Volume 29,
Number 1,
January 1999
- Michael Margaliot, Gideon Langholz:
Hyperbolic optimal control and fuzzy control.
1-10 BibTeX
- Vijay Raghavan, M. Shakeri, Krishna R. Pattipati:
Optimal and near-optimal test sequencing algorithms with realistic test models.
11-26 BibTeX
- J. M. Britanik, Michael M. Marefat:
Hierarchically merging plans in decomposable domains.
27-40 BibTeX
- Woong Kwon, Beom Hee Lee:
General redundancy optimization method for cooperating manipulators using quadratic inequality constraints.
41-51 BibTeX
- Moshe Kam, Chris Rorres, Wei Chang, Xiaoxun Zhu:
Performance and geometric interpretation for decision fusion with memory.
52-62 BibTeX
- Rajive Joshi, Arthur C. Sanderson:
Minimal representation multisensor fusion using differential evolution.
63-76 BibTeX
- Kishore Sengupta, Tarek K. Abdel-Hamid, M. Bosley:
Coping with staffing delays in software project management: an experimental investigation.
77-91 BibTeX
- Carlo Colombo, Benedetto Allotta:
Image-based robot task planning and control using a compact visual representation.
92-100 BibTeX
- Jun Wang:
A linear assignment clustering algorithm based on the least similar cluster representatives.
100-104 BibTeX
- Robin R. Murphy:
Case studies of applying Gibson's ecological approach to mobile robots.
105-111 BibTeX
- James J. Jiang, Gary Klein:
User evaluation of information systems: by system typology.
111-116 BibTeX
- R. T. Stefani:
A taxonomy of sports rating systems.
116-120 BibTeX
- Cem Ünsal, Pushkin Kachroo, John S. Bay:
Multiple stochastic learning automata for vehicle path control in an automated highway system.
120-128 BibTeX
- José Valente de Oliveira:
Semantic constraints for membership function optimization.
128-138 BibTeX
- Youssef Saab, Michael A. VanPutte:
Shortest path planning on topographical maps.
139-150 BibTeX
Volume 29,
Number 2,
March 1999
- Vijay Raghavan, M. Shakeri, Krishna R. Pattipati:
Test sequencing problems arising in test planning and design for testability.
153-163 BibTeX
- C. Amer-Yahia, Noureddine Zerhouni, Abdellah El Moudni, Michel Ferney:
Some subclasses of Petri nets and the analysis of their structural properties: a new approach.
164-172 BibTeX
- MuDer Jeng, Mao Yu Peng:
Augmented reachability trees for 1-place-unbounded generalized Petri nets.
173-183 BibTeX
- Toshio Tsuji, Makoto Kaneko:
Noncontact impedance control for redundant manipulators.
184-193 BibTeX
- Sung-Hyun Han, Man Hyung Lee, Ronald R. Mohler:
Real-time implementation of a robust adaptive controller for a robotic manipulator based on digital signal processors.
194-204 BibTeX
- C. L. Radix, P. Robinson, P. Nurse:
Extension of Fitts' law to modeling motion performance in man-machine interfaces.
205-209 BibTeX
- G. K. Grigoriadis, Basil G. Mertzios, V. D. Tourassis:
Fast implementation of robot inverse dynamics with distributed arithmetic via a SIMD architecture.
209-216 BibTeX
- Anindya Datta, Sarit Mukherjee, Igor R. Viguier:
Buffer management in real-time active database systems.
216-224 BibTeX
- Jung-Min Yang, Jong-Hwan Kim:
Optimal fault tolerant gait sequence of the hexapod robot with overlapping reachable areas and crab walking.
224-235 BibTeX
- T. Kyuel, Wilson S. Geisler, Joydeep Ghosh:
Retinally reconstructed images: digital images having a resolution match with the human eye.
235-243 BibTeX
Volume 29,
Number 3,
May 1999
- Abbas K. Zaidi:
On temporal logic programming using Petri nets.
245-254 BibTeX
- Ching-Long Shih:
Ascending and descending stairs for a biped robot.
255-268 BibTeX
- Han Ding, Jun Wang:
Recurrent neural networks for minimum infinity-norm kinematic control of redundant manipulators.
269-276 BibTeX
- A. K. Jaura, Nicholas Krouglicof, M. O. M. Osman:
Using a logic branching weighted algorithm to train robots for splined shaft-hole assembly.
277-283 BibTeX
- Philippe Le Parc, Dominique L'Her, J.-L. Scharbarg, Lionel Marcé:
Grafcet revisited with a synchronous data-flow language.
284-293 BibTeX
- Ibrahim Burak Özyurt, Lawrence O. Hall, Aydin K. Sunol:
SQFDiag: semi-quantitative model-based fault monitoring and diagnosis via episodic fuzzy rules.
294-306 BibTeX
- Chun-Yi Su, Yury Stepanenko, Andrew A. Goldenberg:
Reduced order model and robust control architecture for mechanical systems with nonholonomic Pfaffian constraints.
307-313 BibTeX
- Huimin Lu, Xiuchun Wang, Shouzhong Liu, Meide Shi, Aike Guo:
The possible mechanism underlying visual anti-camouflage: a model and its real-time simulation.
314-318 BibTeX
- Ruo Zhang, Mubarak Shah:
Shape from intensity gradient.
318-325 BibTeX
- Basil G. Mertzios, G. K. Grigoriadis:
Fast Implementation of forward robot kinematics of position with distributed arithmetic architecture.
325-332 BibTeX
Volume 29,
Number 4,
July 1999
- Euntai Kim, Hyung-Jin Kang, Mignon Park:
Numerical stability analysis of fuzzy control systems via quadratic programming and linear matrix inequalities.
333-346 BibTeX
- Vijay Raghavan, M. Shakeri, Krishna R. Pattipati:
Test sequencing algorithms with unreliable tests.
347-357 BibTeX
- Yu-Hua Gu, Tardi Tjahjadi:
Efficient planar object tracking and parameter estimation using compactly represented cubic B-spline curves.
358-367 BibTeX
- Andrea Schaerf:
Local search techniques for large high school timetabling problems.
368-377 BibTeX
- Swarup Medasani, Raghu Krishnapuram, J. Keller:
Are fuzzy definitions of basic attributes of image objects really useful?
378-386 BibTeX
- Peter Tiño:
Spatial representation of symbolic sequences through iterative function systems.
386-393 BibTeX
- Nikos A. Vlassis, Aristidis Likas:
A kurtosis-based dynamic approach to Gaussian mixture modeling.
393-399 BibTeX
- MuDer Jeng, Xiaolan Xie:
Analysis of modularly composed nets by siphons.
399-406 BibTeX
- Joydeep Bhattacharya, P. P. Kanjilal:
Assessing determinism of photo-plethysmographic signal.
406-410 BibTeX
- Dov Dori, Liu Wenyin:
Automated CAD conversion with the Machine Drawing Understanding System: concepts, algorithms, and performance.
411-416 BibTeX
- Yi Pan, Keqin Li, Mounir Hamdi:
An improved constant-time algorithm for computing the Radon and Hough transforms on a reconfigurable mesh.
417-421 BibTeX
- K. Najim, E. Ikonen:
Distributed logic processors trained under constraints using stochastic approximation techniques.
421-426 BibTeX
Volume 29,
Number 5,
September 1999
- Panu Korhonen, J. Karaivanova:
An algorithm for projecting a reference direction onto the nondominated set of given points.
429-435 BibTeX
- Jun Liu, Kuo-Chu Chang, Jing Zhou:
Learning Bayesian networks with a hybrid convergent method.
436-449 BibTeX
- David A. Nembhard, Chelsea C. White III:
A heuristic search approach for solving multiobjective non-order-preserving path selection problems.
450-459 BibTeX
- V. Roberto, C. Chiaruttini:
Modeling and reasoning techniques in geologic interpretation.
460-473 BibTeX
- Byeong-Soon Ryu, Hyun Seung Yang:
Integration of reactive behaviors and enhanced topological map for robust mobile robot navigation.
474-485 BibTeX
- Tom Pilutti, A. Galip Ulsoy:
Identification of driver state for lane-keeping tasks.
486-502 BibTeX
- M. Sami Fadali, Yongmian Zhang, Sushil J. Louis:
Robust stability analysis of discrete-time systems using genetic algorithms.
503-508 BibTeX
- Hao Ying, Yongsheng Ding, Shaokuan Li, Shihuang Shao:
Comparison of necessary conditions for typical Takagi-Sugeno and Mamdani fuzzy systems as universal approximators.
508-514 BibTeX
- Yanghee Nam, Nwangyun Wohn, Hyung Lee-Kwang:
Modeling and recognition of hand gesture using colored Petri nets.
514-521 BibTeX
Volume 29,
Number 6,
November 1999
- Young U. Ryu:
A hierarchical constraint satisfaction approach to product selection for electronic shopping support.
525-532 BibTeX
- Ganghuai Wang, J. H. Lambert, Yacov Y. Haimes:
Stochastic minimax decision rules for risk of extreme events.
533-541 BibTeX
- K. Rajaraman, P. Shanti Sastry:
Stochastic optimization over continuous and discrete variables with applications to concept learning under noise.
542-553 BibTeX
- Pieter J. Mosterman, Gautam Biswas:
Diagnosis of continuous valued systems in transient operating regions.
554-565 BibTeX
- Duane W. Marhefka, David E. Orin:
A compliant contact model with nonlinear damping for simulation of robotic systems.
566-572 BibTeX
- R. G. Qiu, Sanjay B. Joshi:
A structured adaptive supervisory control methodology for modeling the control of a discrete event manufacturing system.
573-586 BibTeX
- Antonio Visioli:
Fuzzy logic based set-point weight tuning of PID controllers.
587-592 BibTeX
- Amit Adam, Ehud Rivlin, Héctor Rotstein:
Fusion of fixation and odometry for vehicle navigation.
593-603 BibTeX
- Mohamed Ouerfelli, Vijay Kumar, William S. Harwin:
Kinematic modeling of head-neck movements.
604-615 BibTeX
- P. Gorce:
Dynamic postural control method for biped in unknown environment.
616-626 BibTeX
- Toshio Tsuji, A. Jazidie, Makoto Kaneko:
Hierarchical control of end-point impedance and joint impedance for redundant manipulators.
627-636 BibTeX
- Makoto Shimojo, Masami Shinohara, Yukio Fukui:
Human shape recognition performance for 3D tactile display.
637-644 BibTeX
- F. Rezayat:
Constrained SPSA controller for operations processes.
645-649 BibTeX
- Rafael B. Fierro, Frank L. Lewis, A. Lowe:
Hybrid control for a class of underactuated mechanical systems.
649-654 BibTeX
- Jin-Tsong Jeng, Tsu-Tian Lee:
A neural gain scheduling network controller for nonholonomic systems.
654-661 BibTeX
- Chiang Kao, Shiang-Tai Liu:
Competitiveness of manufacturing firms: an application of fuzzy weighted average.
661-667 BibTeX
- Tony Y. T. Chan:
Inductive pattern learning.
667-674 BibTeX
- Vassilios Chatzis, Adrian G. Bors, Ioannis Pitas:
Multimodal decision-level fusion for person authentication.
674-680 BibTeX
- D. D. Sworder, Jeffrey E. Boyd:
State estimation with biased observations.
681-686 BibTeX
- Ji-Chang Lo, Chien-Hsing Yang:
A heuristic error-feedback learning algorithm for fuzzy modeling.
686-691 BibTeX
- Xiaofeng Liao, Zhongfu Wu, Juebang Yu:
Stability switches and bifurcation analysis of a neural network with continuously delay.
692-696 BibTeX
- Ganghuai Wang, J. H. Lambert, Yacov Y. Haimes:
Stochastic ordering of extreme value distributions.
696-701 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:30:47 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)