
G. Manimaran

Govindarasu Manimaran

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77EEMohammad Fraiwan, G. Manimaran: On the Design of Overlay Networks for IP Links Fault Verification. GLOBECOM 2008: 2437-2441
76EEMuthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna, Govindarasu Manimaran: Distributed Divide-and-Conquer Techniques for Effective DDoS Attack Defenses. ICDCS 2008: 93-102
75EEMohammad Fraiwan, G. Manimaran: Link stress reduction in topology-aware overlay path monitoring. Computer Communications 31(10): 2086-2093 (2008)
74EEMohammad Fraiwan, G. Manimaran: Scheduling algorithms for conducting conflict-free measurements in overlay networks. Computer Networks 52(15): 2819-2830 (2008)
73EEG. Sudha Anil Kumar, Govindarasu Manimaran, Zhengdao Wang: End-to-End Energy Management in Networked Real-Time Embedded Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(11): 1498-1510 (2008)
72EEG. Sudha Anil Kumar, G. Manimaran, Zhengdao Wang: Energy-aware scheduling with deadline and reliability constraints in wireless networks. BROADNETS 2007: 96-105
71EEKavitha Balasubramanian, G. Sudha Anil Kumar, G. Manimaran: Channel Adaptive Real-Time MAC Protocols for a Two-Level Heterogeneous Wireless Network. HiPC 2007: 625-636
70EEMuthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna, G. Manimaran, Zhengdao Wang: Unified Defense Against DDoS Attacks. Networking 2007: 1047-1059
69EEMohammad Fraiwan, G. Manimaran: On the Schedulability of Measurement Conflict in Overlay Networks. Networking 2007: 1120-1131
68EEG. Sudha Anil Kumar, G. Manimaran: Energy-Aware Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks in Wireless Networked Embedded Systems. RTSS 2007: 15-24
67EEKavitha Balasubramanian, G. Sudha Anil Kumar, G. Manimaran, Zhengdao Wang: A Novel Real-Time MAC Protocol Exploiting Spatial and Temporal Channel Diversity in Wireless Industrial Networks. HiPC 2006: 534-546
66EEMuthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna, G. Manimaran, Mansoor Alicherry, Vijay Kumar: Coloring the Internet: IP Traceback. ICPADS (1) 2006: 589-598
65EEBasheer Al-Duwairi, G. Manimaran: Intentional Dropping: A Novel Scheme for SYN Flooding Mitigation. INFOCOM 2006
64EEMuthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna, Govindarasu Manimaran: Secure Routing Using Factual Correctness. Networking 2006: 1197-1203
63EEAnirban Chakrabarti, G. Manimaran: A case for tree evolution in QoS multicasting. Computer Communications 29(11): 2004-2025 (2006)
62EEBasheer Al-Duwairi, G. Manimaran: Distributed packet pairing for reflector based DDoS attack mitigation. Computer Communications 29(12): 2269-2280 (2006)
61EEBasheer Al-Duwairi, Govindarasu Manimaran: Novel Hybrid Schemes Employing Packet Marking and Logging for IP Traceback. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(5): 403-418 (2006)
60EESuresh Subramaniam, Krishna M. Sivalingam, G. Manimaran: Selected papers from Trusted Internet Workshop (TIW) 2004. J. High Speed Networks 15(1): 1-3 (2006)
59EEG. Sudha Anil Kumar, G. Manimaran: An Intra-task DVS Algorithm Exploiting Program Path Locality for Real-Time Embedded Systems. HiPC 2005: 225-234
58EEG. Manimaran, Basheer Al-Duwairi: Internet Infrastructure Security. Hot Interconnects 2005: 6-7
57EEBasheer Al-Duwairi, G. Manimaran: Intentional dropping: a novel scheme for SYN flooding mitigation. INFOCOM 2005: 2820-2824
56EEBasheer Al-Duwairi, G. Manimaran: Victim-Assisted Mitigation Technique for TCP-Based Reflector DDoS Attacks. NETWORKING 2005: 191-204
55EEAnirban Chakrabarti, G. Manimaran: Reliability constrained routing in QoS networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 13(3): 662-675 (2005)
54EER. Al-Omari, Arun K. Somani, G. Manimaran: An adaptive scheme for fault-tolerant scheduling of soft real-time tasks in multiprocessor systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(5): 595-608 (2005)
53EEGovindarasu Manimaran, Klaus H. Ecker, Eui-nam Huh: Parallel and distributed real-time systems. Journal of Systems and Software 77(1): 1-2 (2005)
52EESuzhen Lin, G. Manimaran: A Feedback-Based Adaptive Algorithm for Combined Scheduling with Fault-Tolerance in Real-Time Systems. HiPC 2004: 101-110
51EEBasheer Al-Duwairi, G. Manimaran: A Novel Packet Marking Scheme for IP Traceback. ICPADS 2004: 195-
50EESuzhen Lin, G. Manimaran, B. L. Steward: Feedback-based Real-time Scheduling in Autonomous Vehicle Systems. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2004: 316-323
49EEBasheer Al-Duwairi, Anirban Chakrabarti, Govindarasu Manimaran: An Efficient Probabilistic Packet Marking Scheme for IP Traceback. NETWORKING 2004: 1263-1269
48EEAnirban Chakrabarti, Govindarasu Manimaran: A Case for Mesh-Tree-Interaction in End System Multicasting. NETWORKING 2004: 186-199
47EEAaron Striegel, G. Manimaran: DSMCast: a scalable approach for DiffServ multicasting. Computer Networks 44(6): 713-735 (2004)
46EER. Al-Omari, Arun K. Somani, G. Manimaran: Efficient overloading techniques for primary-backup scheduling in real-time systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(5): 629-648 (2004)
45EESuzhen Lin, G. Manimaran: Double-Loop Feedback-Based Scheduling Approach for Distributed Real-Time Systems. HiPC 2003: 268-278
44EEBasheer Al-Duwairi, Govindarasu Manimaran: Combined Scheduling of Hard and Soft Real-Time Tasks in Multiprocessor Systems. HiPC 2003: 279-289
43EESuzhen Lin, A. Sai Sudhir, G. Manimaran: ConFiRM-DRTS: A Certification Framework for Dynamic Resource Management in Distributed Real-Time Systems. IPDPS 2003: 110
42EER. Al-Omari, G. Manimaran, M. V. Salapaka, Arun K. Somani: Novel Algorithms for Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks in Multiprocessor Systems Based on Execution Time Estimation. IPDPS 2003: 7
41EEAnirban Chakrabarti, G. Manimaran: A Scalable Method for Router Attack Detection and Location in Link State Routing. LCN 2003: 293-294
40EEAaron Striegel, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah, Hatem Bettahar, G. Manimaran: EBM: A New Approach for Scalable DiffServ Multicasting. Networked Group Communication 2003: 131-142
39EEAnita Mittal, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: Dynamic real-time channel establishment in multiple access bus networks. Computer Communications 26(2): 113-127 (2003)
38EEAnirban Chakrabarti, G. Manimaran: A case for tree migration and integrated tree maintenance in QoS multicasting. Computer Communications 26(9): 1007-1017 (2003)
37EEAaron Striegel, G. Manimaran: Dynamic class-based queue management for scalable media servers. Journal of Systems and Software 66(2): 119-128 (2003)
36EEAaron Striegel, G. Manimaran: Edge-Based Fault Detection in a DiffServ Network. DSN 2002: 79-88
35EES. Swaminathan, G. Manimaran: An Adaptive Value-Based Scheduler andIts RT-Linux Implementation. HiPC 2002: 163-173
34EES. Swaminathan, G. Manimaran: A Reliability-Aware Value-Based Scheduler for Dynamic Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems. IPDPS 2002
33EES. Swaminathan, G. Manimaran: FARM: A Feedback-Based Adaptive Resource Management for Autonomous Hot-Spot Convergence System. IPDPS 2002
32EEAaron Striegel, G. Manimaran: Packet scheduling with delay and loss differentiation. Computer Communications 25(1): 21-31 (2002)
31EESriram Raghavan, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: A note on dependable real-time communication in multihop networks. Computer Communications 25(17): 1673-1683 (2002)
30 S. Holeman, G. Manimaran, James Davis, Anirban Chakrabarti: Differentially secure multicasting and its implementation methods. Computers & Security 21(8): 736-749 (2002)
29EER. Al-Omari, Arun K. Somani, G. Manimaran: An Adaptive Scheme for Fault-Tolerant Scheduling of Soft Real-Time Tasks in Multiprocessor Systems. HiPC 2001: 68-80
28 R. Al-Omari, Arun K. Somani, G. Manimaran: A New Fault-Tolerant Technique for Improving the Schedulability in Multiprocessor Real-time Systems. IPDPS 2001: 32
27 Aaron Striegel, G. Manimaran: A Scalable QoS Adaptation Scheme for Media Servers. IPDPS 2001: 98
26EEAaron Striegel, G. Manimaran: A Scalable Protocol for Member Join/Leave in DiffServ Multicast. LCN 2001: 395-404
25 S. J. Kowshik, S. Babu, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: A distributed real-time MAC protocol for WDM-based LANs. Computer Communications 24(7-8): 654-666 (2001)
24EEG. Sai Kiran Reddy, C. Siva Ram Murthy, G. Manimaran: Reconfiguration Based Failure Restoration in Wavelength-Routed WDM Networks. DSN 2000: 543-
23EEAaron Striegel, G. Manimaran: Dynamic Class-Based Queue Management for Scalable Media Servers. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2000: 228-236
22EER. Al-Omari, G. Manimaran, Arun K. Somani: An Efficient Backup-Overloading for Fault-Tolerant Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 1291-1295
21EEAaron Striegel, G. Manimaran: Best-Effort Scheduling of (m, k)-Firm Real-Time Streams in Multihop Networks. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 743-751
20EEAaron Striegel, Govindarasu Manimaran: Best-effort scheduling of (m, k)-firm real-time streams in multihop networks. Computer Communications 23(13): 1292-1300 (2000)
19 Indranil Gupta, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: A New Strategy for Improving the Effectiveness of Resource Reclaiming Algorithms in Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 60(1): 113-133 (2000)
18EEGovindarasu Manimaran, Anand Manikutty, C. Siva Ram Murthy: DHARMA: A tool for evaluating dynamic scheduling algorithms for real-time multiprocessor systems. Journal of Systems and Software 50(2): 131-149 (2000)
17 S. Balaji, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: Unit-Oriented Communication in Real-Time Multihop Networks. HiPC 1999: 381-388
16 R. Sriram, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: A Rearrangeable Algorithm for the Construction of Delay-Constrained Dynamic Multicast Trees. INFOCOM 1999: 1073-1080
15 Anita Mittal, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: Dynamic Real-Time Channel Establishment in Multiple Access Bus Networks. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 319-328
14 Samphel Norden, S. Balaji, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: Deterministic Protocols for Real-Time Communication in Multiple Access Networks. Computer Communications 22(2): 128-136 (1999)
13EESriram Raghavan, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: A rearrangeable algorithm for the construction delay-constrained dynamic multicast trees. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 7(4): 514-529 (1999)
12EEG. Manimaran, Hariharan Shankar Rahul, C. Siva Ram Murthy: A new distributed route selection approach for channel establishment in real-time networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 7(5): 698-709 (1999)
11EEK. Mahesh, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy, Arun K. Somani: Scheduling Algorithms Exploiting Spare Capacity and Tasks' Laxities for Fault Detection and Location in Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 737-741
10EESamphel Norden, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: New Protocols for Hard Real-time Communication in the Switched LAN Environment. LCN 1998: 364-373
9EEAnita Mittal, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: Integrated Dynamic Scheduling of Hard and QoS Degradable Real-Time Tasks in Multiprocessor Systems. RTCSA 1998: 127-136
8EER. Sriram, Govindarasu Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: Preferred link based delay-constrained least-cost routing in wide area networks. Computer Communications 21(18): 1655-1669 (1998)
7EER. Sriram, Govindarasu Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: Algorithms for delay-constrained low-cost multicast tree construction. Computer Communications 21(18): 1693-1706 (1998)
6EEG. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: A Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems and Its Analysis. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 9(11): 1137-1152 (1998)
5EEG. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: An Efficient Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm For Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 9(3): 312-319 (1998)
4 K. Mahesh, G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy: Scheduling Algorithms with Fault Detection and Location Capabilities for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 51(2): 136-150 (1998)
3 G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy, Krithi Ramamritham: A New Approach for Scheduling of Parallelizable Tasks in Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems. Real-Time Systems 15(1): 39-60 (1998)
2 G. Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murthy, Machiraju Vijay, Krithi Ramamritham: New Algorithms for Resource Reclaiming from Precedence Constrained Tasks in Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 44(2): 123-132 (1997)
1 C. P. Ravikumar, A. Kuchlous, G. Manimaran: Incomplete Star Graph: An Economical Fault-tolerant Interconnection Network. ICPP 1993: 83-90

Coauthor Index

1Basheer Al-Duwairi [44] [49] [51] [56] [57] [58] [61] [62] [65]
2R. Al-Omari [22] [28] [29] [42] [46] [54]
3Mansoor Alicherry [66]
4S. Babu [25]
5S. Balaji [14] [17]
6Kavitha Balasubramanian [67] [71]
7Hatem Bettahar [40]
8Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah [40]
9Anirban Chakrabarti [30] [38] [41] [48] [49] [55] [63]
10James Davis [30]
11Klaus H. Ecker (Klaus Ecker) [53]
12Mohammad Fraiwan [69] [74] [75] [77]
13Indranil Gupta [19]
14S. Holeman [30]
15Eui-nam Huh [53]
16S. J. Kowshik [25]
17A. Kuchlous [1]
18G. Sudha Anil Kumar [59] [67] [68] [71] [72] [73]
19Vijay Kumar [66]
20Suzhen Lin [43] [45] [50] [52]
21K. Mahesh [4] [11]
22Anand Manikutty [18]
23Anita Mittal [9] [15] [39]
24C. Siva Ram Murthy [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [24] [25] [31] [39]
25Muthusrinivasan Muthuprasanna [64] [66] [70] [76]
26Samphel Norden [10] [14]
27Sriram Raghavan [13] [31]
28Hariharan Shankar Rahul [12]
29Krithi Ramamritham [2] [3]
30C. P. Ravikumar [1]
31G. Sai Kiran Reddy [24]
32M. V. Salapaka [42]
33Krishna M. Sivalingam [60]
34Arun K. Somani [11] [22] [28] [29] [42] [46] [54]
35R. Sriram [7] [8] [16]
36B. L. Steward [50]
37Aaron Striegel [20] [21] [23] [26] [27] [32] [36] [37] [40] [47]
38Suresh Subramaniam [60]
39A. Sai Sudhir [43]
40S. Swaminathan [33] [34] [35]
41Machiraju Vijay [2]
42Zhengdao Wang [67] [70] [72] [73]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)