
Richard McConachy

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11 Ingrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy: Wishful: A Discourse Planning System That Considers a User's Inferences. Computational Intelligence 17(1): 1-61 (2001)
10 Ingrid Zukerman, Nathalie Jitnah, Richard McConachy, Sarah George: Recognizing Intentions from Rejoinders in a Bayesian Interactive Argumentation System. PRICAI 2000: 252-263
9 Ingrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy, Kevin B. Korb, Deborah Pickett: Exploratory Interaction with a Bayesian Argumentation System. IJCAI 1999: 1294-1299
8EERichard McConachy, Ingrid Zukerman: Dialogue Requirements for Argumentation Systems. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 3(D): 89-124 (1999)
7 Ingrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy, Kevin B. Korb: Bayesian Reasoning in an Abductive Mechanism for Argument Generation and Analysis. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 833-838
6 Richard McConachy, Ingrid Zukerman: Using Argument Graphs to Generate Arguments. ECAI 1996: 592-598
5 Ingrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy: Generating Discourse across Several User Models: Maximizing Belief while Avoiding Boredom and Overload. IJCAI 1995: 1251-1259
4 Ingrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy: Being Concise versus Being Shallow: Two Competing Discourse Planning Paradigms. ECAI 1994: 515-519
3 Ingrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy: An Optimizing Method for Structuring Inferentially Linked Discourse. AAAI 1993: 202-207
2 Ingrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy: Generating Concise Discourse that Addresses a Users Inferences. IJCAI 1993: 1202-1207
1 Ingrid Zukerman, Richard McConachy: Consulting a User Model to Address a User's Inference during Content Planning. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 3(2): 155-185 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Sarah George [10]
2Nathalie Jitnah [10]
3Kevin B. Korb [7] [9]
4Deborah Pickett [9]
5Ingrid Zukerman [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

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