
Manuela M. Veloso

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226EERaquel Ros, Josep Lluís Arcos, Ramon López de Mántaras, Manuela M. Veloso: A case-based approach for coordinated action selection in robot soccer. Artif. Intell. 173(9-10): 1014-1039 (2009)
225 Douglas L. Vail, Manuela M. Veloso: Feature Selection for Activity Recognition in Multi-Robot Domains. AAAI 2008: 1415-1420
224 Colin McMillen, Manuela M. Veloso: Unknown Rewards in Finite-Horizon Domains. AAAI 2008: 963-968
223EESonia Chernova, Manuela M. Veloso: Teaching multi-robot coordination using demonstration of communication and state sharing. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1183-1186
222EEHarini Veeraraghavan, Manuela M. Veloso: Teaching sequential tasks with repetition through demonstration. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1357-1360
221EESonia Chernova, Manuela M. Veloso: Multi-thresholded approach to demonstration selection for interactive robot learning. HRI 2008: 225-232
220EEElisabeth Crawford, Manuela M. Veloso: Negotiation in Semi-cooperative Agreement Problems. IAT 2008: 252-258
219EEYang Gu, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning tactic-based motion models with fast particle smoothing. ICRA 2008: 3340-3345
218EENicholas Armstrong-Crews, Manuela M. Veloso: An approximate algorithm for solving oracular POMDPs. ICRA 2008: 3346-3352
217EEJames Bruce, Stefan Zickler, Mmichael Licitra, Manuela M. Veloso: CMDragons: Dynamic passing and strategy on a champion robot soccer team. ICRA 2008: 4074-4079
216EESonia Chernova, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning equivalent action choices from demonstration. IROS 2008: 1216-1221
215EEJinsu Liu, Manuela M. Veloso: Online ZMP sampling search for biped walking planning. IROS 2008: 185-190
214EEHarini Veeraraghavan, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning task specific plans through sound and visually interpretable demonstrations. IROS 2008: 2599-2604
213EEBrenna Argall, Brett Browning, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning robot motion control with demonstration and advice-operators. IROS 2008: 399-404
212EERune M. Jensen, Manuela M. Veloso, Randal E. Bryant: State-set branching: Leveraging BDDs for heuristic search. Artif. Intell. 172(2-3): 103-139 (2008)
211 Manuela M. Veloso: IJCAI 2007, Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hyderabad, India, January 6-12, 2007 IJCAI 2007
210 Colin McMillen, Manuela M. Veloso: Thresholded Rewards: Acting Optimally in Timed, Zero-Sum Games. AAAI 2007: 1250-1255
209 Raquel Ros, Manuela M. Veloso, Ramon López de Mántaras, Carles Sierra, Josep Lluís Arcos: Beyond Individualism: Modeling Team Playing Behavior in Robot Soccer through Case-Based Reasoning. AAAI 2007: 1671-1674
208EESarah Aboutalib, Manuela M. Veloso: Towards using multiple cues for robust object recognition. AAMAS 2007: 189
207EERaquel Ros, Manuela M. Veloso: Executing multi-robot cases through a single coordinator. AAMAS 2007: 215
206EESonia Chernova, Manuela M. Veloso: Confidence-based policy learning from demonstration using Gaussian mixture models. AAMAS 2007: 233
205EEDouglas L. Vail, Manuela M. Veloso, John D. Lafferty: Conditional random fields for activity recognition. AAMAS 2007: 235
204EEMaayan Roth, Reid G. Simmons, Manuela M. Veloso: Exploiting factored representations for decentralized execution in multiagent teams. AAMAS 2007: 72
203EEManuela M. Veloso: Learning to Select Team Strategies in Finite-Timed Zero-Sum Games. AI*IA 2007: 1
202EEYang Gu, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning Tactic-Based Motion Models of a Moving Object with Particle Filtering. CIRA 2007: 1-6
201EEPaul E. Rybski, Kevin Yoon, Jeremy Stolarz, Manuela M. Veloso: Interactive robot task training through dialog and demonstration. HRI 2007: 49-56
200EEBrenna Argall, Brett Browning, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning by demonstration with critique from a human teacher. HRI 2007: 57-64
199EERaquel Ros, Ramon López de Mántaras, Josep Lluís Arcos, Manuela M. Veloso: Team Playing Behavior in Robot Soccer: A Case-Based Reasoning Approach. ICCBR 2007: 46-60
198EEBrenna Argall, Brett Browning, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning to Select State Machines using Expert Advice on an Autonomous Robot. ICRA 2007: 2124-2129
197EENicholas Armstrong-Crews, Manuela M. Veloso: Oracular Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes: A Very Special Case. ICRA 2007: 2477-2482
196EESarah Aboutalib, Manuela M. Veloso: Simulation and weights of multiple cues for robust object recognition. IROS 2007: 2409-2414
195EEDouglas L. Vail, John D. Lafferty, Manuela M. Veloso: Feature selection in conditional random fields for activity recognition. IROS 2007: 3379-3384
194EEElisabeth Crawford, Manuela M. Veloso: An experts approach to strategy selection in multiagent meeting scheduling. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 15(1): 5-28 (2007)
193EESusana Fernández, Daniel Borrajo, Raquel Fuentetaja, Juan D. Arias, Manuela M. Veloso: PLTOOL: A knowledge engineering tool for planning and learning. Knowledge Eng. Review 22(2): 153-184 (2007)
192EEYang Gu, Manuela M. Veloso: Multi-model motion tracking under multiple team member actuators. AAMAS 2006: 449-456
191EEFernando Fernández, Manuela M. Veloso: Probabilistic policy reuse in a reinforcement learning agent. AAMAS 2006: 720-727
190EERaquel Ros, Manuela M. Veloso, Ramon López de Mántaras, Carles Sierra, Josep Lluís Arcos: Retrieving and Reusing Game Plays for Robot Soccer. ECCBR 2006: 47-61
189EEManuela M. Veloso, Paul E. Rybski, Felix von Hundelshausen: FOCUS: a generalized method for object discovery for robots that observe and interact with humans. HRI 2006: 102-109
188EEYang Gu, Manuela M. Veloso: Effective team-driven multi-model motion tracking. HRI 2006: 210-217
187EEBrenna Argall, Yang Gu, Brett Browning, Manuela M. Veloso: The first segway soccer experience: towards peer-to-peer human-robot teams. HRI 2006: 321-322
186 Fernando Fernández, Manuela M. Veloso: Reusing and Building a Policy Library. ICAPS 2006: 378-381
185EECarlos Vallespí, Fernando De la Torre, Manuela M. Veloso, Takeo Kanade: Automatic Clustering of Faces in Meetings. ICIP 2006: 1841-1844
184 Yang Gu, Manuela M. Veloso: Multi-model Tracking using Team Actuation Models. ICRA 2006: 2751-2756
183 Juan Fasola, Manuela M. Veloso: Real-time Object Detection using Segmented and Grayscale Images. ICRA 2006: 4088-4093
182 Edward Gil Jones, Brett Browning, M. Bernardine Dias, Brenna Argall, Manuela M. Veloso, Anthony Stentz: Dynamically formed Heterogeneous Robot Teams Performing Tightly-coordinated Tasks. ICRA 2006: 570-575
181EEYang Gu, Manuela M. Veloso: Team-Driven Multi-Model Motion Tracking with Communication. IROS 2006: 2839-2844
180EEFelix von Hundelshausen, Manuela M. Veloso: Active Monte Carlo Recognition. KI 2006: 229-243
179EERyota Nakanishi, James Bruce, Kazuhito Murakami, Tadashi Naruse, Manuela M. Veloso: Cooperative 3-Robot Passing and Shooting in the RoboCup Small Size League. RoboCup 2006: 418-425
178EEColin McMillen, Manuela M. Veloso: Distributed, Play-Based Coordination for Robot Teams in Dynamic Environments. RoboCup 2006: 483-490
177EEJames Bruce, Manuela M. Veloso: Real-Time Randomized Motion Planning for Multiple Domains. RoboCup 2006: 532-539
176 Manuela M. Veloso, Paul E. Rybski, Scott Lenser, Sonia Chernova, Douglas L. Vail: CMRoboBits: Creating an Intelligent AIBO Robot. AI Magazine 27(1): 67-82 (2006)
175EEPatrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: Coach planning with opponent models for distributed execution. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 13(3): 293-325 (2006)
174EEElisabeth Crawford, Manuela M. Veloso: Mechanism design for multi-agent meeting scheduling. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems 4(2): 209-220 (2006)
173 Manuela M. Veloso, Subbarao Kambhampati: Proceedings, The Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Seventeenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, July 9-13, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA AAAI Press / The MIT Press 2005
172EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Manuela M. Veloso: Bumping strategies for the multiagent agreement problem. AAMAS 2005: 390-396
171EEMaayan Roth, Reid G. Simmons, Manuela M. Veloso: Reasoning about joint beliefs for execution-time communication decisions. AAMAS 2005: 786-793
170EESonia Chernova, Elisabeth Crawford, Manuela M. Veloso: Acquiring Observation Models Through Reverse Plan Monitoring. EPIA 2005: 410-421
169EEElisabeth Crawford, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning to Select Negotiation Strategies in Multi-agent Meeting Scheduling. EPIA 2005: 584-595
168EEPaul E. Rybski, Manuela M. Veloso: Robust Real-Time Human Activity Recognition from Tracked Face Displacements. EPIA 2005: 87-98
167EEElisabeth Crawford, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning Dynamic Preferences in Multi-Agent Meeting Scheduling. IAT 2005: 487-490
166 Scott Lenser, Manuela M. Veloso: Non-Parametric Time Series Classification. ICRA 2005: 3918-3923
165 Fernando De la Torre, Carlos Vallespí, Paul E. Rybski, Manuela M. Veloso, Takeo Kanade: Learning to Track Multiple People in Omnidirectional Video. ICRA 2005: 4150-4155
164 Manuela M. Veloso, Subbarao Kambhampati: The Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AI Magazine 26(4): 100-101 (2005)
163 Pragnesh Jay Modi, Manuela M. Veloso, Stephen F. Smith, Jean Oh: CMRadar: A Personal Assistant Agent for Calendar Management. AAAI 2004: 1020-1021
162 Paul E. Rybski, Fernando De la Torre, Raju Patil, Carlos Vallespí, Manuela M. Veloso, Brett Browning: CAMEO: Modeling Human Activity in Formal Meeting Situations. AAAI 2004: 1032-1033
161 Brett Browning, Ling Xu, Manuela M. Veloso: Skill Acquisition and Use for a Dynamically-Balancing Soccer Robot. AAAI 2004: 599-604
160 Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: Advice Generation from Observed Execution: Abstract Markov Decision Process Learning. AAAI 2004: 631-637
159EEThuc Vu, Manuela M. Veloso: High-Level Behavior Programming. AAMAS 2004: 1384-1385
158EEJared Go, Brett Browning, Manuela M. Veloso: Accurate and Flexible Simulation for Dynamic, Vision-Centric Robot. AAMAS 2004: 1388-1389
157EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Manuela M. Veloso, Stephen F. Smith, Jean Oh: CMRadar: A Personal Assistant Agent for Calendar Management. AOIS 2004: 169-181
156EEElisabeth Crawford, Manuela M. Veloso: Mechanism Design for Multi-Agent Meeting Scheduling Including Time Preferences, Availability, and Value of Presence. IAT 2004: 253-259
155 Rune M. Jensen, Manuela M. Veloso, Randal E. Bryant: Fault Tolerant Planning: Toward Probabilistic Uncertainty Models in Symbolic Non-Deterministic Planning. ICAPS 2004: 335-344
154 Michael H. Bowling, Brett Browning, Manuela M. Veloso: Plays as Effective Multiagent Plans Enabling Opponent-Adaptive Play Selection. ICAPS 2004: 376-383
153EEPaul E. Rybski, Satanjeev Banerjee, Fernando De la Torre, Carlos Vallespí, Alexander I. Rudnicky, Manuela M. Veloso: Segmentation and classification of meetings using multiple information streams. ICMI 2004: 335-336
152EEPaul E. Rybski, Fernando De la Torre, Raju Patil, Carlos Vallespí, Manuela M. Veloso, Brett Browning: CAMEO: Camera Assisted Meeting Event Observer. ICRA 2004: 1634-1639
151EEBrett Browning, Paul E. Rybski, Jeremy Searock, Manuela M. Veloso: Development of a Soccer-playing Dynamically-balancing Mobile Robot. ICRA 2004: 1752-1757
150EESonia Chernova, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning and using Models of Kicking Motions for Legged Robots. ICRA 2004: 4651-4655
149EEJohn Davin, Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: CommLang: Communication for Coachable Agents. RobuCup 2004: 46-59
148EEJeremy Searock, Brett Browning, Manuela M. Veloso: Turning Segways into Robust Human-Scale Dynamically Balanced Soccer Robots. RobuCup 2004: 60-71
147EEMichael H. Bowling, Manuela M. Veloso: Existence of Multiagent Equilibria with Limited Agents. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 22: 353-384 (2004)
146EEPatrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: An overview of coaching with limitations. AAMAS 2003: 1110-1111
145EEThuc Vu, Jared Go, Gal A. Kaminka, Manuela M. Veloso, Brett Browning: MONAD: a flexible architecture for multi-agent control. AAMAS 2003: 449-456
144 Rune M. Jensen, Manuela M. Veloso, Randal E. Bryant: Guided Symbolic Universal Planning. ICAPS 2003: 123-132
143 Elly Winner, Manuela M. Veloso: DISTILL: Learning Domain-Specific Planners by Example. ICML 2003: 800-807
142 James Bruce, Manuela M. Veloso: Fast and accurate vision-based pattern detection and identification. ICRA 2003: 1277-1282
141 Scott Lenser, Manuela M. Veloso: Automatic detection and response to environmental change. ICRA 2003: 1416-1421
140 James Bruce, Michael H. Bowling, Brett Browning, Manuela M. Veloso: Multi-robot team response to a multi-robot opponent team. ICRA 2003: 2281-2286
139 Michael H. Bowling, Rune M. Jensen, Manuela M. Veloso: A Formalization of Equilibria for Multiagent Planning. IJCAI 2003: 1460-1462
138 Michael H. Bowling, Manuela M. Veloso: Simultaneous Adversarial Multi-Robot Learning. IJCAI 2003: 699-704
137EEHans-Dieter Burkhard, Minoru Asada, Andrea Bonarini, Adam Jacoff, Daniele Nardi, Martin Riedmiller, Claude Sammut, Elizabeth Sklar, Manuela M. Veloso: RoboCup: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Workshop of the Executive Committee in Blaubeuren, October 2003. RoboCup 2003: 15-34
136EEPatrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: Coaching Advice and Adaptation. RoboCup 2003: 192-204
135EEMichael H. Bowling, Brett Browning, Allen Chang, Manuela M. Veloso: Plays as Team Plans for Coordination and Adaptation. RoboCup 2003: 686-693
134 Rune M. Jensen, Randal E. Bryant, Manuela M. Veloso: SetA*: An Efficient BDD-Based Heuristic Search Algorithm. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 668-673
133EEPatrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso, Gal A. Kaminka: Towards any-team coaching in adversarial domains. AAMAS 2002: 1145-1146
132 Elly Winner, Manuela M. Veloso: Analyzing Plans with Conditional Effects. AIPS 2002: 23-33
131 Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: Planning for Distributed Execution through Use of Probabilistic Opponent Models. AIPS 2002: 72-82
130EEWilliam T. B. Uther, Manuela M. Veloso: TTree: Tree-Based State Generalization with Temporally Abstract Actions. Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agents Systems 2002: 260-290
129 Brett Browning, Michael H. Bowling, Manuela M. Veloso: Improbability Filtering for Rejecting False Positives. ICRA 2002: 3038-3043
128EEGal A. Kaminka, Mehmet Fidanboylu, Allen Chang, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning the Sequential Coordinated Behavior of Teams from Observations. RoboCup 2002: 111-125
127EEPaul Carpenter, Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso, Gal A. Kaminka: Integration of Advice in an Action-Selection Architecture. RoboCup 2002: 195-205
126EEJames Bruce, Manuela M. Veloso: Real-Time Randomized Path Planning for Robot Navigation. RoboCup 2002: 288-295
125EEWilliam T. B. Uther, Manuela M. Veloso: TTree: Tree-Based State Generalization with Temporally Abstract Actions. SARA 2002: 308-315
124 Manuela M. Veloso, Tucker R. Balch, Peter Stone, Hiroaki Kitano, Fuminori Yamasaki, Ken Endo, Minoru Asada, Mansour Jamzad, Sayyed Bashir Sadjad, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Moslem Kazemi, Hamid Reza Chitsaz, Abbas Heydarnoori, Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi, Ehsan Chiniforooshan: RoboCup-2001: The Fifth Robotic Soccer World Championships. AI Magazine 23(1): 55-68 (2002)
123EEMichael H. Bowling, Manuela M. Veloso: Multiagent learning using a variable learning rate. Artif. Intell. 136(2): 215-250 (2002)
122EEGal A. Kaminka, Manuela M. Veloso, Steve Schaffer, Chris Sollitto, Rogelio Adobbati, Andrew N. Marshall, Andrew Scholer, Sheila Tejada: GameBots: a flexible test bed for multiagent team research. Commun. ACM 45(1): 43-45 (2002)
121EEManuela M. Veloso: Entertainment robotics. Commun. ACM 45(3): 59-63 (2002)
120EEBryan Singer, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning to Construct Fast Signal Processing Implementations. Journal of Machine Learning Research 3: 887-919 (2002)
119EEPatrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: Coaching a simulated soccer team by opponent model recognition. Agents 2001: 155-156
118EEScott Lenser, James Bruce, Manuela M. Veloso: CMPack: a complete software system for autonomous legged soccer robots. Agents 2001: 204-211
117EETucker R. Balch, Zia Khan, Manuela M. Veloso: Automatically tracking and analyzing the behavior of live insect colonies. Agents 2001: 521-528
116 Michael H. Bowling, Manuela M. Veloso: Convergence of Gradient Dynamics with a Variable Learning Rate. ICML 2001: 27-34
115 Bryan Singer, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning to Generate Fast Signal Processing Implementations. ICML 2001: 529-536
114 Michael H. Bowling, Manuela M. Veloso: Rational and Convergent Learning in Stochastic Games. IJCAI 2001: 1021-1026
113EEMarkus Püschel, Bryan Singer, Manuela M. Veloso, José M. F. Moura: Fast Automatic Generation of DSP Algorithms. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2001: 97-106
112EEJames Bruce, Scott Lenser, Manuela M. Veloso: Fast Parametric Transitions for Smooth Quadrupedal Motion. RoboCup 2001: 293-298
111EEScott Lenser, James Bruce, Manuela M. Veloso: A Modular Hierarchical Behavior-Based Architecture. RoboCup 2001: 423-428
110EEPatrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: Recognizing Probabilistic Opponent Movement Models. RoboCup 2001: 453-458
109EEPaul Carpenter, Patrick Riley, Gal A. Kaminka, Manuela M. Veloso, Ignacio Thayer, Robert Wang: ChaMeleons-01 Team Description. RoboCup 2001: 503-506
108EEBrett Browning, Michael H. Bowling, James Bruce, Ravi Balasubramanian, Manuela M. Veloso: CM-Dragons'01 - Vision-Based Motion Tracking and Heteregenous Robots. RoboCup 2001: 567-570
107EEWilliam T. B. Uther, Scott Lenser, James Bruce, Martin Hock, Manuela M. Veloso: CM-Pack'01: Fast Legged Robot Walking, Robust Localization, and Team Behaviors. RoboCup 2001: 693-696
106EEBryan Singer, Manuela M. Veloso: Stochastic search for signal processing algorithm optimization. SC 2001: 22
105 Manuela M. Veloso, Enrico Pagello, Hiroaki Kitano: RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III Springer 2000
104 Peter Stone, Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: Defining and Using Ideal Teammate and Opponent Agent Models. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 1040-1045
103 Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: Behavior Acquisition and Classification: A Case Study in Robotic Soccer. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 1092
102 Elly Winner, Manuela M. Veloso: Multi-Fidelity Robotic Behaviors: Acting with Variable State Information. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 872-877
101 Rune M. Jensen, Manuela M. Veloso: OBDD-Based Universal Planning for Multiple Synchronized Agents in Non-Deterministic Domains. AIPS 2000: 167-176
100 Manuela M. Veloso, Elly Winner, Scott Lenser, James Bruce, Tucker R. Balch: Vision-Servoed Localization and Behavior-Based Planning for an Autonomous Quadruped Legged Robot. AIPS 2000: 387-394
99EEPatrick Riley, Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Layered Disclosure: Revealing Agents' Internals. ATAL 2000: 61-72
98EEManuela M. Veloso, Tucker R. Balch, Scott Lenser: Integrating information, planning, and execution monitoring agents. Agents 2000: 132-133
97EEPeter Stone, Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: Layered disclosure: why is the agent doing what it's doing? Agents 2000: 225-226
96 Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: On Behavior Classification in Adversarial Environments. DARS 2000: 371-380
95EEPeter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Layered Learning. ECML 2000: 369-381
94EEPeter Stone, Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: Defining and Using Ideal Teammate and Opponent Agent Models: A Case Study in Robotic Soccer. ICMAS 2000: 441-442
93 Bryan Singer, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning to Predict Performance from Formula Modeling and Training Data. ICML 2000: 887-894
92 Astro Teller, Manuela M. Veloso: Efficient Learning Through Evolution: Neural Programming and Internal Reinforcement. ICML 2000: 959-966
91 Scott Lenser, Manuela M. Veloso: Sensor Resetting Localization for Poorly Modelled Mobile Robots. ICRA 2000: 1225-1232
90 Minoru Asada, Raffaello D'Andrea, Andreas Birk, Hiroaki Kitano, Manuela M. Veloso: Robotics in Edutainment. ICRA 2000: 795-800
89EEMinoru Asada, Andreas Birk, Enrico Pagello, Masahiro Fujita, Itsuki Noda, Satoshi Tadokoro, Dominique Duhaut, Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso, Tucker R. Balch, Hiroaki Kitano, Brian Thomas: Progress in RoboCup Soccer Research in 2000. ISER 2000: 363-372
88 William T. B. Uther, Manuela M. Veloso: The Lumberjack Algorithm for Learning Linked Decision Forests. PRICAI 2000: 156-166
87EEPatrick Riley, Peter Stone, David A. McAllester, Manuela M. Veloso: ATT-CMUnited-2000: Third Place Finisher in the RoboCup-2000 Simulator League. RoboCup 2000: 489-492
86EEScott Lenser, James Bruce, Manuela M. Veloso: CMPack '00. RoboCup 2000: 623-626
85EEWilliam T. B. Uther, Manuela M. Veloso: The Lumberjack Algorithm for Learning Linked Decision Forests. SARA 2000: 219-232
84 Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso, Patrick Riley: CMUNITED-98 Simulator Team. AI Magazine 21(1): 20-28 (2000)
83 Manuela M. Veloso, Michael H. Bowling, Sorin Achim, Kwun Han, Peter Stone: CMUNITED-98: RoboCup-98 Small-Robot World Champion Team. AI Magazine 21(1): 29-36 (2000)
82 Masahiro Fujita, Manuela M. Veloso, William T. B. Uther, Minoru Asada, Hiroaki Kitano, Vincent Hugel, Patrick Bonnin, Jean-Christophe Bouramoué, Pierre Blazevic: Vision, Strategy, and Localization Using the Sony Robots at . AI Magazine 21(1): 47-56 (2000)
81 Minoru Asada, Manuela M. Veloso, Milind Tambe, Itsuki Noda, Hiroaki Kitano, Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar: Overview of RoboCup-98. AI Magazine 21(1): 9-19 (2000)
80 Peter Stone, Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: The CMUnited-99 Champion Simulator Team. AI Magazine 21(3): 33-40 (2000)
79EEAstro Teller, Manuela M. Veloso: Internal reinforcement in a connectionist genetic programming approach. Artif. Intell. 120(2): 165-198 (2000)
78 Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Multiagent Systems: A Survey from a Machine Learning Perspective. Auton. Robots 8(3): 345-383 (2000)
77EERune M. Jensen, Manuela M. Veloso: OBDD-based Universal Planning for Synchronized Agents in Non-Deterministic Domains. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 13: 189-226 (2000)
76 Michael Wooldridge, Manuela M. Veloso: Artificial Intelligence Today: Recent Trends and Developments Springer 1999
75 Manuela M. Veloso, Michael H. Bowling, Sorin Achim, Kwun Han, Peter Stone: CMUnited-98: A Team of Robotic Soccer Agents. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 891-896
74 Bryan Singer, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning State Features from Policies to Bias Exploration in Reinforcement Learning. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 981
73EEPeter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Team-Partitioned, Opaque-Transition Reinforcement Learning. Agents 1999: 206-212
72 Michael H. Bowling, Manuela M. Veloso: Bounding the Suboptimality of Reusing Subproblem. IJCAI 1999: 1340-1347
71 Minoru Asada, Manuela M. Veloso, Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar, Hiroaki Kitano: A Review of Robot World Cup Soccer Research Issues RoboCup: Today and Tomorrow. ISER 1999: 369-378
70 Manuela M. Veloso, Hiroaki Kitano, Enrico Pagello, Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar, Peter Stone, Tucker R. Balch, Minoru Asada, Silvia Coradeschi, Lars Karlsson, Masahiro Fujita: Overview of RoboCup-99. RoboCup 1999: 1-34
69 Michael H. Bowling, Manuela M. Veloso: Motion Control in Dynamic Multi-Robot Environments. RoboCup 1999: 222-230
68 Peter Stone, Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: The CMUnited-99 Champion Simulator Team. RoboCup 1999: 35-48
67 Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Layered Learning and Flexible Teamwork in RoboCup Simulation Agents. RoboCup 1999: 495-508
66 Manuela M. Veloso, Michael H. Bowling, Sorin Achim: CMUnited-99: Small-Size Robot Team. RoboCup 1999: 661-662
65 Manuela M. Veloso, Scott Lenser, Elly Winner, James Bruce: CM-Trio-99. RoboCup 1999: 766-769
64EERune M. Jensen, Manuela M. Veloso: OBDD-based Universal Planning: Specifying and Solving Planning Problems for Synchronized Agents in Non-deterministic Domains. Artificial Intelligence Today 1999: 213-248
63EEPaola Rizzo, Manuela M. Veloso, Maria Miceli, Amedeo Cesta: Goal-Based Personalities and Social Behaviors in Believable Agents. Applied Artificial Intelligence 13(3): 239-271 (1999)
62EEMinoru Asada, Hiroaki Kitano, Itsuki Noda, Manuela M. Veloso: RoboCup: Today and Tomorrow - What we have learned. Artif. Intell. 110(2): 193-214 (1999)
61EEPeter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Task Decomposition, Dynamic Role Assignment, and Low-Bandwidth Communication for Real-Time Strategic Teamwork. Artif. Intell. 110(2): 241-273 (1999)
60EEManuela M. Veloso, Peter Stone, Kwun Han: The CMUnited-97 robotic soccer team: Perception and multi-agent control. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 29(2-3): 133-143 (1999)
59EEKaren Zita Haigh, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning situation-dependent costs: Improving planning from probabilistic robot execution. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 29(2-3): 145-174 (1999)
58 William T. B. Uther, Manuela M. Veloso: Tree Based Discretization for Continuous State Space Reinforcement Learning. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 769-774
57 Karen Zita Haigh, Manuela M. Veloso: Planning, Execution and Learning in a Robotic Agent. AIPS 1998: 120-127
56 Manuela M. Veloso, Martha E. Pollack, Michael T. Cox: Rationale-Based Monitoring for Planning in Dynamic Environments. AIPS 1998: 171-180
55 Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Task Decomposition and Dynamic Role Assignment for Real-Time Strategic Teamwork. ATAL 1998: 293-308
54EEKaren Zita Haigh, Manuela M. Veloso: Learning Situation-Dependent Costs: Improving Planning from Probabilistic Robot Execution. Agents 1998: 231-238
53EEManuela M. Veloso, Peter Stone, Kwun Han: The CMUnited-97 Robotic Socccer Team: Perception and Multiagent Control. Agents 1998: 78-85
52EEPeter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Using Decision Tree Confidence Factors for Multi-Agent Control. Agents 1998: 86-91
51 Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Communication in Domains with Unreliable, Single-Channel, Low-Bandwidth Communication. CRW 1998: 85-97
50EERalph Bergmann, Hector Muñoz-Avila, Manuela M. Veloso, Erica Melis: CBR Applied to Planning. Case-Based Reasoning Technology 1998: 169-200
49 Manuela M. Veloso, Peter Stone: Individual and Collaborative Behaviors in a Team of Robotic Soccer Agents. ICMAS 1998: 309-316
48 Kwun Han, Manuela M. Veloso: Reactive Visual Control of Multiple Non-Holonomic Robotic Agents. ICRA 1998: 3510-3515
47EEMinoru Asada, Manuela M. Veloso, Milind Tambe, Itsuki Noda, Hiroaki Kitano, Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar: Overview of RoboCup-98. RoboCup 1998: 1-21
46EEPeter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Team-Partitioned, Opaque-Transition Reinforced Learning. RoboCup 1998: 261-272
45EEManuela M. Veloso, William T. B. Uther: The CMTrio-98 Sony-Legged Robot Team. RoboCup 1998: 491-497
44EEPeter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso, Patrick Riley: The CMUnited-98 Champion Simulator Team. RoboCup 1998: 61-76
43EEManuela M. Veloso, Michael H. Bowling, Sorin Achim, Kwun Han, Peter Stone: The CMUnited-98 Small-Robot Team. RoboCup 1998: 77-92
42 Manuela M. Veloso, Peter Stone, Kwun Han: CMUNITED-97: RoboCup-97 Small-Robot World Champion Team. AI Magazine 19(3): 61-69 (1998)
41EEPeter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Layered Approach to Learning Client Behaviors in the Robocup Soccer Server. Applied Artificial Intelligence 12(2-3): 165-188 (1998)
40EEMinoru Asada, Peter Stone, Hiroaki Kitano, Barry Brian Werger, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Alexis Drogoul, Dominique Duhaut, Manuela M. Veloso, Hajime Asama, Sho'ji Suzuki: The Robocup Physical Agent Challenge: Phase I. Applied Artificial Intelligence 12(2-3): 251-263 (1998)
39 Karen Zita Haigh, Manuela M. Veloso: Interleaving Planning and Robot Execution for Asynchronous User Requests. Auton. Robots 5(1): 79-95 (1998)
38EEPeter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Towards collaborative and adversarial learning: a case study in robotic soccer. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 48(1): 83-104 (1998)
37 Manuela M. Veloso, Alice M. Mulvehill, Michael T. Cox: Rationale-Supported Mixed-Initiative Case-Based Planning. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 1072-1077
36 Jim Blythe, Manuela M. Veloso: Analogical Replay for Efficient Conditional Planning. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 668-673
35 Karen Zita Haigh, Manuela M. Veloso: High-Level Planning and Low-Level Execution: Towards a Complete Robotic Agent. Agents 1997: 363-370
34 Manuela M. Veloso, Peter Stone, Sorin Achim: A Layered Approach for an Autonomous Robotic Soccer System. Agents 1997: 530-531
33 Michael T. Cox, Manuela M. Veloso: Controlling for Unexpected Goals when Planning in a Mixed-Initiative Setting. EPIA 1997: 309-318
32 Yury V. Smirnov, Manuela M. Veloso: GenSAT: A Navigational Approach. EPIA 1997: 85-96
31 Manuela M. Veloso: Merge Strategies for Multiple Case Plan Replay. ICCBR 1997: 413-424
30 Michael T. Cox, Manuela M. Veloso: Supporting Combined Human and Machine Planning: An Interface for Planning by Analogical Reasoning. ICCBR 1997: 531-540
29 Hiroaki Kitano, Milind Tambe, Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso, Silvia Coradeschi, Eiichi Osawa, Hitoshi Matsubara, Itsuki Noda, Minoru Asada: The RoboCup Synthetic Agent Challenge 97. IJCAI (1) 1997: 24-30
28 Manuela M. Veloso, Peter Stone, Kwun Han, Sorin Achim: The CMUnited-97 Small Robot Team. RoboCup 1997: 242-256
27 Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: The CMUnited-97 Simulator Team. RoboCup 1997: 389-397
26 Minoru Asada, Peter Stone, Hiroaki Kitano, Alexis Drogoul, Dominique Duhaut, Manuela M. Veloso, Hajime Asama, Sho'ji Suzuki: The RoboCup Physical Agent Challenge: Goals and Protocols for Phase 1. RoboCup 1997: 42-61
25 Hiroaki Kitano, Milind Tambe, Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso, Silvia Coradeschi, Eiichi Osawa, Hitoshi Matsubara, Itsuki Noda, Minoru Asada: The RoboCup Synthetic Agent Challenge 97. RoboCup 1997: 62-73
24 Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Using Decision Tree Confidence Factors for Multiagent Control. RoboCup 1997: 99-111
23 Daniel Borrajo, Manuela M. Veloso: Lazy Incremental Learning of Control Knowledge for Efficiently Obtaining Quality Plans. Artif. Intell. Rev. 11(1-5): 371-405 (1997)
22 Karen Zita Haigh, Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, Manuela M. Veloso: Exploiting domain geometry in analogical route planning. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 9(4): 509-541 (1997)
21EEReid G. Simmons, Richard Goodwin, Karen Zita Haigh, Sven Koenig, Joseph O'Sullivan, Manuela M. Veloso: Xavier: experience with a layered robot architecture. SIGART Bulletin 8(1-4): 22-33 (1997)
20 Yury V. Smirnov, Sven Koenig, Manuela M. Veloso, Reid G. Simmons: Efficient Goal-Directed Exploration. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 292-297
19 Yury V. Smirnov, Manuela M. Veloso: Efficiency Competition through Representation Changes: Pigeonhole Principle vs. Integer Programming Methods. KR 1996: 124-134
18 Manuela M. Veloso, Hector Muñoz-Avila, Ralph Bergmann: Case-Based Planning: Selected Methods and Systems. AI Commun. 9(3): 128-137 (1996)
17 Ralph Bergmann, Hector Muñoz-Avila, Manuela M. Veloso: Fallbasiertes Planen: ausgewählte Methoden und Systeme. KI 10(1): 22-28 (1996)
16 Manuela M. Veloso, Agnar Aamodt: Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, First International Conference, ICCBR-95, Sesimbra, Portugal, October 23-26, 1995, Proceedings Springer 1995
15 Astro Teller, Manuela M. Veloso: A Contolled Experiment: Evolution for Learning Difficult Image Classification. EPIA 1995: 165-176
14 Karen Zita Haigh, Manuela M. Veloso: Route Planning by Analogy. ICCBR 1995: 169-180
13EEPeter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso: Beating a Defender in Robotic Soccer: Memory-Based Learning of a Continuous Function. NIPS 1995: 896-902
12EEManuela M. Veloso, Peter Stone: FLECS: Planning with a Flexible Commitment Strategy CoRR abs/cs/9506101: (1995)
11 Manuela M. Veloso, Peter Stone: FLECS: Planning with a Flexible Commitment Strategy. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 3: 25-52 (1995)
10 Manuela M. Veloso: Planning and Learning by Analogical Reasoning Springer 1994
9 Manuela M. Veloso: Flexible Strategy Learning: Analogical Replay of Problem Solving Episodes. AAAI 1994: 595-600
8 Peter Stone, Manuela M. Veloso, Jim Blythe: The Need for Different Domain-independent Heuristics. AIPS 1994: 164-169
7 Manuela M. Veloso, Jim Blythe: Linkability: Examining Causal Link Commitments in Partial-order Planning. AIPS 1994: 170-175
6 Daniel Borrajo, Manuela M. Veloso: Incremental Learning of Control Knowledge for Nonlinear Problem Solving. ECML 1994: 64-82
5 Manuela M. Veloso, Daniel Borrajo: Learning Strategy Knowledge Incrementally. ICTAI 1994: 484-490
4 Manuela M. Veloso: Prodigy/Analogy: Analogical Reasoning in General Problem Solving. EWCBR 1993: 33-52
3 Manuela M. Veloso, Jaime G. Carbonell: Derivational Analogy in Prodigy: Automating Case Acquisition, Storage, and Utilization. Machine Learning 10: 249-278 (1993)
2 Manuela M. Veloso, Jaime G. Carbonell: Learning by Analogical Replay in PRODIGY: First Results. EWSL 1991: 375-390
1 Jaime G. Carbonell, Oren Etzioni, Yolanda Gil, Robert Joseph, Craig A. Knoblock, Steven Minton, Manuela M. Veloso: PRODIGY: An Integrated Architecture for Planning and Learning. SIGART Bulletin 2(4): 51-55 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Agnar Aamodt [16]
2Sarah Aboutalib [196] [208]
3Sorin Achim [28] [34] [43] [66] [75] [83]
4Rogelio Adobbati [122]
5Josep Lluís Arcos [190] [199] [209] [226]
6Brenna Argall [182] [187] [198] [200] [213]
7Juan D. Arias [193]
8Nicholas Armstrong-Crews [197] [218]
9Minoru Asada [25] [26] [29] [40] [47] [62] [70] [71] [81] [82] [89] [90] [124] [137]
10Hajime Asama [26] [40]
11Ravi Balasubramanian [108]
12Tucker R. Balch [70] [89] [98] [100] [117] [124]
13Satanjeev Banerjee [153]
14Ralph Bergmann [17] [18] [50]
15Andreas Birk [89] [90]
16Pierre Blazevic [82]
17Jim Blythe (James Blythe) [7] [8] [36]
18Andrea Bonarini [137]
19Patrick Bonnin [82]
20Daniel Borrajo [5] [6] [23] [193]
21Jean-Christophe Bouramoué [82]
22Michael H. Bowling [43] [66] [69] [72] [75] [83] [108] [114] [116] [123] [129] [135] [138] [139] [140] [147] [154]
23Brett Browning [108] [129] [135] [140] [145] [148] [151] [152] [154] [158] [161] [162] [182] [187] [198] [200] [213]
24James Bruce [65] [86] [100] [107] [108] [111] [112] [118] [126] [140] [142] [177] [179] [217]
25Randal E. Bryant [134] [144] [155] [212]
26Hans-Dieter Burkhard [137]
27Jaime G. Carbonell [1] [2] [3]
28Paul Carpenter [109] [127]
29Amedeo Cesta [63]
30Allen Chang [128] [135]
31Sonia Chernova [150] [170] [176] [206] [216] [221] [223]
32Ehsan Chiniforooshan [124]
33Hamid Reza Chitsaz [124]
34Silvia Coradeschi [25] [29] [70]
35Michael T. Cox [30] [33] [37] [56]
36Elisabeth Crawford [156] [167] [169] [170] [174] [194] [220]
37Raffaello D'Andrea [90]
38John Davin [149]
39M. Bernardine Dias [182]
40Alexis Drogoul [26] [40]
41Dominique Duhaut [26] [40] [89]
42Ken Endo [124]
43Oren Etzioni [1]
44Juan Fasola [183]
45Fernando Fernández [186] [191]
46Susana Fernández [193]
47Mehmet Fidanboylu [128]
48Raquel Fuentetaja [193]
49Masahiro Fujita [70] [82] [89]
50Yolanda Gil [1]
51Jared Go [145] [158]
52Richard Goodwin [21]
53Yang Gu [181] [184] [187] [188] [192] [202] [219]
54Karen Zita Haigh [14] [21] [22] [35] [39] [54] [57] [59]
55Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi (MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi) [124]
56Kwun Han [28] [42] [43] [48] [53] [60] [75] [83]
57Abbas Heydarnoori [124]
58Martin Hock [107]
59Vincent Hugel [82]
60Felix von Hundelshausen [180] [189]
61Adam Jacoff [137]
62Mansour Jamzad [124]
63Rune M. Jensen [64] [77] [101] [134] [139] [144] [155] [212]
64Edward Gil Jones [182]
65Robert Joseph [1]
66Subbarao Kambhampati [164] [173]
67Gal A. Kaminka [109] [122] [127] [128] [133] [145]
68Takeo Kanade [165] [185]
69Lars Karlsson [70]
70Moslem Kazemi [124]
71Zia Khan [117]
72Hiroaki Kitano [25] [26] [29] [40] [47] [62] [70] [71] [81] [82] [89] [90] [105] [124]
73Craig A. Knoblock [1]
74Sven Koenig [20] [21]
75Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar [47] [70] [71] [81]
76Yasuo Kuniyoshi [40]
77John D. Lafferty [195] [205]
78Scott Lenser [65] [86] [91] [98] [100] [107] [111] [112] [118] [141] [166] [176]
79Mmichael Licitra [217]
80Jinsu Liu [215]
81Ramon López de Mántaras [190] [199] [209] [226]
82Andrew N. Marshall [122]
83Hitoshi Matsubara [25] [29]
84David A. McAllester [87]
85Colin McMillen [178] [210] [224]
86Erica Melis [50]
87Maria Miceli [63]
88Steven Minton [1]
89Vahab S. Mirrokni (Seyed Vahab Mirrokni) [124]
90Pragnesh Jay Modi [157] [163] [172]
91José M. F. Moura [113]
92Alice M. Mulvehill [37]
93Hector Muñoz-Avila (Héctor Muñoz-Avila) [17] [18] [50]
94Kazuhito Murakami [179]
95Ryota Nakanishi [179]
96Daniele Nardi [137]
97Tadashi Naruse [179]
98Itsuki Noda [25] [29] [47] [62] [81] [89]
99Joseph O'Sullivan [21]
100Jean Oh [157] [163]
101Eiichi Osawa [25] [29]
102Enrico Pagello [70] [89] [105]
103Raju Patil [152] [162]
104Martha E. Pollack [56]
105Markus Püschel [113]
106Martin A. Riedmiller (Martin Riedmiller) [137]
107Patrick Riley [44] [68] [80] [84] [87] [94] [96] [97] [99] [103] [104] [109] [110] [119] [127] [131] [133] [136] [146] [149] [160] [175]
108Paola Rizzo [63]
109Raquel Ros [190] [199] [207] [209] [226]
110Maayan Roth [171] [204]
111Alexander I. Rudnicky [153]
112Paul E. Rybski [151] [152] [153] [162] [165] [168] [176] [189] [201]
113Sayyed Bashir Sadjad (Bashir S. Sadjad) [124]
114Claude Sammut [137]
115Steve Schaffer [122]
116Andrew Scholer [122]
117Jeremy Searock [148] [151]
118Jonathan Richard Shewchuk [22]
119Carles Sierra [190] [209]
120Reid G. Simmons [20] [21] [171] [204]
121Bryan Singer [74] [93] [106] [113] [115] [120]
122Elizabeth Sklar (Elizabeth Sklar Rozier) [137]
123Yury V. Smirnov [19] [20] [32]
124Stephen F. Smith [157] [163]
125Chris Sollitto [122]
126Anthony Stentz [182]
127Jeremy Stolarz [201]
128Peter Stone [8] [11] [12] [13] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [34] [38] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [46] [49] [51] [52] [53] [55] [60] [61] [67] [68] [70] [73] [75] [78] [80] [83] [84] [87] [89] [94] [95] [97] [99] [104] [124]
129Sho'ji Suzuki [26] [40]
130Satoshi Tadokoro [89]
131Milind Tambe [25] [29] [47] [81]
132Sheila Tejada [122]
133Astro Teller [15] [79] [92]
134Ignacio Thayer [109]
135Brian Thomas [89]
136Fernando De la Torre [152] [153] [162] [165] [185]
137William T. B. Uther [45] [58] [82] [85] [88] [107] [125] [130]
138Douglas L. Vail [176] [195] [205] [225]
139Carlos Vallespí [152] [153] [162] [165] [185]
140Harini Veeraraghavan [214] [222]
141Thuc Vu [145] [159]
142Robert Wang [109]
143Barry Brian Werger [40]
144Elly Winner [65] [100] [102] [132] [143]
145Michael Wooldridge [76]
146Ling Xu [161]
147Fuminori Yamasaki [124]
148Kevin Yoon [201]
149Stefan Zickler [217]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)