
Markus Püschel

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41EEMarkus Püschel, Peter A. Milder, James C. Hoe: Permuting streaming data using RAMs. J. ACM 56(2): (2009)
40EEYevgen Voronenko, Franz Franchetti, Frédéric de Mesmay, Markus Püschel: System Demonstration of Spiral: Generator for High-Performance Linear Transform Libraries. AMAST 2008: 407-412
39EEFranz Franchetti, Markus Püschel: Generating SIMD Vectorized Permutations. CC 2008: 116-131
38EEPeter A. Milder, Franz Franchetti, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel: Formal datapath representation and manipulation for implementing DSP transforms. DAC 2008: 385-390
37EEFranz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Peter A. Milder, Srinivas Chellappa, Marek R. Telgarsky, Hao Shen, Paolo D'Alberto, Frédéric de Mesmay, James C. Hoe, José M. F. Moura, Markus Püschel: Domain-specific library generation for parallel software and hardware platforms. IPDPS 2008: 1-5
36EEChristina A. Hallock, Inci Ozgunes, Ramamurthy Bhagavatula, Gustavo K. Rohde, Justin C. Crowley, Christina E. Onorato, Abhay Mavalankar, Amina Chebira, Chuen Hwa Tan, Markus Püschel, Jelena Kovacevic: Axonal bouton modeling, detection and distribution analysis for the study of neural circuit organization and plasticity. ISBI 2008: 165-168
35EEMarkus Püschel, Martin Rötteler: Algebraic signal processing theory: Cooley-Tukey type algorithms on the 2-D hexagonal spatial lattice. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 19(3): 259-292 (2008)
34EEPaolo D'Alberto, Peter A. Milder, Aliaksei Sandryhaila, Franz Franchetti, James C. Hoe, José M. F. Moura, Markus Püschel, Jeremy R. Johnson: Generating FPGA-Accelerated DFT Libraries. FCCM 2007: 173-184
33EEMarkus Püschel: Can we teach computers to write fast libraries? GPCE 2007: 1-2
32EESrinivas Chellappa, Franz Franchetti, Markus Püschel: How to Write Fast Numerical Code: A Small Introduction. GTTSE 2007: 196-259
31EEPaolo D'Alberto, Markus Püschel, Franz Franchetti: Performance/Energy Optimization of DSP Transforms on the XScale Processor. HiPEAC 2007: 201-214
30EEAmina Chebira, Luis P. Coelho, Aliaksei Sandryhaila, Stephen Lin, William G. Jenkinson, Jeremiah MacSleyne, Christopher Hoffman, Philipp Cuadra, Charles Jackson, Markus Püschel, Jelena Kovacevic: An Adaptive Multiresolution Approach to Fingerprint Recognition. ICIP (1) 2007: 457-460
29EEYevgen Voronenko, Markus Püschel: Multiplierless multiple constant multiplication. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(2): (2007)
28EEMarkus Püschel, José M. F. Moura: Algebraic Signal Processing Theory: Cooley-Tukey Type Algorithms for DCTs and DSTs CoRR abs/cs/0702025: (2007)
27EEPeter Tummeltshammer, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel: Time-Multiplexed Multiple-Constant Multiplication. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 26(9): 1551-1563 (2007)
26EEMarkus Püschel, Martin Rötteler: Algebraic Signal Processing Theory: 2-D Spatial Hexagonal Lattice. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(6): 1506-1521 (2007)
25EEYevgen Voronenko, Markus Püschel: Mechanical Derivation of Fused Multiply-Add Algorithms for Linear Transforms. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(9): 4458-4473 (2007)
24EEPeter A. Milder, Mohammad Ahmad, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel: Fast and accurate resource estimation of automatically generated custom DFT IP cores. FPGA 2006: 211-220
23EEAndreas Bonelli, Franz Franchetti, Juergen Lorenz, Markus Püschel, Christoph W. Ueberhuber: Automatic Performance Optimization of the Discrete Fourier Transform on Distributed Memory Computers. ISPA 2006: 818-832
22EESung-Chul Han, Franz Franchetti, Markus Püschel: Program generation for the all-pairs shortest path problem. PACT 2006: 222-232
21EEFranz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Markus Püschel: Tools and techniques for performance - FFT program generation for shared memory: SMP and multicore. SC 2006: 115
20EEFranz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Markus Püschel: A Rewriting System for the Vectorization of Signal Transforms. VECPAR 2006: 363-377
19EEMarkus Püschel, José M. F. Moura: Algebraic Signal Processing Theory CoRR abs/cs/0612077: (2006)
18EEGrace Nordin, Peter A. Milder, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel: Automatic generation of customized discrete fourier transform IPs. DAC 2005: 471-474
17EEMarkus Püschel, Jelena Kovacevic: Real, Tight Frames with Maximal Robustness to Erasures. DCC 2005: 63-72
16EEMarkus Püschel, Martin Rötteler: Fourier transform for the spatial quincunx lattice. ICIP (2) 2005: 494-497
15EEFranz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Markus Püschel: Formal loop merging for signal transforms. PLDI 2005: 315-326
14EEPeter Tummeltshammer, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel: Multiple constant multiplication by time-multiplexed mapping of addition chains. DAC 2004: 826-829
13EEMarkus Püschel, Adam C. Zelinski, James C. Hoe: Custom-optimized multiplierless implementations of DSP algorithms. ICCAD 2004: 175-182
12EEFranz Franchetti, Stefan Kral, Juergen Lorenz, Markus Püschel, Christoph W. Ueberhuber: Automatically Tuned FFTs for BlueGene/L's Double FPU. VECPAR 2004: 23-36
11EEJeremy R. Johnson, José M. F. Moura, Markus Püschel, Daniel N. Rockmore: Special issue on computer algebra and signal processing: forward by the guest editors. J. Symb. Comput. 37(2): 133-135 (2004)
10EESebastian Egner, Markus Püschel: Symmetry-based matrix factorization. J. Symb. Comput. 37(2): 157-186 (2004)
9EEClaire Fang Fang, Rob A. Rutenbar, Markus Püschel, Tsuhan Chen: Toward efficient static analysis of finite-precision effects in DSP applications via affine arithmetic modeling. DAC 2003: 496-501
8EEFranz Franchetti, Markus Püschel: Short Vector Code Generation for the Discrete Fourier Transform. IPDPS 2003: 58
7EEMarkus Püschel, José M. F. Moura: The Algebraic Approach to the Discrete Cosine and Sine Transforms and Their Fast Algorithms. SIAM J. Comput. 32(5): 1280-1316 (2003)
6EEFranz Franchetti, Markus Püschel: A SIMD Vectorizing Compiler for Digital Signal Processing Algorithms. IPDPS 2002
5EEMarkus Püschel: Decomposing Monomial Representations of Solvable Groups. J. Symb. Comput. 34(6): 561-596 (2002)
4EEMarkus Püschel, Bryan Singer, Manuela M. Veloso, José M. F. Moura: Fast Automatic Generation of DSP Algorithms. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2001: 97-106
3 Markus Püschel, Martin Rötteler, Thomas Beth: Fast Quantum Fourier Transforms for a Class of Non-Abelian Groups. AAECC 1999: 148-159
2EESebastian Egner, Markus Püschel: Solving Puzzles Related to Permutation Groups. ISSAC 1998: 186-193
1 Sebastian Egner, Markus Püschel, Thomas Beth: Decomposing a Permutation into a Conjugated Tensor Product. ISSAC 1997: 101-108

Coauthor Index

1Mohammad Ahmad [24]
2Thomas Beth [1] [3]
3Ramamurthy Bhagavatula [36]
4Andreas Bonelli [23]
5Amina Chebira [30] [36]
6Srinivas Chellappa [32] [37]
7Tsuhan Chen [9]
8Luis P. Coelho [30]
9Justin C. Crowley [36]
10Philipp Cuadra [30]
11Paolo D'Alberto [31] [34] [37]
12Sebastian Egner [1] [2] [10]
13Claire Fang Fang [9]
14Franz Franchetti [6] [8] [12] [15] [20] [21] [22] [23] [31] [32] [34] [37] [38] [39] [40]
15Christina A. Hallock [36]
16Sung-Chul Han [22]
17James C. Hoe [13] [14] [18] [24] [27] [34] [37] [38] [41]
18Christopher Hoffman [30]
19Charles Jackson [30]
20William G. Jenkinson [30]
21Jeremy R. Johnson [11] [34]
22Jelena Kovacevic [17] [30] [36]
23Stefan Kral [12]
24Stephen Lin [30]
25Juergen Lorenz [12] [23]
26Jeremiah MacSleyne [30]
27Abhay Mavalankar [36]
28Frédéric de Mesmay [37] [40]
29Peter A. Milder [18] [24] [34] [37] [38] [41]
30José M. F. Moura [4] [7] [11] [19] [28] [34] [37]
31Grace Nordin [18]
32Christina E. Onorato [36]
33Inci Ozgunes [36]
34Daniel N. Rockmore [11]
35Gustavo K. Rohde [36]
36Martin Rötteler [3] [16] [26] [35]
37Rob A. Rutenbar [9]
38Aliaksei Sandryhaila [30] [34]
39Hao Shen [37]
40Bryan Singer [4]
41Chuen Hwa Tan [36]
42Marek R. Telgarsky [37]
43Peter Tummeltshammer [14] [27]
44Christoph W. Ueberhuber [12] [23]
45Manuela M. Veloso [4]
46Yevgen Voronenko [15] [20] [21] [25] [29] [37] [40]
47Adam C. Zelinski [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)