
Kincho H. Law

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40EEChin Pang Cheng, Jiayi Pan, Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Albert Jones: Relating taxonomies with regulations. DG.O 2008: 34-43
39EEChin Pang Cheng, Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Jiayi Pan, Albert Jones: Regulation retrieval using industry specific taxonomies. Artif. Intell. Law 16(3): 277-303 (2008)
38EEChin Pang Cheng, Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law: Mapping regulations to industry-specific taxonomies. ICAIL 2007: 59-63
37EEXiaoshan Pan, Charles S. Han, Ken Dauber, Kincho H. Law: A multi-agent based framework for the simulation of human and social behaviors during emergency evacuations. AI Soc. 22(2): 113-132 (2007)
36EEGloria T. Lau, Haoyi Wang, Kincho H. Law: Locating related regulations using a comparative analysis approach. DG.O 2006: 229-238
35EEKincho H. Law: A distributed information management framework (REGNET) for environmental laws and regulations. DG.O 2006: 423-424
34EEYang Wang, Jerome P. Lynch, Kincho H. Law: Wireless Sensing, Actuation and Control - With Applications to Civil Structures. EG-ICE 2006: 670-689
33EEGloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: A relatedness analysis of government regulations using domain knowledge and structural organization. Inf. Retr. 9(6): 657-680 (2006)
32EEJian Cao, Jie Wang, Kincho H. Law, Shen-sheng Zhang, Minglu Li: An interactive service customization model. Information & Software Technology 48(4): 280-296 (2006)
31EEKincho H. Law: ITR/IM+SII: a distributed information management framework (REGNET) for environmental laws and regulations. DG.O 2005: 295-296
30EEGloria T. Lau, Haoyi Wang, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: A relatedness analysis approach for regulation comparison and e-rulemaking applications. DG.O 2005: 69-77
29 Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: Legal Information Retrieval and Application on E-Rulemaking. ICAIL 2005: 146-154
28EEDavid Liu, Jun Peng, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold, Ram D. Sriram: Composition of engineering web services with distributed data-flows and computations. Advanced Engineering Informatics 19(1): 25-42 (2005)
27 Gloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: Analyzing Government Regulations Using Structural and Domain Information. IEEE Computer 38(12): 70-76 (2005)
26EEGloria T. Lau, Shawn Kerrigan, Haoyi Wang, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: A Software Infrastructure for Government Regulation Analysis and Compliance Assistance. DG.O 2004
25EEGloria T. Lau, Shawn Kerrigan, Haoyi Wang, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: An Information Infrastructure for Government Regulation Analysis and Compliance Assistance. DG.O 2004
24EEKincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold, Jim Leckie, Barton Thompson, Lau Kerrigan, Bill Labiosa, Charles Heenan, Haoyi Wang, Liang Zhou, Pooja Trivedi, Jun Peng: ITR/IM+SII: A Distributed Information Management Framework (REGNET) for Environmental Laws and Regulations. DG.O 2004
23EEKincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold, Gloria T. Lau, Xiaoshan Pan, Haoyi Wang, Li Zhang: REGBASE: A Distributed Information Infrastructure for Regulation Management and Compliance Checking. DG.O 2004
22EEJian Cao, Jie Wang, Shen-sheng Zhang, Minglu Li, Kincho H. Law: Engineering Process Coordination Based on a Service Event Notification Model. GCC 2004: 50-57
21EEJie Wang, James O. Leckie, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: Distributed Information Organization and Management Framework for Regulation Compliance. HICSS 2004
20EEDavid Liu, Jun Peng, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: Efficient integration of web services with distributed data flow and active mediation. ICEC 2004: 11-20
19EEGloria T. Lau, Shawn Kerrigan, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: An e-government information architecture for regulation analysis and compliance assistance. ICEC 2004: 461-470
18EEGloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: A Framework for Regulation Comparison with Application to Accessibility Codes. DG.O 2003
17EEShawn Kerrigan, Charles Heenan, Haoyi Wang, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: Regulatory Information Management and Compliance Assistance. DG.O 2003
16 Shawn Kerrigan, Kincho H. Law: Logic-Based Regulation Compliance-Assistance. ICAIL 2003: 126-135
15EEGloria T. Lau, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: Similarity analysis on government regulations. KDD 2003: 711-716
14EEShawn Kerrigan, Charles Heenan, Kincho H. Law: Regnet: An Infrastructure for Regulatory Information Management and Compliance Assurance. DG.O 2002
13EEDavid Liu, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: Analysis of integration models for service composition. Workshop on Software and Performance 2002: 158-164
12EECharles S. Han, Kincho H. Law, Jean-Claude Latombe, John C. Kunz: A performance-based approach to wheelchair accessible route analysis. Advanced Engineering Informatics 16(1): 53-71 (2002)
11EEJinxing Cheng, Bimal Kumar, Kincho H. Law: A question answering system for project management applications. Advanced Engineering Informatics 16(4): 277-289 (2002)
10EEJun Peng, Kincho H. Law: A Prototype Software Framework for Internet-Enabled Collaborative Development of a Structural Analysis Program. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 18(1): 38-49 (2002)
9EEJames H. Garrett Jr., Kincho H. Law, Ram D. Sriram: Special Issue on Computer Aided Engineering in Honor of Professor Steven J. Fenves. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 17(2): 93-94 (2001)
8EEDavid Liu, Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold: CHAOS: An Active Security Mediation System. CAiSE 2000: 232-246
7EEJames H. Garrett Jr., Kincho H. Law, Ram D. Sriram: Special Issue on Computer Aided Engineering in Honor of Professor Steven J. Fenves. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 16(3-4): 145-146 (2000)
6EEEduardo De Santiago, Kincho H. Law: A Robust Distributed Adaptive Finite Element Program for Coupled Fluid-Structure Problems. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 15(2): 137-154 (1999)
5 Kincho H. Law: Some personal experience in computer aided engineering research. AI in Structural Engineering 1998: 178-196
4EENarayan R. Aluru, Kincho H. Law, Robert W. Dutton: Simulation of the hydrodynamic device model on distributed memory parallel computers. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(9): 1029-1047 (1996)
3EEDavid R. Mackay, Kincho H. Law: A Parallel Implementation of a Generalized Lanczos Procedure for Structural Dynamic Analysis. International Journal of High Speed Computing 8(2): 171-204 (1996)
2 Shirley Tessler, Yumi Iwasaki, Kincho H. Law: Qualitative Structural Analysis Using Diagrammatic Reasoning. IJCAI (1) 1995: 885-893
1 Bruce P. Herndon, Narayan R. Aluru, Arthur Raefsky, Ronald J. G. Goossens, Kincho H. Law, Robert W. Dutton: A Methodology for Parallelizing PDE Solvers: Application to Semiconductor Device Simulation. PPSC 1995: 239-240

Coauthor Index

1Narayan R. Aluru [1] [4]
2Jian Cao [22] [32]
3Chin Pang Cheng [38] [39] [40]
4Jinxing Cheng [11]
5Ken Dauber [37]
6Robert W. Dutton [1] [4]
7James H. Garrett Jr. [7] [9]
8Ronald J. G. Goossens [1]
9Charles S. Han [12] [37]
10Charles Heenan [14] [17] [24]
11Bruce P. Herndon [1]
12Yumi Iwasaki [2]
13Albert Jones [39] [40]
14Lau Kerrigan [24]
15Shawn Kerrigan [14] [16] [17] [19] [25] [26]
16Bimal Kumar [11]
17John C. Kunz [12]
18Bill Labiosa [24]
19Jean-Claude Latombe [12]
20Gloria T. Lau [15] [18] [19] [23] [25] [26] [27] [29] [30] [33] [36] [38] [39] [40]
21James O. Leckie [21]
22Jim Leckie [24]
23Minglu Li [22] [32]
24David Liu [8] [13] [20] [28]
25Jerome P. Lynch [34]
26David R. Mackay [3]
27Jiayi Pan [39] [40]
28Xiaoshan Pan [23] [37]
29Jun Peng [10] [20] [24] [28]
30Arthur Raefsky [1]
31Eduardo De Santiago [6]
32Ram D. Sriram [7] [9] [28]
33Shirley Tessler [2]
34Barton Thompson [24]
35Pooja Trivedi [24]
36Haoyi Wang [17] [23] [24] [25] [26] [30] [36]
37Jie Wang [21] [22] [32]
38Yang Wang [34]
39Gio Wiederhold [8] [13] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [33]
40Li Zhang [23]
41Shensheng Zhang (Shen-sheng Zhang) [22] [32]
42Liang Zhou [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)