2008 |
83 | EE | Jean Oh,
Stephen F. Smith:
A few good agents: multi-agent social learning.
AAMAS (1) 2008: 339-346 |
82 | EE | Angelo Oddi,
Amedeo Cesta,
Nicola Policella,
Stephen F. Smith:
Hybrid Variants for Iterative Flattening Search.
CPAIOR 2008: 355-360 |
81 | EE | Gregory J. Barlow,
Stephen F. Smith:
A Memory Enhanced Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Scheduling Problems.
EvoWorkshops 2008: 606-615 |
80 | | Anthony Gallagher,
Stephen F. Smith:
Recovering from Inconsistency in Distributed Simple Temporal Networks.
FLAIRS Conference 2008: 549-554 |
79 | EE | Gregory J. Barlow,
Choong K. Oh,
Stephen F. Smith:
Evolving cooperative control on sparsely distributed tasks for UAV teams without global communication.
GECCO 2008: 177-184 |
78 | | Pradeep Varakantham,
Stephen F. Smith:
Linear Relaxation Techniques for Task Management in Uncertain Settings.
ICAPS 2008: 363-371 |
77 | EE | Matthew J. Streeter,
Stephen F. Smith:
New Techniques for Algorithm Portfolio Design.
UAI 2008: 519-527 |
2007 |
76 | | Laurence A. Kramer,
Laura Barbulescu,
Stephen F. Smith:
Understanding Performance Tradeoffs in Algorithms for Solving Oversubscribed Scheduling.
AAAI 2007: 1019-1024 |
75 | | Matthew J. Streeter,
Daniel Golovin,
Stephen F. Smith:
Combining Multiple Heuristics Online.
AAAI 2007: 1197-1203 |
74 | | Matthew J. Streeter,
Daniel Golovin,
Stephen F. Smith:
Restart Schedules for Ensembles of Problem Instances.
AAAI 2007: 1204-1210 |
73 | EE | Stephen F. Smith,
Anthony Gallagher,
Terry Zimmerman:
Distributed management of flexible times schedules.
AAMAS 2007: 74 |
72 | EE | Angelo Oddi,
Nicola Policella,
Amedeo Cesta,
Stephen F. Smith:
Boosting the Performance of Iterative Flattening Search.
AI*IA 2007: 447-458 |
71 | | David W. Hildum,
Stephen F. Smith:
Constructing Conflict-Free Schedules in Space and Time.
ICAPS 2007: 184-191 |
70 | | Matthew J. Streeter,
Stephen F. Smith:
Using Decision Procedures Efficiently for Optimization.
ICAPS 2007: 312-319 |
69 | EE | Nicola Policella,
Amedeo Cesta,
Angelo Oddi,
Stephen F. Smith:
From precedence constraint posting to partial order schedules: A CSP approach to Robust Scheduling.
AI Commun. 20(3): 163-180 (2007) |
2006 |
68 | | Derek Long,
Stephen F. Smith,
Daniel Borrajo,
Lee McCluskey:
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2006, Cumbria, UK, June 6-10, 2006
AAAI 2006 |
67 | | Matthew J. Streeter,
Stephen F. Smith:
An Asymptotically Optimal Algorithm for the Max k-Armed Bandit Problem.
AAAI 2006 |
66 | EE | Matthew J. Streeter,
Stephen F. Smith:
A Simple Distribution-Free Approach to the Max k-Armed Bandit Problem.
CP 2006: 560-574 |
65 | | Anthony Gallagher,
Terry L. Zimmerman,
Stephen F. Smith:
Incremental Scheduling to Maximize Quality in a Dynamic Environment.
ICAPS 2006: 222-232 |
64 | | Matthew J. Streeter,
Stephen F. Smith:
Exploiting the Power of Local Search in a Branch and Bound Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling.
ICAPS 2006: 324-333 |
63 | | Laurence A. Kramer,
Stephen F. Smith:
Resource Contention Metrics for Oversubscribed Scheduling Problems.
ICAPS 2006: 406-409 |
62 | EE | Matthew J. Streeter,
Stephen F. Smith:
How the Landscape of Random Job Shop Scheduling Instances Depends on the Ratio of Jobs to Machines.
J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 26: 247-287 (2006) |
2005 |
61 | | Nicola Policella,
Xiaofang Wang,
Stephen F. Smith,
Angelo Oddi:
Exploiting Temporal Flexibility to Obtain High Quality Schedules.
AAAI 2005: 1199-1204 |
60 | | Vincent A. Cicirello,
Stephen F. Smith:
The Max K-Armed Bandit: A New Model of Exploration Applied to Search Heuristic Selection.
AAAI 2005: 1355-1361 |
59 | EE | Nicola Policella,
Amedeo Cesta,
Angelo Oddi,
Stephen F. Smith:
Schedule Robustness Through Broader Solve and Robustify Search for Partial Order Schedules.
AI*IA 2005: 160-172 |
58 | | Xiaofang Wang,
Stephen F. Smith:
Retaining Flexibility to Maximize Quality: When the Scheduler Has the Right to Decide Activity Durations.
ICAPS 2005: 212-221 |
57 | | Laurence A. Kramer,
Stephen F. Smith:
Maximizing Availability: A Commitment Heuristic for Oversubscribed Scheduling Problems.
ICAPS 2005: 272-280 |
56 | | Matthew J. Streeter,
Stephen F. Smith:
Charecterizing the Distribution of Low-Makespan Schedules in the Job Shop Scheduling Problem.
ICAPS 2005: 61-70 |
55 | | Diego Mollá Aliod,
Eduardo Alonso,
Srinivas Bangalore,
Joseph E. Beck,
Bir Bhanu,
Jim Blythe,
Mark S. Boddy,
Amedeo Cesta,
Marko Grobelnik,
Dilek Z. Hakkani-Tür,
Sanda M. Harabagiu,
Alain Léger,
Deborah L. McGuinness,
Stacy Marsella,
Natasa Milic-Frayling,
Dunja Mladenic,
Daniel Oblinger,
Paul E. Rybski,
Pavel Shvaiko,
Stephen F. Smith,
Biplav Srivastava,
Sheila Tejada,
Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson,
Kristinn R. Thórisson,
Gökhan Tür,
Holger Wache:
The Workshops at the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
AI Magazine 26(4): 102-108 (2005) |
54 | EE | Stephen F. Smith,
David W. Hildum,
David R. Crimm:
Comirem: An Intelligent Form for Resource Management.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(2): 16-24 (2005) |
53 | EE | Vincent A. Cicirello,
Stephen F. Smith:
Enhancing Stochastic Search Performance by Value-Biased Randomization of Heuristics.
J. Heuristics 11(1): 5-34 (2005) |
2004 |
52 | | Pragnesh Jay Modi,
Manuela M. Veloso,
Stephen F. Smith,
Jean Oh:
CMRadar: A Personal Assistant Agent for Calendar Management.
AAAI 2004: 1020-1021 |
51 | EE | Pragnesh Jay Modi,
Manuela M. Veloso,
Stephen F. Smith,
Jean Oh:
CMRadar: A Personal Assistant Agent for Calendar Management.
AOIS 2004: 169-181 |
50 | EE | Vincent A. Cicirello,
Stephen F. Smith:
Heuristic Selection for Stochastic Search Optimization: Modeling Solution Quality by Extreme Value Theory.
CP 2004: 197-211 |
49 | EE | Nicola Policella,
Angelo Oddi,
Stephen F. Smith,
Amedeo Cesta:
Generating Robust Partial Order Schedules.
CP 2004: 496-511 |
48 | | Alexander Nareyek,
Stephen F. Smith,
Christian M. Ohler:
Local Search for Heuristic Guidance in Tree Search.
ECAI 2004: 1069-1070 |
47 | EE | Li Li,
Stephen F. Smith:
Speculation Agents for Dynamic Multi-Period Continuous Double Auctions in B2B Exchanges.
HICSS 2004 |
46 | | Nicola Policella,
Stephen F. Smith,
Amedeo Cesta,
Angelo Oddi:
Generating Robust Schedules through Temporal Flexibility.
ICAPS 2004: 209-218 |
45 | | Laurence A. Kramer,
Stephen F. Smith:
Task Swapping for Schedule Improvement: A Broader Analysis.
ICAPS 2004: 235-243 |
44 | EE | Jean Oh,
Stephen F. Smith:
Learning User Preferences in Distributed Calendar Scheduling.
PATAT 2004: 3-16 |
43 | EE | Vincent A. Cicirello,
Stephen F. Smith:
Wasp-like Agents for Distributed Factory Coordination.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 8(3): 237-266 (2004) |
2003 |
42 | EE | Dani Goldberg,
Vincent A. Cicirello,
M. Bernardine Dias,
Reid G. Simmons,
Stephen F. Smith,
Anthony Stentz:
Task allocation using a distributed market-based planning mechanism.
AAMAS 2003: 996-997 |
41 | EE | Li Li,
Stephen F. Smith:
An agent-based framework for dynamic multi-period continuous double auctions in B2B exchanges.
ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2003: 204-205 |
40 | | Laurence A. Kramer,
Stephen F. Smith:
Maximizing Flexibility: A Retraction Heuristic for Oversubscribed Scheduling Problems.
IJCAI 2003: 1218-1223 |
39 | EE | Heng Cao,
Haifeng Xi,
Stephen F. Smith:
Supply chain planning: a reinforcement learning approach to production planning in the fabrication/fulfillment manufacturing process.
Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 1417-1423 |
2002 |
38 | EE | Vincent A. Cicirello,
Stephen F. Smith:
Amplification of Search Performance through Randomization of Heuristics.
CP 2002: 124-138 |
37 | EE | Vincent A. Cicirello,
Stephen F. Smith:
Distributed Coordination of Resources via Wasp-Like Agents.
WRAC 2002: 71-80 |
36 | | Amedeo Cesta,
Angelo Oddi,
Stephen F. Smith:
A Constraint-Based Method for Project Scheduling with Time Windows.
J. Heuristics 8(1): 109-136 (2002) |
2001 |
35 | EE | Vincent A. Cicirello,
Stephen F. Smith:
Wasp nests for self-configurable factories.
Agents 2001: 473-480 |
34 | EE | Vincent A. Cicirello,
Stephen F. Smith:
Ant Colony Control for Autonomous Decentralized Shop Floor Routing.
ISADS 2001: 383-390 |
2000 |
33 | | Amedeo Cesta,
Angelo Oddi,
Stephen F. Smith:
Iterative Flattening: A Scalable Method for Solving Multi-Capacity Scheduling Problems.
AAAI/IAAI 2000: 742-747 |
32 | | Marcel A. Becker,
Stephen F. Smith:
Mixed-Initiative Resource Management: The AMC Barrel Allocator.
AIPS 2000: 32-41 |
31 | | Vincent A. Cicirello,
Stephen F. Smith:
Modeling GA Performance for Control Parameter Optimization.
GECCO 2000: 235-242 |
1999 |
30 | | Amedeo Cesta,
Angelo Oddi,
Stephen F. Smith:
Greedy Algorithms for the Multi-capacitated Metric Scheduling Problem.
ECP 1999: 213-225 |
29 | | Stephen Y. Chen,
Stephen F. Smith:
Introducing a New Advantage of Crossover: Commonality-Based Selection.
GECCO 1999: 122-128 |
28 | | Stephen Y. Chen,
Cesar Guerra-Salcedo,
Stephen F. Smith:
Non-Standard Crossover for a Standard Representation - Commonality-Based Feature Subset Selection.
GECCO 1999: 129-134 |
27 | | Stephen Y. Chen,
Stephen F. Smith:
Improving Genetic Algorithms by Search Space Reductions (with Applications to Flow Shop Scheduling).
GECCO 1999: 135-140 |
26 | | Amedeo Cesta,
Angelo Oddi,
Stephen F. Smith:
An Iterative Sampling Procedure for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with Time Windows.
IJCAI 1999: 1022-1033 |
1998 |
25 | | Amedeo Cesta,
Angelo Oddi,
Stephen F. Smith:
Profile-Based Algorithms to Solve Multiple Capacitated Metric Scheduling Problems.
AIPS 1998: 214-231 |
24 | EE | Amedeo Cesta,
Angelo Oddi,
Stephen F. Smith:
Scheduling Multi-capacitated Resources Under Complex Temporal Constraints.
CP 1998: 465 |
23 | | Stephen Y. Chen,
Stephen F. Smith:
Putting the "Genetics" Back into Genetic Algorithms (Reconsidering the Role of Crossover in Hybrid Operators).
FOGA 1998: 103-116 |
1997 |
22 | | David W. Hildum,
Norman M. Sadeh,
Thomas J. Laliberty,
John McA'Nulty,
Stephen F. Smith,
Dag Kjenstad:
Blackboard Agents for Mixed-Initiative Management of Integrated Process-Planning/Production-Scheduling Solutions Across the Supply Chain.
AAAI/IAAI 1997: 1000-1005 |
21 | | Angelo Oddi,
Stephen F. Smith:
Stochastic Procedures for Generating Feasible Schedules.
AAAI/IAAI 1997: 308-314 |
1996 |
20 | | Cheng-Chung Cheng,
Stephen F. Smith:
A Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Makespan Scheduling.
AIPS 1996: 45-52 |
1994 |
19 | | Cheng-Chung Cheng,
Stephen F. Smith:
Generating Feasible Schedules under Complex Metric Constraints.
AAAI 1994: 1086-1091 |
18 | | Robert J. Aarts,
Stephen F. Smith:
A High Performance Scheduler for an Automated Chemistry Workstation.
ECAI 1994: 3-7 |
17 | | David Perry Greene,
Stephen F. Smith:
Using Coverage as a Model Building Constraint in Learning Classifier Systems.
Evolutionary Computation 2(1): 67-91 (1994) |
1993 |
16 | | Stephen F. Smith,
Cheng-Chung Cheng:
Slack-Based Heuristics for Constraint Satisfaction Scheduling.
AAAI 1993: 139-144 |
15 | | Stephen F. Smith,
Ora Lassila:
Configurable Systems for Reactive Production Management.
Knowledge-Based Reactive Scheduling 1993: 93-106 |
14 | | David Perry Greene,
Stephen F. Smith:
Competition-Based Induction of Decision Models from Examples.
Machine Learning 13: 229-257 (1993) |
1992 |
13 | | David Perry Greene,
Stephen F. Smith:
COGIN: Symbolic Induction with Genetic Algorithms.
AAAI 1992: 111-116 |
1991 |
12 | | Hiroaki Kitano,
Stephen F. Smith,
Tetsuya Higuchi:
GA-1: A Parallel Associative Memory Processor for Rule Learning with Genetic Algorithms.
ICGA 1991: 311-317 |
11 | | Karl G. Kempf,
Claude Le Pape,
Stephen F. Smith,
Barry Fox:
Issues in the Design of AI-Based Schedulers - Workshop Report.
AI Magazine 11(5): 37-46 (1991) |
1990 |
10 | | A. Safavi,
Stephen F. Smith:
An evaluation function to compare alternative commitments during manufacturing planning and scheduling.
Expert Planning Systems 1990: 22-27 |
9 | EE | Stephen F. Smith,
Nicola Muscettola,
Dirk C. Matthys,
Peng Si Ow,
Jean-Yves Potvin:
OPIS: An Opportunistic Factory Scheduling System.
IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1990: 268-274 |
1989 |
8 | | Gary A. Cleveland,
Stephen F. Smith:
Using Genetic Algorithms to Schedule Flow Shop Releases.
ICGA 1989: 160-169 |
1988 |
7 | | Peng Si Ow,
Stephen F. Smith,
Alfred Thirlez:
Reactive Plan Revision.
AAAI 1988: 77-82 |
1987 |
6 | | David Perry Greene,
Stephen F. Smith:
A Genetic System for Learning Models of Consumer Choice.
ICGA 1987: 217-223 |
5 | | Nicola Muscettola,
Stephen F. Smith:
A Probabilistic Framework for Resource-Constrained Multi-Agent Planning.
IJCAI 1987: 1063-1066 |
4 | | Claude Le Pape,
Stephen F. Smith:
Management of Temporal Constraints for Factory Scheduling.
Temporal Aspects in Information Systems 1987: 159-170 |
1986 |
3 | | Stephen F. Smith,
Mark S. Fox,
Peng Si Ow:
Constructing and Maintaining Detailed Production Plans: Investigations into the Development of Knowledge-Based Factory Scheduling Systems.
AI Magazine 7(4): 45-61 (1986) |
1985 |
2 | | Stephen F. Smith,
Peng Si Ow:
The Use of Multiple Problem Decompositions in Time Constrained Planning Tasks.
IJCAI 1985: 1013-1015 |
1983 |
1 | | Stephen F. Smith:
Flexible Learning of Problem Solving Heuristics Through Adaptive Search.
IJCAI 1983: 422-425 |