14. IJCAI 1995:
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
August 20-25 1995. Morgan Kaufmann,
2 Volumes
Action and Perception
Early Vision
Active Vision
Qualitative Methods
Systems and Architectures 1
Systems and Architectures 2
Vision and Other Perception
Multi-Agent Systems
- Jun Tani:
Self-Organization of Symbolic Processes through Interaction with the Physical World.
112-118 BibTeX
- Bing Liu:
Using Knowledge to Isolate Search in Route Finding.
119-125 BibTeX
Formal Methods
Auditory Scene Analysis
Automated Reasoning
Proof Planning
Analogy and Abstraction
Search 1
Search 2
Search 3
Search 4
Satisfiability 1
Satisfiability 2
Theorem Proving 1
Theorem Proving 2
Reasoning about Programs
Case Based Reasoning
Case Based Reasoning 1
Case Based Reasoning 2
Case Based Reasoning 3
Cognitive Modelling
Cognitive Modelling 1
Cognitive Modelling 2
Cognitive Modelling 3
Cognitive Modelling 4
Connectionist Models
Connectionist Models 1
Connectionist Models 2
Connectionist Models 3
Connectionist Models 4
Connectionist Models 5
Constraint Satisfaction
Constraint Satisfaction 1
Constraint Satisfaction 2
Constraint Satisfaction 3
Constraint Satisfaction 4
Constraint Satisfaction 5
Constraint Satisfaction 6
Constraint Satisfaction 7
Constraint Satisfaction 8
Distributed AI
Multiple Agents 1
Multiple Agents 2
Distributed Planning
Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms 1
Genetic Algorithms 2
- John R. Koza:
Gene Duplication to Enable Genetic Programming to Concurrently Evolve Both the Architecture and Work-Performing Steps of a Computer Program.
734-740 BibTeX
- David Andre:
The Automatic Programming of Agents that Learn Mental Models and Create Simple Plans of Action.
741-750 BibTeX
Knowledge Base Technology
Knowledge Base Technology 1
Knowledge Base Technology 2
and Control
Knowledge Representation
Description Logics
Knowledge Compilation
Commonsense Knowledge
Spatial Reasoning
Shape and Space
Information Gathering
Research Excellence Award
- Herbert A. Simon:
Explaining the Ineffable: AI on the Topics of Intuition, Insight and Inspiration.
939-949 BibTeX
Computers and Thought Award
Invited Speakers
- Jonathan Maresky, Yuval Davidor, Daniel Gitler, Gad Aharoni, Amnon Barak:
Profiling Communication in Distributed Genetic Algorithms.
961-966 BibTeX
- Barbara Hayes-Roth:
Agents on Stage: Advancing the State of the Art of AI.
967-971 BibTeX
- Patrick J. Hayes, Kenneth M. Ford:
Turing Test Considered Harmful.
972-977 BibTeX
- Judy Kay:
Vive la difference! Individualised Interaction with Users.
978-984 BibTeX
- Jeffrey O. Kephart, Gregory B. Sorkin, William C. Arnold, David M. Chess, Gerald Tesauro, Steve R. White:
Biologically Inspired Defenses Against Computer Viruses.
985-996 BibTeX
- Stephen Muggleton:
Inductive Logic Programming: Inverse Resolution and Beyond.
997 BibTeX
- Bart Selman:
Stochastic Search and Phase Transitions: AI Meets Physics.
998-1002 BibTeX
- Demetri Terzopoulos:
Modeling Living Systems for Computer Vision.
1003-1013 BibTeX
Learning 1
Learning 2
Learning 3
Learning 4
Reinforcement and Markov Models 1
Reinforcement and Markov Models 2
Reinforcement and Markov Models 3
Statistical Learning 1
- Hee-Joong Kang, Jin H. Kim:
Dependency Relationship Based Decision Combination in Multiple Classifier Systems.
1130-1136 BibTeX
- Ron Kohavi:
A Study of Cross-Validation and Bootstrap for Accuracy Estimation and Model Selection.
1137-1145 BibTeX
Statistical Learning 2
Pac Learning
Learning 5
Inductive Logic Programming
Learning 6
Natural Language
Discourse 1
Discourse 2
Presentation Generation
Tense and Aspect
Dictionary Construction
Statistical Approaches
- Makoto Iwayama, Takenobu Tokunaga:
Hierarchical Bayesian Clustering for Automatic Text Classification.
1322-1327 BibTeX
- Dekai Wu:
Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars, with Application to Segmentation, Bracketing, and Alignment of Parallel Corpora.
1328-1337 BibTeX
Understanding 1
- Fei Song, Robin Cohen:
Improving Heuristic-Based Temporal Analysis of Narratives with Aspect Determination.
1338-1345 BibTeX
- Marc B. Vilain:
Semantic Inference in Natural Language: Validating a Tractable Approach.
1346-1353 BibTeX
Understanding 2
Understanding 3
Machine Translation
Parsing and Generation
Formal Methods
Non-Monotonic Reasoning
Non-Monotonic Reasoning 1
Non-Monotonic Reasoning 2
Non-Monotonic Reasoning 3
Non-Monotonic Reasoning 4
Non-Monotonic Reasoning 5
Non-Monotonic Reasoning 6
Belief Revision 1
Belief Revision 2
Solution Quality
Search 1
Search 2
Planning Graph Analysis
Real Time Search
Applications and Evaluation 1
Applications and Evaluation 2
Plan Recognition
Qualitative Reasoning and Diagnosis
Diagnosis 1
Diagnosis 2
Modelling 1
Modelling 2
Simulation 1
Simulation 2
Reasoning about Function
Reasoning under Uncertainty
Probability and Entropy
Imprecise Probabilities
Bayes Nets
Belief Functions
Multiple-Valued Logic
Decision Theory
Temporal Reasoning
Temporal Reasoning 1
Temporal Reasoning 2
Temporal Reasoning 3
Temporal Reasoning 4
Temporal Reasoning 5
Temporal Reasoning 6
- Deborah L. McGuinness, Lori Alperin Resnick, Charles Lee Isbell Jr.:
Description Logic in Practice: A CLASSIC Application.
2045-2046 BibTeX
- Marti A. Hearst, Jan O. Pedersen:
Revealing Collection Structure through Information Access Interfaces.
2047-2048 BibTeX
- Jiawei Han, Yongjian Fu, Simon Tang:
Advances of the DBLearn System for Knowledge Discovery in Large Databases.
2049-2050 BibTeX
- Peter N. Prokopowicz, Paul R. Cooper:
IRV: Learning to Integrate Visual Information Across Camera Movements.
2051-2052 BibTeX
- Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Winfried Graf, Karin Harbusch, Jochen Heinsohn, Anne Kilger, Bernhard Nebel, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich, Thomas Rist, Wolfgang Wahlster, Andreas Butz, Anthony Jameson:
WIP: From Multimedia to Intellimedia.
2053-2054 BibTeX
- Boi Faltings, Kun Sun:
Computer-Aided Creative Mechanism Design.
2055-2056 BibTeX
- Edmund Furse:
Learning University Mathematics.
2057-2058 BibTeX
- Innes A. Ferguson, James D. Davlouros:
PeopleFinder: a Multimodal Multimedia Communications Tool for Interconnecting Office Staff.
2059-2060 BibTeX
- Yong Cao, Bernhard Jung, Ipke Wachsmuth:
Situated Verbal Interaction in Virtual Design and Assembly.
2061-2062 BibTeX
- Arun Katkere, Don Y. Kuramura, Saied Moezzi, Patrick H. Kelly, Deborah Swanberg, Koji Wakimoto, Edward Hunter, Li-Cheng Tai, Shankar Chatterjee, Ramesh Jain:
Multiple Perspective Interactive Video.
2063-2064 BibTeX
- Scott Bennett, Gerald DeJong:
GRASPER: A Permissive Planning Robot.
2065-2066 BibTeX
- Usama M. Fayyad:
SKICAT: Sky Image Cataloging and Analysis Tool.
2067-2068 BibTeX
- Creve Maples, Craig Peterson:
MUSE (Multidimensional User-Oriented Synthetic Environment): A New Approach to the Human-Computer Interface Using Precognitive Models of Perception.
2069-2070 BibTeX
- Kristian J. Hammond, Robin D. Burke, Steven L. Lytinen:
A Case-Based Approach to Knowledge Navigation.
2071-2072 BibTeX
- Pattie Maes, Bruce Blumberg, Trevor Darrell, Alex Pentland, Alan Wexelblat:
Modeling Interactive Agents in ALIVE.
2073-2074 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:23:27 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)