1997 |
9 | EE | Arun Katkere,
Jennifer Schlenzig,
Ramesh Jain:
Content-Centric Interactive Video on the World Wide Web.
Computer Networks 29(8-13): 887-895 (1997) |
8 | | Arun Katkere,
Saied Moezzi,
Don Y. Kuramura,
Patrick H. Kelly,
Ramesh Jain:
Towards Video-Based Immersive Environments.
Multimedia Syst. 5(2): 69-85 (1997) |
1996 |
7 | | Saied Moezzi,
Arun Katkere,
Don Y. Kuramura,
Ramesh Jain:
An Emerging Medium: Interactive Three Dimensional Digital Video.
ICMCS 1996: 358- |
6 | EE | Arun Katkere,
Jennifer Schlenzig,
Amarnath Gupta,
Ramesh Jain:
Interactive Video on WWW: Beyond VCR-Like Interfaces.
Computer Networks 28(7-11): 1559-1572 (1996) |
1995 |
5 | EE | Patrick H. Kelly,
Arun Katkere,
Don Y. Kuramura,
Saied Moezzi,
Shankar Chatterjee,
Ramesh Jain:
An Architecture for Multiple Perspective Interactive Video.
ACM Multimedia 1995: 201-212 |
4 | EE | Arun Katkere,
Don Y. Kuramura,
Patrick H. Kelly,
Saied Moezzi,
Shankar Chatterjee:
MPI-Video Prototype Systems (video).
ACM Multimedia 1995: 549-550 |
3 | | Arun Katkere,
Don Y. Kuramura,
Saied Moezzi,
Patrick H. Kelly,
Deborah Swanberg,
Koji Wakimoto,
Edward Hunter,
Li-Cheng Tai,
Shankar Chatterjee,
Ramesh Jain:
Multiple Perspective Interactive Video.
IJCAI 1995: 2063-2064 |
2 | EE | Arun Katkere,
Jennifer Schlenzig,
Ramesh Jain:
VRML-Based WWW Interface to MPI Video.
VRML 1995: 25-31 |
1994 |
1 | | Clint Bidlack,
Arun Hampapur,
Arun Katkere,
Liqiang Feng,
Farhana Kagalwala,
Tom Kraljevic,
Gopal Sarma Pingali,
Shraga Shoval,
Terry E. Weymouth:
Visual Robot Navigation Using Flat Earth Obstacle Projection.
ICRA 1994: 3374-3381 |