
Michael Thielscher

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71EEConrad Drescher, Michael Thielscher: A Fluent Calculus Semantics for ADL with Plan Constraints. JELIA 2008: 140-152
70EEYi Jin, Michael Thielscher: Reinforcement Belief Revision. J. Log. Comput. 18(5): 783-813 (2008)
69 Stephan Schiffel, Michael Thielscher: Fluxplayer: A Successful General Game Player. AAAI 2007: 1191-1196
68 Yi Jin, Michael Thielscher, Dongmo Zhang: Mutual Belief Revision: Semantics and Computation. AAAI 2007: 440-445
67EEConrad Drescher, Michael Thielscher: Integrating Action Calculi and Description Logics. KI 2007: 68-83
66EEStephan Schiffel, Michael Thielscher, Doan Thu Trang: An Agent Team Based on FLUX for the ProMAS Contest 2007. PROMAS 2007: 261-265
65EEYi Jin, Michael Thielscher: Iterated belief revision, revised. Artif. Intell. 171(1): 1-18 (2007)
64EESheila A. McIlraith, Pavlos Peppas, Michael Thielscher: Preface. J. Log. Comput. 17(5): 847-849 (2007)
63 Stephan Schiffel, Michael Thielscher: Reconciling Situation Calculus and Fluent Calculus. AAAI 2006
62EEStephan Schiffel, Michael Thielscher: Multi-Agent FLUX for the Gold Mining Domain (System Description). CLIMA VII 2006: 294-303
61 Michael Thielscher, Thomas Witkowski: The Features-and-Fluents Semantics for the Fluent Calculus. KR 2006: 362-370
60EESilvia Coradeschi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Minoru Asada, Stuart C. Shapiro, Michael Thielscher, Cynthia Breazeal, Maja J. Mataric, Hiroshi Ishida: Human-Inspired Robots. IEEE Intelligent Systems 21(4): 74-85 (2006)
59EEYi Jin, Michael Thielscher: Actions and Belief Revision: A Computational Approach. Belief Change in Rational Agents 2005
58EEMichael Thielscher: Handling Implication and Universal Quantification Constraints in FLUX. CP 2005: 667-681
57EEHendrik Skubch, Michael Thielscher: Strategy Learning for Reasoning Agents. ECML 2005: 733-740
56EEYi Jin, Michael Thielscher: Iterated Belief Revision, Revised. IJCAI 2005: 478-483
55EEMichael Thielscher: FLUX: A logic programming method for reasoning agents. TPLP 5(4-5): 533-565 (2005)
54 Yi Jin, Michael Thielscher: Representing Beliefs in the Fluent Calculus. ECAI 2004: 823-827
53 Yves Martin, Iman Narasamdya, Michael Thielscher: Knowledge of Other Agents and Communicative Actions in the Fluent Calculus. ICAPS 2004: 12-22
52 Yves Martin, Iman Narasamdya, Michael Thielscher: Knowledge of Other Agents and Communicative Actions in the Fluent Calculus. KR 2004: 623-633
51EEMichael Thielscher: FLUX: A Logic Programming Method for Reasoning Agents CoRR cs.AI/0408044: (2004)
50EEMichael Thielscher: Controlling Semi-automatic Systems with FLUX. ICLP 2003: 515-516
49EEOzan Kahramanogullari, Michael Thielscher: A Formal Assessment Result for Fluent Calculus Using the Action Description Language Ak. KI 2003: 209-223
48EEMatthias Fichtner, Axel Großmann, Michael Thielscher: Intelligent Execution Monitoring in Dynamic Environments. Fundam. Inform. 57(2-4): 371-392 (2003)
47EEMichael Thielscher: Reasoning about Actions with CHRs and Finite Domain Constraints. ICLP 2002: 70-84
46EEMichael Thielscher: Planning with Noisy Actions. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001: 495-506
45EEYves Martin, Michael Thielscher: Addressing the Qualification Problem in FLUX. KI/ÖGAI 2001: 290-304
44EEMichael Thielscher: Inferring Implicit State Knowledge and Plans with Sensing Actions. KI/ÖGAI 2001: 366-380
43EEMichael Thielscher: The Qualification Problem: A solution to the problem of anomalous models. Artif. Intell. 131(1-2): 1-37 (2001)
42 Michael Thielscher: The Concurrent, Continuous Fluent Calculus. Studia Logica 67(3): 315-331 (2001)
41 Michael Thielscher: Challenges for Action Theories Springer 2000
40 Michael Thielscher: Modeling Actions with Ramifications in Nondeterministic, Concurrent, and Continuous Domains - and a Case Study. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 497-502
39EEHans-Peter Störr, Michael Thielscher: A New Equational Foundation for the Fluent Calculus. Computational Logic 2000: 733-746
38 Michael Thielscher: Nondeterministic Actions in the Fluent Calculus: Disjunctive State Update Axioms. Intellectics and Computational Logic 2000: 327-345
37 Michael Thielscher: Representing the Knowledge of a Robot. KR 2000: 109-120
36EERolf Nossum, Michael Thielscher: Counterfactual Reasoning by Means of a Calculus of Narrative Context. CONTEXT 1999: 495-498
35EEMichael Thielscher: A Theory of First-Order Counterfactual Reasoning. KI 1999: 137-148
34EEMichael Thielscher: From Situation Calculus to Fluent Calculus: State Update Axioms as a Solution to the Inferential Frame Problem. Artif. Intell. 111(1-2): 277-299 (1999)
33EEDov M. Gabbay, Rolf Nossum, Michael Thielscher: Agents in Proactive Environments. J. Log. Comput. 9(1): 25-45 (1999)
32EEMichael Thielscher: Towards State Update Axioms: Reifying Successor State Axioms. JELIA 1998: 248-263
31 Michael Thielscher: How (Not) To Minimize Events. KR 1998: 60-73
30EEMichael Thielscher: Reasoning About Actions: Steady Versus Stabilizing State Constraints. Artif. Intell. 104(1-2): 339-355 (1998)
29EEMichael Thielscher: Introduction to the Fluent Calculus. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 2: 179-192 (1998)
28 Michael Thielscher: Qualified Ramifications. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 466-471
27 Dov M. Gabbay, Rolf Nossum, Michael Thielscher: Agents in Proactive Environments. KI 1997: 389-392
26EEMichael Thielscher: Ramification and Causality. Artif. Intell. 89(1-2): 317-364 (1997)
25EEMichael Thielscher: A Theory of Dynamic Diagnosis. Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 1: 73-104 (1997)
24 Sven-Erik Bornscheuer, Michael Thielscher: Explicit and Implicit Indeterminism: Reasoning About Uncertain and Contradictory Specifications of Dynamic Systems. J. Log. Program. 31(1-3): 119-155 (1997)
23 Christoph S. Herrmann, Michael Thielscher: Reasoning about Continuous Processes. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 639-644
22 Kerstin Eder, Steffen Hölldobler, Michael Thielscher: An Abstract Machine for Reasoning about Situations, Actions, and Causality. ELP 1996: 137-151
21 Torsten Schaub, Michael Thielscher: Skeptical Query-Answering in Constrained Default Logic. FAPR 1996: 567-581
20 Michael Thielscher: A Nonmonotonic Disputation-Based Semantics and Proof Procedure for Logic Programs. JICSLP 1996: 483-497
19 Michael Thielscher: Causality and the Qualification Problem. KR 1996: 51-62
18 Michael Thielscher: On the Completeness of SLDENF-Resolution. J. Autom. Reasoning 17(2): 199-214 (1996)
17EESven-Erik Bornscheuer, Michael Thielscher: Representing Concurrent Actions and Solving Conflicts. Logic Journal of the IGPL 4(3): 355-368 (1996)
16 Michael Thielscher: The Logic of Dynamic Systems. IJCAI 1995: 1956-1963
15 Michael Thielscher: Computing Ramifications by Postprocessing. IJCAI 1995: 1994-2000
14 Michael Thielscher: What Is a Skeptical Proof? KI 1995: 161-172
13 D. Andre de Waal, Michael Thielscher: Solving Deductive Planning Problems Using Program Analysis and Transformation. LOPSTR 1995: 189-203
12 Kerstin Eder, Steffen Hölldobler, Michael Thielscher: A Resource-Oriented Deductive Approach Towards Hierarchical Planning. WLP 1995: 237-246
11 Steffen Hölldobler, Michael Thielscher: Computing change and specificity with equational logic programs. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 14(1): (1995)
10 Michael Thielscher, Torsten Schaub: Default Reasoning by Deductive Planning. J. Autom. Reasoning 15(1): 1-40 (1995)
9 Wolfgang Bibel, Michael Thielscher: Deductive Plan Generation. AII/ALT 1994: 2-5
8 Michael Thielscher: Representing Actions in Equational Logic Programming. ICLP 1994: 207-224
7 Sven-Erik Bornscheuer, Michael Thielscher: Representing Concurrent Actions and Solving Conflicts. KI 1994: 16-27
6 Steffen Hölldobler, Michael Thielscher: Actions and Specificity. ILPS 1993: 164-180
5 Stefan Brüning, Steffen Hölldobler, Ute Cornelia Sigmund, Michael Thielscher, Josef Schneeberger: Disjunction In Resource-Oriented Deductive Planning. ILPS 1993: 670
4 Stefan Brüning, Gerd Große, Steffen Hölldobler, Josef Schneeberger, Ute Cornelia Sigmund, Michael Thielscher: Disjunction in Plan Generation by Equational Logic Programming. PuK 1993: 18-26
3 Michael Thielscher: SLDENF-Resolution. WLP 1993: 100-103
2 Michael Thielscher: On Prediction in Theorist. Artif. Intell. 60(2): 283-292 (1993)
1 Gerd Große, Steffen Hölldobler, Josef Schneeberger, Ute Cornelia Sigmund, Michael Thielscher: Equational Logic Programming Actions, and Change. JICSLP 1992: 177-191

Coauthor Index

1Minoru Asada [60]
2Wolfgang Bibel [9]
3Sven-Erik Bornscheuer [7] [17] [24]
4Cynthia Breazeal [60]
5Stefan Brüning [4] [5]
6Silvia Coradeschi [60]
7Conrad Drescher [67] [71]
8Kerstin Eder [12] [22]
9Matthias Fichtner [48]
10Dov M. Gabbay [27] [33]
11Gerd Große [1] [4]
12Axel Großmann [48]
13Christoph S. Herrmann [23]
14Steffen Hölldobler [1] [4] [5] [6] [11] [12] [22]
15Hiroshi Ishida [60]
16Hiroshi Ishiguro [60]
17Yi Jin [54] [56] [59] [65] [68] [70]
18Ozan Kahramanogullari [49]
19Yves Martin [45] [52] [53]
20Maja J. Mataric [60]
21Sheila A. McIlraith [64]
22Iman Narasamdya [52] [53]
23Rolf Nossum [27] [33] [36]
24Pavlos Peppas [64]
25Torsten Schaub [10] [21]
26Stephan Schiffel [62] [63] [66] [69]
27Josef Schneeberger [1] [4] [5]
28Stuart C. Shapiro [60]
29Ute Cornelia Sigmund [1] [4] [5]
30Hendrik Skubch [57]
31Hans-Peter Störr [39]
32Doan Thu Trang [66]
33D. Andre de Waal [13]
34Thomas Witkowski [61]
35Dongmo Zhang [68]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)