
Michael T. Cox

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33 Mark H. Burstein, Robert Laddaga, David McDonald, Michael T. Cox, Brett Benyo, Paul Robertson, Talib Hussain, Marshall Brinn, Drew V. McDermott: POIROT - Integrated Learning of Web Service Procedures. AAAI 2008: 1274-1279
32EEAlice M. Mulvehill, Brett Benyo, Michael T. Cox, Renu Kurien Bostwick: Expectation Failure as a Basis for Agent-Based Model Diagnosis and Mixed Initiative Model Adaptation during Anomalous Plan Execution. IJCAI 2007: 489-494
31EEEugene Santos, Scott A. DeLoach, Michael T. Cox: Achieving dynamic, multi-commander, multi-mission planning and execution. Appl. Intell. 25(3): 335-357 (2006)
30 Michael T. Cox, Chen Zhang: Planning as Mixed-Initiative Goal Manipulation. ICAPS 2005: 282-291
29 Michael T. Cox: Metacognition in computation: A selected history. Metacognition in Computation 2005: 1-17
28 Michael T. Cox: Perpetual self-aware cognitive agents. Metacognition in Computation 2005: 42-48
27EEMichael T. Cox: Metacognition in computation: A selected research review. Artif. Intell. 169(2): 104-141 (2005)
26EERamon López de Mántaras, David McSherry, Derek G. Bridge, David B. Leake, Barry Smyth, Susan Craw, Boi Faltings, Mary Lou Maher, Michael T. Cox, Kenneth D. Forbus, Mark T. Keane, Agnar Aamodt, Ian D. Watson: Retrieval, reuse, revision and retention in case-based reasoning. Knowledge Eng. Review 20(3): 215-240 (2005)
25EEMichael T. Cox, Héctor Muñoz-Avila, Ralph Bergmann: Case-based planning. Knowledge Eng. Review 20(3): 283-287 (2005)
24EEJanet L. Kolodner, Michael T. Cox, Pedro A. González-Calero: Case-based reasoning-inspired approaches to education. Knowledge Eng. Review 20(3): 299-303 (2005)
23 Michael T. Cox: Mixed-Initiative Case Replay. FLAIRS Conference 2004
22 Kevin Cleereman, Michael T. Cox: Pathological Dependency Cycles in State-space Lpanning: When Control Rules Fail. FLAIRS Conference 2004
21 Adam C. Langdon, Michael T. Cox: The Effect of Agent Topologies on Multiagent Planning Performance. MAICS 2004: 125-129
20 Kevin Cleereman, Michael T. Cox: Linear Inequality Control Rules in State-Space Planning: Beyond the first order predicate calculus. MAICS 2004: 148-153
19 Boris Kerkez, Michael T. Cox: Alternate Strategies for Retrieval in State-Spaces. FLAIRS Conference 2003: 119-123
18 Michael T. Cox, Mohammad M. Elahi, Kevin Cleereman: A Distributed Planning Approach Using Multiagent Goal Transformations. MAICS 2003: 18-23
17EEBoris Kerkez, Michael T. Cox: Incremental case-based plan recognition with local predictions. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 12(4): 413-463 (2003)
16EEBoris Kerkez, Michael T. Cox: Local Predictions for Case-Based Plan Recognition. ECCBR 2002: 189-203
15 Philomena Y. Lee, Michael T. Cox: Dimensional Indexing for Targeted Case-Base Retrieval: The SMIRKS System. FLAIRS Conference 2002: 62-66
14EEBoris Kerkez, Michael T. Cox: Incremental Case-Based Plan Recognition Using State Indices. ICCBR 2001: 291-305
13EEGifty Edwin, Michael T. Cox: Resource Coordination in Single Agent and Multiagent Systems. ICTAI 2001: 18-24
12 Brian Drabble, Laurent Chaudron, Catherine Tessier, Sue Abu-Hakima, Steven Willmott, Jim Austin, Boi Faltings, Eugene C. Freuder, Gerhard Friedrich, Alex Alves Freitas, Ulises Cortés, Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, David W. Aha, Irma Becerra-Fernandez, Héctor Muñoz-Avila, Aditya Ghose, Tim Menzies, Ken Satoh, Mary Elaine Califf, Michael T. Cox, Sandip Sen, Patrick Brézillon, Jean-Charles Pomerol, Roy M. Turner, Elise H. Turner: Reports on the AAAI 1999 Workshop Program. AI Magazine 21(1): 95-100 (2000)
11EEMichael T. Cox, Ashwin Ram: Introspective Multistrategy Learning: On the Construction of Learning Strategies. Artif. Intell. 112(1-2): 1-55 (1999)
10 Manuela M. Veloso, Martha E. Pollack, Michael T. Cox: Rationale-Based Monitoring for Planning in Dynamic Environments. AIPS 1998: 171-180
9 Manuela M. Veloso, Alice M. Mulvehill, Michael T. Cox: Rationale-Supported Mixed-Initiative Case-Based Planning. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 1072-1077
8 Michael T. Cox, Manuela M. Veloso: Controlling for Unexpected Goals when Planning in a Mixed-Initiative Setting. EPIA 1997: 309-318
7 Michael T. Cox: An Explicit Representation of Reasoning Failures. ICCBR 1997: 211-222
6 Michael T. Cox: Loose Coupling of Failure Explanarion and Repair: Using Learning Goals to Sequence Learning Models. ICCBR 1997: 425-434
5 Michael T. Cox, Manuela M. Veloso: Supporting Combined Human and Machine Planning: An Interface for Planning by Analogical Reasoning. ICCBR 1997: 531-540
4 Ashwin Ram, S. Narayanan, Michael T. Cox: Learning to Troubleshoot: Multistrategy Learning of Diagnostic Knowledge for a Real-World Problem-Solving Task. Cognitive Science 19(3): 289-340 (1995)
3 Michael T. Cox: Case-Based Introspection. AAAI 1994: 1435
2 Michael T. Cox, Ashwin Ram: Interacting Learning-Goals: Treating Learning as a Planning Task. EWCBR 1994: 60-74
1 Michael T. Cox, Ashwin Ram: Multistrategy Learning with Introspective Meta-Explanations. ML 1992: 123-128

Coauthor Index

1Agnar Aamodt [26]
2Sue Abu-Hakima [12]
3David W. Aha [12]
4Jim Austin (James Austin) [12]
5Irma Becerra-Fernandez [12]
6Brett Benyo [32] [33]
7Ralph Bergmann [25]
8Renu Kurien Bostwick [32]
9Patrick Brézillon [12]
10Derek G. Bridge [26]
11Marshall Brinn [33]
12Mark H. Burstein [33]
13Mary Elaine Califf [12]
14Laurent Chaudron [12]
15Kevin Cleereman [18] [20] [22]
16Ulises Cortés [12]
17Susan Craw [26]
18Scott A. DeLoach [31]
19Brian Drabble [12]
20Gifty Edwin [13]
21Mohammad M. Elahi [18]
22Boi Faltings [12] [26]
23Kenneth D. Forbus [26]
24Alex Alves Freitas [12]
25Eugene C. Freuder [12]
26Gerhard Friedrich [12]
27Aditya K. Ghose (Aditya Ghose) [12]
28Pedro A. González-Calero [24]
29Talib Hussain [33]
30Mark T. Keane [26]
31Boris Kerkez [14] [16] [17] [19]
32Janet L. Kolodner [24]
33Robert Laddaga [33]
34Adam C. Langdon [21]
35David B. Leake [26]
36Philomena Y. Lee [15]
37Mary Lou Maher [26]
38Ramon López de Mántaras [26]
39Drew V. McDermott [33]
40David McDonald [33]
41David McSherry [26]
42Tim Menzies [12]
43Alice M. Mulvehill [9] [32]
44Hector Muñoz-Avila (Héctor Muñoz-Avila) [12] [25]
45S. Narayanan [4]
46Martha E. Pollack [10]
47Jean-Charles Pomerol [12]
48Ashwin Ram [1] [2] [4] [11]
49Paul Robertson [33]
50Miquel Sànchez-Marrè [12]
51Eugene Santos [31]
52Ken Satoh [12]
53Sandip Sen [12]
54Barry Smyth [26]
55Catherine Tessier [12]
56Elise H. Turner [12]
57Roy M. Turner [12]
58Manuela M. Veloso [5] [8] [9] [10]
59Ian D. Watson [26]
60Steven Willmott [12]
61Chen Zhang [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)