DARS 2000:
Lynne E. Parker, George A. Bekey, Jacob Barhen (Eds.):
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 4, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems, DARS 2000, October 4-6, 2000, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
Springer 2000, ISBN 4-431-70295-4 BibTeX
editor = {Lynne E. Parker and
George A. Bekey and
Jacob Barhen},
title = {Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 4, Proceedings of the
5th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic
Systems, DARS 2000, October 4-6, 2000, Knoxville, Tennessee,
booktitle = {DARS},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2000},
isbn = {4-431-70295-4},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Architectures and Development Environments
Communication and Knowledge Sharing
Biological Inspirations
Reconfigurable Robots
- Stergios I. Roumeliotis, George A. Bekey:
Distributed Multi-Robot Localization.
179-188 BibTeX
- Yashikazu Arai, Hajime Asama, Hayato Kaetsu, Isao Endo:
Distance Measurement in Multi-Robot Systems based on Time Shared Scheduling.
189-198 BibTeX
- S. Premvuti, W. Wattanapornprom, M. O-Sot, J. Wattanawejwijit:
Relative Position Localizing System for Multiple Autonomous Mobile Robots in Distributed Robotic System.
199-208 BibTeX
- Akio Nakamura, Tamio Arai, T. Hiroki, Jun Ota:
Development of a Multiple Mobile Robot System Controlled by a Human Realization of Object Command Level.
209-220 BibTeX
and Model Acquisition
- Dean F. Hougen, Michael D. Erickson, Paul E. Rybski, Sascha Stoeter, Maria L. Gini, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos:
Autonomous Mobile Robots and Distributed Exploratory Missions.
221-230 BibTeX
- Nageswara S. V. Rao:
Terrain Model Acquisition by Mobile Robot Teams and n-Connectivity.
231-240 BibTeX
- Ioannis M. Rekleitis, Gregory Dudek, Evangelos E. Milios:
Graph-Based Exploration using Multiple Robots.
241-250 BibTeX
- Göksel Dedeoglu, Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Landmark-based Matching Algorithm for Cooperative Mapping by Autonomous Robots.
251-260 BibTeX
- Adam T. Hayes, Alcherio Martinoli, Rodney M. Goodman:
Comparing Distributed Exploration Strategies with Simulated and Autonomous Robots.
261-272 BibTeX
Distributed Sensing
Multi-Robot Motion Coordination and Tracking
- Frank E. Schneider, Dennis Wildermuth, H.-L. Wolf:
Motion Coordination in Formations of Multiple Mobile Robots Using a Potential Field Approach.
305-314 BibTeX
- Richard T. Vaughan, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Francisco J. Mesa-Martinez, James F. Montgomery:
Fly Spy: Lightweight Localization and Target Tracking for Cooperating Air and Ground Robots.
315-324 BibTeX
- Tomoyuki Kaga, Jens Starke, P. Molnár, Michael Schanz, Toshio Fukuda:
Dynamic Robot-Target Assignment - Dependence of Recovering from Breakdowns on the Speed of the Selection Process.
325-334 BibTeX
- M. R. Hitchings, L. J. B. Vlacic, Z. O'Sullivan:
Fuzzy Control of Distance and Motion Tracking Applied to Cooperative Autonomous Robots.
335-346 BibTeX
- Barry Brian Werger, Maja J. Mataric:
Broadcast of Local Elibility for Multi-Target Observation.
347-356 BibTeX
- B. W. Minten, Robin R. Murphy, Jeff Hyams, Mark Micire:
A Communication-Free Behavior for Docking Mobile Robots.
357-370 BibTeX
Multi-Robot Learning
Cooperative Object Transport
- C. K. Humberstone, K. B. Smith:
Object Transport Using Multiple Mobile Robots With Pin Joint Endeffectors.
417-426 BibTeX
- Yuichi Asahiro, Eric Chung-Hui Chang, Amol Dattatraya Mali, Syunsuke Nagafuji, Ichiro Suzuki, Masafumi Yamashita:
Distributed Motion Generation for Two Omni-Directional Robots Carrying Ladder.
427-436 BibTeX
- H. Oyobe, R. Marutani, Y. Hori:
Experimental Manufacturing of Object Transfer System "Magic Carpet" Consisting of Actuator Array with Autonomous Decentralized Control.
437-446 BibTeX
- Zhi Dong Wang, Y. Kimura, Takayuki Takahashi, Eiji Nakano:
A Control Method of a Multiple Non-holonomic Robot System for Cooperative Object Transportation.
447-456 BibTeX
- T. Sawada, A. Sugai, Sumiaki Ichikawa, Fumio Hara:
Structural Characteristics of Intelligence and Embodiment in Two-Mobile Robots Systems.
457-468 BibTeX
Related Research Topics
- Nicolas Bredeche, Jean-Daniel Zucker:
From Distributed Robot Perception to Human Topology: A Learning Model.
469-470 BibTeX
- Richard R. Brooks, Eric Grele, Wojtek Klimkiewicz, Jamila Moore, Christopher Griffin, Brian Kovak, John Koch:
Reactive Sensor Networks.
471-472 BibTeX
- C. R. F. Costa, Eliana P. L. Aude:
Cooperation of Multiple Robots to Solve Maze Tasks.
473-474 BibTeX
- Puneet Goel, Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Localizing a Wireless Node in a Multi-Agent System using Kalman Filtering.
475-476 BibTeX
- Monica N. Nicolescu, Maja J. Mataric:
Learning Cooperation from Human-Robot Interaction.
477-478 BibTeX
- Daniel W. Palmer, D. H. Stinberg, C. M. Hantak, M. A. Kovacina, S. N. Calabrese:
Susceptibility of Swarm Control Algorithms to Agent Failure.
479-480 BibTeX
- S. Picault, Alexis Drogoul:
The MICRobES Project, an Experimental Approach towards "Open Collective Robotics".
481-482 BibTeX
- Poj Tangamchit, John M. Dolan, Pradeep K. Khosla:
Dynamic Task Selection: A Simple Structure for Multirobot system.
483-484 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:05:09 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)