
Robert B. Allen

Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

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37EERobert B. Allen, Ilya Waldstein, Weizhong Zhu: Automated Processing of Digitized Historical Newspapers: Identification of Segments and Genres. ICADL 2008: 379-386
36EEWeizhong Zhu, Chaomei Chen, Robert B. Allen: Analyzing the Propagation of Influence and Concept Evolution in Enterprise Social Networks through Centrality and Latent Semantic Analysis. PAKDD 2008: 1090-1098
35EERobert B. Allen, Andrea Japzon, Palakorn Achananuparp, Ki Jung Lee: A Framework for Text Processing and Supporting Access to Collections of Digitized Historical Newspapers. HCI (9) 2007: 235-244
34EEPalakorn Achananuparp, Katherine W. McCain, Robert B. Allen: Supporting Student Collaboration for Image Indexing. ICADL 2007: 24-34
33EERobert B. Allen: Highly structured scientific publications. JCDL 2007: 472
32EERobert B. Allen, David Klappholz, Michael R. Wick, Carol Zander: Programming-lite: a dialog on educating computer science practitioners in a "flat world". SIGCSE 2007: 243-244
31EEMin Song, Il-Yeol Song, Xiaohua Hu, Robert B. Allen: Integration of association rules and ontologies for semantic query expansion. Data Knowl. Eng. 63(1): 63-75 (2007)
30EEMin Song, Il-Yeol Song, Robert B. Allen, Zoran Obradovic: Keyphrase extraction-based query expansion in digital libraries. JCDL 2006: 202-209
29EEPalakorn Achananuparp, Katherine W. McCain, Robert B. Allen: A tool for teaching principles of image metadata generation. JCDL 2006: 341
28EEWeizhong Zhu, Chaomei Chen, Robert B. Allen: Visualizing an enterprise social network from email. JCDL 2006: 383
27EEMin Song, Il-Yeol Song, Xiaohua Hu, Robert B. Allen: Semantic Query Expansion Combining Association Rules with Ontologies and Information Retrieval Techniques. DaWaK 2005: 326-335
26EERobert B. Allen, Yejun Wu, Jun Luo: Interactive Causal Schematics for Qualitative Scientific Explanations. ICADL 2005: 411-415
25EEMin Song, Il-Yeol Song, Xiaohua Hu, Robert B. Allen: Integrating Text Chunking with Mixture Hidden Markov Models for Effective Biomedical Information Extraction. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 976-984
24EERobert B. Allen: A focus-context browser for multiple timelines. JCDL 2005: 260-261
23EEMin Song, Il-Yeol Song, Xiaohua Hu, Robert B. Allen: An Automatic Unsupervised Querying Algorithm for Efficient Information Extraction in Biomedical Domain. PAKDD 2005: 173-179
22EERobert B. Allen, Yejun Wu: Metrics for the scope of a collection. JASIST 56(12): 1243-1249 (2005)
21EEMin Song, Il-Yeol Song, Xiaohua Hu, Robert B. Allen: KXtractor: An Effective Biomedical Information Extraction Technique Based on Mixture Hidden Markov Models. T. Comp. Sys. Biology 2: 68-81 (2005)
20EERobert B. Allen: A query interface for an event gazetteer. JCDL 2004: 72-73
19EERobert B. Allen, Yejun Wu: Generality of Texts. ICADL 2002: 111-116
18EERobert B. Allen, Jane Acheson: Browsing the structure of multimedia stories. ACM DL 2000: 11-18
17EERobert B. Allen, John Schalow: Metadata and Data Structures for the Historical Newspaper Digital Library. CIKM 1999: 147-153
16EEVijay Kumar, Richard Furuta, Robert B. Allen: Metadata Visualization for Digital Libraries: Interactive Timeline Editing and Review. ACM DL 1998: 126-133
15 Paul England, Robert B. Allen, Mark Sullivan, Andrew Heybey, Mike Bianchi, Apostolos Dailianas: I/Browse: The Bellcore Video Library Toolkit. Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE) 1996: 254-264
14EEPaul England, Robert B. Allen, Ron Underwood: RAVE: Real-Time Services for the Web. Computer Networks 28(7-11): 1547-1558 (1996)
13 Robert B. Allen: Interface Issues for Interactive Multimedia Documents. ADL 1995: 179-189
12EERobert B. Allen: Electronic proceedings (Eprocs) for IWANNT'93. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 287-288
11 Robert B. Allen: Editorial. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 12(1): 1 (1994)
10EERobert B. Allen, Pascal Obry, Michael L. Littman: An interface for navigating clustered document sets returned by queries. COOCS 1993: 166-171
9 Robert B. Allen: Computer-Human Interaction and ACM TOIS - Editorial. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 9(2): 97 (1991)
8EEJoshua Alspector, Robert B. Allen, Anthony Jayakumar, Torsten Zeppelfeld, Ronny Meir: Relaxation Networks for Large Supervised Learning Problems. NIPS 1990: 1015-1021
7EERobert B. Allen, Candace A. Kamm: A Recurrent Neural Network for Word Identification from Continuous Phoneme Strings. NIPS 1990: 206-212
6 Robert B. Allen: User Models: Theory, Method, and Practice. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 32(5): 511-543 (1990)
5 Robert B. Allen: A New Name - ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Editorial. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 7(1): 1 (1989)
4EEJoshua Alspector, Bhusan Gupta, Robert B. Allen: Performance of a Stochastic Learning Microchip. NIPS 1988: 748-760
3EEJoshua Alspector, Robert B. Allen, Victor Hu, Srinagesh Satyanarayana: Stochastic Learning Networks and their Electronic Implementation. NIPS 1987: 9-21
2EERobert B. Allen, M. W. Scerbo: Details of Command-Language Keystrokes. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 1(2): 159-178 (1983)
1 Robert B. Allen: Composition and Editing of Spoken Letters. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 19(2): 181-193 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Palakorn Achananuparp [29] [34] [35]
2Jane Acheson [18]
3Joshua Alspector [3] [4] [8]
4Mike Bianchi [15]
5Chaomei Chen [28] [36]
6Apostolos Dailianas [15]
7Paul England [14] [15]
8Richard Furuta [16]
9Bhusan Gupta [4]
10Andrew Heybey [15]
11Victor Hu [3]
12Xiaohua Hu [21] [23] [25] [27] [31]
13Andrea Japzon [35]
14Anthony Jayakumar [8]
15Candace A. Kamm [7]
16David Klappholz [32]
17Vijay Kumar [16]
18Ki Jung Lee [35]
19Michael L. Littman [10]
20Jun Luo [26]
21Katherine W. McCain [29] [34]
22Ron Meir (Ronny Meir) [8]
23Zoran Obradovic [30]
24Pascal Obry [10]
25Srinagesh Satyanarayana [3]
26M. W. Scerbo [2]
27John Schalow [17]
28Il-Yeol Song [21] [23] [25] [27] [30] [31]
29Min Song [21] [23] [25] [27] [30] [31]
30Mark Sullivan [15]
31Ron Underwood [14]
32Ilya Waldstein [37]
33Michael R. Wick [32]
34Yejun Wu [19] [22] [26]
35Carol Zander [32]
36Torsten Zeppelfeld [8]
37Weizhong Zhu [28] [36] [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)