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19. AAAI / 16. IAAI 2004: San Jose, California, USA

Deborah L. McGuinness, George Ferguson (Eds.): Proceedings of the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Sixteenth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, July 25-29, 2004, San Jose, California, USA. AAAI Press / The MIT Press 2004, ISBN 0-262-51183-5 BibTeX

AAAI-04 Technical Papers

Agents and Multi-Agent Systems

Automated Reasoning


Constraint Satisfaction and Satisfiability

Game Theory and Economic Models

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction


Planning and Scheduling

Qualitative Modeling




User Modeling

Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Papers

Deployed Application Papers

Emerging Application Papers

Student Abstracts

SIGART/AAAI Doctoral Consortium

Intelligent Systems Demonstrations

Copyright © Sat May 16 22:55:31 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)