
Eduard Cerny

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71EEEduard Cerny, Ashvin Dsouza, Kevin Harer, Pei-Hsin Ho, Hi-Keung Tony Ma: Supporting sequential assumptions in hybrid verification. ASP-DAC 2005: 1035-1038
70EEYing Xu, Xiaoyu Song, Eduard Cerny, Otmane Aït Mohamed: Model Checking for a First-Order Temporal Logic Using Multiway Decision Graphs (MDGs). Comput. J. 47(1): 71-84 (2004)
69EEOtmane Aït Mohamed, Xiaoyu Song, Eduard Cerny, Sofiène Tahar, Zijian Zhou: MDG-Based State Enumeration By Retiming And Circuit Transformation. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 13(5): 1111-1132 (2004)
68EEOtmane Aït Mohamed, Xiaoyu Song, Eduard Cerny: On the non-termination of M-based abstract state enumeration. Theor. Comput. Sci. 300(1-3): 161-179 (2003)
67EEYi Feng, Eduard Cerny: Term ordering problem on MDG. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2002: 160-165
66EEYi Feng, Eduard Cerny: Variable ordering on multiway decision graphs. ISCAS (5) 2002: 337-340
65EEJin Hou, Eduard Cerny: Model Reductions and a Case Study. FMCAD 2000: 299-315
64EEYing Xu, Eduard Cerny, Allan Silburt, A. Coady, Ying Liu, Philip Pownall: Practical Application of Formal Verification Techniques on a Frame Mux/Demux Chip from Nortel Semiconductors. CHARME 1999: 110-124
63EEEduard Cerny, Fen Jin: Verification of Real Time Controllers Against Timing Diagram Specifications Using Constraint Logic Programming. ICCD 1999: 32-39
62EEE. K. Ogoubi, Eduard Cerny: Synthesis of checker EFSMs from timing diagram specifications. ISCAS (1) 1999: 13-18
61EESophie Renault, Eduard Cerny: Improving Termination of MDG-Based Abstract State Enumeration via Term Schematization. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 23(2): (1999)
60EEAbdessatar Abderrahman, Eduard Cerny, Bozena Kaminska: Worst case tolerance analysis and CLP-based multifrequency test generation for analog circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 18(3): 332-345 (1999)
59EESofiène Tahar, Xiaoyu Song, Eduard Cerny, Zijian Zhou, Michel Langevin, Otmane Aït Mohamed: Modeling and formal verification of the Fairisle ATM switch fabricusing MDGs. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 18(7): 956-972 (1999)
58EESamir Boubezari, Eduard Cerny, Bozena Kaminska, Benoit Nadeau-Dostie: Testability analysis and test-point insertion in RTL VHDL specifications for scan-based BIST. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 18(9): 1327-1340 (1999)
57 Ying Xu, Eduard Cerny, Xiaoyu Song, Francisco Corella, Otmane Aït Mohamed: Model Checking for a First-Order Temporal Logic Using Multiway Decision Graphs. CAV 1998: 219-231
56EEMaroun Kassab, Eduard Cerny, Sidi Aourid, Thomas H. Krodel: Propagation of Last-Transition-Time Constraints in Gate-Level Timing Analysis. DATE 1998: 796-802
55EEEduard Cerny, Fen Jin: Verification of Real Time Controllers Against Timing Diagram Specifications Using Constraint Logic Programming. EUROMICRO 1998: 10229-10236
54EEFen Jin, Henrik Hulgaard, Eduard Cerny: Maximum Time Separation of Events in Cyclic Systems with Linear and Latest Timing Constraints. FMCAD 1998: 167-184
53EEOtmane Aït Mohamed, Eduard Cerny, Xiaoyu Song: MDG-based Verification by Retiming and Combinational Transformations. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1998: 356-361
52EEKarim Khordoc, Eduard Cerny: Semantics and verification of action diagrams with linear timing. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 3(1): 21-50 (1998)
51 Otmane Aït Mohamed, Xiaoyu Song, Eduard Cerny: On the non-termination of MDGs-based abstract state enumeration. CHARME 1997: 218-235
50EEPierre Girodias, Eduard Cerny: Interface timing verification with delay correlation using constraint logic programming. ED&TC 1997: 12-19
49 Eduard Cerny, Francisco Corella, Michel Langevin, Xiaoyu Song, Sofiène Tahar, Zijian Zhou: Verification with Abstract State Machines Using MDGs. Formal Hardware Verification 1997: 79-113
48EEAbdessatar Abderrahman, Eduard Cerny, Bozena Kaminska: CLP-based Multifrequency Test Generation for Analog Circuits. VTS 1997: 158-165
47 Francisco Corella, Zijian Zhou, Xiaoyu Song, Michel Langevin, Eduard Cerny: Multiway Decision Graphs for Automated Hardware Verification. Formal Methods in System Design 10(1): 7-46 (1997)
46EEJocelyn Cloutier, Eduard Cerny, F. Guertin: Model partitioning and the performance of distributed timewarp simulation of logic circuits. Simul. Pr. Theory 5(1): 83-99 (1997)
45EEPierre Girodias, Eduard Cerny, William J. Older: Solving Linear, Min and Max Constraint Systems Using CLP Based on Relational Interval Arithmetic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 173(1): 253-281 (1997)
44 K. D. Anon, N. Boulerice, Eduard Cerny, Francisco Corella, Michel Langevin, Xiaoyu Song, Sofiène Tahar, Ying Xu, Zijian Zhou: MDG Tools for the Verification of RTL Designs. CAV 1996: 433-436
43 Zijian Zhou, Xiaoyu Song, Sofiène Tahar, Eduard Cerny, Francisco Corella, Michel Langevin: Formal Verification of the Island Tunnel Controller Using Multiway Decision Graphs. FMCAD 1996: 233-247
42EESofiène Tahar, Zijian Zhou, Xiaoyu Song, Eduard Cerny, Michel Langevin: Formal Verification of an ATM Switch Fabric using Multiway Decision Graphs. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1996: 106-111
41EEMichel Langevin, Sofiène Tahar, Zijian Zhou, Xiaoyu Song, Eduard Cerny: Behavioral Verification of an ATM Switch Fabric using Implicit Abstract State Enumeration. ICCD 1996: 20-26
40EEMichel Langevin, Eduard Cerny: A recursive technique for computing lower-bound performance of schedules. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 1(4): 443-455 (1996)
39EEGuy Bois, Eduard Cerny: Efficient generation of diagonal constraints for 2-D mask compaction. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(9): 1119-1126 (1996)
38EEAbdessatar Abderrahman, Bozena Kaminska, Eduard Cerny: Optimization-based multifrequency test generation for analog circuits. J. Electronic Testing 9(1-2): 59-73 (1996)
37 Francisco Corella, Michel Langevin, Eduard Cerny, Zijian Zhou, Xiaoyu Song: State enumeration with abstract descriptions of state machines. CHARME 1995: 146-160
36 Pierre Girodias, Eduard Cerny, William J. Older: Solving Linear, Min and Max Constraint Systems Using CLP based on Relational Interval Arithmetic. CP 1995: 186-203
35EEZijian Zhou, Xiaoyu Song, Francisco Corella, Eduard Cerny, Michel Langevin: Partitioning transition relations efficiently and automatically. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1995: 106-111
34 Michel Langevin, Eduard Cerny, Jörg Wilberg, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus: Local microcode generation in system design. Code Generation for Embedded Processors 1994: 171-187
33 Michel Langevin, Eduard Cerny: An Extended OBDD Representation for Extended FSMs. EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC 1994: 208-213
32EEJindrich Zejda, Eduard Cerny: Gate-level timing verification using waveform narrowing. EURO-DAC 1994: 374-379
31 Karim Khordoc, Eduard Cerny: Modeling Cell Processing Hardware with Action Diagrams. ISCAS 1994: 245-248
30 Younès Karkouri, El Mostapha Aboulhamid, Eduard Cerny, Alain Verreault: Use of Fault Dropping for Multiple Fault Analysis. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(1): 98-103 (1994)
29 Jianli Sun, Eduard Cerny, Jan Gecsei: Fault Tolerance in a Class of Sorting Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(7): 827-837 (1994)
28 Karim Khordoc, Mario Dufresne, Eduard Cerny, P. A. Babkine, Allan Silburt: Integrating Behavior and Timing in Executable Specifications. CHDL 1993: 399-416
27 Michel Langevin, Eduard Cerny: A Recursive Technique for Computing Lower-Bound Performance of Schedules. ICCD 1993: 16-20
26EEEl Mostapha Aboulhamid, Younès Karkouri, Eduard Cerny: On the generation of test patterns for multiple faults. J. Electronic Testing 4(3): 237-253 (1993)
25 Eduard Cerny: Verification of I/O Trace Set Inclusion for a Class of Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines. ICCD 1992: 526-530
24EEMohamed Meknassi, El Mostapha Aboulhamid, Eduard Cerny: Algorithm for the graph-partitioning problem using a problem transformation method. Computer-Aided Design 24(7): 397-398 (1992)
23EEEduard Cerny, John P. Hayes, Nicholas C. Rumin: Accuracy of magnitude-class calculations in switch-level modeling. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 11(4): 443-452 (1992)
22 Michel Langevin, Eduard Cerny: Comparing Generic State Machines. CAV 1991: 466-476
21 Karim Khordoc, Mario Dufresne, Eduard Cerny: A Stimulus/Response System Based on Hierarchical Timing Diagrams. ICCAD 1991: 358-361
20 Eduard Cerny: A Compositional Transformation for Formal Verification. ICCD 1991: 240-244
19EEJean Paul Caisso, Eduard Cerny, Nicholas C. Rumin: A recursive technique for computing delays in series-parallel MOS transistor circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 10(5): 589-595 (1991)
18 Eduard Cerny, C. Mauras: Tautology Checking Using Cross-Controllability and Cross-Observability Relations. ICCAD 1990: 34-37
17EEJianli Sun, Jan Gecsei, Eduard Cerny: Fault-tolerance in balanced sorting networks. J. Electronic Testing 1(1): 31-41 (1990)
16 Eduard Cerny, Jan Gecsei: Functional Description of Connector-Switch-Attenuator Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(1): 111-114 (1988)
15 Christian Berthet, Eduard Cerny: An Algebraic Model for Asynchronous Circuits Verification. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(7): 835-847 (1988)
14EEL.-P. Demers, P. Jacques, S. Fauvel, Eduard Cerny: CHESHIRE: An Object-Oriented Integration of VLSI CAD Tools. DAC 1987: 750-756
13 Jan Gecsei, Eduard Cerny: Self-Adjusting Networks for VLSI Simulation. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(9): 1114-1120 (1987)
12 Behçet Sarikaya, Gregor von Bochmann, Eduard Cerny: A Test Design Methodology for Protocol Testing. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(5): 518-531 (1987)
11EEC. Roy, L.-P. Demers, Eduard Cerny, Jan Gecsei: An object-oriented swicth-level simulator. DAC 1985: 623-629
10EEEduard Cerny, Jan Gecsei: Simulation of MOS Circuits by Decision Diagrams. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 4(4): 685-693 (1985)
9 Gregor von Bochmann, Eduard Cerny, G. Gerber, Rachida Dssouli, Michel Maksud, B. H. Phan, Behçet Sarikaya, Jean-Marc Serre: Use of Formal Specifications for Protocol Design, Implementation and Testing. PSTV 1984: 137-144
8EEEduard Cerny: Some issues in protocol implementation testing. Computer Communication Review 14(2): 259-260 (1984)
7 El Mostapha Aboulhamid, Eduard Cerny: Built-In Testing of One-Dimensional Unilateral Iterative Arrays. IEEE Trans. Computers 33(6): 560-564 (1984)
6 El Mostapha Aboulhamid, Eduard Cerny: A Class of Test Generators for Built-In Testing. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(10): 957-959 (1983)
5 Gregor von Bochmann, Eduard Cerny, Michel Gagne, Claude Jard, Alain Léveillé, Clement Lacaille, Michel Maksud, K. S. Raghunathan, Behçet Sarikaya: Some Experience with the Use of Formal Specifications. PSTV 1982: 171-185
4 Eduard Cerny, Daniel Mange, Eduardo Sanchez: Synthesis of Minimal Binary Decision Trees. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(7): 472-482 (1979)
3 Eduard Cerny: Controllability and Fault Observability in Modular Combinational Circuits. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(10): 896-903 (1978)
2 Eduard Cerny, Miguel A. Marin: An Approach to Unified Methodology of Combinational Switching Circuits. IEEE Trans. Computers 26(8): 745-756 (1977)
1 Eduard Cerny: Comments on ``Equational Logic''. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(1): 102-103 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Abdessatar Abderrahman [38] [48] [60]
2El Mostapha Aboulhamid [6] [7] [24] [26] [30]
3K. D. Anon [44]
4Sidi Aourid [56]
5P. A. Babkine [28]
6Christian Berthet [15]
7Gregor von Bochmann [5] [9] [12]
8Guy Bois [39]
9Samir Boubezari [58]
10N. Boulerice [44]
11Jean Paul Caisso [19]
12Jocelyn Cloutier [46]
13A. Coady [64]
14Francisco Corella [35] [37] [43] [44] [47] [49] [57]
15L.-P. Demers [11] [14]
16Ashvin Dsouza [71]
17Rachida Dssouli [9]
18Mario Dufresne [21] [28]
19S. Fauvel [14]
20Yi Feng [66] [67]
21Michel Gagne [5]
22Jan Gecsei [10] [11] [13] [16] [17] [29]
23G. Gerber [9]
24Pierre Girodias [36] [45] [50]
25F. Guertin [46]
26Kevin Harer [71]
27John P. Hayes [23]
28Pei-Hsin Ho [71]
29Jin Hou [65]
30Henrik Hulgaard [54]
31P. Jacques [14]
32Claude Jard [5]
33Fen Jin [54] [55] [63]
34Bozena Kaminska [38] [48] [58] [60]
35Younès Karkouri [26] [30]
36Maroun Kassab [56]
37Karim Khordoc [21] [28] [31] [52]
38Thomas H. Krodel [56]
39Clement Lacaille [5]
40Michel Langevin [22] [27] [33] [34] [35] [37] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [47] [49] [59]
41Alain Léveillé [5]
42Ying Liu [64]
43Hi-Keung Tony Ma [71]
44Michel Maksud [5] [9]
45Daniel Mange [4]
46Miguel A. Marin [2]
47C. Mauras [18]
48Mohamed Meknassi [24]
49Otmane Aït Mohamed [51] [53] [57] [59] [68] [69] [70]
50Benoit Nadeau-Dostie [58]
51E. K. Ogoubi [62]
52William J. Older [36] [45]
53B. H. Phan [9]
54Philip Pownall [64]
55K. S. Raghunathan [5]
56Sophie Renault [61]
57C. Roy [11]
58Nicholas C. Rumin [19] [23]
59Eduardo Sanchez [4]
60Behçet Sarikaya [5] [9] [12]
61Jean-Marc Serre [9]
62Allan Silburt [28] [64]
63Xiaoyu Song [35] [37] [41] [42] [43] [44] [47] [49] [51] [53] [57] [59] [68] [69] [70]
64Jianli Sun [17] [29]
65Sofiène Tahar [41] [42] [43] [44] [49] [59] [69]
66Alain Verreault [30]
67Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus [34]
68Jörg Wilberg [34]
69Ying Xu [44] [57] [64] [70]
70Jindrich Zejda [32]
71Zijian Zhou [35] [37] [41] [42] [43] [44] [47] [49] [59] [69]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)