
John P. Hayes

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148EESmita Krishnaswamy, Stephen Plaza, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: Signature-Based SER Analysis and Design of Logic Circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 28(1): 74-86 (2009)
147EESmita Krishnaswamy, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: On the role of timing masking in reliable logic circuit design. DAC 2008: 924-929
146EESungsoon Cho, John P. Hayes: Optimizing router locations for minimum-energy wireless networks. LCN 2008: 544-546
145EESmita Krishnaswamy, George F. Viamontes, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: Probabilistic transfer matrices in symbolic reliability analysis of logic circuits. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 13(1): (2008)
144EESmita Krishnaswamy, Stephen Plaza, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: Enhancing design robustness with reliability-aware resynthesis and logic simulation. ICCAD 2007: 149-154
143EEGeorge F. Viamontes, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: Checking equivalence of quantum circuits and states. ICCAD 2007: 69-74
142EESungsoon Cho, John P. Hayes: Power-Aware Link Maintenance (PALM) for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. LCN 2007: 403-410
141EEJohn P. Hayes, Ilia Polian, Bernd Becker: An Analysis Framework for Transient-Error Tolerance. VTS 2007: 249-255
140EESmita Krishnaswamy, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: Tracking Uncertainty with Probabilistic Logic Circuit Testing. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 24(4): 312-321 (2007)
139EERamashis Das, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: On-Chip Test Generation Using Linear Subspaces. European Test Symposium 2006: 111-116
138EEFeng Gao, John P. Hayes: Exact and Heuristic Approaches to Input Vector Control for Leakage Power Reduction. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 25(11): 2564-2571 (2006)
137EEJoonhwan Yi, John P. Hayes: High-level delay test generation for modular circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 25(3): 576-590 (2006)
136EEFeng Gao, John P. Hayes: Gate Sizing and Vt Assignment for Active-Mode Leakage Power Reduction. J. Low Power Electronics 2(2): 230-239 (2006)
135EEAditya K. Prasad, Vivek V. Shende, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes, Ketan N. Patel: Data structures and algorithms for simplifying reversible circuits. JETC 2(4): 277-293 (2006)
134EEIlia Polian, Thomas Fiehn, Bernd Becker, John P. Hayes: A Family of Logical Fault Models for Reversible Circuits. Asian Test Symposium 2005: 422-427
133EEJohn P. Hayes: Faults and Tests in Quantum Circuits. Asian Test Symposium 2005
132EEFeng Gao, John P. Hayes: Total power reduction in CMOS circuits via gate sizing and multiple threshold voltages. DAC 2005: 31-36
131EESmita Krishnaswamy, George F. Viamontes, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: Accurate Reliability Evaluation and Enhancement via Probabilistic Transfer Matrices. DATE 2005: 282-287
130EENagarajan Kandasamy, Sherif Abdelwahed, Gregory C. Sharp, John P. Hayes: An Online Control Framework for Designing Self-Optimizing Computing Systems: Application to Power Management. Self-star Properties in Complex Information Systems 2005: 174-188
129EENagarajan Kandasamy, John P. Hayes, Brian T. Murray: Time-Constrained Failure Diagnosis in Distributed Embedded Systems: Application to Actuator Diagnosis. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(3): 258-270 (2005)
128EEAmit Chowdhary, John P. Hayes: Area-optimal technology mapping for field-programmable gate arrays based on lookup tables. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 24(7): 999-1013 (2005)
127EEJoonhwan Yi, John P. Hayes: The Coupling Model for Function and Delay Faults. J. Electronic Testing 21(6): 631-649 (2005)
126EEJohn P. Hayes, Ilia Polian, Bernd Becker: Testing for Missing-Gate Faults in Reversible Circuits. Asian Test Symposium 2004: 100-105
125EEGeorge F. Viamontes, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: High-Performance QuIDD-Based Simulation of Quantum Circuits. DATE 2004: 1354-1355
124EERajesh Venkatasubramanian, John P. Hayes: Discovering 1-FT Routes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. DSN 2004: 627-636
123EENagarajan Kandasamy, Sherif Abdelwahed, John P. Hayes: Self-Optimization in Computer Systems via On-Line Control: Application to Power Management. ICAC 2004: 54-61
122EEFeng Gao, John P. Hayes: Exact and heuristic approaches to input vector control for leakage power reduction. ICCAD 2004: 527-532
121EEFeng Gao, John P. Hayes: Gate Sizing and V{t} Assignment for Active-Mode Leakage Power Reduction. ICCD 2004: 258-264
120EEKetan N. Patel, John P. Hayes, Igor L. Markov: Fault testing for reversible circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(8): 1220-1230 (2004)
119EEJohn P. Hayes: Tutorial: basic concepts in quantum circuits. DAC 2003: 893
118EERajesh Venkatasubramanian, John P. Hayes, Brian T. Murray: Low-Cost On-Line Fault Detection Using Control Flow Assertions. IOLTS 2003: 137-143
117EEFeng Gao, John P. Hayes: ILP-based optimization of sequential circuits for low power. ISLPED 2003: 140-145
116EENagarajan Kandasamy, John P. Hayes, Brian T. Murray: Dependable Communication Synthesis for Distributed Embedded Systems. SAFECOMP 2003: 275-288
115EEKetan N. Patel, John P. Hayes, Igor L. Markov: Fault Testing for Reversible Circuits. VTS 2003: 410-416
114EERonald D. Blanton, John P. Hayes: On the properties of the input pattern fault model. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 8(1): 108-124 (2003)
113EEVivek V. Shende, Aditya K. Prasad, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: Synthesis of reversible logic circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 22(6): 710-722 (2003)
112EEFeng Gao, John P. Hayes: On-Line Monitor Design of Finite-State Machines. J. Electronic Testing 19(5): 537-548 (2003)
111EENagarajan Kandasamy, John P. Hayes, Brian T. Murray: Time-Constrained Failure Diagnosis in Distributed Embedded Systems. DSN 2002: 449-458
110EEVivek V. Shende, Aditya K. Prasad, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: Reversible logic circuit synthesis. ICCAD 2002: 353-360
109EEFeng Gao, John P. Hayes: On-Line Monitor Design of Finite-State Machines. IOLTW 2002: 74-78
108EEJohn P. Hayes: Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers. IPDPS 2002
107 Vivek V. Shende, Aditya K. Prasad, Igor L. Markov, John P. Hayes: Reversible Logic Circuit Synthesis. IWLS 2002: 125-130
106EEAmit Chowdhary, John P. Hayes: General technology mapping for field-programmable gate arrays based on lookup tables. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 7(1): 1-32 (2002)
105EEDimitris Nikolos, John P. Hayes, Michael Nicolaidis, Cecilia Metra: Guest Editorial. J. Electronic Testing 18(3): 259-260 (2002)
104EEHakan Yalcin, Robert Palermo, Mohammad Mortazavi, Cyrus Bamji, Karem A. Sakallah, John P. Hayes: An Advanced Timing Characterization Method Using Mode Dependency. DAC 2001: 657-660
103EEHyungwon Kim, John P. Hayes: Delay fault testing of IP-based designs via symbolic path modeling. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 9(5): 661-678 (2001)
102EEHyungwon Kim, John P. Hayes: Realization-independent ATPG for designs with unimplemented blocks. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 20(2): 290-306 (2001)
101EEHakan Yalcin, Mohammad Mortazavi, Robert Palermo, Cyrus Bamji, Karem A. Sakallah, John P. Hayes: Fast and accurate timing characterization using functionalinformation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 20(2): 315-331 (2001)
100EEHussain Al-Asaad, John P. Hayes: ESIM: A Multimodel Design Error and Fault Simulator for Logic Circuits. VTS 2000: 221-230
99EEAvaneendra Gupta, John P. Hayes: CLIP: integer-programming-based optimal layout synthesis of 2D CMOS cells. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 5(3): 510-547 (2000)
98EEDavid Van Campenhout, Trevor N. Mudge, John P. Hayes: Collection and Analysis of Microprocessor Design Errors. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 17(4): 51-60 (2000)
97EERonald D. Blanton, John P. Hayes: On the design of fast, easily testable ALU's. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 8(2): 220-223 (2000)
96EEHussain Al-Asaad, John P. Hayes: Logic Design Validation via Simulation and Automatic Test Pattern Generation. J. Electronic Testing 16(6): 575-589 (2000)
95EEDavid Van Campenhout, Trevor N. Mudge, John P. Hayes: High-Level Test Generation for Design Verification of Pipelined Microprocessors. DAC 1999: 185-188
94 Hyungwon Kim, John P. Hayes: Delay fault testing of IP-based designs via symbolic path modeling. ITC 1999: 1045-1054
93EENagarajan Kandasamy, John P. Hayes, Brian T. Murray: Tolerating Transient Faults in Statically Scheduled Safety-Critical Embedded Systems. SRDS 1999: 212-221
92EEAvaneendra Gupta, John P. Hayes: Near-Optimum Hierarchical Layout Synthesis of Two-Dimensional CMOS Cells. VLSI Design 1999: 453-459
91EEHyungwon Kim, John P. Hayes: Delay Fault Testing of Designs with Embedded IP Cores. VTS 1999: 160-167
90EEMark C. Hansen, Hakan Yalcin, John P. Hayes: Unveiling the ISCAS-85 Benchmarks: A Case Study in Reverse Engineering. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 16(3): 72-80 (1999)
89EEAvaneendra Gupta, John P. Hayes: Optimal 2-D cell layout with integrated transistor folding. ICCAD 1998: 128-135
88EEHyungwon Kim, John P. Hayes: High-coverage ATPG for datapath circuits with unimplemented blocks. ITC 1998: 577-586
87EEDavid Van Campenhout, Hussain Al-Asaad, John P. Hayes, Trevor N. Mudge, Richard B. Brown: High-level design verification of microprocessors via error modeling. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 3(4): 581-599 (1998)
86EEHussain Al-Asaad, Brian T. Murray, John P. Hayes: Online BIST for Embedded Systems. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 15(4): 17-24 (1998)
85 Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Brian T. Murray, John P. Hayes: Optimal Zero-Aliasing Space Compaction of Test Responses. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(11): 1171-1187 (1998)
84EEKrishnendu Chakrabarty, John P. Hayes: Zero-aliasing space compaction of test responses using multiple parity signatures. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 6(2): 309-313 (1998)
83EEHussain Al-Asaad, John P. Hayes, Brian T. Murray: Scalable Test Generators for High-Speed Datapath Circuits. J. Electronic Testing 12(1-2): 111-125 (1998)
82EEAvaneendra Gupta, John P. Hayes: CLIP: An Optimizing Layout Generator for Two-Dimensional CMOS Cells. DAC 1997: 452-455
81EERonald D. Blanton, John P. Hayes: The input pattern fault model and its application. ED&TC 1997: 628
80EEAmit Chowdhary, John P. Hayes: General Modeling and Technology-Mapping Technique for LUT-Based FPGAs. FPGA 1997: 43-49
79 Ronald D. Blanton, John P. Hayes: Properties of the Input Pattern Fault Model. ICCD 1997: 372-380
78 Avaneendra Gupta, John P. Hayes: A Hierarchical Technique for Minimum-Width Layout of Two-Dimensional CMOS Cells. VLSI Design 1997: 15-20
77EEHakan Yalcin, John P. Hayes: Event propagation conditions in circuit delay computation. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 2(3): 249-280 (1997)
76 Hung-Kuei Ku, John P. Hayes: Systematic Design of Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessors with Shared Buses. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(4): 439-455 (1997)
75EEHung-Kuei Ku, John P. Hayes: Connective Fault Tolerance in Multiple-Bus Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(6): 574-586 (1997)
74EEKrishnendu Chakrabarty, John P. Hayes: On the quality of accumulator-based compaction of test responses. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 16(8): 916-922 (1997)
73EER. D. (Shawn) Blanton, John P. Hayes: Testability Properties of Divergent Trees. J. Electronic Testing 11(3): 197-209 (1997)
72EEHakan Yalcin, John P. Hayes, Karem A. Sakallah: An approximate timing analysis method for datapath circuits. ICCAD 1996: 114-118
71EEAvaneendra Gupta, John P. Hayes: Width minimization of two-dimensional CMOS cells using integer programming. ICCAD 1996: 660-667
70EER. D. (Shawn) Blanton, John P. Hayes: Design of a fast, easily testable ALU. VTS 1996: 9-16
69 Brian T. Murray, John P. Hayes: Testing ICs: Getting to the Core of the Problem. IEEE Computer 29(11): 32-38 (1996)
68 Ronald D. Blanton, John P. Hayes: Testability of Convergent Tree Circuits. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(8): 950-963 (1996)
67EEKrishnendu Chakrabarty, John P. Hayes: Test response compaction using multiplexed parity trees. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(11): 1399-1408 (1996)
66EEKrishnendu Chakrabarty, John P. Hayes: Balance testing and balance-testable design of logic circuits. J. Electronic Testing 8(1): 71-86 (1996)
65EEFrank Harary, John P. Hayes: Node fault tolerance in graphs. Networks 27(1): 19-23 (1996)
64EEHung-Kuei Ku, John P. Hayes: Optimally edge fault-tolerant trees. Networks 27(3): 203-214 (1996)
63EEHussain Al-Asaad, John P. Hayes: Design verification via simulation and automatic test pattern generation. ICCAD 1995: 174-180
62EEAmit Chowdhary, John P. Hayes: Technology mapping for field-programmable gate arrays using integer programming. ICCAD 1995: 346-352
61EEHakan Yalcin, John P. Hayes: Hierarchical timing analysis using conditional delays. ICCAD 1995: 371-377
60 Mark C. Hansen, John P. Hayes: High-Level Test Generation Using Symbolic Scheduling. ITC 1995: 586-595
59 Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Brian T. Murray, John P. Hayes: Optimal Space Compaction of Test Responses. ITC 1995: 834-843
58EEMark C. Hansen, John P. Hayes: High-level test generation using physically-induced faults. VTS 1995: 20-28
57EEKrishnendu Chakrabarty, John P. Hayes: Cumulative balance testing of logic circuits. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 3(1): 72-83 (1995)
56EEKrishnendu Chakrabarty, John P. Hayes: DFBT: A Design-for-Testability Method Based on Balance Testing. DAC 1994: 351-357
55 Hung-Kuei Ku, John P. Hayes: Connectivity and Fault Tolerance of Multiple-Bus Systems. FTCS 1994: 372-381
54 Krishnendu Chakrabarty, John P. Hayes: Efficient Test-Response Compression for Multiple-Output Cicuits. ITC 1994: 501-510
53 Ronald D. Blanton, John P. Hayes: Efficient Testing of Tree Circuits. FTCS 1993: 176-185
52 Krishnendu Chakrabarty, John P. Hayes: Balance Testing of Logic Circuits. FTCS 1993: 350-359
51 Pinaki Mazumder, John P. Hayes: Guest Editor's Introduction: Testing and Improving the Testability of Multimegabit Memories. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 10(1): 6-7 (1993)
50 Ram Raghavan, John P. Hayes: Reducing Inerference Among Vector Accesses in Interleaved Memories. IEEE Trans. Computers 42(4): 471-483 (1993)
49EEMichael J. Batek, John P. Hayes: Test-Set Preserving Logic Transformations. DAC 1992: 454-458
48 Tze Chiang Lee, John P. Hayes: A Fault-Tolerant Communication Scheme for Hypercube Computers. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(10): 1242-1256 (1992)
47 Shantanu Dutt, John P. Hayes: Some Practical Issues in the Design of Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessors. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(5): 588-598 (1992)
46EEEduard Cerny, John P. Hayes, Nicholas C. Rumin: Accuracy of magnitude-class calculations in switch-level modeling. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 11(4): 443-452 (1992)
45 Tze Chiang Lee, John P. Hayes: Design of Gracefully Degradable Hypercube-Connected Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 14(4): 390-401 (1992)
44EERobert L. Maziasz, John P. Hayes: Exact Width and Height Minimization of CMOS Cells. DAC 1991: 487-493
43 Shantanu Dutt, John P. Hayes: Some Practical Issues in the Design of Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessors. FTCS 1991: 292-299
42 Ram Raghavan, John P. Hayes: Scalar-Vector Memory Interference in Vector Computers. ICPP (1) 1991: 180-187
41 Brian T. Murray, John P. Hayes: Test Propagation Through Modules and Circuits. ITC 1991: 748-757
40 Shantanu Dutt, John P. Hayes: Subcube Allocation in Hypercube Computers. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(3): 341-352 (1991)
39 Shantanu Dutt, John P. Hayes: Designing Fault-Tolerant System Using Automorphisms. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 12(3): 249-268 (1991)
38EERam Raghavan, John P. Hayes: On randomly interleaved memories. SC 1990: 49-58
37 Shantanu Dutt, John P. Hayes: On Designing and Reconfiguring k-Fault-Tolerant Tree Architectures. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(4): 490-503 (1990)
36EEBrian T. Murray, John P. Hayes: Hierarchical test generation using precomputed tests for modules. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 9(6): 594-603 (1990)
35EERobert L. Maziasz, John P. Hayes: Layout optimization of static CMOS functional cells. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 9(7): 708-719 (1990)
34EEDebashis Bhattacharya, John P. Hayes: Designing for high-level test generation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 9(7): 752-766 (1990)
33EEDebashis Bhattacharya, John P. Hayes: A hierarchical test generation methodology for digital circuits. J. Electronic Testing 1(2): 103-123 (1990)
32 Debashis Bhattacharya, Brian T. Murray, John P. Hayes: High-Level Test Generation for VLSI. IEEE Computer 22(4): 16-24 (1989)
31 Brian T. Murray, John P. Hayes: Hierarchical Test Generation Using Precomputed Tests for Modules. ITC 1988: 221-229
30 Raif M. Yanney, John P. Hayes: Fault Recovery in Distributed Processing Loop Networks. Computer Networks 15: 229-243 (1988)
29EEY. You, John P. Hayes: Implementation of VLSI self-testing by regularization. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 7(12): 1261-1271 (1988)
28EEMusaravakkam S. Krishnan, John P. Hayes: A normalized-area measure for VLSI layouts. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 7(3): 411-419 (1988)
27EER. L. Maiasz, John P. Hayes: Layout Optimization of CMOS Functional Cells. DAC 1987: 544-551
26 John P. Hayes, Trevor N. Mudge, Quentin F. Stout: Architecture of a Hypercube Supercomputer. ICPP 1986: 653-660
25 Raif M. Yanney, John P. Hayes: Distributed Recovery in Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(10): 871-879 (1986)
24 Musaravakkam S. Krishnan, John P. Hayes: An Array Layout Methodology for VLlSI Circuits. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(12): 1055-1067 (1986)
23 John P. Hayes: Uncertainty, Energy, and Multiple-Valued Logics. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(2): 107-114 (1986)
22 John P. Hayes: Pseudo-Boolean Logic Circuits. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(7): 602-612 (1986)
21EEJohn P. Hayes: Digital Simulation with Multiple Logic Values. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 5(2): 274-283 (1986)
20 Trevor N. Mudge, John P. Hayes, Gregory D. Buzzard, Donald C. Winsor: Analysis of Multiple-Bus Interconnection Networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 3(3): 328-343 (1986)
19EEJohn Paul Shen, John P. Hayes, Luigi Ciminiera, Angelo Serra: Fault-tolerance and performance analysis of beta-networks. Parallel Computing 3(3): 231-249 (1986)
18 Raif M. Yanney, John P. Hayes: Distributed Recovery in Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor Networks. ICDCS 1984: 514-525
17 John Paul Shen, John P. Hayes: Fault-Tolerance of Dynamic-Full-Access Interconnection Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(3): 241-248 (1984)
16EEJohn P. Hayes: Fault Modeling for Digital MOS Integrated Circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 3(3): 200-208 (1984)
15 Thirumalai Sridhar, John P. Hayes: Design of Easily Testable Bit-Sliced Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 30(11): 842-854 (1981)
14 Thirumalai Sridhar, John P. Hayes: A Functional Approach to Testing Bit-Sliced Microprocessors. IEEE Trans. Computers 30(8): 563-571 (1981)
13 John Paul Shen, John P. Hayes: Fault Tolerance of a Class of Connecting Networks. ISCA 1980: 61-71
12 Ayee Goundan, John P. Hayes: Design of Totally Fault Locatable Combinational Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(1): 33-44 (1980)
11 Ayee Goundan, John P. Hayes: Identification of Equivalent Faults in Logic Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(11): 978-985 (1980)
10 John P. Hayes: Testing Memories for Single-Cell Pattern-Sensitive Faults. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(3): 249-254 (1980)
9 John P. Hayes: Generation of Optimal Transition Count Tests. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(1): 36-41 (1978)
8 John P. Hayes: Path Complexity of Logic Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(5): 459-462 (1978)
7 John P. Hayes: Transition Count Testing of Combinational Logic Circuits. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(6): 613-620 (1976)
6 John P. Hayes: A Graph Model for Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(9): 875-884 (1976)
5 John P. Hayes: On the Properties of Irredundant Logic Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(9): 884-892 (1976)
4EEJohn P. Hayes: Enumeration of Fanout-Free Boolean Functions. J. ACM 23(4): 700-709 (1976)
3 John P. Hayes: Detection of Pattern-Sensitive Faults in Random-Access Memories. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(2): 150-157 (1975)
2EEJohn P. Hayes: The Fanout Structure of Switching Functions. J. ACM 22(4): 551-571 (1975)
1 John P. Hayes: Minimization of Fanout in Switching Networks FOCS 1974: 133-139

Coauthor Index

1Sherif Abdelwahed [123] [130]
2Hussain Al-Asaad [63] [83] [86] [87] [96] [100]
3Cyrus Bamji [101] [104]
4Michael J. Batek [49]
5Bernd Becker [126] [134] [141]
6Debashis Bhattacharya [32] [33] [34]
7R. D. (Shawn) Blanton (Ronald D. Blanton) [53] [68] [70] [73] [79] [81] [97] [114]
8Richard B. Brown [87]
9Gregory D. Buzzard [20]
10David Van Campenhout [87] [95] [98]
11Eduard Cerny [46]
12Krishnendu Chakrabarty [52] [54] [56] [57] [59] [66] [67] [74] [84] [85]
13Sungsoon Cho [142] [146]
14Amit Chowdhary [62] [80] [106] [128]
15Luigi Ciminiera [19]
16Ramashis Das [139]
17Shantanu Dutt [37] [39] [40] [43] [47]
18Thomas Fiehn [134]
19Feng Gao [109] [112] [117] [121] [122] [132] [136] [138]
20Ayee Goundan [11] [12]
21Avaneendra Gupta [71] [78] [82] [89] [92] [99]
22Mark C. Hansen [58] [60] [90]
23Frank Harary [65]
24Nagarajan Kandasamy [93] [111] [116] [123] [129] [130]
25Hyungwon Kim [88] [91] [94] [102] [103]
26Musaravakkam S. Krishnan [24] [28]
27Smita Krishnaswamy [131] [140] [144] [145] [147] [148]
28Hung-Kuei Ku [55] [64] [75] [76]
29Tze Chiang Lee [45] [48]
30R. L. Maiasz [27]
31Igor L. Markov [107] [110] [113] [115] [120] [125] [131] [135] [139] [140] [143] [144] [145] [147] [148]
32Robert L. Maziasz [35] [44]
33Pinaki Mazumder [51]
34Cecilia Metra [105]
35Mohammad Mortazavi [101] [104]
36Trevor N. Mudge [20] [26] [87] [95] [98]
37Brian T. Murray [31] [32] [36] [41] [59] [69] [83] [85] [86] [93] [111] [116] [118] [129]
38Michael Nicolaidis [105]
39Dimitris Nikolos [105]
40Robert Palermo [101] [104]
41Ketan N. Patel [115] [120] [135]
42Stephen Plaza [144] [148]
43Ilia Polian [126] [134] [141]
44Aditya K. Prasad [107] [110] [113] [135]
45Ram Raghavan [38] [42] [50]
46Nicholas C. Rumin [46]
47Karem A. Sakallah [72] [101] [104]
48Angelo Serra [19]
49Gregory C. Sharp [130]
50John Paul Shen [13] [17] [19]
51Vivek V. Shende [107] [110] [113] [135]
52Thirumalai Sridhar [14] [15]
53Quentin F. Stout [26]
54Rajesh Venkatasubramanian [118] [124]
55George F. Viamontes [125] [131] [143] [145]
56Donald C. Winsor [20]
57Hakan Yalcin [61] [72] [77] [90] [101] [104]
58Raif M. Yanney [18] [25] [30]
59Joonhwan Yi [127] [137]
60Y. You [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)