2. ICCBR 1997:
Rhode Island,
David B. Leake, Enric Plaza (Eds.):
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, Second International Conference, ICCBR-97, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, July 25-27, 1997, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1266 Springer 1997, ISBN 3-540-63233-6 BibTeX
Application Papers
- William Cheetham, John Graf:
Case-Based Reasoning in Color Matching.
1-12 BibTeX
- Gavin R. Finnie, Gerhard E. Wittig, Jean-Marc Desharnais:
Estimating Software Development Effort with Case-Based Reasoning.
13-22 BibTeX
- Marc Fuchs, Matthias Fuchs:
Applying Case-Based Reasoning to Automated Deduction.
23-32 BibTeX
- Paulo Gomes, Carlos Bento:
A Case-Based Approach for Elaboration of Design Requirements.
33-42 BibTeX
- Jacek Jarmulak, Eugene J. H. Kerckhoffs, Peter Paul van't Veen:
Case-Based Reasoning in an Ultrasonic Rail-Inspection System.
43-52 BibTeX
- D. Y. Joh:
CBR in a Changing Environment.
53-62 BibTeX
- Dirk Krampe, Markus Lusti:
Case-Based Reasoning for Information System Design.
63-73 BibTeX
- Dongkon Lee, Jaeho Kang, Kwang Ryel Ryu, Kyung-Ho Lee:
Applying Memory-Based Learning to Indexing of Reference Ships for Case-Based Conceptual Ship Design.
74-83 BibTeX
- Mario Lenz, Hans-Dieter Burkhard:
CBR for Document Retrieval: The FALLQ Project.
84-93 BibTeX
- Ambrose Sunny Ochi-Okorie:
Combining Medical Records with Case-Based Reasoning in a Mixed Paradigm Design -- TROPIX Architecture & Implementation.
94-104 BibTeX
- Marco Papagni, Vincenzo Cirillo, Alessandro Micarelli:
Ocram-CBR: A Shell for Case-Based Educational Systems.
104-114 BibTeX
- Chris J. Price, Ian S. Pegler, M. B. Ratcliffe, A. McManus:
From Troubleshooting to Process Design: Closing the Manufacturing Loop.
114-121 BibTeX
- David Rager, James A. Hendler, Alice M. Mulvehill:
ForMAT and Parka: A Technology Integration Experiment and Beyond.
122-132 BibTeX
- Michael Redmond, Susan Phillips:
Encouraging Self-Explanation Through Case-Based Tutoring: A Case Study.
132-144 BibTeX
- Hideo Shimazu, Yosuke Takashima:
Lessons Learned from Deployed CBR Systems and Design Decisions Made in Building a Commercial CBR Tool.
144-156 BibTeX
- Carsten Tautz, Klaus-Dieter Althoff:
Using Case-Based Reasoning for Reusing Software Knowledge.
156-165 BibTeX
- Helen Thomas, Richard Foil, Jim Dacus:
New Technology Bliss and Plain in a Large Customer Service Center.
166-177 BibTeX
- James R. Trott, Bing Leng:
An Engineering Approach for Troubleshooting Case Bases.
178-189 BibTeX
- Rosina Weber-Lee, Ricardo Miranda Barcia, Marcio C. da Costa, Ilson W. Rodrigues Filho, Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Tânia C. D'Agostini Bueno, Alejandro Martins, Roberto C. S. Pacheco:
A Large Case-Based Reasoner for Legal Cases.
190-199 BibTeX
- Christopher Wisdo:
A Scalable Approach for Question Based Indexing of Encyclopedic Texts.
200-210 BibTeX
Scientific Papers
Representation and Formalization
Indexing and Retrieval
- David W. Aha, Len Breslow:
Refining Conversational Case Libraries.
267-278 BibTeX
- Josep Lluís Arcos, Ramon López de Mántaras:
Perspectives: A Declarative Bias Mechanism for Case Retrieval.
279-290 BibTeX
- Andrea Bonzano, Padraig Cunningham, Barry Smyth:
Using Introspective Learning to Improve Retrieval in CBR: A Case Study in Air Traffic Control.
291-302 BibTeX
- Stefanie Brüninghaus, Kevin D. Ashley:
Using Machine Learning for Assigning Indices to Textual Cases.
303-314 BibTeX
- Jirapun Daengdej, Dickson Lukose:
How Case-Based Reasoning and Cooperative Query Answering Techniques Support RICAD ?
315-324 BibTeX
- Jody J. Daniels, Edwina L. Rissland:
What You Saw Is What You Want: Using Cases to Seed Information Retrieval.
325-336 BibTeX
- Hector Muñoz-Avila, Frank Weberskirch, Thomas Roth-Berghofer:
On the Relation between the Context of a Feature and the Domain Theory in Case-Based Planning.
337-348 BibTeX
- Seishi Okamoto, Nobuhiro Yugami:
Theoretical Analysis of Case Retrieval Method Based on Neighborhood of a New Problem.
349-358 BibTeX
Integrated Approaches
Creative Reasoning
CBR and Uncertainty
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:31 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)