
Vijay Kumar

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213EEOussama Khatib, Vijay Kumar, George J. Pappas: Experimental Robotics, The Eleventh International Symposium, ISER 2008, July 13-16, 2008, Athens, Greece Springer 2009
212 Oussama Khatib, Vijay Kumar, Daniela Rus: Experimental Robotics, The 10th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics [ISER '06, July 6-10, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil] Springer 2008
211EENathan Michael, Michael M. Zavlanos, Vijay Kumar, George J. Pappas: Distributed multi-robot task assignment and formation control. ICRA 2008: 128-133
210EEPeng Cheng, Vijay Kumar: An almost communication-less approach to task allocation for multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. ICRA 2008: 1384-1389
209EEJonathan Fink, M. Ani Hsieh, Vijay Kumar: Multi-robot manipulation via caging in environments with obstacles. ICRA 2008: 1471-1476
208EEEthan Stump, Ali Jadbabaie, Vijay Kumar: Connectivity management in mobile robot teams. ICRA 2008: 1525-1530
207EENora Ayanian, Vijay Kumar: Decentralized feedback controllers for multi-agent teams in environments with obstacles. ICRA 2008: 1936-1941
206EEK. Luciano C. Pimenta, Nathan Michael, Renato C. Mesquita, Guilherme A. S. Pereira, Vijay Kumar: Control of swarms based on Hydrodynamic models. ICRA 2008: 1948-1953
205EEDavid J. Cappelleri, Peng Cheng, Jonathan Fink, Bogdan Gavrea, Vijay Kumar: Meso-scale manipulation: System, modeling, planning and control. ICRA 2008: 2220-2221
204EEPeng Cheng, James F. Keller, Vijay Kumar: Time-optimal UAV trajectory planning for 3D urban structure coverage. IROS 2008: 2750-2757
203EENathan Michael, Michael M. Zavlanos, Vijay Kumar, George J. Pappas: Maintaining Connectivity in Mobile Robot Networks. ISER 2008: 117-126
202EEVijay Kumar, Daniela Rus, Gaurav S. Sukhatme: Networked Robots. Springer Handbook of Robotics 2008: 943-958
201EEVijay Kumar, Kuldeep Kumar: On the ideal convergence of sequences of fuzzy numbers. Inf. Sci. 178(24): 4670-4678 (2008)
200EEM. Ani Hsieh, Anthony Cowley, Vijay Kumar, Camillo J. Taylor: Maintaining network connectivity and performance in robot teams. J. Field Robotics 25(1-2): 111-131 (2008)
199EEM. Ani Hsieh, Vijay Kumar, Luiz Chaimowicz: Decentralized controllers for shape generation with robotic swarms. Robotica 26(5): 691-701 (2008)
198EEGuilherme A. S. Pereira, Vijay Kumar, Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos: Closed loop motion planning of cooperating mobile robots using graph connectivity. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(4): 373-384 (2008)
197EEM. Ani Hsieh, Ádám M. Halász, Spring Berman, Vijay Kumar: Biologically inspired redistribution of a swarm of robots among multiple sites. Swarm Intelligence 2(2-4): 121-141 (2008)
196EESpring Berman, Ádám M. Halász, Vijay Kumar: MARCO: A Reachability Algorithm for Multi-affine Systems with Applications to Biological Systems. HSCC 2007: 76-89
195EESavvas G. Loizou, Vijay Kumar: Mixed Initiative Control of Autonomous Vehicles. ICRA 2007: 1431-1436
194EEPeng Cheng, George J. Pappas, Vijay Kumar: Decidability of Motion Planning with Differential Constraints. ICRA 2007: 1826-1831
193EEMong-ying A. Hsieh, Savvas G. Loizou, Vijay Kumar: Stabilization of Multiple Robots on Stable Orbits via Local Sensing. ICRA 2007: 2312-2317
192EESpring Berman, Ádám M. Halász, Vijay Kumar, Stephen Pratt: Bio-Inspired Group Behaviors for the Deployment of a Swarm of Robots to Multiple Destinations. ICRA 2007: 2318-2323
191EEStephen Berard, Jeffrey C. Trinkle, Binh Nguyen, Ben Roghani, Jonathan Fink, Vijay Kumar: daVinci Code: A Multi-Model Simulation and Analysis Tool for Multi-Body Systems. ICRA 2007: 2588-2593
190EEBhupesh Bansal, Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Jacqueline Chame, Chun Chen, Ewa Deelman, Yolanda Gil, Mary W. Hall, Vijay Kumar, Tahsin M. Kurç, Kristina Lerman, Aiichiro Nakano, Yoon-Ju Lee Nelson, Joel H. Saltz, Ashish Sharma, Priya Vashishta: Intelligent Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Applications. IPDPS 2007: 1-6
189EEÁdám M. Halász, M. Ani Hsieh, Spring Berman, Vijay Kumar: Dynamic redistribution of a swarm of robots among multiple sites. IROS 2007: 2320-2325
188EENathan Michael, Jonathan Fink, Vijay Kumar: Controlling a team of ground robots via an aerial robot. IROS 2007: 965-970
187EEJonathan Fink, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar: Composition of Vector Fields for Multi-Robot Manipulation via Caging. Robotics: Science and Systems 2007
186EEPeng Cheng, David J. Cappelleri, Bogdan Gavrea, Vijay Kumar: Planning and Control of Meso-scale Manipulation Tasks with Uncertainties. Robotics: Science and Systems 2007
185EEDebopam Acharya, Vijay Kumar, Gi-Chul Yang: DAYS mobile: a location based data broadcast service for mobile users. SAC 2007: 901-905
184EETerry Bearly, Vijay Kumar: Building Trust and Security in Peer-to-Peer Systems. Secure Data Management in Decentralized Systems 2007: 259-287
183EEJoel M. Esposito, Vijay Kumar: A state event detection algorithm for numerically simulating hybrid systems with model singularities. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 17(1): (2007)
182EESanjay Kumar Madria, Mohammed Baseer, Vijay Kumar, Sourav S. Bhowmick: A transaction model and multiversion concurrency control for mobile database systems. Distributed and Parallel Databases 22(2-3): 165-196 (2007)
181EESarangi P. Parikh, Valdir Grassi Jr., Vijay Kumar, Jun Okamoto Jr.: Integrating Human Inputs with Autonomous Behaviors on an Intelligent Wheelchair Platform. IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(2): 33-41 (2007)
180EEM. Ani Hsieh, Anthony Cowley, James F. Keller, Luiz Chaimowicz, Ben Grocholsky, Vijay Kumar, Camillo J. Taylor, Yoichiro Endo, Ronald C. Arkin, Boyoon Jung, Denis F. Wolf, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Douglas C. MacKenzie: Adaptive teams of autonomous aerial and ground robots for situational awareness. J. Field Robotics 24(11-12): 991-1014 (2007)
179 Panos K. Chrysanthis, Christian S. Jensen, Vijay Kumar, Alexandros Labrinidis: Fifth ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access, Mobide 2006, June 25, 2006, Chicago, IL, USA, Proceedings ACM 2006
178EEVijay Kumar: Trust and Security in Peer-to-Peer System. DEXA Workshops 2006: 703-707
177EEMansoor Alicherry, Muthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna, Vijay Kumar: High Speed Pattern Matching for Network IDS/IPS. ICNP 2006: 187-196
176EEMuthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna, G. Manimaran, Mansoor Alicherry, Vijay Kumar: Coloring the Internet: IP Traceback. ICPADS (1) 2006: 589-598
175 Peng Cheng, Emilio Frazzoli, Vijay Kumar: Motion Planning for the Roller Racer with a Sticking/Slipping Switching Model. ICRA 2006: 1637-1642
174 Mong-ying A. Hsieh, Anthony Cowley, Vijay Kumar, Camillo J. Taylor: Towards the Deployment of a Mobile Robot Network with End-to-end Performance Guarantees. ICRA 2006: 2085-2090
173 Mong-ying A. Hsieh, Vijay Kumar: Pattern Generation with Multiple Robots. ICRA 2006: 2442-2447
172 David J. Cappelleri, Jonathan Fink, Barry Munkundakrisnam, Vijay Kumar, Jeffrey C. Trinkle: Designing Open-loop Plans for Planar Micro-manipulation. ICRA 2006: 637-642
171 Nathan Michael, Calin Belta, Vijay Kumar: Controlling three Dimensional Swarms of Robots. ICRA 2006: 964-969
170EEBen Grocholsky, Ethan Stump, Pedro M. Shiroma, Vijay Kumar: Control for Localization of Targets Using Range-Only Sensors. ISER 2006: 191-200
169EEAli Ahmadzadeh, James F. Keller, George J. Pappas, Ali Jadbabaie, Vijay Kumar: An Optimization-Based Approach to Time-Critical Cooperative Surveillance and Coverage with UAVs. ISER 2006: 491-500
168EESpring Berman, Ádám M. Halász, Vijay Kumar, Stephen Pratt: Algorithms for the Analysis and Synthesis of a Bio-inspired Swarm Robotic System. Swarm Robotics 2006: 56-70
167EEEthan Stump, Ben Grocholsky, Vijay Kumar: Extensive Representations and Algorithms for Nonlinear Filtering and Estimation. WAFR 2006: 169-184
166EEPeng Cheng, Vijay Kumar: Sampling-Based Falsification and Verification of Controllers for Continuous Dynamic Systems. WAFR 2006: 391-406
165EEDavid Abraham, Ning Chen, Vijay Kumar, Vahab S. Mirrokni: Assignment Problems in Rental Markets. WINE 2006: 198-213
164 Vijay Kumar, Arkady B. Zaslavsky, Ugur Çetintemel, Alexandros Labrinidis: Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access, MobiDE 2005, June 12, 2005, Baltimore, MD, USA ACM 2005
163EEVijay Kumar, Nitin Prabhu, Panos K. Chrysanthis: HDC - hot data caching in mobile database systems. AICCSA 2005: 37
162EEVijay Kumar, Atri Rudra: Approximation Algorithms for Wavelength Assignment. FSTTCS 2005: 152-163
161 Sachin Chitta, Peng Cheng, Emilio Frazzoli, Vijay Kumar: RoboTrikke: A Novel Undulatory Locomotion System. ICRA 2005: 1597-1602
160 Rahul Rao, Vijay Kumar, Camillo J. Taylor: Planning and Control of Mobile Robots in Image Space from Overhead Cameras. ICRA 2005: 2185-2190
159 Ben Grocholsky, Rahul Swaminathan, James F. Keller, Vijay Kumar, George J. Pappas: Information Driven Coordinated Air-Ground Proactive Sensing. ICRA 2005: 2211-2216
158 Luiz Chaimowicz, Nathan Michael, Vijay Kumar: Controlling Swarms of Robots Using Interpolated Implicit Functions. ICRA 2005: 2487-2492
157 Sarangi P. Parikh, Valdir Grassi Jr., Vijay Kumar, Jun Okamoto Jr.: Usability Study of a Control Framework for an Intelligent Wheelchair. ICRA 2005: 4745-4750
156EEDebopam Acharya, Vijay Kumar: Location based indexing scheme for DAYS. MobiDE 2005: 17-24
155EENitin Prabhu, Vijay Kumar: Data scheduling for multi-item and transactional requests in on-demand broadcast. Mobile Data Management 2005: 48-56
154EEPeng Song, Vijay Kumar, Jong-Shi Pang: A Two-Point Boundary-Value Approach for Planning Manipulation Tasks. Robotics: Science and Systems 2005: 121-128
153EEJongwoo Kim, Joel M. Esposito, Vijay Kumar: An RRT-Based Algorithm for Testing and Validating Multi-Robot Controllers. Robotics: Science and Systems 2005: 249-256
152 Vijay Kumar, Margaret H. Dunham, Nitin Prabhu: Mobilaction: a mobile transaction framework supporting spatial replication and spatial consistency. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 20(2): (2005)
151EECalin Belta, Joel M. Esposito, Jongwoo Kim, Vijay Kumar: Computational Techniques for Analysis of Genetic Network Dynamics. I. J. Robotic Res. 24(2-3): 219-235 (2005)
150EERakesh K. Arya, Ranjit Mitra, Vijay Kumar: A New Robust Fuzzy Controller for Nonlinear and Large Dead Time Systems. IEICE Transactions 88-A(10): 2527-2534 (2005)
149 Vijay Kumar, Debopam Acharya: Web Bazaar. A Location-Dependent Secured Mobile Web Service System. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 10(5): 123-145 (2005)
148EESujata Banerjee, Mitch Cherniack, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Vijay Kumar, Alexandros Labrinidis: Report on MobiDE 2003: the 3rd international ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access. SIGMOD Record 34(1): 70-73 (2005)
147EENitin Prabhu, Vijay Kumar, Indrakshi Ray, Gi-Chul Yang: Concurrency Control in Mobile Database Systems. AINA (2) 2004: 83-86
146EEIndrakshi Ray, Ross M. McConnell, Monte Lunacek, Vijay Kumar: Reducing Damage Assessment Latency in Survivable Databases. BNCOD 2004: 106-111
145EERahul Rao, Camillo J. Taylor, Vijay Kumar: Calibrating an Air-Ground Control System from Motion Correspondences. CVPR (2) 2004: 218-225
144EETerry Bearly, Vijay Kumar: Expanding Trust Beyond Reputation in Peer-To-Peer Systems. DEXA Workshops 2004: 966-970
143EECalin Belta, Peter Finin, Luc C. G. J. M. Habets, Ádám M. Halász, Marcin Imielinski, Vijay Kumar, Harvey Rubin: Understanding the Bacterial Stringent Response Using Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2004: 111-125
142EEVijay Kumar: Data in Your Space. ICDCIT 2004: 2-20
141EEPradeep Parvathipuram, Vijay Kumar, Gi-Chul Yang: An Efficient Leader Election Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICDCIT 2004: 32-41
140EESarangi P. Parikh, Valdir Grassi Jr., Vijay Kumar, Jun Okamoto Jr.: Incorporating User Inputs in Motion Planning for a Smart Wheelchair. ICRA 2004: 2043-2048
139EEFan Zhang, Ben Grocholsky, Vijay Kumar: Formations for Localization of Robot Networks. ICRA 2004: 3369-3374
138EEPeng Song, Jeffrey C. Trinkle, Vijay Kumar, Jong-Shi Pang: Design of Part Feeding and Assembly Processes with Dynamics. ICRA 2004: 39-44
137 Sachin Chitta, Frederik W. Heger, Vijay Kumar: Design and Gait Control of a Rollerblading Robot. ICRA 2004: 3944-3949
136 Luiz Chaimowicz, Ben Grocholsky, James F. Keller, Vijay Kumar, Camillo J. Taylor: Experiments in Multirobot Air-Ground Coordination. ICRA 2004: 4053-4058
135 Mong-ying A. Hsieh, Vijay Kumar, Camillo J. Taylor: Constructing Radio Signal Strength Maps with Multiple Robots. ICRA 2004: 4184-4189
134EEBen Grocholsky, Selcuk Bayraktar, Vijay Kumar, Camillo J. Taylor, George J. Pappas: Synergies in Feature Localization by Air-Ground Robot Teams. ISER 2004: 352-361
133EERahul Rao, Camillo J. Taylor, Vijay Kumar: Experiments in Robot Control from Uncalibrated Overhead Imagery. ISER 2004: 491-500
132 Nitin Prabhu, Vijay Kumar, Indrakshi Ray: Periodic Scheduling in On-Demand Broadcast System. ISTA 2004: 107-121
131 Vijay Kumar: User Insights Tool: A Sharable Database for Global Research. IWIPS 2004: 115-
130EEDebopam Acharya, Nitin Prabhu, Vijay Kumar: Discovering and Using Web Services in M-Commerce. TES 2004: 136-151
129EEJoel M. Esposito, Vijay Kumar: An asynchronous integration and event detection algorithm for simulating multi-agent hybrid systems. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 14(4): 363-388 (2004)
128EELuiz Chaimowicz, Vijay Kumar, Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos: A Paradigm for Dynamic Coordination of Multiple Robots. Auton. Robots 17(1): 7-21 (2004)
127EEGuilherme A. S. Pereira, Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos, Vijay Kumar: Decentralized Algorithms for Multi-Robot Manipulation via Caging. I. J. Robotic Res. 23(7-8): 783-795 (2004)
126EEArkady B. Zaslavsky, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Vijay Kumar: Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems: Summing up Achievements of the Past Decade. MONET 9(5): 455-457 (2004)
125EEAvrim Blum, Vijay Kumar, Atri Rudra, Felix Wu: Online learning in online auctions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 324(2-3): 137-146 (2004)
124EEVijay Kumar, Samir R. Das: Performance of dead reckoning-based location service for mobile ad hoc networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 4(2): 189-202 (2004)
123EERahul Garg, Vijay Kumar, Atri Rudra, Akshat Verma: Coalitional games on graphs: core structure, substitutes and frugality. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2003: 248-249
122EENimisha Garg, Vijay Kumar, Margaret H. Dunham: Information Mapping and Indexing in DAYS. DEXA Workshops 2003: 951-955
121EEGeorge Kantor, Sanjiv Singh, Ronald A. Peterson, Daniela Rus, Aveek K. Das, Vijay Kumar, Guilherme A. S. Pereira, John R. Spletzer: Distributed Search and Rescue with Robot and Sensor Teams. FSR 2003: 529-538
120EEPanos K. Chrysanthis, Vijay Kumar, Evaggelia Pitoura: Data Engineering for Mobile and Wireless Access. ICDE 2003: 805
119 Zhi Dong Wang, Vijay Kumar, Yasuhisa Hirata, Kazuhiro Kosuge: A strategy and a fast testing algorithm for object caging by multiple cooperative robots. ICRA 2003: 2275-2280
118 Calin Belta, Vijay Kumar: Abstraction and control for groups of fully-actuated planar robots. ICRA 2003: 2498-2503
117 Luiz Chaimowicz, Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos, Vijay Kumar: Hybrid systems modeling of cooperative robots. ICRA 2003: 4086-4091
116EECalin Belta, Guilherme A. S. Pereira, Vijay Kumar: Abstraction and Control for Swarms of Robots. ISRR 2003: 224-233
115EEAvrim Blum, Vijay Kumar, Atri Rudra, Felix Wu: Online learning in online auctions. SODA 2003: 202-204
114EERaghav Bhaskar, Pradeep K. Dubey, Vijay Kumar, Atri Rudra: Efficient galois field arithmetic on SIMD architectures. SPAA 2003: 256-257
113EEQun Ren, Margaret H. Dunham, Vijay Kumar: Semantic Caching and Query Processing. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 15(1): 192-210 (2003)
112 Rajeev Alur, Thao Dang, Joel M. Esposito, Yerang Hur, Franjo Ivancic, Vijay Kumar, Insup Lee, Pradyumna Mishra, George J. Pappas, Oleg Sokolsky: Hierarchical modeling and analysis of embedded systems. Proceedings of the IEEE 91(1): 11-28 (2003)
111EEVijay Kumar: Sensor: the atomic computing particle. SIGMOD Record 32(4): 16-21 (2003)
110EERajgopal Kannan, Ramaraju Kalidindi, S. Sitharama Iyengar, Vijay Kumar: Energy and rate based MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks. SIGMOD Record 32(4): 60-65 (2003)
109 Hiroshi Arisawa, Yahiko Kambayashi, Vijay Kumar, Heinrich C. Mayr, Ingrid Hunt: ER 2001 Workshops, HUMACS, DASWIS, ECOMO, and DAMA, Yokohama Japan, November 27-30, 2001, Revised Papers Springer 2002
108EESanjay Kumar Madria, Vijay Kumar, Evaggelia Pitoura: Message from the MDDS Workshop Chairs. DEXA Workshops 2002: 687-692
107EERajeev Alur, Calin Belta, Franjo Ivancic, Vijay Kumar, Harvey Rubin, Jonathan Schug, Oleg Sokolsky, Jonathan Webb: Visual Programming for Modeling and Simulation of Biomolecular Regulatory Networks. HiPC 2002: 702-712
106 Peng Song, Vijay Kumar: A Potential Field Based Approach to Multi-Robot Manipulation. ICRA 2002: 1217-1222
105 Joel M. Esposito, Vijay Kumar: A Method for Modifying Closed-Loop Motion Plans to Satisfy Unpredictable Dynamic Constraints at Runtime. ICRA 2002: 1691-1696
104 Calin Belta, Vijay Kumar: Trajectory Design for Formations of Robots by Kinetic Energy Shaping. ICRA 2002: 2593-2598
103 Luiz Chaimowicz, Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos, Vijay Kumar: Dynamic Role Assignment for Cooperative Robots. ICRA 2002: 293-298
102 Herbert G. Tanner, Vijay Kumar, George J. Pappas: The Effect of Feedback and Feedforward on Formation ISS. ICRA 2002: 3448-3453
101 R. S. Rao, K. Conn, Sang-Hack Jung, Jayantha Katupitiya, T. Kientz, Vijay Kumar, James P. Ostrowski, Sarangi Patel, Camillo J. Taylor: Human Robot Interaction: Application to Smart Wheelchairs. ICRA 2002: 3583-3588
100 Zhi Dong Wang, Vijay Kumar: Object Closure and Manipulation by Multiple Cooperating Mobile Robots. ICRA 2002: 394-399
99EEGuilherme A. S. Pereira, Vijay Kumar, John R. Spletzer, Camillo J. Taylor, Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos: Cooperative Transport of Planar Objects by Multiple Mobile Robots Using Object Closure. ISER 2002: 287-296
98EEVinod Vulupala, Vijay Kumar: Dynamic Mobile IP and Nice-TCP for Improving TCP/IP Performance. Mobile Data Management 2002: 163-
97EEDeendayal Dinakarpandian, Vijay Kumar: BlOMIND-protein property prediction by property proximity profiles. SAC 2002: 168-172
96 Rafael B. Fierro, Aveek K. Das, John R. Spletzer, Joel M. Esposito, Vijay Kumar, James P. Ostrowski, George J. Pappas, Camillo J. Taylor, Yerang Hur, Rajeev Alur, Insup Lee, Gregory Z. Grudic, Ben Southall: A Framework and Architecture for Multi-Robot Coordination. I. J. Robotic Res. 21(10-11): 977-998 (2002)
95EEVijay Kumar, Nitin Prabhu, Margaret H. Dunham, Ayse Yasemin Seydim: TCOT-A Timeout-Based Mobile Transaction Commitment Protocol. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(10): 1212-1218 (2002)
94EEAtri Rudra, Pradeep K. Dubey, Charanjit S. Jutla, Vijay Kumar, Josyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi: Efficient Rijndael Encryption Implementation with Composite Field Arithmetic. CHES 2001: 171-184
93 Ayse Yasemin Seydim, Margaret H. Dunham, Vijay Kumar: An Architecture for Location Dependent Query Processing. DEXA Workshop 2001: 549-555
92EERajeev Alur, Thao Dang, Joel M. Esposito, Rafael B. Fierro, Yerang Hur, Franjo Ivancic, Vijay Kumar, Insup Lee, Pradyumna Mishra, George J. Pappas, Oleg Sokolsky: Hierarchical Hybrid Modeling of Embedded Systems. EMSOFT 2001: 14-31
91EEJoel M. Esposito, Vijay Kumar, George J. Pappas: Accurate Event Detection for Simulating Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2001: 204-217
90 Calin Belta, Vijay Kumar: Motion Generation for Formations of Robots a Geometric Approach. ICRA 2001: 1245-1250
89 Rafael B. Fierro, Aveek K. Das, Vijay Kumar, James P. Ostrowski: Hybrid Control of Formations of Robots. ICRA 2001: 157-162
88 Aveek K. Das, Rafael B. Fierro, Vijay Kumar, John B. Southall, John R. Spletzer, Camillo J. Taylor: Real-Time Vision-Based Control of a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot. ICRA 2001: 1714-1719
87 Peng Song, Masahito Yashima, Vijay Kumar: Dynamics and Control of Whole Arm Grasps. ICRA 2001: 2229-2234
86 Joel M. Esposito, Vijay Kumar: Efficient Dynamic Simulation of Robotic Systems with Hierarchy. ICRA 2001: 2818-2823
85 Luiz Chaimowicz, Thomas Sugar, Vijay Kumar, Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos: An Architecture for Tightly Coupled Multi-Robot Cooperation. ICRA 2001: 2992-2997
84 Thomas Sugar, Jaydev P. Desai, Vijay Kumar, James P. Ostrowski: Coordination of Multiple Mobile Manipulators. ICRA 2001: 3022-3027
83EEAyse Yasemin Seydim, Margaret H. Dunham, Vijay Kumar: Location dependent query processing. MobiDE 2001: 47-53
82EERahul Garg, Vijay Kumar, Vinayaka Pandit: Approximation Algorithms for Budget-Constrained Auctions. RANDOM-APPROX 2001: 102-113
81EEAmitabha Bagchi, Amitabh Chaudhary, Rahul Garg, Michael T. Goodrich, Vijay Kumar: Seller-Focused Algorithms for Online Auctioning. WADS 2001: 135-147
80EEAdnan Ansar, Denilson Rodrigues, Jaydev P. Desai, Kostas Daniilidis, Vijay Kumar, Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos: Visual and haptic collaborative tele-presence. Computers & Graphics 25(5): 789-798 (2001)
79EESanjay Kumar Madria, Bharat K. Bhargava, Evaggelia Pitoura, Vijay Kumar: Data Organization Issues for Location-Dependent Queries in Mobile Computing. ADBIS-DASFAA 2000: 142-156
78EERajeev Alur, Radu Grosu, Yerang Hur, Vijay Kumar, Insup Lee: Modular Specification of Hybrid Systems in CHARON. HSCC 2000: 6-19
77 Peng Song, Masahito Yashima, Vijay Kumar: Dynamic Simulation for Grasping and Whole Arm Manipulation. ICRA 2000: 1082-1087
76 Joel M. Esposito, Vijay Kumar: Closed Loop Motion Plans for Mobile Robots. ICRA 2000: 2777-2782
75 Antonio Bicchi, Vijay Kumar: Robotic Grasping and Contact: A Review. ICRA 2000: 348-353
74 Thomas Sugar, Vijay Kumar: Metrics for Analysis and Optimization of Grasps and Fixtures. ICRA 2000: 3561-3566
73EERajeev Alur, Aveek K. Das, Joel M. Esposito, Rafael B. Fierro, Gregory Z. Grudic, Yerang Hur, Vijay Kumar, Insup Lee, J. P. Lee, James P. Ostrowski, George J. Pappas, Ben Southall, John R. Spletzer, Camillo J. Taylor: A Framework and Architecture for Multirobot Coordination. ISER 2000: 303-312
72 Mukesh K. Mohania, Vijay Kumar, Yahiko Kambayashi, Bharat K. Bhargava: Secured Web Access. Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries 2000: 340-347
71EEVijay Kumar, Narayan Gaddipati: An efficient CCM KRISHNA for high contention environment and its performance comparison with WDL. Data Knowl. Eng. 34(1): 39-76 (2000)
70EEJames P. Ostrowski, Jaydev P. Desai, Vijay Kumar: Optimal Gait Selection for Nonholonomic Locomotion Systems. I. J. Robotic Res. 19(3): 225-237 (2000)
69EEAnindya Datta, Sang Hyuk Son, Vijay Kumar: Is a Bird in the Hand Worth More than Two in the Bush? Limitations of Priority Cognizance in Conflict Resolution for Firm Real-Time Database Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(5): 482-502 (2000)
68EESunil Samtani, Vijay Kumar, Mukesh K. Mohania: Self Maintenance of Multiple Views in Data Warehousing. CIKM 1999: 292-299
67EEVijay Kumar, Richard Furuta: Visualization of Relationships. Hypertext 1999: 137-138
66 Thomas Sugar, Vijay Kumar: Multiple Cooperating Mobile Manipulators. ICRA 1999: 1538-1543
65 Jaydev P. Desai, Vijay Kumar, James P. Ostrowski: Control of Changes in Formation for a Team of Mobile Robots. ICRA 1999: 1556-1561
64 Thomas Sugar, Vijay Kumar: Control and Coordination of Multiple Mobile Robots in Manipulation and Material Handling Tasks. ISER 1999: 15-24
63EEMargaret H. Dunham, Vijay Kumar: Impact of Mobility on Transaction Management. MobiDE 1999: 14-21
62EERajeev Alur, Joel M. Esposito, M. Kim, Vijay Kumar, Insup Lee: Formal Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study in Multi-robot Coordination. World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 212-232
61EEAnindya Datta, Debra E. VanderMeer, Aslihan Celik, Vijay Kumar: Broadcast Protocols to Support Efficient Retrieval from Databases by Mobile Users. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 24(1): 1-79 (1999)
60EEMilos Zefran, Vijay Kumar, Christopher Croke: Metrics and Connections for Rigid-Body Kinematics. I. J. Robotic Res. 18(2): 242 (1999)
59 Mohamed Ouerfelli, Vijay Kumar, William S. Harwin: Kinematic modeling of head-neck movements. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 29(6): 604-615 (1999)
58EEVijay Kumar, Richard Furuta, Robert B. Allen: Metadata Visualization for Digital Libraries: Interactive Timeline Editing and Review. ACM DL 1998: 126-133
57EEVijay Kumar: Approximating Circular Arc Colouring and Bandwidth Allocation in All-Optical Ring Networks. APPROX 1998: 147-158
56 Sunil Samtani, Vijay Kumar: Maintaining Consistency in Partially Self-Maintainable Views at the Data Warehouse. DEXA Workshop 1998: 206-211
55 Margaret H. Dunham, Vijay Kumar: Location Dependent Data and its Management in Mobile Databases. DEXA Workshop 1998: 414-419
54EESunil Samtani, Mukesh K. Mohania, Vijay Kumar, Yahiko Kambayashi: Recent Advances and Research Problems in Data Warehousing. ER Workshops 1998: 81-92
53 Herman Bruyninckx, Sabine Demey, Vijay Kumar: Generalized Stability of Compliant Grasps. ICRA 1998: 2396-2402
52 Jaydev P. Desai, James P. Ostrowski, Vijay Kumar: Controlling Formations of Multiple Mobile Robots. ICRA 1998: 2864-2869
51 Thomas Sugar, Vijay Kumar: Decentralized Control of Cooperating Mobile Manipulators. ICRA 1998: 2916-2921
50 Milos Zefran, Vijay Kumar: Two Methods for Interpolating Rigid Body Motions. ICRA 1998: 2922-2927
49 Hong Zhang, Vijay Kumar, James P. Ostrowski: Motion Planning with Uncertainty. ICRA 1998: 638-643
48 Peter R. Kraus, Vijay Kumar, Pierre Dupont: Analysis of Frictional Contact Models for Dynamic Simulation. ICRA 1998: 976-981
47EEMilos Zefran, Vijay Kumar: Interpolation schemes for rigid body motions. Computer-Aided Design 30(3): 179-189 (1998)
46EEAnindya Datta, Aslihan Celik, Jeong G. Kim, Debra E. VanderMeer, Vijay Kumar: Adaptive Broadcast Protocols to Support Power Conservant Retrieval by Mobile Users. ICDE 1997: 124-133
45EERaju V. J. Chintalapati, Vijay Kumar, Anindya Datta: An Adaptive Location Management Algorithm for Mobile Computing. LCN 1997: 133-141
44 Anindya Datta, Igor R. Viguier, Sang Hyuk Son, Vijay Kumar: A Study of Priority Cognizance in Conflict Resolution for Firm Real-Time Database Systems. RTDB 1997: 167-180
43 Vijay Kumar, Eric J. Schwabe: Improved Access to Optimal Bandwidth in Trees. SODA 1997: 437-444
42EEVijay Kumar: KRISHNA - An Efficient Concurrency Control Algorithm Based on Dynamic Attributes of Transactions and its Performance. Data Knowl. Eng. 21(3): 281-296 (1997)
41 Nilanjan Sarkar, Xiaoping Yun, Vijay Kumar: Control of Contact Interactions with Acatastatic Nonholonomic Constraints. I. J. Robotic Res. 16(3): 357-374 (1997)
40 Albert Burger, Vijay Kumar, Mary Lou Hines: Performance of Multiversion and Distributed Two-Phase Locking Concurrency Control Mechanisms in Distributed Databases. Inf. Sci. 96(1&2): 129-152 (1997)
39 Vijay Kumar: Recovery in Main Memory Database Systems. DEXA 1996: 769-778
38 Vijay Kumar, Meichun Hsu: Transactions and Database Processing. Performance of Concurrency Control Mechanisms in Centralized Database Systems 1996: 1-6
37 Vijay Kumar: Concurrency Control Mechanisms and Their Taxonomy. Performance of Concurrency Control Mechanisms in Centralized Database Systems 1996: 30-36
36 Vijay Kumar, Ruzena Bajcsy, William Harwin, Patrick Harker: Rapid Design and Prototyping of Customized Rehabilitation Aids. Commun. ACM 39(2): 55-61 (1996)
35 Chau-Cheng Wang, Vijay Kumar: The Performance of a Repeatable Control Scheme for Redundant Robots. ICRA 1995: 1154-1159
34 W. Stamps Howard, Vijay Kumar: Modeling and Analysis of the Compliance and Stability of Enveloping Graspa. ICRA 1995: 1367-1372
33 Milos Zefran, Vijay Kumar: Optimal Control of Systems with Unilateral Constraints. ICRA 1995: 2695-2700
32 Ramesh Hariharan, Sanjiv Kapoor, Vijay Kumar: Faster Enumeration of All Spanning Trees of a Directed Graph. WADS 1995: 428-439
31EEVijay Kumar, Judy Mullins: An Integrated Data Structure with Multiple Access Paths for Database Systems and its Performance. Data Knowl. Eng. 16(1): 51-72 (1995)
30 Vijay Kumar, Shawn D. Moe: Performance of Recovery Algorithms for Centralized Database Management Systems. Inf. Sci. 86(1-3): 101-147 (1995)
29 Parris S. Wellman, Venkat Krovi, Vijay Kumar: An Adaptive Mobility System for the Disabled. ICRA 1994: 2006-2011
28 W. Stamps Howard, Vijay Kumar: Stability of Planar Grasps. ICRA 1994: 2822-2827
27 Milos Zefran, Vijay Kumar, Xiaoping Yun: Optimal Trajectories and Force Distribution for Cooperating Arms. ICRA 1994: 874-879
26 Nilanjan Sarkar, Xiaoping Yun, Vijay Kumar: Control of a Single Robot in a Decentralized Multi-Robot System. ICRA 1994: 896-901
25 Xiaoqiang Chen, Vijay Kumar: Multicast Routing in Self-Routing Multistage Networks. INFOCOM 1994: 306-314
24 Nilanjan Sarkar, Xiaoping Yun, Vijay Kumar: Control of Mechanical Systems With Rolling Constraints: Application to Dynamic Control of Mobile Robots. I. J. Robotic Res. 13(1): 55-69 (1994)
23 Aris M. Ouksel, Vijay Kumar, Chayanika Majumdar: Management of Concurrency in Interpolation Based Grid File Organization and its Performance. Inf. Sci. 78(1-2): 129-158 (1994)
22 Mohamed Ouerfelli, Vijay Kumar, William Harwin: An Inexpensive Pneumatic Manipulator for Rehabilitation Robotics. ICRA (1) 1993: 636-641
21 Chau-Chang Wang, Vijay Kumar: Velocity Control of Mobile Manipulators. ICRA (2) 1993: 713-718
20 W. Stamps Howard, Vijay Kumar: A Minimum Principle for the Dynamic Analysis of Systems with Frictional Contacts. ICRA (3) 1993: 437-442
19 Nilanjan Sarkar, Xiaoping Yun, Vijay Kumar: Dynamic Control of 3-D Rolling Contacts in Two-Arm Manipulation. ICRA (3) 1993: 978-983
18EEAlbert Burger, Vijay Kumar: Performance of Multiversion Concurrency Control Mechanism in Partitioned and Partially Replicated Databases. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1992: 189-195
17EEJudy Mullins, Vijay Kumar: An Integrated Data Structure with Multiple Access Paths for Database Systems. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1992: 57-64
16EEVijay Kumar, Albert Burger: Performance Measurement of Main Memory Database Recovery Algorithms Based on Update-in-Place and Shadow Approaches. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 4(6): 567-571 (1992)
15 Vijay Kumar, James Mumper: KRISHNA - Concurrency Control Algorithms based on Dynamic Attributes. DEXA 1991: 185-190
14EEVijay Kumar, Albert Burger: Performance Measurement of Some Main Memory Database Recovery Algorithms. ICDE 1991: 436-443
13 Albert Burger, Vijay Kumar, Patricia Simpson: An Integrated Data Structure with Multiple Access Paths. VDB 1991: 301-315
12EEVijay Kumar, Jerry Place, Gi-Chul Yang: An Efficient Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion Using Queue Migration in Computer Networks. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 3(3): 380-384 (1991)
11EEVijay Kumar, Meichun Hsu: A superior two-phase locking algorithm and its performance. Inf. Sci. 54(1-2): 147-168 (1991)
10EEAlbert Burger, Vijay Kumar: `PRABHA' - A Distributed Concurrency Control Algorithm. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 392-397
9 Jerry Place, Vijay Kumar, Appie van de Liefvoort: The Behavior of Database Concurrency Control Mechanisms under Bursty Arrivals. ICCI 1990: 324-333
8EEVijay Kumar, Albert Burger: Main Memory Database Recovery Algorithms and Their Performance. SPDP 1990: 152-155
7 Vijay Kumar: Concurrent Operations on Extendible Hashing and its Performance. Commun. ACM 33(6): 681-694 (1990)
6EEVijay Kumar: Performance comparison of database concurrency control mechanisms based on two-phase locking, timestamping and mixed approach. Inf. Sci. 51(3): 221-261 (1990)
5EEVijay Kumar: A Concurrency Control Mechanism Based on Extendible Hashing for Main Memory Database Systems. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1989: 109-113
4 Vijay Kumar, Jerry Place, Gi-Chul Yang: A Superior Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion in Computer Networks - VISHNU. IFIP Congress 1989: 169-174
3 Vijay Kumar: Concurrency Control on Extendible Hashing. Inf. Process. Lett. 31(1): 35-41 (1989)
2 Vijay Kumar: A study of the behavior of the read: write ratio under two-phase locking schemes. Inf. Syst. 14(1): 1-12 (1989)
1 Sudhakar M. Reddy, Vijay Kumar: On Multipath Multistage Interconnection Networks. ICDCS 1985: 210-217

Coauthor Index

1David Abraham [165]
2Debopam Acharya [130] [149] [156] [185]
3Ali Ahmadzadeh [169]
4Mansoor Alicherry [176] [177]
5Robert B. Allen [58]
6Rajeev Alur [62] [73] [78] [92] [96] [107] [112]
7Adnan Ansar [80]
8Hiroshi Arisawa [109]
9Ronald C. Arkin [180]
10Rakesh K. Arya [150]
11Nora Ayanian [207]
12Amitabha Bagchi [81]
13Ruzena Bajcsy [36]
14Sujata Banerjee [148]
15Bhupesh Bansal [190]
16Mohammed Baseer [182]
17Selcuk Bayraktar [134]
18Terry Bearly [144] [184]
19Calin Belta [90] [104] [107] [116] [118] [143] [151] [171]
20Stephen Berard [191]
21Spring Berman [168] [189] [192] [196] [197]
22Bharat K. Bhargava [72] [79]
23Raghav Bhaskar [114]
24Sourav S. Bhowmick [182]
25Antonio Bicchi [75]
26Avrim Blum [115] [125]
27Herman Bruyninckx [53]
28Albert Burger [8] [10] [13] [14] [16] [18] [40]
29Mario Fernando Montenegro Campos [80] [85] [99] [103] [117] [127] [128] [198]
30David J. Cappelleri [172] [186] [205]
31Ümit V. Çatalyürek [190]
32Aslihan Celik [46] [61]
33Ugur Çetintemel [164]
34Luiz Chaimowicz [85] [103] [117] [128] [136] [158] [180] [199]
35Jacqueline Chame [190]
36Amitabh Chaudhary [81]
37Chun Chen [190]
38Ning Chen [165]
39Xiaoqiang Chen [25]
40Peng Cheng [161] [166] [175] [186] [194] [204] [205] [210]
41Mitch Cherniack [148]
42Raju V. J. Chintalapati [45]
43Sachin Chitta [137] [161]
44Panos K. Chrysanthis [120] [126] [148] [163] [179]
45K. Conn [101]
46Anthony Cowley [174] [180] [200]
47Christopher Croke [60]
48Thao Dang [92] [112]
49Kostas Daniilidis (Konstantinos Daniilidis) [80]
50Aveek K. Das [73] [88] [89] [96] [121]
51Samir R. Das [124]
52Anindya Datta [44] [45] [46] [61] [69]
53Ewa Deelman [190]
54Sabine Demey [53]
55Jaydev P. Desai [52] [65] [70] [80] [84]
56Deendayal Dinakarpandian [97]
57Pradeep K. Dubey [94] [114]
58Margaret H. Dunham (Margaret H. Eich) [55] [63] [83] [93] [95] [113] [122] [152]
59Pierre Dupont [48]
60Yoichiro Endo [180]
61Joel M. Esposito [62] [73] [76] [86] [91] [92] [96] [105] [112] [129] [151] [153] [183]
62Rafael B. Fierro [73] [88] [89] [92] [96]
63Peter Finin [143]
64Jonathan Fink [172] [187] [188] [191] [205] [209]
65Emilio Frazzoli [161] [175]
66Richard Furuta [58] [67]
67Narayan Gaddipati [71]
68Nimisha Garg [122]
69Rahul Garg [81] [82] [123]
70Bogdan Gavrea [186] [205]
71Yolanda Gil [190]
72Michael T. Goodrich [81]
73Valdir Grassi Jr. [140] [157] [181]
74Ben Grocholsky [134] [136] [139] [159] [167] [170] [180]
75Radu Grosu [78]
76Gregory Z. Grudic [73] [96]
77Luc C. G. J. M. Habets [143]
78Ádám M. Halász [143] [168] [189] [192] [196] [197]
79Mary W. Hall [190]
80Ramesh Hariharan [32]
81Patrick Harker [36]
82William S. Harwin (William Harwin) [22] [36] [59]
83Frederik W. Heger [137]
84Mary Lou Hines [40]
85Yasuhisa Hirata [119]
86W. Stamps Howard [20] [28] [34]
87M. Ani Hsieh [180] [189] [197] [199] [200] [209]
88Mong-ying A. Hsieh [135] [173] [174] [193]
89Meichun Hsu [11] [38]
90Ingrid Hunt [109]
91Yerang Hur [73] [78] [92] [96] [112]
92Marcin Imielinski [143]
93Franjo Ivancic [92] [107] [112]
94S. Sitharama Iyengar [110]
95Ali Jadbabaie [169] [208]
96Christian S. Jensen [179]
97Boyoon Jung [180]
98Sang-Hack Jung [101]
99Charanjit S. Jutla [94]
100Ramaraju Kalidindi [110]
101Yahiko Kambayashi [54] [72] [109]
102Rajgopal Kannan [110]
103George Kantor [121]
104Sanjiv Kapoor [32]
105Jayantha Katupitiya [101]
106James F. Keller [136] [159] [169] [180] [204]
107Oussama Khatib [212] [213]
108T. Kientz [101]
109Jeong G. Kim [46]
110Jongwoo Kim [151] [153]
111M. Kim [62]
112Kazuhiro Kosuge [119]
113Peter R. Kraus [48]
114Venkat Krovi [29]
115Kuldeep Kumar [201]
116Tahsin M. Kurç [190]
117Alexandros Labrinidis [148] [164] [179]
118Insup Lee [62] [73] [78] [92] [96] [112]
119J. P. Lee [73]
120Kristina Lerman [190]
121Appie van de Liefvoort [9]
122Savvas G. Loizou [193] [195]
123Monte Lunacek [146]
124Douglas C. MacKenzie [180]
125Sanjay Kumar Madria [79] [108] [182]
126Chayanika Majumdar [23]
127G. Manimaran (Govindarasu Manimaran) [176]
128Heinrich C. Mayr [109]
129Ross M. McConnell [146]
130Renato C. Mesquita [206]
131Nathan Michael [158] [171] [187] [188] [203] [206] [211]
132Vahab S. Mirrokni (Seyed Vahab Mirrokni) [165]
133Pradyumna Mishra [92] [112]
134Ranjit Mitra [150]
135Shawn D. Moe [30]
136Mukesh K. Mohania [54] [68] [72]
137Judy Mullins [17] [31]
138James Mumper [15]
139Barry Munkundakrisnam [172]
140Muthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna [176] [177]
141Aiichiro Nakano [190]
142Yoon-Ju Lee Nelson [190]
143Binh Nguyen [191]
144Jun Okamoto Jr. [140] [157] [181]
145James P. Ostrowski [49] [52] [65] [70] [73] [84] [89] [96] [101]
146Mohamed Ouerfelli [22] [59]
147Aris M. Ouksel [23]
148Vinayaka Pandit [82]
149Jong-Shi Pang [138] [154]
150George J. Pappas [73] [91] [92] [96] [102] [112] [134] [159] [169] [194] [203] [211] [213]
151Sarangi P. Parikh [140] [157] [181]
152Pradeep Parvathipuram [141]
153Sarangi Patel [101]
154Guilherme A. S. Pereira [99] [116] [121] [127] [198] [206]
155Ronald A. Peterson [121]
156K. Luciano C. Pimenta [206]
157Evaggelia Pitoura [79] [108] [120]
158Jerry Place [4] [9] [12]
159Nitin Prabhu [95] [130] [132] [147] [152] [155] [163]
160Stephen Pratt [168] [192]
161Josyula R. Rao [94]
162R. S. Rao [101]
163Rahul Rao [133] [145] [160]
164Indrakshi Ray [132] [146] [147]
165Sudhakar M. Reddy [1]
166Qun Ren [113]
167Denilson Rodrigues [80]
168Ben Roghani [191]
169Pankaj Rohatgi [94]
170Harvey Rubin [107] [143]
171Atri Rudra [94] [114] [115] [123] [125] [162]
172Daniela Rus [121] [202] [212]
173Joel H. Saltz [190]
174Sunil Samtani [54] [56] [68]
175Nilanjan Sarkar [19] [24] [26] [41]
176Jonathan Schug [107]
177Eric J. Schwabe [43]
178Ayse Yasemin Seydim [83] [93] [95]
179Ashish Sharma [190]
180Pedro M. Shiroma [170]
181Patricia Simpson [13]
182Sanjiv Singh [121]
183Oleg Sokolsky [92] [107] [112]
184Sang Hyuk Son [44] [69]
185Peng Song [77] [87] [106] [138] [154]
186Ben Southall [73] [96]
187John B. Southall [88]
188John R. Spletzer [73] [88] [96] [99] [121]
189Ethan Stump [167] [170] [208]
190Thomas Sugar [51] [64] [66] [74] [84] [85]
191Gaurav S. Sukhatme (Gaurav Sukhatme) [180] [202]
192Rahul Swaminathan [159]
193Herbert G. Tanner [102]
194Camillo J. Taylor [73] [88] [96] [99] [101] [133] [134] [135] [136] [145] [160] [174] [180] [200]
195Jeffrey C. Trinkle [138] [172] [191]
196Debra E. VanderMeer [46] [61]
197Priya Vashishta [190]
198Akshat Verma [123]
199Igor R. Viguier [44]
200Vinod Vulupala [98]
201Chau-Chang Wang [21]
202Chau-Cheng Wang [35]
203Zhi Dong Wang [100] [119]
204Jonathan Webb [107]
205Parris S. Wellman [29]
206Denis F. Wolf [180]
207Felix Wu [115] [125]
208Gi-Chul Yang [4] [12] [141] [147] [185]
209Masahito Yashima [77] [87]
210Xiaoping Yun [19] [24] [26] [27] [41]
211Arkady B. Zaslavsky [126] [164]
212Michael M. Zavlanos [203] [211]
213Milos Zefran [27] [33] [47] [50] [60]
214Fan Zhang [139]
215Hong Zhang [49]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)