
M. Bernardine Dias

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10EEM. Bernardine Dias, Brett Browning, G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, Nathan Amanquah, Noura El-Moughny: Undergraduate Robotics Education in Technologically Underserved Communities. ICRA 2007: 1387-1392
9EEEdward Gil Jones, M. Bernardine Dias, Anthony Stentz: Learning-enhanced market-based task allocation for oversubscribed domains. IROS 2007: 2308-2313
8 G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, Anthony Stentz, M. Bernardine Dias: DD* Lite: Efficient Incremental Search with State Dominance. AAAI 2006
7 Edward Gil Jones, Brett Browning, M. Bernardine Dias, Brenna Argall, Manuela M. Veloso, Anthony Stentz: Dynamically formed Heterogeneous Robot Teams Performing Tightly-coordinated Tasks. ICRA 2006: 570-575
6EECarol Frieze, Orit Hazzan, Lenore Blum, M. Bernardine Dias: Culture and environment as determinants of women's participation in computing: revealing the "women-CS fit". SIGCSE 2006: 22-26
5 M. Bernardine Dias, G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, D. P. Thrishantha Nanayakkara: Robotics, Education, and Sustainable Development. ICRA 2005: 4248-4253
4EEM. Bernardine Dias, Marc Zinck, Robert Zlot, Anthony Stentz: Robust Multirobot Coordination in Dynamic Environments. ICRA 2004: 3435-3442
3EEDani Goldberg, Vincent A. Cicirello, M. Bernardine Dias, Reid G. Simmons, Stephen F. Smith, Anthony Stentz: Task allocation using a distributed market-based planning mechanism. AAMAS 2003: 996-997
2 Robert Zlot, Anthony Stentz, M. Bernardine Dias, Scott Thayer: Multi-Robot Exploration Controlled by a Market Economy. ICRA 2002: 3016-3023
1 David Wettergreen, M. Bernardine Dias, Benjamin Shamah, James Teza, Paul Tompkins, Chris Urmson, Michael D. Wagner, William Whittaker: First Experiment in Sun-Synchronous Exploration. ICRA 2002: 3501-3507

Coauthor Index

1Nathan Amanquah [10]
2Brenna Argall [7]
3Lenore Blum [6]
4Brett Browning [7] [10]
5Vincent A. Cicirello [3]
6Noura El-Moughny [10]
7Carol Frieze [6]
8Dani Goldberg [3]
9Orit Hazzan [6]
10Edward Gil Jones [7] [9]
11G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey [5] [8] [10]
12D. P. Thrishantha Nanayakkara [5]
13Benjamin Shamah [1]
14Reid G. Simmons [3]
15Stephen F. Smith [3]
16Anthony Stentz [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9]
17James Teza [1]
18Scott Thayer [2]
19Paul Tompkins [1]
20Chris Urmson [1]
21Manuela M. Veloso [7]
22Michael D. Wagner [1]
23David Wettergreen [1]
24William Whittaker (Red Whittaker) [1]
25Marc Zinck [4]
26Robert Zlot [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)