
Jonathan Schug

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8EEJonathan Schug, Max Mintz, Christian J. Stoeckert Jr.: Data Integration and Pattern-Finding in Biological Sequence with TESS's Annotation Grammar and Extraction Language (AnGEL). DILS 2007: 188-203
7EEJoan M. Mazzarelli, John Brestelli, Regina K. Gorski, Junmin Liu, Elisabetta Manduchi, Deborah F. Pinney, Jonathan Schug, Peter White, Klaus H. Kaestner, Christian J. Stoeckert Jr.: EPConDB: a web resource for gene expression related to pancreatic development, beta-cell function and diabetes. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 751-755 (2007)
6 Amit Bahl, Brian P. Brunk, Jonathan Crabtree, Martin J. Fraunholz, Bindu Gajria, Gregory R. Grant, Hagai Ginsburg, Dinesh Gupta, Jessica C. Kissinger, Philip Labo, Li Li, Matthew D. Mailman, Arthur J. Milgram, David S. Pearson, David S. Roos, Jonathan Schug, Christian J. Stoeckert Jr., Patricia L. Whetzel: PlasmoDB: the Plasmodium genome resource. A database integrating experimental and computational data. Nucleic Acids Research 31(1): 212-215 (2003)
5EERajeev Alur, Calin Belta, Franjo Ivancic, Vijay Kumar, Harvey Rubin, Jonathan Schug, Oleg Sokolsky, Jonathan Webb: Visual Programming for Modeling and Simulation of Biomolecular Regulatory Networks. HiPC 2002: 702-712
4 Amit Bahl, Brian P. Brunk, Ross L. Coppel, Jonathan Crabtree, Sharon J. Diskin, Martin J. Fraunholz, Gregory R. Grant, Dinesh Gupta, Robert L. Huestis, Jessica C. Kissinger, Philip Labo, Li Li, Shannon K. McWeeney, Arthur J. Milgram, David S. Roos, Jonathan Schug, Christian J. Stoeckert Jr.: PlasmoDB: the Plasmodium genome resource. An integrated database providing tools for accessing, analyzing and mapping expression and sequence data (both finished and unfinished). Nucleic Acids Research 30(1): 87-90 (2002)
3 Christian J. Stoeckert Jr., Angel Pizarro, Elisabetta Manduchi, M. Gibson, Brian P. Brunk, Jonathan Crabtree, Jonathan Schug, Shai Shen-Orr, G. Christian Overton: A relational schema for both array-based and SAGE gene expression experiments. Bioinformatics 17(4): 300-308 (2001)
2EESusan B. Davidson, Jonathan Crabtree, Brian P. Brunk, Jonathan Schug, Val Tannen, G. Christian Overton, Christian J. Stoeckert Jr.: K2/Kleisli and GUS: Experiments in integrated access to genomic data sources. IBM Systems Journal 40(2): 512-531 (2001)
1 Jonathan Schug, G. Christian Overton: Modeling Transcription Factor Binding Sites with Gibbs Sampling and Minimum Description Length Encoding. ISMB 1997: 268-271

Coauthor Index

1Rajeev Alur [5]
2Amit Bahl [4] [6]
3Calin Belta [5]
4John Brestelli [7]
5Brian P. Brunk [2] [3] [4] [6]
6Ross L. Coppel [4]
7Jonathan Crabtree [2] [3] [4] [6]
8Susan B. Davidson [2]
9Sharon J. Diskin [4]
10Martin J. Fraunholz [4] [6]
11Bindu Gajria [6]
12M. Gibson [3]
13Hagai Ginsburg [6]
14Regina K. Gorski [7]
15Gregory R. Grant [4] [6]
16Dinesh Gupta [4] [6]
17Robert L. Huestis [4]
18Franjo Ivancic [5]
19Klaus H. Kaestner [7]
20Jessica C. Kissinger [4] [6]
21Vijay Kumar [5]
22Philip Labo [4] [6]
23Li Li [4] [6]
24Junmin Liu [7]
25Matthew D. Mailman [6]
26Elisabetta Manduchi [3] [7]
27Joan M. Mazzarelli [7]
28Shannon K. McWeeney [4]
29Arthur J. Milgram [4] [6]
30Max Mintz [8]
31G. Christian Overton [1] [2] [3]
32David S. Pearson [6]
33Deborah F. Pinney [7]
34Angel Pizarro [3]
35David S. Roos [4] [6]
36Harvey Rubin [5]
37Shai Shen-Orr [3]
38Oleg Sokolsky [5]
39Christian J. Stoeckert Jr. [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
40Val Tannen (Valeriu Breazu, Val Breazu-Tannen) [2]
41Jonathan Webb [5]
42Patricia L. Whetzel [6]
43Peter White [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)