
Mansoor Alicherry

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15EEMansoor Alicherry, Randeep Bhatia, Li (Erran) Li: Channel Assignment and Routing in Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
14EEDimitrios Stiliadis, Andrea Francini, Sanjay Kamat, Mansoor Alicherry, Adiseshu Hari, Pramod V. Koppol, Ashok K. Gupta, Dor Skuler: Evros: A service-delivery platform for extending security coverage and IT reach. Bell Labs Technical Journal 12(3): 101-119 (2007)
13EEMansoor Alicherry, Randeep Bhatia: Simple pre-provisioning scheme to enable fast restoration. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 15(2): 400-412 (2007)
12EEMansoor Alicherry, Muthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna, Vijay Kumar: High Speed Pattern Matching for Network IDS/IPS. ICNP 2006: 187-196
11EEMuthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna, G. Manimaran, Mansoor Alicherry, Vijay Kumar: Coloring the Internet: IP Traceback. ICPADS (1) 2006: 589-598
10EEMansoor Alicherry, Randeep Bhatia, Erran L. Li: Joint Channel Assignment and Routing for Throughput Optimization in Multiradio Wireless Mesh Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(11): 1960-1971 (2006)
9EEAnurag Srivastava, Swarup Acharya, Mansoor Alicherry, Bhawna Gupta, Pankaj Risbood: Differential delay aware routing for Ethernet over SONET/SDH. INFOCOM 2005: 1117-1127
8EEMansoor Alicherry, Randeep Bhatia, Erran L. Li: Joint channel assignment and routing for throughput optimization in multi-radio wireless mesh networks. MOBICOM 2005: 58-72
7EEMansoor Alicherry, Randeep Bhatia, Yung-Chun (Justin) Wan: Designing Networks with Existing Traffic to Support Fast Restoration. APPROX-RANDOM 2004: 1-12
6EEMansoor Alicherry, Randeep Bhatia: Pre-Provisioning Networks to Support Fast Restoration with Minimum Over-Build. INFOCOM 2004
5EEMansoor Alicherry, Harsha S. Nagesh, Chitra Phadke, Vishy Poosala: FASTeR: Sub-50 ms shared restoration in mesh networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 9(1): 99-110 (2004)
4EEMansoor Alicherry, Randeep Bhatia: Line System Design and a Generalized Coloring Problem. ESA 2003: 19-30
3EEMansoor Alicherry, Sadanand Gogate, Rohit Khanna, Harsha S. Nagesh, Chitra Phadke, Vishy Poosala, Sathya Srinivasan: WaveTunnel - Accurately designing deployable optical networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 8(1): 219-232 (2003)
2EEMansoor Alicherry, Randeep Bhatia, Harsha S. Nagesh, Chitra Phadke, Vishy Poosala: Testing and verification of network management and design tools. Bell Labs Technical Journal 8(3): 3-13 (2003)
1EEMansoor Alicherry, K. Gopinath: Predictable Management of System Resources for Linux. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, FREENIX Track 2001: 273-283

Coauthor Index

1Swarup Acharya [9]
2Randeep Bhatia [2] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [13] [15]
3Andrea Francini [14]
4Sadanand Gogate [3]
5K. Gopinath [1]
6Ashok K. Gupta [14]
7Bhawna Gupta [9]
8Adiseshu Hari [14]
9Sanjay Kamat [14]
10Rohit Khanna [3]
11Pramod V. Koppol [14]
12Vijay Kumar [11] [12]
13Erran L. Li (Li Li, Li (Erran) Li) [8] [10] [15]
14G. Manimaran (Govindarasu Manimaran) [11]
15Muthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna [11] [12]
16Harsha S. Nagesh [2] [3] [5]
17Chitra Phadke [2] [3] [5]
18Viswanath Poosala (Vishy Poosala) [2] [3] [5]
19Pankaj Risbood [9]
20Dor Skuler [14]
21Sathya Srinivasan [3]
22Anurag Srivastava [9]
23Dimitrios Stiliadis [14]
24Yung-Chun (Justin) Wan [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)