
Ruzena Bajcsy

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93EEGregorij Kurillo, Ramanarayan Vasudevan, Edgar Lobaton, Ruzena Bajcsy: A Framework for Collaborative Real-Time 3D Teleimmersion in a Geographically Distributed Environment. ISM 2008: 111-118
92 Sumitra Ganesh, Ruzena Bajcsy: Representation and Recognition of Human Actions - a New Approach based on an Optimal Control Motor Model. VISAPP (2) 2008: 99-104
91EEGregorij Kurillo, Ruzena Bajcsy, Klara Nahrstedt, Oliver Kreylos: Immersive 3D Environment for Remote Collaboration and Training of Physical Activities. VR 2008: 269-270
90EERenata M. Sheppard, Wanmin Wu, Zhenyu Yang, Klara Nahrstedt, L. Wymore, Gregorij Kurillo, Ruzena Bajcsy, K. Mezur: New digital options in geographically distributed dance collaborations with TEEVE: tele-immersive environments for everybody. ACM Multimedia 2007: 1085-1086
89EEWanmin Wu, Zhenyu Yang, Klara Nahrstedt, Gregorij Kurillo, Ruzena Bajcsy: Towards multi-site collaboration in tele-immersive environments. ACM Multimedia 2007: 767-770
88EEZhenyu Yang, Wanmin Wu, Klara Nahrstedt, Gregorij Kurillo, Ruzena Bajcsy: ViewCast: view dissemination and management for multi-party 3d tele-immersive environments. ACM Multimedia 2007: 882-891
87EERuzena Bajcsy: Distributed Wireless Sensors on the Human Body. BIBE 2007: 1448
86 Rosen Diankov, Ruzena Bajcsy: Real-time adaptive point splatting for noisy point clouds. GRAPP (GM/R) 2007: 228-234
85EESumitra Ganesh, Aaron D. Ames, Ruzena Bajcsy: Composition of Dynamical Systems for Estimation of Human Body Dynamics. HSCC 2007: 702-705
84EEAntti Vehkaoja, Mari Zakrzewski, Jukka Lekkala, Sameer Iyengar, Ruzena Bajcsy, Steven Glaser, Shankar Sastry, Roozbeh Jafari: A resource optimized physical movement monitoring scheme for environmental and on-body sensor networks. HealthNet 2007: 64-66
83EEJyh-Ming Lien, Gregorij Kurillo, Ruzena Bajcsy: Skeleton-Based Data Compression for Multi-camera Tele-Immersion System. ISVC (1) 2007: 714-723
82EESubhransu Maji, Ruzena Bajcsy: Fast unsupervised alignment of video and text for indexing/names and faces. MS 2007: 57-64
81EEVolkan Isler, Bradford Wilson, Ruzena Bajcsy: Building a 3D Virtual Museum of Native American Baskets. 3DPVT 2006: 954-961
80EEZhenyu Yang, Bin Yu, Wanmin Wu, Ross Diankov, Ruzena Bajcsy: Collaborative dancing in tele-immersive environment. ACM Multimedia 2006: 723-726
79EERuzena Bajcsy, Sang-Hack Yung, Orion Elenzil, Bradford Wilson: New Collaborative Tools. C5 2006: 120-125
78EESang-Hack Jung, Ruzena Bajcsy: Learning Physical Activities in Immersive Virtual Environments. ICVS 2006: 5
77EEZhenyu Yang, Bin Yu, Wanmin Wu, Klara Nahrstedt, Ross Diankov, Ruzena Bajcsy: A Study of Collaborative Dancing in Tele-immersive Environments. ISM 2006: 177-184
76EEZhenyu Yang, Bin Yu, Klara Nahrstedt, Ruzena Bajcsy: A multi-stream adaptation framework for bandwidth management in 3D tele-immersion. NOSSDAV 2006: 14
75EEShih-Schön Lin, Ruzena Bajcsy: Single-View-Point Omnidirectional Catadioptric Cone Mirror Imager. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(5): 840-845 (2006)
74EESang-Hack Jung, Ruzena Bajcsy: A Framework for Constructing Real-time Immersive Environments for Training Physical Activities. Journal of Multimedia 1(7): 9-17 (2006)
73EEJ. Mikael Eklund, Ruzena Bajcsy, Jonathan Sprinkle, Gregory V. Simpson: Computing MEG Signal Sources. CSB Workshops 2005: 332-338
72EEVolkan Isler, Ruzena Bajcsy: The sensor selection problem for bounded uncertainty sensing models. IPSN 2005: 151-158
71EEZhenyu Yang, Klara Nahrstedt, Yi Cui, Bin Yu, Jin Liang, Sang-Hack Jung, Ruzena Bajcsy: TEEVE: The Next Generation Architecture for Tele-immersive Environment. ISM 2005: 112-119
70EERuzena Bajcsy: Position Statement: Robotics Science. ISRR 2005: 583-585
69EECheng Tien Ee, Ruzena Bajcsy: Congestion control and fairness for many-to-one routing in sensor networks. SenSys 2004: 148-161
68EERuzena Bajcsy, Terry Benzel, Matt Bishop, Robert Braden, Carla E. Brodley, Sonia Fahmy, Sally Floyd, W. Hardaker, Anthony D. Joseph, George Kesidis, Karl N. Levitt, Robert Lindell, Peng Liu, David Miller, Russ Mundy, Cliford Neuman, Ron Ostrenga, Vern Paxson, Phillip A. Porras, Catherine Rosenberg, J. Doug Tygar, Shankar Sastry, Daniel F. Sterne, Shyhtsun Felix Wu: Cyber defense technology networking and evaluation. Commun. ACM 47(3): 58-61 (2004)
67EERuzena Bajcsy, Rick McGeer: CITRIS and data and knowledge engineering: What is old and what is new? Data Knowl. Eng. 50(3): 261-276 (2004)
66 Shih-Schön Lin, Ruzena Bajcsy: High resolution catadioptric omni-directional stereo sensor for robot vision. ICRA 2003: 1694-1699
65EERuzena Bajcsy: Session Summary. ISRR 2003: 455
64EERuzena Bajcsy: Digital Anatomy Atlas and Its Registration to MRI, fMRI, PET: The Past Presents a Future. WBIR 2003: 201-211
63 Anne Fitzpatrick, Janet Abbate, Frank S. Preston, Lucy Slater, Mary Lee Berners-Lee, Jean E. Sammet, Dame Stephanie Shirley, Ruzena Bajcsy, Ann C. Hardy, Adele Goldberg, Anita Borg: Anecdotes. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 25(4): (2003)
62 Shankar Sastry, Janos Sztipanovits, Ruzena Bajcsy, H. Gill: Scanning the issue - special issue on modeling and design of embedded software. Proceedings of the IEEE 91(1): 3-10 (2003)
61EERuzena Bajcsy: Overview of CITRIS for the IEEE LCN Conference. LCN 2002: 3-6
60EERuzena Bajcsy, Craig Reynolds: Computer science: the science of and about information and computation. Commun. ACM 45(3): 94-98 (2002)
59 Shih-Schön Lin, Ruzena Bajcsy: True Single View Point Cone Mirror Omni-Directional Catadioptric System. ICCV 2001: 102-107
58EER. Andrew Hicks, Ruzena Bajcsy: Reflective surfaces as computational sensors. Image Vision Comput. 19(11): 773-777 (2001)
57EERuzena Bajcsy: IT2: an information technology initiative for the twenty-first century - NSF plans for implementation. CSCW 2000: 359
56EER. Andrew Hicks, Ruzena Bajcsy: Catadioptric Sensors that Approximate Wide-Angle Perspective Projections. CVPR 2000: 1545-1551
55EESteven S. Beauchemin, Ruzena Bajcsy: Modelling and Removing Radial and Tangential Distortions in Spherical Lenses. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 2000: 1-21
54EEDaniel C. Alexander, James C. Gee, Ruzena Bajcsy: Similarity Measures for Matching Diffusion Tensor Images. BMVC 1999
53EER. Andrew Hicks, David Pettey, Konstantinos Daniilidis, Ruzena Bajcsy: Complex Analysis for Reconstruction from Controlled Motion. CAIP 1999: 301-310
52EEDaniel C. Alexander, James C. Gee, Ruzena Bajcsy: Elastic Matching of Diffusion Tensor MRIs. CVPR 1999: 1244-1249
51EEElli Angelopoulou, Sang Wook Lee, Ruzena Bajcsy: Spectral Gradient: A Material Descriptor Invariant to Geometry and Incident Illumination. ICCV 1999: 861-867
50 Daniel C. Alexander, James C. Gee, Ruzena Bajcsy: Strategies for Data Reorientation during Non-rigid Warps of Diffusion Tensor Images. MICCAI 1999: 463-472
49 Ruzena Bajcsy, Edward W. Large: When and Where Will AI Meet Robotics? Issues in Representation. AI Magazine 20(3): 57-65 (1999)
48EEEdward W. Large, Henrik I. Christensen, Ruzena Bajcsy: Scaling the Dynamic Approach to Path Planning and Control: Competition among Behavioral Constraints. I. J. Robotic Res. 18(1): 37-58 (1999)
47 Radim Sára, Ruzena Bajcsy: Fish-Scales: Representing Fuzzy Manifolds. ICCV 1998: 811-817
46 Steven S. Beauchemin, Ruzena Bajcsy: Recent Advances in Motion Understanding. IVCNZ 1998: 29-37
45 Steven S. Beauchemin, Ruzena Bajcsy: The Role of Theory in the Evaluation of Image Motion Algorithms. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 1998: 55-67
44EERuzena Bajcsy, Richard Pito: Data Acquisition and Representation of Mechanical Parts and Interfaces to Manufacturing Devices. 3DIM 1997: 2-10
43 Jeffrey Mendelsohn, Eero P. Simoncelli, Ruzena Bajcsy: Discrete-Time Rigidity-Constrained Optical Flow. CAIP 1997: 255-262
42EERadim Sára, Ruzena Bajcsy: On Occluding Contour Artifacts in Stereo Vision. CVPR 1997: 852-857
41 James C. Gee, David R. Haynor, Lionel Le Briquer, Ruzena Bajcsy: Advances in elastic matching theory and its implementation. CVRMed 1997: 63-72
40 Edward W. Large, Henrik I. Christensen, Ruzena Bajcsy: Scaling the Dynamic Approach to Autonomous Path Planning: Planning Horizon Dynamics. IJCAI 1997: 1360-1365
39EEIoannis A. Kakadiaris, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Ruzena Bajcsy: Inferring 2D Object Structure from the Deformation of Apparent Contours. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 65(2): 129-147 (1997)
38EEPéter L. Venetianer, Edward W. Large, Ruzena Bajcsy: A methodology for evaluation of task performance in robotic systems: a case study in vision-based localization. Mach. Vis. Appl. 9(5/6): 304-320 (1997)
37EEJana Kosecká, Henrik I. Christensen, Ruzena Bajcsy: Experiments in behavior composition. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 19(3-4): 287-298 (1997)
36 Edward W. Large, Henrik I. Christensen, Ruzena Bajcsy: Using Competition Between Task Constraints to Scale the Dynamical Systems Approach to Planning and Control. Intelligent Robots 1996: 33-52
35 Vijay Kumar, Ruzena Bajcsy, William Harwin, Patrick Harker: Rapid Design and Prototyping of Customized Rehabilitation Aids. Commun. ACM 39(2): 55-61 (1996)
34EERuzena Bajcsy, Sang Wook Lee, Ales Leonardis: Detection of diffuse and specular interface reflections and inter-reflections by color image segmentation. International Journal of Computer Vision 17(3): 241-272 (1996)
33EETarek M. Sobh, Ruzena Bajcsy: A discrete event framework for autonomous observation under uncertainty. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 16(4): 315-385 (1996)
32 Marcos Salganicoff, Lyle H. Ungar, Ruzena Bajcsy: Active Learning for Vision-Based Robot Grasping. Machine Learning 23(2-3): 251-278 (1996)
31 Anthony Hoogs, Ruzena Bajcsy: Segmentation Modeling. CAIP 1995: 808-813
30 Ruzena Bajcsy, Jana Kosecká: The Problem of Signal and Symbol Integration: A Study of Cooperative Mobile Autonomous Agents Behaviors. DAGM-Symposium 1995: 618-633
29EEGareth Funka-Lea, Ruzena Bajcsy: Combining Color and Geometry for the Active, Visual Recognition of Shadows. ICCV 1995: 203-209
28 Michele Rucci, Ruzena Bajcsy: Learning Visuo-Tactile Coordination in Robotic Systems. ICRA 1995: 2678-2683
27 Ruzena Bajcsy, Jana Kosecká: The Problem of Signal and Symbol Integration: A Study of Cooperative Mobile Autonomous Agent Behaviors. KI 1995: 49-64
26 Ruzena Bajcsy: Signal-to-Symbol Transformation and Vice Versa: From Fundamental Processes to Representation. ACM Comput. Surv. 27(3): 310-313 (1995)
25EELuca Bogoni, Ruzena Bajcsy: Interactive Recognition and Representation of Functionality. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 62(2): 194-214 (1995)
24EEJana Kosecka, Henrik I. Christensen, Ruzena Bajcsy: Discrete event modeling of visually guided behaviors. International Journal of Computer Vision 14(2): 179-191 (1995)
23EEAles Leonardis, Alok Gupta, Ruzena Bajcsy: Segmentation of range images as the search for geometric parametric models. International Journal of Computer Vision 14(3): 253-277 (1995)
22 Visa Koivunen, Ruzena Bajcsy: Spline Representations in 3-D Vision. Object Representation in Computer Vision 1994: 177-190
21EEJana Kosecká, Ruzena Bajcsy: Discrete Event Systems for autonomous mobile agents. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 12(3-4): 187-198 (1994)
20EELuca Bogoni, Ruzena Bajcsy: Functionality investigation using a discrete event system approach. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 13(3): 173-196 (1994)
19 Gareth Funka-Lea, Ruzena Bajcsy: Active Color Image Analysis for Recognizing Shadows. IJCAI 1993: 1573-1578
18 Visa Koivunen, Jean-Marc Vézien, Ruzena Bajcsy: Procedural CAD Models from Range Data. Towards World Class Manufacturing 1993: 87-100
17EEBenjamin W. Wah, Thomas S. Huang, Aravind K. Joshi, Dan I. Moldovan, Yiannis Aloimonos, Ruzena Bajcsy, Dana H. Ballard, Doug DeGroot, Kenneth DeJong, Charles R. Dyer, Scott E. Fahlman, Ralph Grishman, Lynette Hirschman, Richard E. Korf, Stephen E. Levinson, Daniel P. Miranker, N. H. Morgan, Sergei Nirenburg, Tomaso Poggio, Edward M. Riseman, Craig Stanfil, Salvatore J. Stolfo, Steven L. Tanimoto, Charles C. Weems: Report on Workshop on High Performance Computing and Communications for Grand Challenge Applications: Computer Vision, Speech and Natural Language Processing, and Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(1): 138-154 (1993)
16EEJasna Maver, Ruzena Bajcsy: Occlusions as a Guide for Planning the Next View. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(5): 417-433 (1993)
15EEEric Krotkov, Ruzena Bajcsy: Active vision for reliable ranging: Cooperating focus, stereo, and vergence. International Journal of Computer Vision 11(2): 187-203 (1993)
14 Ales Leonardis, Ruzena Bajcsy: Finding Parametric Curves in an Image. ECCV 1992: 653-657
13 Sang Wook Lee, Ruzena Bajcsy: Detection of Specularity Using Color and Multiple Views. ECCV 1992: 99-114
12EESang Wook Lee, Ruzena Bajcsy: Detection of specularity using colour and multiple views. Image Vision Comput. 10(10): 643-653 (1992)
11EEFranc Solina, Ruzena Bajcsy: Recovery of Parametric Models from Range Images: The Case for Superquadrics with Global Deformations. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 12(2): 131-147 (1990)
10EERuzena Bajcsy, Stanislav Kovacic: Multiresolution elastic matching. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 46(1): 1-21 (1989)
9 Franc Solina, Ruzena Bajcsy: Range Image Interpretation of Mail Pieces with Superquadrics. AAAI 1987: 733-737
8 Peter K. Allen, Ruzena Bajcsy: Object Recognition Using Vision and Touch. IJCAI 1985: 1131-1137
7 Ruzena Bajcsy, Aravind K. Joshi, Eric Krotkov, Amy E. Zwarico: LandScan: A Natural Language and Computer Vision System for Analyzing Aerial Images. IJCAI 1985: 919-921
6EEChengke Wu, D. Q. Wang, Ruzena Bajcsy: Acquiring 3-D spatial data of a real object. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 28(1): 126-133 (1984)
5 Gabor T. Herman, L. Axel, Ruzena Bajcsy, H. Kundel, R. LeVeen, Jayaram K. Udupa, G. Wolf: Model Driven Visualization of Coronary Arteries. IJCAI 1983: 1128-1131
4EEBarry I. Soroka, Russell L. Andersson, Ruzena Bajcsy: Generalised cylinders from local aggregation of sections. Pattern Recognition 13(5): 353-363 (1981)
3 Ruzena Bajcsy, Barry I. Soroka: Steps Towards the Representation of Complex Three- Dimensional Objects. IJCAI 1977: 596
2EERuzena Bajcsy, Amnon Tidhar: Using a structured world model in flexible recognition of two dimensional patterns. Pattern Recognition 9(1): 1-10 (1977)
1 Ruzena Bajcsy: Computer Description of Textured Surfaces. IJCAI 1973: 572-579

Coauthor Index

1Janet Abbate [63]
2Daniel C. Alexander [50] [52] [54]
3Peter K. Allen [8]
4Yiannis Aloimonos [17]
5Aaron D. Ames [85]
6Russell L. Andersson [4]
7Elli Angelopoulou [51]
8L. Axel [5]
9Dana H. Ballard [17]
10Steven S. Beauchemin [45] [46] [55]
11Terry Benzel [68]
12Mary Lee Berners-Lee [63]
13Matt Bishop [68]
14Luca Bogoni [20] [25]
15Anita Borg [63]
16Robert Braden [68]
17Lionel Le Briquer [41]
18Carla E. Brodley [68]
19Henrik I. Christensen [24] [36] [37] [40] [48]
20Yi Cui [71]
21Kostas Daniilidis (Konstantinos Daniilidis) [53]
22Doug DeGroot [17]
23Kenneth DeJong [17]
24Rosen Diankov [86]
25Ross Diankov [77] [80]
26Charles R. Dyer [17]
27Cheng Tien Ee [69]
28J. Mikael Eklund [73]
29Orion Elenzil [79]
30Scott E. Fahlman [17]
31Sonia Fahmy [68]
32Anne Fitzpatrick [63]
33Sally Floyd [68]
34Gareth Funka-Lea [19] [29]
35Sumitra Ganesh [85] [92]
36James C. Gee [41] [50] [52] [54]
37H. Gill [62]
38Steven Glaser [84]
39Adele Goldberg [63]
40Ralph Grishman [17]
41Alok Gupta [23]
42W. Hardaker [68]
43Ann C. Hardy [63]
44Patrick Harker [35]
45William S. Harwin (William Harwin) [35]
46David R. Haynor [41]
47Gabor T. Herman [5]
48R. Andrew Hicks [53] [56] [58]
49Lynette Hirschman [17]
50Anthony Hoogs [31]
51Thomas S. Huang [17]
52Volkan Isler [72] [81]
53Sameer Iyengar [84]
54Roozbeh Jafari [84]
55Anthony D. Joseph [68]
56Aravind K. Joshi [7] [17]
57Sang-Hack Jung [71] [74] [78]
58Ioannis A. Kakadiaris [39]
59George Kesidis [68]
60Visa Koivunen [18] [22]
61Richard E. Korf [17]
62Jana Kosecka (Jana Kosecká) [21] [24] [27] [30] [37]
63Stanislav Kovacic [10]
64Oliver Kreylos [91]
65Eric Krotkov [7] [15]
66Vijay Kumar [35]
67H. Kundel [5]
68Gregorij Kurillo [83] [88] [89] [90] [91] [93]
69Edward W. Large [36] [38] [40] [48] [49]
70R. LeVeen [5]
71Sang Wook Lee [12] [13] [34] [51]
72Jukka Lekkala [84]
73Ales Leonardis [14] [23] [34]
74Stephen E. Levinson [17]
75Karl N. Levitt [68]
76Jin Liang [71]
77Jyh-Ming Lien [83]
78Shih-Schön Lin [59] [66] [75]
79Robert Lindell [68]
80Peng Liu [68]
81Edgar Lobaton [93]
82Subhransu Maji [82]
83Jasna Maver [16]
84Rick McGeer [67]
85Jeffrey Mendelsohn [43]
86Dimitris N. Metaxas [39]
87K. Mezur [90]
88David Miller [68]
89Daniel P. Miranker (Dan Miranker) [17]
90Dan I. Moldovan [17]
91N. H. Morgan [17]
92Russ Mundy [68]
93Klara Nahrstedt [71] [76] [77] [88] [89] [90] [91]
94Cliford Neuman [68]
95Sergei Nirenburg [17]
96Ron Ostrenga [68]
97Vern Paxson [68]
98David Pettey [53]
99Richard Pito [44]
100Tomaso Poggio [17]
101Phillip A. Porras [68]
102Frank S. Preston [63]
103Craig Reynolds [60]
104Edward M. Riseman [17]
105Catherine Rosenberg [68]
106Michele Rucci [28]
107Marcos Salganicoff [32]
108Jean E. Sammet [63]
109Radim Sára [42] [47]
110Shankar Sastry (Shankar S. Sastry) [62] [68] [84]
111Renata M. Sheppard [90]
112Dame Stephanie Shirley [63]
113Eero P. Simoncelli [43]
114Gregory V. Simpson [73]
115Lucy Slater [63]
116Tarek M. Sobh [33]
117Franc Solina [9] [11]
118Barry I. Soroka [3] [4]
119Jonathan Sprinkle [73]
120Craig Stanfil [17]
121Daniel F. Sterne [68]
122Salvatore J. Stolfo [17]
123Janos Sztipanovits [62]
124Steven L. Tanimoto [17]
125Amnon Tidhar [2]
126J. Doug Tygar (J. D. Tygar) [68]
127Jayaram K. Udupa [5]
128Lyle H. Ungar [32]
129Ramanarayan Vasudevan [93]
130Antti Vehkaoja [84]
131Péter L. Venetianer [38]
132Jean-Marc Vézien [18]
133Benjamin W. Wah [17]
134D. Q. Wang [6]
135Charles C. Weems [17]
136Bradford Wilson [79] [81]
137G. Wolf [5]
138Chengke Wu [6]
139Shyhtsun Felix Wu [68]
140Wanmin Wu [77] [80] [88] [89] [90]
141L. Wymore [90]
142Zhenyu Yang [71] [76] [77] [80] [88] [89] [90]
143Bin Yu [71] [76] [77] [80]
144Sang-Hack Yung [79]
145Mari Zakrzewski [84]
146Amy E. Zwarico [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)