
Aveek K. Das

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7EEGeorge Kantor, Sanjiv Singh, Ronald A. Peterson, Daniela Rus, Aveek K. Das, Vijay Kumar, Guilherme A. S. Pereira, John R. Spletzer: Distributed Search and Rescue with Robot and Sensor Teams. FSR 2003: 529-538
6 Rafael B. Fierro, Aveek K. Das, John R. Spletzer, Joel M. Esposito, Vijay Kumar, James P. Ostrowski, George J. Pappas, Camillo J. Taylor, Yerang Hur, Rajeev Alur, Insup Lee, Gregory Z. Grudic, Ben Southall: A Framework and Architecture for Multi-Robot Coordination. I. J. Robotic Res. 21(10-11): 977-998 (2002)
5 Rafael B. Fierro, Aveek K. Das, Vijay Kumar, James P. Ostrowski: Hybrid Control of Formations of Robots. ICRA 2001: 157-162
4 Aveek K. Das, Rafael B. Fierro, Vijay Kumar, John B. Southall, John R. Spletzer, Camillo J. Taylor: Real-Time Vision-Based Control of a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot. ICRA 2001: 1714-1719
3EESachin Chitta, William Sacks, James P. Ostrowski, Aveek K. Das, P. K. Mishra: The University of Pennsylvania RoboCup Legged Soccer Team. RoboCup 2001: 734-738
2EERajeev Alur, Aveek K. Das, Joel M. Esposito, Rafael B. Fierro, Gregory Z. Grudic, Yerang Hur, Vijay Kumar, Insup Lee, J. P. Lee, James P. Ostrowski, George J. Pappas, Ben Southall, John R. Spletzer, Camillo J. Taylor: A Framework and Architecture for Multirobot Coordination. ISER 2000: 303-312
1EEJames P. Ostrowski, Kenneth A. McIsaac, Aveek K. Das, Sachin Chitta, Julie Neiling: The University of Pennsylvania RoboCup Legged Soccer Team. RoboCup 2000: 639-642

Coauthor Index

1Rajeev Alur [2] [6]
2Sachin Chitta [1] [3]
3Joel M. Esposito [2] [6]
4Rafael B. Fierro [2] [4] [5] [6]
5Gregory Z. Grudic [2] [6]
6Yerang Hur [2] [6]
7George Kantor [7]
8Vijay Kumar [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Insup Lee [2] [6]
10J. P. Lee [2]
11Kenneth A. McIsaac [1]
12P. K. Mishra [3]
13Julie Neiling [1]
14James P. Ostrowski [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
15George J. Pappas [2] [6]
16Guilherme A. S. Pereira [7]
17Ronald A. Peterson [7]
18Daniela Rus [7]
19William Sacks [3]
20Sanjiv Singh [7]
21Ben Southall [2] [6]
22John B. Southall [4]
23John R. Spletzer [2] [4] [6] [7]
24Camillo J. Taylor [2] [4] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)