Volume 2, Number 1, January 1991
Volume 2, Number 2, April 1991
Volume 2, Number 3, June 1991
Implemented Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Systems
- James F. Allen:
The RHET System.
1-7 BibTeX
- Franz Baader, Bernhard Hollunder:
KRIS: Knowledge Representation and Inference System.
8-14 BibTeX
- Samuel Bayer, Marc B. Vilain:
The Relation-Based Knowledge Representation of King Kong.
15-21 BibTeX
- Toni Bollinger, Udo Pletat:
The LILOG Knowledge Representation System.
22-27 BibTeX
- Seng-cho Timothy Chou, Marianne Winslett:
The Implementation of a Model-based Belief Revision System.
28-34 BibTeX
- James M. Crawford, Benjamin Kuipers:
Algernon - A Tractable System for Knowledge-Representation.
35-44 BibTeX
- Brian R. Gaines:
Empirical Investigation of Knowledge Representation Servers: Design Issues and Applications Experience with KRS.
45-56 BibTeX
- Matthew L. Ginsberg:
The MVL Theorem Proving System.
57-60 BibTeX
- Nicola Guarino:
A Concise Presentation if ITL.
61-69 BibTeX
- Alfred Kobsa:
First Experiences with the SB-ONE Knowledge Representation Workbench in Natural-Language Applications.
70-76 BibTeX
- Bryan M. Kramer, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Manolis Koubarakis, Thodoros Topaloglou, Huaiqing Wang, John Mylopoulos:
Implementing Telos.
77-83 BibTeX
- Douglas B. Lenat, Ramanathan V. Guha:
The Evolution of CycL, The Cyc Representation Language.
84-87 BibTeX
- Robert M. MacGregor:
Inside the LOOM Description Classifier.
88-92 BibTeX
- Eric Mays, Robert Dionne, Robert A. Weida:
K-Rep System Overview.
93-97 BibTeX
- David A. McAllester:
Socratic Sequent Systems.
98-100 BibTeX
- Robert Nado, Jeffrey Van Baalen, Richard Fikes:
JOSIE: An Integration of Specialized Representation and Reasoning Tools.
101-107 BibTeX
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Deborah L. McGuinness, Alexander Borgida:
The CLASSIC Knowledge Representation System: Guiding Principles and Implementation Rationale.
108-113 BibTeX
- Christof Peltason:
The BACK System - An Overview.
114-119 BibTeX
- Charles Rich:
CAKE: An Implemented Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Limited Reasoning System.
120-127 BibTeX
- Stuart C. Shapiro:
Case Studies of SNePS.
128-134 BibTeX
- Howard E. Shrobe:
Providing Paradigm Orientation without Implementational Handcuffs.
135-142 BibTeX
- Narinder Singh, Michael R. Genesereth:
Epikit: A Library of Subroutines Supporting Declarative Representations and Reasoning.
143-151 BibTeX
Volume 2, Number 4, August 1991
Integrated Cognitive Architectures (AAAI Spring Symposium)
- John E. Laird:
Preface for Special Section on Integrated Cognitive Architectures.
12-13 BibTeX
- Richard Alterman, Tamitha Carpenter, Roland Zito-Wolf:
An Architecture for Understanding in Planning, Action, and Learning.
14-19 BibTeX
- Scott D. Anderson, David M. Hart, Paul R. Cohen:
Two Ways to Act.
20-24 BibTeX
- Jim Antonisse, Harry Wechsler:
Integrating Perception, Action, and Learning.
25-28 BibTeX
- Michael Barbehenn, Seth Hutchinson:
An Integrated Architecture for Learning and Planning in Robotic Domains.
29-33 BibTeX
- Kenneth Basye:
A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Robotic Control Systems.
34-37 BibTeX
- Joseph Bates, A. Bryan Loyall, W. Scott Reilly:
Broad Agents.
38-40 BibTeX
- D. Paul Benjamin, Alec Cameron, Leo Dorst, Madeleine E. Rosar, Hsiang-Lung Wu:
Integrating Perception with Problem Solving.
41-45 BibTeX
- Rodney A. Brooks:
Integrated Systems Based on Behaviors.
46-50 BibTeX
- Jaime G. Carbonell, Oren Etzioni, Yolanda Gil, Robert Joseph, Craig A. Knoblock, Steven Minton, Manuela M. Veloso:
PRODIGY: An Integrated Architecture for Planning and Learning.
51-55 BibTeX
- Gregg Collins, Lawrence Birnbaum, Bruce Krulwich, Michael Freed:
Model-Based Integration of Planning and Learning.
56-60 BibTeX
- Mark Drummond, John L. Bresina, Smadar Kedar:
The Entropy Reduction Engine: Integrating Planning, Scheduling, and Control.
61-65 BibTeX
- Kenneth D. Forbus, Dedre Gentner:
Similarity-based Cognitive Architecture.
66-69 BibTeX
- Erann Gat:
Integrating Reaction and Planning in a Heterogeneous Asynchronous Architecture for Mobile Robot Navigation.
70-74 BibTeX
- Ashok K. Goel, Kurt P. Eiselt:
Mental Models, Text Interpretation, and Knowledge Acquisition.
75-78 BibTeX
- Barbara Hayes-Roth:
An Integrated Architecture for Intelligent Agents.
79-81 BibTeX
- Barbara Hayes-Roth:
Evaluation of Integrated Agent Architectures.
82-84 BibTeX
- Leslie Pack Kaelbling:
A Situated-Automata Approach to the Design of Embedded Agents.
85-88 BibTeX
- Deepak Kumar, Stuart C. Shapiro:
Architecture of an Intelligent Agent in SNePS.
89-92 BibTeX
- Daniel Kuokka:
MAX: A Meta-Reasoning Architecture for "X".
93-97 BibTeX
- John E. Laird, Michael Hucka, Scott B. Huffman, Paul S. Rosenbloom:
An Analysis of Soar as an Integrated Architecture.
98-103 BibTeX
- Pat Langley, Kathleen B. McKusick, John A. Allen, Wayne Iba, Kevin Thompson:
A Design for the Icarus Architecture.
104-109 BibTeX
- Lundy M. Lewis:
A Time-Ordered Architecture for Integrating Reflective and Deliberative Behavior.
110-114 BibTeX
- Pattie Maes:
The Agent Network Architecture (ANA).
115-120 BibTeX
- Ganesh Mani, Leonard Uhr:
Integrating Perception, Language-Handling, Learning and Planning in the CHILDLIKE System.
121-124 BibTeX
- Charles E. Martin, R. James Firby:
An Integrated Architecture for Planning and Learning.
125-129 BibTeX
- Maja J. Mataric:
Behavioral Synergy Without Explicit Integration.
130-133 BibTeX
- Steven Minton:
On Modularity in Integrated Architectures.
134-135 BibTeX
- Tom M. Mitchell:
Plan-Then-Compile Architectures.
136-139 BibTeX
- Gary H. Ogasawara:
A Distributed, Decision-Theoretic Control System for a Mobile Robot.
140-145 BibTeX
- Stuart J. Russell:
An Architecture for Bounded Rationality.
146-150 BibTeX
- Wei-Min Shen:
LIVE: An Architecture for Learning from the Environment.
151-155 BibTeX
- Reid G. Simmons:
Coordinating Planning, Perception, and Action for Mobile Robots.
156-159 BibTeX
- Richard S. Sutton:
Dyna, an Integrated Architecture for Learning, Planning, and Reacting.
160-163 BibTeX
- Steven A. Vere:
Organization of the Basic Agent.
164-168 BibTeX
- Cathleen Wharton, Walter Kintsch:
An Overview of the Construction-Integration Model: A Theory of Comprehension as a Foundation for a New Cognitive Architecture.
169-173 BibTeX
- Steven D. Whitehead:
A Framework for Integrating Perception, Action, and Trial-and-Error Learning.
174-178 BibTeX
- Jan M. Zytkow:
Integration of Knowledge and Method in Real-world Discovery.
179-184 BibTeX
Volume 2,
Number 5,
October 1991
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:19:07 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)