
Michael Chu

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19EEPhil Jacobs, Aamir Zia, Okan Erdogan, Paul M. Belemjian, Peng Jin, Jin Woo Kim, Michael Chu, Russell P. Kraft, John F. McDonald: Amdahl's figure of merit, SiGe HBT BiCMOS, and 3D chip stacking. ICCD 2007: 202-207
18EEChao You, Jong-Ru Guo, Russell P. Kraft, Michael Chu, Bryan S. Goda, John F. McDonald: A 12-Gb/s DEMUX Implemented With SiGe High-Speed FPGA Circuits. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 15(9): 1051-1054 (2007)
17EESanjeev Kumar, Michael Chu, Christopher J. Hughes, Partha Kundu, Anthony Nguyen: Hybrid transactional memory. PPOPP 2006: 209-220
16EEAndré DeHon, Yury Markovskiy, Eylon Caspi, Michael Chu, Randy Huang, Stylianos Perissakis, Laura Pozzi, Joseph Yeh, John Wawrzynek: Stream computations organized for reconfigurable execution. Microprocessors and Microsystems 30(6): 334-354 (2006)
15 Chao You, Jong-Ru Guo, Michael Chu, Russell P. Kraft, Bryan S. Goda, John F. McDonald: A 11 GHz FPGA with Test Applications. FPL 2005: 101-105
14EEJong-Ru Guo, Chao You, Michael Chu, Okan Erdogan, Russell P. Kraft, John F. McDonald: A High Speed Reconfigurable Gate Array for Gigahertz Applications. ISVLSI 2005: 124-129
13EEJong-Ru Guo, Chao You, Kuan Zhou, Michael Chu, Peter F. Curran, Jiedong Diao, Bryan S. Goda, Russell P. Kraft, John F. McDonald: A 10 GHz 4: 1 MUX and 1: 4 DEMUX implemented by a Gigahertz SiGe FPGA for fast ADC. Integration 38(3): 525-540 (2005)
12EEChao You, Jong-Ru Guo, Russell P. Kraft, Michael Chu, Peter F. Curran, Kuan Zhou, Bryan S. Goda, John F. McDonald: A 5-10GHz SiGe BiCMOS FPGA with new configurable logic block. Microprocessors and Microsystems 29(2-3): 121-131 (2005)
11EEJong-Ru Guo, Chao You, Paul F. Curran, Michael Chu, Kuan Zhou, Jiedong Diao, A. George, Russell P. Kraft, John F. McDonald: The 10GHz 4: 1 MUX and 1: 4 DEMUX implemented via the gigahertz SiGe FPGA. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2004: 141-144
10EEJong-Ru Guo, Chao You, Michael Chu, Robert W. Heikaus, Kuan Zhou, Okan Erdogan, Jiedong Diao, Bryan S. Goda, Russell P. Kraft, John F. McDonald: The gigahertz FPGA: design consideration and applications. FPGA 2004: 248
9EEChao You, Jong-Ru Guo, Russell P. Kraft, Kuan Zhou, Michael Chu, John F. McDonald: A 5-20 GHz, low power FPGA implemented by SiGe HBT BiCMOS technology. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2003: 37-40
8 Jong-Ru Guo, Chao You, Michael Chu, Kuan Zhou, Young Uk Yim, Robert W. Heikaus, Russell P. Kraft, John F. McDonald: A Novel Multi-Speed, Power Saving Architecture for SiGe HBT FPGA. Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms 2003: 181-187
7EEKuan Zhou, Michael Chu, Chao You, Jong-Ru Guo, Channakeshav, John Mayega, John F. McDonald, Russell P. Kraft, Bryan S. Goda: A four-bit full adder implemented on fast SiGe FPGAs with novel power control scheme. FPGA 2003: 248
6EEChao You, Jong-Ru Guo, Russell P. Kraft, Michael Chu, Robert W. Heikaus, Okan Erdogan, Peter F. Curran, Bryan S. Goda, Kuan Zhou, John F. McDonald: Gigahertz FPGA by SiGe BiCMOS Technology for Low Power, High Speed Computing with 3-D Memory. FPL 2003: 11-20
5EEYury Markovskiy, Eylon Caspi, Randy Huang, Joseph Yeh, Michael Chu, John Wawrzynek, André DeHon: Analysis of quasi-static scheduling techniques in a virtualized reconfigurable machine. FPGA 2002: 196-205
4 Allison Woodruff, Chris Olston, Alexander Aiken, Michael Chu, Vuk Ercegovac, Mark Lin, Mybrid Spalding, Michael Stonebraker: DataSplash: A Direct Manipulation Environment for Programming Semantic Zoom Visualizations of Tabular Data. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 12(5): 551-571 (2001)
3EEEylon Caspi, Michael Chu, Randy Huang, Joseph Yeh, John Wawrzynek, André DeHon: Stream Computations Organized for Reconfigurable Execution (SCORE). FPL 2000: 605-614
2EEMichael Chu, Nicholas Weaver, Kolja Sulimma, André DeHon, John Wawrzynek: Object Oriented Circuit-Generators in Java. FCCM 1998: 158-166
1EEChris Olston, Allison Woodruff, Alexander Aiken, Michael Chu, Vuk Ercegovac, Mark Lin, Mybrid Spalding, Michael Stonebraker: DataSplash. SIGMOD Conference 1998: 550-552

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Aiken (Alex Aiken) [1] [4]
2Paul M. Belemjian [19]
3Eylon Caspi [3] [5] [16]
4 Channakeshav [7]
5Paul F. Curran [11]
6Peter F. Curran [6] [12] [13]
7André DeHon [2] [3] [5] [16]
8Jiedong Diao [10] [11] [13]
9Vuk Ercegovac [1] [4]
10Okan Erdogan [6] [10] [14] [19]
11A. George [11]
12Bryan S. Goda [6] [7] [10] [12] [13] [15] [18]
13Jong-Ru Guo [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [18]
14Robert W. Heikaus [6] [8] [10]
15Randy Huang [3] [5] [16]
16Christopher J. Hughes [17]
17Phil Jacobs [19]
18Peng Jin [19]
19Jin Woo Kim [19]
20Russell P. Kraft [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [18] [19]
21Sanjeev Kumar [17]
22Partha Kundu [17]
23Mark Lin [1] [4]
24Yury Markovskiy [5] [16]
25John Mayega [7]
26John F. McDonald [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [18] [19]
27Anthony Nguyen [17]
28Christopher Olston (Chris Olston) [1] [4]
29Stylianos Perissakis [16]
30Laura Pozzi [16]
31Mybrid Spalding [1] [4]
32Michael Stonebraker [1] [4]
33Kolja Sulimma [2]
34John Wawrzynek [2] [3] [5] [16]
35Nicholas Weaver [2]
36Allison Woodruff [1] [4]
37Joseph Yeh [3] [5] [16]
38Young Uk Yim [8]
39Chao You [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [18]
40Kuan Zhou [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
41Aamir Zia [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)