
Hussain Al-Asaad

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20EEJorge Campos, Hussain Al-Asaad: A Novel Mutation-Based Validation Paradigm for High-Level Hardware Descriptions. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(11): 1499-1512 (2008)
19 Hussain Al-Asaad: Efficient Global Fault Collapsing for Combinational Library Modules. CDES 2007: 37-43
18EEAhmed Sayed, Hussain Al-Asaad: A New Statistical Approach for Glitch Estimation in Combinational Circuits. ISCAS 2007: 1641-1644
17 Ahmed Sayed, Hussain Al-Asaad: Survey and Evaluation of Low-Power Flip-Flops. CDES 2006: 77-83
16EEJorge Campos, Hussain Al-Asaad: Circuit Profiling Mechanisms for High-Level {ATPG}. MTV 2006: 9-14
15 Hussain Al-Asaad, Ganesh Valliappan, Lourdes Ramirez: A Novel Functional Testing and Verification Technique for Logic Circuits. CDES 2005: 129-135
14 Hector Arteaga, Hussain Al-Asaad: On Increasing the Observability of Modern Microprocessors. CDES 2005: 91-96
13 Hussain Al-Asaad: EGFC: An exact global fault collapsing tool for combinational circuits. Circuits, Signals, and Systems 2005: 56-61
12EEJorge Campos, Hussain Al-Asaad: Search-Space Optimizations for High-Level ATPG. MTV 2005: 84-89
11 Ahmed Sayed, Hussain Al-Asaad: Survey and Evaluation of Low-Power Full-Adder Cells. ESA/VLSI 2004: 332-338
10 Hector Arteaga, Hussain Al-Asaad: Approaches for Monitoring Vectors on Microprocessor Buses. ESA/VLSI 2004: 393-398
9 Hussain Al-Asaad, Alireza Sarvi: Fault Tolerance for Multiprocessor Systems Via Time Redundant Task Scheduling. VLSI 2003: 51-57
8EEHussain Al-Asaad, John P. Hayes: ESIM: A Multimodel Design Error and Fault Simulator for Logic Circuits. VTS 2000: 221-230
7EEHussain Al-Asaad, John P. Hayes: Logic Design Validation via Simulation and Automatic Test Pattern Generation. J. Electronic Testing 16(6): 575-589 (2000)
6EEDavid Van Campenhout, Hussain Al-Asaad, John P. Hayes, Trevor N. Mudge, Richard B. Brown: High-level design verification of microprocessors via error modeling. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 3(4): 581-599 (1998)
5EEHussain Al-Asaad, Brian T. Murray, John P. Hayes: Online BIST for Embedded Systems. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 15(4): 17-24 (1998)
4EEHussain Al-Asaad, John P. Hayes, Brian T. Murray: Scalable Test Generators for High-Speed Datapath Circuits. J. Electronic Testing 12(1-2): 111-125 (1998)
3EEHussain Al-Asaad, John P. Hayes: Design verification via simulation and automatic test pattern generation. ICCAD 1995: 174-180
2 Hussain Al-Asaad, Mankuan Michael Vai, James Feldman: Distributed Reconfiguration of Fault Tolerant VLSI Mulipipeline Arrays with Constant Interstage Path Lengths. ICCD 1994: 75-78
1 Hussain Al-Asaad, Elias S. Manolakos: A Two-Phase Reconfiguration Strategy for Extracting Linear Arrays Out of Two-Dimensional Architectures. DFT 1993: 56-63

Coauthor Index

1Hector Arteaga [10] [14]
2Richard B. Brown [6]
3David Van Campenhout [6]
4Jorge Campos [12] [16] [20]
5James Feldman [2]
6John P. Hayes [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
7Elias S. Manolakos [1]
8Trevor N. Mudge [6]
9Brian T. Murray [4] [5]
10Lourdes Ramirez [15]
11Alireza Sarvi [9]
12Ahmed Sayed [11] [17] [18]
13Mankuan Michael Vai [2]
14Ganesh Valliappan [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)