
Pankaj Rohatgi

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40 Elisabeth Oswald, Pankaj Rohatgi: Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2008, 10th International Workshop, Washington, D.C., USA, August 10-13, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
39EEMudhakar Srivatsa, Shane Balfe, Kenneth G. Paterson, Pankaj Rohatgi: Trust management for secure information flows. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2008: 175-188
38EEYow Tzu Lim, Pau-Chen Cheng, Pankaj Rohatgi, John Andrew Clark: MLS security policy evolution with genetic programming. GECCO 2008: 1571-1578
37EEYow Tzu Lim, Pau-Chen Cheng, John Andrew Clark, Pankaj Rohatgi: Policy evolution with Genetic Programming: A comparison of three approaches. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 1792-1800
36EEYow Tzu Lim, Pau-Chen Cheng, John Andrew Clark, Pankaj Rohatgi: Policy Evolution with Grammatical Evolution. SEAL 2008: 71-80
35EEPau-Chen Cheng, Pankaj Rohatgi, Claudia Keser, Paul A. Karger, Grant M. Wagner, Angela Schuett Reninger: Fuzzy Multi-Level Security: An Experiment on Quantified Risk-Adaptive Access Control. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2007: 222-230
34EEDakshi Agrawal, Selçuk Baktir, Deniz Karakoyunlu, Pankaj Rohatgi, Berk Sunar: Trojan Detection using IC Fingerprinting. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2007: 296-310
33EEXiaolan Zhang, Suzanne McIntosh, Pankaj Rohatgi, John Linwood Griffin: XenSocket: A High-Throughput Interdomain Transport for Virtual Machines. Middleware 2007: 184-203
32EEDakshi Agrawal, Josyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi, Kai Schramm: Templates as Master Keys. CHES 2005: 15-29
31EEMichael K. Reiter, Pankaj Rohatgi: Homeland Security. IEEE Internet Computing 8(6): 16-17 (2004)
30EEDakshi Agrawal, Josyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi: Multi-channel Attacks. CHES 2003: 2-16
29EESuresh Chari, Josyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi: Template Attacks. CHES 2002: 13-28
28EEDakshi Agrawal, Bruce Archambeault, Josyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi: The EM Side-Channel(s). CHES 2002: 29-45
27EEJosyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi, Helmut Scherzer, Stephane Tinguely: Partitioning Attacks: Or How to Rapidly Clone Some GSM Cards. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2002: 31-
26EEAtri Rudra, Pradeep K. Dubey, Charanjit S. Jutla, Vijay Kumar, Josyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi: Efficient Rijndael Encryption Implementation with Composite Field Arithmetic. CHES 2001: 171-184
25 Rosario Gennaro, Pankaj Rohatgi: How to Sign Digital Streams. Inf. Comput. 165(1): 100-116 (2001)
24EEAnshul Gupta, Pankaj Rohatgi, Ramesh C. Agarwal: Fast practical algorithms for the Boolean-product-witness-matrix problem. ISSAC 2000: 146-152
23EERan Canetti, Pau-Chen Cheng, Frederique Giraud, Dimitrios E. Pendarakis, Josyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi, Debanjan Saha: An IPSec-based Host Architecture for Secure Internet Multicast. NDSS 2000
22 Suresh Chari, Pankaj Rohatgi, Aravind Srinivasan: Improved Algorithms via Approximations of Probability Distributions. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 61(1): 81-107 (2000)
21EEPankaj Rohatgi: A Compact and Fast Hybrid Signature Scheme for Multicast Packet Authentication. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1999: 93-100
20EESuresh Chari, Charanjit S. Jutla, Josyula R. Rao, Pankaj Rohatgi: Towards Sound Approaches to Counteract Power-Analysis Attacks. CRYPTO 1999: 398-412
19EERosario Gennaro, Pankaj Rohatgi: How to Sign Digital Streams. CRYPTO 1997: 180-197
18 Suresh Chari, Pankaj Rohatgi: On Completeness Under Random Reductions. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 53(3): 545-555 (1996)
17 Richard Chang, Jim Kadin, Pankaj Rohatgi: On Unique Satisfiability and the Threshold Behavior of Randomized Reductions. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 50(3): 359-373 (1995)
16 Pankaj Rohatgi: Saving Queries with Randomness. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 50(3): 476-492 (1995)
15 Suresh Chari, Pankaj Rohatgi, Aravind Srinivasan: Randomness-Optimal Unique Element Isolation with Applications to Perfect Matching and Related Problems. SIAM J. Comput. 24(5): 1036-1050 (1995)
14EESuresh Chari, Pankaj Rohatgi, Aravind Srinivasan: Improved algorithms via approximations of probability distributions (extended abstract). STOC 1994: 584-592
13 Richard Chang, Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich, Juris Hartmanis, Johan Håstad, Desh Ranjan, Pankaj Rohatgi: The Random Oracle Hypothesis Is False. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 49(1): 24-39 (1994)
12EESuresh Chari, Pankaj Rohatgi, Aravind Srinivasan: Randomness-optimal unique element isolation, with applications to perfect matching and related problems. STOC 1993: 458-467
11 Suresh Chari, Pankaj Rohatgi: On Completeness under Random Reductions. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1993: 176-184
10 Desh Ranjan, Suresh Chari, Pankaj Rohatgi: Improving Known Solutions is Hard. Computational Complexity 3: 168-185 (1993)
9 Suresh Chari, Desh Ranjan, Pankaj Rohatgi: On the Complexity of Incremental Computation. MFCS 1992: 172-180
8 Desh Ranjan, Pankaj Rohatgi: On Randomized Reductions to Sparse Sets. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1992: 239-242
7 Pankaj Rohatgi: Saving Queries with Randomness. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1992: 71-83
6 Richard Chang, Suresh Chari, Desh Ranjan, Pankaj Rohatgi: Relativization: a revisionistic retrospective. Bulletin of the EATCS 47: 144-153 (1992)
5 Desh Ranjan, Suresh Chari, Pankaj Rohatgi: Improving Known Solutions is Hard. ICALP 1991: 381-392
4 Richard Chang, Jim Kadin, Pankaj Rohatgi: Connections between the Complexity of Unique Satisfiability and the Threshold Behavior of Randomized Reductions. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1991: 255-269
3 Juris Hartmanis, Richard Chang, Desh Ranjan, Pankaj Rohatgi: Structural Complexity Theory: recent Surprises. SWAT 1990: 1-12
2 Juris Hartmanis, Richard Chang, Desh Ranjan, Pankaj Rohatgi: On Unique Staisfiability and Randomized Reductions. Bulletin of the EATCS 41: 166-174 (1990)
1 Richard Chang, Pankaj Rohatgi: On Unique Staisfiability and Randomized Reductions. Bulletin of the EATCS 42: 151-159 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Ramesh C. Agarwal [24]
2Dakshi Agrawal [28] [30] [32] [34]
3Bruce Archambeault [28]
4Selçuk Baktir [34]
5Shane Balfe [39]
6Ran Canetti [23]
7Richard Chang [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [13] [17]
8Suresh Chari [5] [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [18] [20] [22] [29]
9Pau-Chen Cheng [23] [35] [36] [37] [38]
10Benny Chor [13]
11John A. Clark (John Andrew Clark) [36] [37] [38]
12Pradeep K. Dubey [26]
13Rosario Gennaro [19] [25]
14Frederique Giraud [23]
15Oded Goldreich [13]
16John Linwood Griffin [33]
17Anshul Gupta [24]
18Juris Hartmanis [2] [3] [13]
19Johan Håstad [13]
20Charanjit S. Jutla [20] [26]
21Jim Kadin [4] [17]
22Deniz Karakoyunlu [34]
23Paul A. Karger [35]
24Claudia Keser [35]
25Vijay Kumar [26]
26Yow Tzu Lim [36] [37] [38]
27Suzanne McIntosh [33]
28Elisabeth Oswald [40]
29Kenneth G. Paterson [39]
30Dimitrios E. Pendarakis [23]
31Desh Ranjan [2] [3] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [13]
32Josyula R. Rao [20] [23] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [32]
33Michael K. Reiter [31]
34Angela Schuett Reninger (Angela Schuett) [35]
35Atri Rudra [26]
36Debanjan Saha [23]
37Helmut Scherzer [27]
38Kai Schramm [32]
39Aravind Srinivasan [12] [14] [15] [22]
40Mudhakar Srivatsa [39]
41Berk Sunar [34]
42Stephane Tinguely [27]
43Grant M. Wagner [35]
44Xiaolan Zhang (Xiaolan (Catherine) Zhang) [33]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)