
John Davin

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3EEJohn Davin, Pragnesh Jay Modi: Hierarchical variable ordering for distributed constraint optimization. AAMAS 2006: 1433-1435
2EEJohn Davin, Pragnesh Jay Modi: Impact of problem centralization in distributed constraint optimization algorithms. AAMAS 2005: 1057-1063
1EEJohn Davin, Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso: CommLang: Communication for Coachable Agents. RobuCup 2004: 46-59

Coauthor Index

1Pragnesh Jay Modi [2] [3]
2Patrick Riley [1]
3Manuela M. Veloso [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)