
Akshat Verma

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15EEAkshat Verma, Kaladhar Voruganti, Ramani Routray, Rohit Jain: SWEEPER: An Efficient Disaster Recovery Point Identification Mechanism. FAST 2008: 297-312
14EEAkshat Verma, Puneet Ahuja, Anindya Neogi: Power-aware dynamic placement of HPC applications. ICS 2008: 175-184
13EEAkshat Verma, Puneet Ahuja, Anindya Neogi: pMapper: Power and Migration Cost Aware Application Placement in Virtualized Systems. Middleware 2008: 243-264
12EESandeep Gopisetty, Eric Butler, Stefan Jaquet, Madhukar R. Korupolu, Tapan Kumar Nayak, Ramani Routray, Mark Seaman, Aameek Singh, Chung-Hao Tan, Sandeep Uttamchandani, Akshat Verma: Automated planners for storage provisioning and disaster recovery. IBM Journal of Research and Development 52(4-5): 353-366 (2008)
11EEAkshat Verma, Rohit Jain, Sugata Ghosal: A utility-based unified disk scheduling framework for shared mixed-media services. TOS 3(4): (2008)
10EEAkshat Verma, Sandeep Sen: Combating I-O bottleneck using prefetching: model, algorithms, and ramifications. The Journal of Supercomputing 45(2): 205-235 (2008)
9EEAkshat Verma, Upendra Sharma, Rohit Jain, Koustuv Dasgupta: Compass: Cost of Migration-aware Placement in Storage Systems. Integrated Network Management 2007: 50-59
8EEAkshat Verma, Ashok Anand: General store placement for response time minimization in parallel disks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 67(12): 1286-1300 (2007)
7EEAkshat Verma, Sandeep Sen: Algorithmic Ramifications of Prefetching in Memory Hierarchy. HiPC 2006: 9-21
6EEAkshat Verma, Ashok Anand: On Store Placement for Response Time Minimization in Parallel Disks. ICDCS 2006: 31
5EEKoustuv Dasgupta, Sugata Ghosal, Rohit Jain, Upendra Sharma, Akshat Verma: QoSMig: Adaptive Rate-Controlled Migration of Bulk Data in Storage Systems. ICDE 2005: 816-827
4EEAkshat Verma, David Pease, Upendra Sharma, Marc Kaplan, Jim Rubas, Rohit Jain, Murthy V. Devarakonda, Mandis Beigi: An Architecture for Lifecycle Management in Very Large File Systems. MSST 2005: 160-168
3EEMandis Beigi, Murthy V. Devarakonda, Rohit Jain, Marc Kaplan, David Pease, Jim Rubas, Upendra Sharma, Akshat Verma: Policy-Based Information Lifecycle Management in a Large-Scale File System. POLICY 2005: 139-148
2EERahul Garg, Vijay Kumar, Atri Rudra, Akshat Verma: Coalitional games on graphs: core structure, substitutes and frugality. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2003: 248-249
1EEAkshat Verma, Sugata Ghosal: On admission control for profit maximization of networked service providers. WWW 2003: 128-137

Coauthor Index

1Puneet Ahuja [13] [14]
2Ashok Anand [6] [8]
3Mandis Beigi [3] [4]
4Eric Butler [12]
5Koustuv Dasgupta [5] [9]
6Murthy V. Devarakonda [3] [4]
7Rahul Garg [2]
8Sugata Ghosal [1] [5] [11]
9Sandeep Gopisetty [12]
10Rohit Jain [3] [4] [5] [9] [11] [15]
11Stefan Jaquet [12]
12Marc Kaplan [3] [4]
13Madhukar R. Korupolu [12]
14Vijay Kumar [2]
15Tapan Kumar Nayak [12]
16Anindya Neogi [13] [14]
17David Pease [3] [4]
18Ramani Routray [12] [15]
19Jim Rubas [3] [4]
20Atri Rudra [2]
21Mark Seaman [12]
22Sandeep Sen [7] [10]
23Upendra Sharma [3] [4] [5] [9]
24Aameek Singh [12]
25Chung-Hao Tan [12]
26Sandeep Uttamchandani [12]
27Kaladhar Voruganti [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)