
Pragnesh Jay Modi

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28EERobert N. Lass, Joseph B. Kopena, Evan Sultanik, Duc N. Nguyen, Christopher Dugan, Pragnesh Jay Modi, William C. Regli: Coordination of first responders under communication and resource constraints. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1409-1412
27EEJoseph B. Kopena, Evan Sultanik, Robert N. Lass, Duc N. Nguyen, Christopher Dugan, Pragnesh Jay Modi, William C. Regli: Distributed Coordination of First Responders. IEEE Internet Computing 12(1): 45-47 (2008)
26 Christopher J. Carpenter, Christopher Dugan, Joseph Kopena, Robert N. Lass, Gaurav Naik, Duc N. Nguyen, Evan Sultanik, Pragnesh Jay Modi, William C. Regli: Disaster Evacuation Support. AAAI 2007: 1964-1965
25EEChristopher J. Carpenter, Robert N. Lass, Evan Sultanik, Christopher Dugan, Gaurav Naik, Pragnesh Jay Modi, Joseph Kopena, Duc N. Nguyen, William C. Regli: Demonstration: disaster evacuation support. AAMAS 2007: 263
24EEEvan Sultanik, Pragnesh Jay Modi, William C. Regli: On Modeling Multiagent Task Scheduling as a Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem. IJCAI 2007: 1531-1536
23EEMaxim Peysakhov, Christopher Dugan, Pragnesh Jay Modi, William C. Regli: Quorum sensing on mobile ad-hoc networks. AAMAS 2006: 1104-1106
22EEJohn Davin, Pragnesh Jay Modi: Hierarchical variable ordering for distributed constraint optimization. AAMAS 2006: 1433-1435
21EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Spiros Mancoridis, William M. Mongan, William C. Regli, Israel Mayk: Towards a reference model for agent-based systems. AAMAS 2006: 1475-1482
20EEEvan Sultanik, Pragnesh Jay Modi, William C. Regli: Constraint Propagation for Domain Bounding in Distributed Task Scheduling. CP 2006: 756-760
19EEJohn Davin, Pragnesh Jay Modi: Impact of problem centralization in distributed constraint optimization algorithms. AAMAS 2005: 1057-1063
18EEMilind Tambe, Emma Bowring, Hyuckchul Jung, Gal A. Kaminka, Rajiv T. Maheswaran, Janusz Marecki, Pragnesh Jay Modi, Ranjit Nair, Stephen Okamoto, Jonathan P. Pearce, Praveen Paruchuri, David V. Pynadath, Paul Scerri, Nathan Schurr, Pradeep Varakantham: Conflicts in teamwork: hybrids to the rescue. AAMAS 2005: 3-10
17EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Manuela M. Veloso: Bumping strategies for the multiagent agreement problem. AAMAS 2005: 390-396
16EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Peter Woo Tae Kim: Classification of Examples by Multiple Agents with Private Features. IAT 2005: 223-229
15EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Wei-Min Shen, Milind Tambe, Makoto Yokoo: Adopt: asynchronous distributed constraint optimization with quality guarantees. Artif. Intell. 161(1-2): 149-180 (2005)
14 Pragnesh Jay Modi, Manuela M. Veloso, Stephen F. Smith, Jean Oh: CMRadar: A Personal Assistant Agent for Calendar Management. AAAI 2004: 1020-1021
13EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Manuela M. Veloso, Stephen F. Smith, Jean Oh: CMRadar: A Personal Assistant Agent for Calendar Management. AOIS 2004: 169-181
12EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Wei-Min Shen, Milind Tambe, Makoto Yokoo: An asynchronous complete method for distributed constraint optimization. AAMAS 2003: 161-168
11 Paul Scerri, Pragnesh Jay Modi, Wei-Min Shen, Milind Tambe: Are Multiagent Algorithms Relevant for Real Hardware? A Case Study of Distributed Constraint Algorithms. SAC 2003: 38-44
10 Pragnesh Jay Modi: Distributed Constraint Optimization and Its Application to Multiagent Resource Allocation. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 987
9EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Hyuckchul Jung, Milind Tambe, Wei-Min Shen, Shriniwas Kulkarni: Dynamic Distributed Resource Allocation: A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Approach. ATAL 2001: 264-276
8EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Wei-Min Shen: Collaborative multiagent learning for classification tasks. Agents 2001: 37-38
7EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Hyuckchul Jung, Milind Tambe, Wei-Min Shen, Shriniwas Kulkarni: A Dynamic Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Resource Allocation. CP 2001: 685-700
6EEPragnesh Jay Modi: Constraint Programming for Distributed Resource Allocation. CP 2001: 773
5EEPragnesh Jay Modi, Wei-Min Shen: Learning Team Coordination Constraints through Execution. ICMAS 2000: 417-418
4 Wei-Min Shen, Rogelio Adobbati, Pragnesh Jay Modi, Behnam Salemi: Purposeful Behavior in Robot Soccer Team Play. RoboCup 1999: 460-468
3 Wei-Min Shen, Jafar Adibi, Rogelio Adobbati, Pragnesh Jay Modi, Hadi Moradi, Behnam Salemi, Sheila Tejada: DREAMTEAM 99: Team Description Paper. RoboCup 1999: 707-710
2 Craig A. Knoblock, Steven Minton, José Luis Ambite, Naveen Ashish, Pragnesh Jay Modi, Ion Muslea, Andrew Philpot, Sheila Tejada: Modeling Web Sources for Information Integration. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 211-218
1EEJosé Luis Ambite, Naveen Ashish, Greg Barish, Craig A. Knoblock, Steven Minton, Pragnesh Jay Modi, Ion Muslea, Andrew Philpot, Sheila Tejada: ARIADNE: A System for Constructing Mediators for Internet Sources. SIGMOD Conference 1998: 561-563

Coauthor Index

1Jafar Adibi [3]
2Rogelio Adobbati [3] [4]
3José Luis Ambite [1] [2]
4Naveen Ashish [1] [2]
5Greg Barish [1]
6Emma Bowring [18]
7Christopher J. Carpenter [25] [26]
8John Davin [19] [22]
9Christopher Dugan [23] [25] [26] [27] [28]
10Hyuckchul Jung [7] [9] [18]
11Gal A. Kaminka [18]
12Peter Woo Tae Kim [16]
13Craig A. Knoblock [1] [2]
14Joseph B. Kopena (Joseph Kopena) [25] [26] [27] [28]
15Shriniwas Kulkarni [7] [9]
16Robert N. Lass [25] [26] [27] [28]
17Rajiv T. Maheswaran [18]
18Spiros Mancoridis [21]
19Janusz Marecki [18]
20Israel Mayk [21]
21Steven Minton [1] [2]
22William M. Mongan [21]
23Hadi Moradi [3]
24Ion Muslea [1] [2]
25Gaurav Naik [25] [26]
26Ranjit Nair [18]
27Duc N. Nguyen [25] [26] [27] [28]
28Jean Oh [13] [14]
29Stephen Okamoto [18]
30Praveen Paruchuri [18]
31Jonathan P. Pearce [18]
32Maxim Peysakhov [23]
33Andrew Philpot [1] [2]
34David V. Pynadath [18]
35William C. Regli [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]
36Behnam Salemi [3] [4]
37Paul Scerri [11] [18]
38Nathan Schurr [18]
39Wei-Min Shen [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [15]
40Stephen F. Smith [13] [14]
41Evan Sultanik [20] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]
42Milind Tambe [7] [9] [11] [12] [15] [18]
43Sheila Tejada [1] [2] [3]
44Pradeep Varakantham [18]
45Manuela M. Veloso [13] [14] [17]
46Makoto Yokoo [12] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)