6. ICTAI 1994:
New Orleans,
Sixth International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI '94),
November 6-9,
New Orleans,
USA. IEEE Computer Society,
ISBN 0-8186-6785-0
AI Languages,
Software Engineering and Object Oriented Systems
- Edward Pershits, Ryan Stansifer:
Solving Diagramless Crossword Puzzles.
4-10 BibTeX
- Jonathan I. Maletic, Robert G. Reynolds:
A Tool to Support Knowledge Based Software Maintenance: The Software Service Bay.
11-17 BibTeX
- James C. Browne, E. Allen Emerson, Mohamed G. Gouda, Daniel P. Miranker, Aloysius K. Mok, Roberto J. Bayardo Jr., Sarah E. Chodrow, David Gadbois, F. Furman Haddix, Thomas W. Hetherington, Lance Obermeyer, Duu-Chung Tsou, Chih-Kan Wang, Rwo-Hsi Wang:
A New Approach to Modularity in Rule-Based Programming.
18-25 BibTeX
- Betty H. C. Cheng, Enoch Y. Wang, Robert H. Bourdeau:
A Graphical Environment for Formally Developing Object-Oriented Software.
26-32 BibTeX
- Li Li, Barrett R. Bryant:
Parsing Unification Categorial Grammar with Object-Oriented Knowledge.
33-39 BibTeX
Intelligent Strategies for Scheduling and Planning
Industrial Track I
- Raman Rajagopalan:
The Figure Understander: A Tool for the Integration of Text and Graphical Input to a Knowledge Base.
80-87 BibTeX
- Carlos A. Coello Coello, Michael Rudnick, Alan D. Christiansen:
Using Genetic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Trusses.
88-94 BibTeX
- Cédric Gégout, Bernard Girau, Fabrice Rossi:
NSK, an Object-Oriented Simulator Kernel for Arbitrary Feedforward Neural Networks.
95-104 BibTeX
- Erh-Chun Yeh, Ying Sun, S. S. Venkata, Z. Sumic:
Design by Expectation: A Framework for Engineering Design Optimization.
105-111 BibTeX
- Myron Lewellen, Ramesh Ravula, Rodney Swab, Bruce Pratt:
The Rail Yard Manager.
112-119 BibTeX
Logic & Constraint Programming I
Neural Networks
Fuzzy Systems
Panel 2:
Natural Language Processing Tools & Environments:
The Field in Perspective
Keynote Address
- Larry H. Reeker:
Tools for Representing and Managing Knowledge: Some Practical Requirements and Suggestions.
240-244 BibTeX
Natural Language Processing
Strategies for AI Development
AI Applications
- Prabhas Chongstitvatana:
Vision-based Behavioural Modules for Robotic Assembly Systems.
312-316 BibTeX
- Da-Yu Liu, Yoshinao Aoki:
An Attempt to Apply the Dividing and Composing Method to Various Frames of Chinese Flower and Bird Panting.
317-324 BibTeX
- A. Gruber, Jürgen Fent, W. Fröchtenicht, Christian Kiesling, J. Möck, P. Ribarics, D. Goldner, Hermann Kolanoski, T. Krämerkämper:
A Neural Network Architecture for the Second Level Trigger in the H1-Experiment at the Electron Proton Collider HERA.
325-331 BibTeX
- Jun Wang, Guang Wu:
Recurrent Neural Networks for Synthesizing Linear Control Systems via Pole Placement.
332-338 BibTeX
- Nestor Rychtyckyj:
Classification in DLMS Utilizing a KL-ONE Representation Language.
339-345 BibTeX
Panel 3:
Tools with AI in the Government
Keynote Address
- Harold Szu:
Intelligent Neural Networks using Smart Wavelets Preprocessing.
348-349 BibTeX
Intelligent Data Bases
AI Algorithms,
Genetic Algorithms
- Jason Tsong-Li Wang, Kaizhong Zhang, Gung-Wei Chirn:
Approximate Graph Matching Using Probabilistic Hill Climbing Algorithms.
390-396 BibTeX
- Christian Bessière, Jean-Charles Régin:
An Arc-Consistency Algorithm Optimal in the Number of Constraint Checks.
397-403 BibTeX
- Leuo-hong Wang, Cheng-Yan Kao, Ming Ouhyoung, Wen-Chin Chen:
Using an Annealing Genetic Algorihtm to Solve Global Energy Minimazation Problem.
404-410 BibTeX
- Paolo Prinetto, Maurizio Rebaudengo, Matteo Sonza Reorda, Enzo Veiluva:
GATTO: An Intelligent Tool for Automatic Test Pattern Generation for Digital Circuits.
411-417 BibTeX
- Philippe Collard, Jean-Luc Segapeli:
Using a Double-based Genetic Algorithm on a Population of Computer Programs.
418-424 BibTeX
Logic & Constraint Programming II
Learning & Knowledge Acquisition
Information Modeling & Reasoning Techniques
Industrial Track II
Uncertainty Management,
Fuzzy Logic
Distributed & Cooperative AI,
Information Systems
Expert Systems
- Christopher J. Merz, Michael J. Pazzani:
Parameter Tuning for the MAX Expert System.
632-639 BibTeX
- Trent Jaeger, Atul Prakash, Masayuki Ishikawa:
A Framework for Automatic Improvement of Workflows to Meet Performance Goals.
640-646 BibTeX
- Tolety Siva Perraju, Garimella Uma, Bandreddi E. Prasad:
A Scheme for Knowledge Representation, Verification, and Reasoning in Real Time Asynchronous Production Systems.
647-653 BibTeX
- J. W. Guan, Z. Guan, David A. Bell:
A Framework for Fault Diagnosis in Distributed Expert Systems.
654-660 BibTeX
- A. Laribi, S. A. Laribi:
An Intelligent System to Facilitate the Diagnosis of Adverse Drug Reactions.
661-666 BibTeX
Poster Session
- Carl G. Wagner:
Imprecise Probability and Expert Forecasting.
668-671 BibTeX
- Hisashi Shimodaira:
A Weight Value Initialization Method for Improving Learning Performance of the Back Propagation Algorithm in Neural Networks.
672-675 BibTeX
- Bing Liu:
Integrating Rules and Constraints.
676-679 BibTeX
- Pierre Lim:
Experiences in Using Prolog to Develop a Practical Constraint Solver.
680-683 BibTeX
- Yusuf Wilajati Purna, Takahira Yamaguchi:
MODEST: A Model-Based Diagnostic Expert System.
684-687 BibTeX
- Stephen V. Kowalski, Dan I. Moldovan:
Explicit Versus Implicit Set-Covering for Supervised Learning.
688-691 BibTeX
- Shifu Chen, Bin Hu:
A New Generation of Intelligent Punching Environment for Computerized Embroidery.
692-695 BibTeX
- Shifu Chen, Dianxiang Xu:
KBMDL: A Knowledge Based Model Description Language for Decision Support.
696-699 BibTeX
- Ray H. Kemp, S. P. Smith:
Using Planning Techniques to Provide Feedback in Interactive Learning Environments.
700-703 BibTeX
- Pedro Domingos:
The RISE System: Conquering without Separating.
704-707 BibTeX
- Isambo Karali, Constantin Halatsis:
A Practical Module System for Logic Programming and its Semantics.
708-711 BibTeX
- Ta-Cheng Yu, Lawrence J. Henschen:
Integrating External Functions in an Object Oriented Reasoning System.
712-715 BibTeX
- Jean-François Arcand:
An Artificial Neural Network for the Ergonomic Evaluation of a Human-Computer Interface.
716-719 BibTeX
- José Ramón Zubizarreta Aizpuru, Craig Jones:
Joining Contextual Information to the Intervention in Natural Language Interfaces.
720-723 BibTeX
- Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, Han Reichgelt:
The Inheritance Mechanism of a System Integrating Logic in Objects.
724-727 BibTeX
- Randall J. Calistri-Yeh:
Iterative Strengthening: An Algorithm for Generating Anytime Optimal Plans.
728-731 BibTeX
- Kenichi Yoshida:
User Command Prediction by Graph-Based Induction.
732-735 BibTeX
- M. Tomasena:
Model-Based Identification of Primary Causes.
736-739 BibTeX
- Ron Kohavi, George H. John, Richard Long, David Manley, Karl Pfleger:
MLC++: A Machine Learning Library in C++.
740-743 BibTeX
- Annie S. Wu, Robert K. Lindsay, Michael D. Smith:
Studies on the Effect of Non-coding Segments on the Genetic Algorithm.
744-747 BibTeX
- Weon Sam Chung, Rafael A. Perez:
The Schema Theorem Considered Insufficient.
748-751 BibTeX
- Yuriko Nomura, Masahiko Iwamoto, Toru Yamanouchi, Masanobu Watanabe:
A Heuristics Guided Scheduling Framework for Domains with Complex Conditions.
752-755 BibTeX
- César Santos Silva, Alexandre Malheiro Bernardino, Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira:
Interleaving Real-Time Multi-Agent Planning and Execution: An Application.
756-759 BibTeX
- Seung Soo Han, Gary S. May:
Modeling the Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Process Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms.
760-763 BibTeX
- Adele E. Howe, Aaron D. Fuegi:
Methods for Finding Influences on Program Failure.
764-767 BibTeX
- Jan Vanthienen, Geert Wets:
Restructuring and Optimizing Knowledge Representations.
768-771 BibTeX
- Jean Pierre Fournier:
Docile Agents to Process Natural Language.
772-775 BibTeX
- Didier Gemmerlé:
Object Reconstruction using the Cooperation of 3D Segments and 3D Facets Information.
776-779 BibTeX
- Sunita Patil, Martin O. Hofmann:
Fuzzy Qualitative Diagnosis.
780-783 BibTeX
- Emmanuel Chailloux, Christian Codognet, Philippe Codognet:
Finite Domain Constraints in the ML Functional Language.
784-787 BibTeX
- Jeffrey A. Goldman:
Pattern Theoretic Knowledge Discovery.
788-791 BibTeX
- Bruno Errico, Gabriele Novembri:
KAAD: A Support System for Architectural Design.
792-795 BibTeX
- Rajiv Khosla, Tharam S. Dillon:
Constructs for Building Complex Symbolic-Connectionist Systems.
796-799 BibTeX
- Michael Braunwarth, Abdelouahab Mekaouche, Jean-Claude Bassano:
DIALECT2: An Information Retrieval System Based on Distributed Artificial Intelligence Tools.
800-803 BibTeX
- Pierre Baptiste, Bruno Legeard, Hamza Zidoum:
Sequences Constraint Solving in Constraints Logic Programming.
804-807 BibTeX
- Alain Filbois:
Combining Geometric and Photometric Information to Find Lines from Step Edge Detection.
808-811 BibTeX
- Christos Nikolopoulos:
Using Classifier Systems to Design Neural Nets.
812-815 BibTeX
- Tu Bao Ho:
A Method for Organizing Knowledge Bases in the Hierarchical Form.
816-819 BibTeX
- Christoph F. Eick, Yeong-Joon Kim, Nicola Secomandi:
Enhancing Diversity for a Genetic Algorithm Learning Environment for Classfication Tasks.
820-823 BibTeX
- Scott Finnerty, Sandip Sen:
Simulated Annealing Based Classfication.
824-827 BibTeX
- Bertrand Daniel Dunay:
Context Free Language Induction with Genetic Programming.
828-831 BibTeX
- Gianni Vercelli, F. Giuffrida, A. Rolla, R. Toracca, Pietro Morasso:
NAVNEX: A Hybrid System which Learns Navigation Situations in Real Time.
832-835 BibTeX
- Agnar Aamodt:
A Knowledge Representation System for Integration of General and Case-Specific Knowledge.
836-839 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:21:53 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)