
Alexis Drogoul

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40EEAlexis Drogoul: Keynote Speech: A Review of the Ontological Status, Computational Foundations and Methodological Processes of Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation Approaches: Open Challenges and Research Perspectives. PRIMA 2008: 1
39EEThanh-Quang Chu, Alain Boucher, Alexis Drogoul, Duc-An Vo, Hong-Phuong Nguyen, Jean-Daniel Zucker: Interactive Learning of Expert Criteria for Rescue Simulations. PRIMA 2008: 127-138
38EEEdouard Amouroux, Stéphanie Desvaux, Alexis Drogoul: Towards Virtual Epidemiology: An Agent-Based Approach to the Modeling of H5N1 Propagation and Persistence in North-Vietnam. PRIMA 2008: 26-33
37EENgoc Doanh Nguyen, Alexis Drogoul, Pierre Auger: Methodological Steps and Issues When Deriving Individual Based-Models from Equation-Based Models: A Case Study in Population Dynamics. PRIMA 2008: 295-306
36EEN. Marilleau, C. Cambier, Alexis Drogoul, J.-L. Chotte, Edith Perrier, E. Blanchart: Multiscale MAS modelling to simulate the soil environment: Application to soil ecology. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(7): 736-745 (2008)
35EEHoang Nam Chu, Arnaud Glad, Olivier Simonin, François Sempé, Alexis Drogoul, François Charpillet: Swarm Approaches for the Patrolling Problem, Information Propagation vs. Pheromone Evaporation. ICTAI (1) 2007: 442-449
34EEEdouard Amouroux, Thanh-Quang Chu, Alain Boucher, Alexis Drogoul: GAMA: An Environment for Implementing and Running Spatially Explicit Multi-agent Simulations. PRIMA 2007: 359-371
33EEPaul Guyot, Alexis Drogoul, Shinichi Honiden: Power and negotiation: lessons from agent-based participatory simulations. AAMAS 2006: 27-33
32EEFrançois Sempé, Minh Nguyen-Duc, Alain Boucher, Alexis Drogoul: An artificial maieutic approach for eliciting experts' knowledge in multi-agent simulations. AAMAS 2005: 1361-1362
31EEPaul Guyot, Alexis Drogoul, Christian Lemaître: Using emergence in participatory simulations to design multi-agent systems. AAMAS 2005: 199-203
30EEFrançois Sempé, Minh Nguyen-Duc, Stanislas Boissau, Alain Boucher, Alexis Drogoul: An Artificial Maieutic Approach for Eliciting Experts' Knowledge in Multi-agent Simulations. MABS 2005: 75-87
29EESameh El hadouaj, Alexis Drogoul: A Study of Coordination within a Road Traffic Environment. IAT 2004: 491-495
28EEDaisuke Torii, Toru Ishida, Stéphane Bonneaud, Alexis Drogoul: Layering Social Interaction Scenarios on Environmental Simulation. MABS 2004: 78-88
27EEAngélica Muñoz-Meléndez, Alexis Drogoul, Pierre-Emmanuel Viel: Collective Behavior as Assembling of Spatial Puzzles. MICAI 2004: 901-910
26EEPaul Guyot, Alexis Drogoul: Multi-agent Based Participatory Simulations on Various Scales. MMAS 2004: 149-160
25EEDuc-Minh Nguyen, Alexis Drogoul, Vu Duong: Conception d'un simulateur multi agents pour la gestion du trafic aérien. RIVF 2004: 33-40
24EEMinh Nguyen-Duc, Jean-Pierre Briot, Alexis Drogoul, Vu Duong: An application of Multi-Agent Coordination Techniques in Air Traffic Management. IAT 2003: 622-628
23EEMinh Nguyen-Duc, Vu Duong, Jean-Pierre Briot, Alexis Drogoul: Multi-Agent coordination techniques applied to Air Traffic Control. RIVF 2003: 59-64
22EENicolas Bredeche, Yann Chevaleyre, Jean-Daniel Zucker, Alexis Drogoul, Gérard Sabah: A meta-learning approach to ground symbols from visual percepts. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 43(2-3): 149-162 (2003)
21EELamjed Ben Said, Thierry Bouron, Alexis Drogoul: Agent-based interaction analysis of consumer behavior. AAMAS 2002: 184-190
20EEDavid Servat, Alexis Drogoul: Combining amorphous computing and reactive agent-based systems: a paradigm for pervasive intelligence?. AAMAS 2002: 441-448
19 Louis Hugues, Alexis Drogoul: Pixel-based Behavior Learning. ECAI 2002: 731-735
18EEAlexis Drogoul, Diane Vanbergue, Thomas Meurisse: Multi-agent Based Simulation: Where Are the Agents? MABS 2002: 1-15
17EEAydano Machado, Geber Ramalho, Jean-Daniel Zucker, Alexis Drogoul: Multi-agent Patrolling: An Empirical Analysis of Alternative Architectures. MABS 2002: 155-170
16EESamuel Landau, Stéphane Doncieux, Alexis Drogoul, Jean-Arcady Meyer: SFERES : Un framework pour la conception de systèmes multi-agents adaptatifs. Technique et Science Informatiques 21(4): 427-446 (2002)
15EEAngélica Muñoz-Meléndez, Alexis Drogoul: What Kind of Cooperation Is Required by Situated Agents? Active Media Technology 2001: 165-170
14 S. Picault, Alexis Drogoul: The MICRobES Project, an Experimental Approach towards "Open Collective Robotics". DARS 2000: 481-482
13EESameh El hadouaj, Alexis Drogoul, Stéphane Espié: How to Combine Reactivity and Anticipation: The Case of Conflicts Resolution in a Simulated Road Traffic. MABS 2000: 82-96
12 Alexis Drogoul, Milind Tambe, Toshio Fukuda: Collective Robotics, First International Workshop, CRW'98, Paris, France, July 4-5, 1998, Proceedings. Springer 1998
11 Guillaume Hutzler, Bernard Gortais, Alexis Drogoul: Data Gardens: An Artistic Proposal towards the Representation of Distributed and Dynamic Data using Multiagent Systems. ICMAS 1998: 435-436
10 David Servat, Edith Perrier, Jean-Pierre Treuil, Alexis Drogoul: When Agents Emerge from Agents: Introducing Multi-scale Viewpoints in Multi-agent Simulations. MABS 1998: 183-198
9EEDavid Servat, Edith Perrier, Jean-Pierre Treuil, Alexis Drogoul: Towards Virtual Experiment Laboratories: How Multi-Agent Simulations Can Cope with Multiple Scales of Analysis and Viewpoints. Virtual Worlds 1998: 205-217
8EEGuillaume Hutzler, Bernard Gortais, Alexis Drogoul: Grounding Virtual Worlds in Reality. Virtual Worlds 1998: 274-285
7EEAnne Collinot, Alexis Drogoul: Using the Cassiopeia Method to Design a Robot Soccer Team. Applied Artificial Intelligence 12(2-3): 127-147 (1998)
6EEMinoru Asada, Peter Stone, Hiroaki Kitano, Barry Brian Werger, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Alexis Drogoul, Dominique Duhaut, Manuela M. Veloso, Hajime Asama, Sho'ji Suzuki: The Robocup Physical Agent Challenge: Phase I. Applied Artificial Intelligence 12(2-3): 251-263 (1998)
5 Alexis Drogoul, Anne Collinot: Applying an Agent-Oriented Methodology to the Design of Artificial Organizations: A Case Study in Robotic Soccer. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 1(1): 113-129 (1998)
4 Sébastien Rocher, Vincent Idasiak, Sébastien Doncker, Alexis Drogoul, Dominique Duhaut: MICROB: The French Experiment in RoboCup. RoboCup 1997: 277-285
3 Minoru Asada, Peter Stone, Hiroaki Kitano, Alexis Drogoul, Dominique Duhaut, Manuela M. Veloso, Hajime Asama, Sho'ji Suzuki: The RoboCup Physical Agent Challenge: Goals and Protocols for Phase 1. RoboCup 1997: 42-61
2 Alexis Drogoul: When Ants Play Chess (Or Can Strategies Emerge from Tactical Behaviours?). MAAMAW 1993: 13-27
1 Alexis Drogoul, Jacques Ferber: Multi-Agent Simulation as a Tool for Modeling Societies: Application to Social Differentiation in Ant Colonies. MAAMAW 1992: 3-23

Coauthor Index

1Edouard Amouroux [34] [38]
2Minoru Asada [3] [6]
3Hajime Asama [3] [6]
4Pierre Auger [37]
5E. Blanchart [36]
6Stanislas Boissau [30]
7Stéphane Bonneaud [28]
8Alain Boucher [30] [32] [34] [39]
9Thierry Bouron [21]
10Nicolas Bredeche [22]
11Jean-Pierre Briot [23] [24]
12C. Cambier [36]
13François Charpillet [35]
14Yann Chevaleyre [22]
15J.-L. Chotte [36]
16Hoang Nam Chu [35]
17Thanh-Quang Chu [34] [39]
18Anne Collinot [5] [7]
19Stéphanie Desvaux [38]
20Stéphane Doncieux [16]
21Sébastien Doncker [4]
22Dominique Duhaut [3] [4] [6]
23Vu Duong [23] [24] [25]
24Stéphane Espié [13]
25Jacques Ferber [1]
26Toshio Fukuda [12]
27Arnaud Glad [35]
28Bernard Gortais [8] [11]
29Paul Guyot [26] [31] [33]
30Shinichi Honiden [33]
31Louis Hugues [19]
32Guillaume Hutzler [8] [11]
33Vincent Idasiak [4]
34Toru Ishida [28]
35Hiroaki Kitano [3] [6]
36Yasuo Kuniyoshi [6]
37Samuel Landau [16]
38Christian Lemaître [31]
39Aydano Machado [17]
40N. Marilleau [36]
41Thomas Meurisse [18]
42Jean-Arcady Meyer [16]
43Angélica Muñoz-Meléndez [15] [27]
44Duc-Minh Nguyen [25]
45Hong-Phuong Nguyen [39]
46Ngoc Doanh Nguyen [37]
47Minh Nguyen-Duc [23] [24] [30] [32]
48Edith Perrier [9] [10] [36]
49S. Picault [14]
50Geber Ramalho [17]
51Sébastien Rocher [4]
52Gérard Sabah [22]
53Lamjed Ben Said [21]
54François Sempé [30] [32] [35]
55David Servat [9] [10] [20]
56Olivier Simonin [35]
57Peter Stone [3] [6]
58Sho'ji Suzuki [3] [6]
59Milind Tambe [12]
60Daisuke Torii [28]
61Jean-Pierre Treuil [9] [10]
62Diane Vanbergue [18]
63Manuela M. Veloso [3] [6]
64Pierre-Emmanuel Viel [27]
65Duc-An Vo [39]
66Barry Brian Werger [6]
67Jean-Daniel Zucker [17] [22] [39]
68Sameh El hadouaj [13] [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)