric Bipartite Tables. IEEE Trans. Computers 48(8): 842-847 (1999)
4EEJames E. Stine, Michael J. Schulte: The Symmetric Table Addition Method for Accurate Function Approximation. VLSI Signal Processing 21(2): 167-177 (1999)
3EEJames E. Stine, Michael J. Schulte: A Combined Interval and Floating Point Multiplier. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1998: 208-
2EEMichael J. Schulte, James E. Stine: Accurate Function Approximations by Symmetric Table Lookup and Addition. ASAP 1997: 144-153
1EEMichael J. Schulte, James E. Stine: Symmetric Bipartite Tables for Accurate Function Approximation. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 1997: 175-183

Coauthor Index

1Christopher R. Babb [15]
2Jeff M. Blank [12] [21]
3Ivan D. Castellanos [12] [20] [22]
4Vibhuti B. Dave [12] [15]
5Oliver M. Duverne [8]
6Johannes Grad [7] [12] [13] [16] [17] [18]
7Nick Iliev [10] [12]
8Nathan Jachimiec [10] [12]
9Alok A. Katkar [11]
10Nitin Naresh [19]
11David D. Neiman [13]
12Mallika Prakash [12]
13Michael J. Schulte [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [14]
14Bhushan A. Shinkre [9]
15Kent E. Wires [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)