
Karen L. Myers

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36EEDavid N. Morley, Karen L. Myers, Neil Yorke-Smith: Continuous refinement of agent resource estimates. AAMAS 2006: 858-865
35 Karen L. Myers: Metatheoretic Plan Summarization and Comparison. ICAPS 2006: 182-192
34 Susanne Biundo, Karen L. Myers, Kanna Rajan: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2005), June 5-10 2005, Monterey, California, USA AAAI 2005
33 Peter Jarvis, Teresa F. Lunt, Karen L. Myers: Identifying Terrorist Activity with AI Plan Recognition Technology. AI Magazine 26(3): 73-81 (2005)
32 Peter Jarvis, Teresa F. Lunt, Karen L. Myers: Identifying Terrorist Activity with AI Plan Recognition Technology. AAAI 2004: 858-863
31EEDavid N. Morley, Karen L. Myers: The SPARK Agent Framework. AAMAS 2004: 714-721
30EERajiv T. Maheswaran, Milind Tambe, Pradeep Varakantham, Karen L. Myers: Adjustable Autonomy Challenges in Personal Assistant Agents: A Position Paper. Agents and Computational Autonomy 2003: 187-194
29 Karen L. Myers, Peter Jarvis, Mabry Tyson, Michael Wolverton: A Mixed-initiative Framework for Robust Plan Sketching. ICAPS 2003: 256-266
28EEKaren L. Myers, David N. Morley: Conflict management for agent guidance. AAMAS 2002: 1041-1042
27 Karen L. Myers, Peter Jarvis, Thomas J. Lee: Active Coordination of Distributed Human Planners. AIPS 2002: 63-71
26EEKaren L. Myers, David N. Morley: Human directability of agents. K-CAP 2001: 108-115
25 Yves Lespérance, Gerd Wagner, William P. Birmingham, Kurt D. Bollacker, Alexander Nareyek, J. Paul Walser, David W. Aha, Timothy W. Finin, Benjamin N. Grosof, Nathalie Japkowicz, Robert Holte, Lise Getoor, Carla P. Gomes, Holger H. Hoos, Alan C. Schultz, Miroslav Kubat, Tom M. Mitchell, Jörg Denzinger, Yolanda Gil, Karen L. Myers, Claudio Bettini, Angelo Montanari: AAAI 2000 Workshop Reports. AI Magazine 22(1): 127-136 (2001)
24 Karen L. Myers: Planning with Conflicting Advice. AIPS 2000: 355-362
23 Karen L. Myers, Nina B. Zumel, Pablo Garcia: Acquiring design rationale automatically. AI EDAM 14(2): 115-135 (2000)
22 Karen L. Myers, Thomas J. Lee: Generating qualitatively Different Plans througt Metatheoretic Biases. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 570-576
21 Karen L. Myers, Nina B. Zumel, Pablo Garcia: Automated Capture of Rationale for the Detailed Design Process. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 876-883
20 Karen L. Myers: CPEF: A Continuous Planning and Execution Framework. AI Magazine 20(4): 63-69 (1999)
19 David E. Wilkins, Karen L. Myers: A Multiagent Planning Architecture. AIPS 1998: 154-163
18 R. Peter Bonasso, Karen L. Myers: The Home-Vacuum Event. AI Magazine 19(3): 29-32 (1998)
17 Karen L. Myers, David E. Wilkins: Reasoning about Locations in Theory and Practice. Computational Intelligence 14: 151-187 (1998)
16 Karen L. Myers: Abductive Completion of Plan Sketches. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 687-693
15 Kurt Konolige, Karen L. Myers, Enrique H. Ruspini, Alessandro Saffiotti: The Saphira architecture: a design for autonomy. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 9(2-3): 215-235 (1997)
14 Karen L. Myers: A Procedural Knowledge Approach to Task-Level Control. AIPS 1996: 158-165
13 Karen L. Myers: Strategic Advice for Hierarchical Planners. KR 1996: 112-123
12 Peter D. Karp, Karen L. Myers, Thomas R. Gruber: The Generic Frame Protocol. IJCAI (1) 1995: 768-774
11EEDouglas E. Appelt, Jerry R. Hobbs, John Bear, David J. Israel, Megumi Kameyama, David L. Martin, Karen L. Myers, Mabry Tyson: SRI International FASTUS system: MUC-6 test results and analysis. MUC 1995: 237-248
10 David E. Wilkins, Karen L. Myers: A Common Knowledge Representation for Plan Generation and Reactive Execution. J. Log. Comput. 5(6): 731-761 (1995)
9 Karen L. Myers: Hybrid Reasoning Using Universal Attachment. Artif. Intell. 67(2): 329-375 (1994)
8 Alessandro Saffiotti, Nicolas Helft, Kurt Konolige, John D. Lowrance, Karen L. Myers, Daniela Musto, Enrique H. Ruspini, Leonard P. Wesley: A Fuzzy Controller for Flakey, the Robot. AAAI 1993: 864
7 Clare Bates Congdon, Marcus Huber, David Kortenkamp, Kurt Konolige, Karen L. Myers, Alessandro Saffiotti, Enrique H. Ruspini: Carmel Versus Flakey: A Comparison of Two Winners. AI Magazine 14(1): 49-57 (1993)
6 Karen L. Myers, Kurt Konolige: Reasoning with Analogical Representations. ECAI Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 1992: 229-249
5 Karen L. Myers, Kurt Konolige: Reasoning with Analogical Representations. KR 1992: 189-200
4 Karen L. Myers: Universal Attachment: An Integration Method for Logic Hybrids. KR 1991: 405-416
3 Karen L. Myers: Automatically Generating Universal Attachments Through Compilation. AAAI 1990: 252-257
2 Kurt Konolige, Karen L. Myers: Representing defaults with epistemic concepts. Computational Intelligence 5: 32-44 (1989)
1 Karen L. Myers, David E. Smith: The Persistence of Derived Information. AAAI 1988: 496-500

Coauthor Index

1David W. Aha [25]
2Douglas E. Appelt [11]
3John Bear [11]
4Claudio Bettini [25]
5William P. Birmingham [25]
6Susanne Biundo [34]
7Kurt D. Bollacker [25]
8R. Peter Bonasso [18]
9Clare Bates Congdon [7]
10Jörg Denzinger [25]
11Timothy W. Finin (Tim Finin) [25]
12Pablo Garcia [21] [23]
13Lise Getoor [25]
14Yolanda Gil [25]
15Carla P. Gomes [25]
16Benjamin N. Grosof [25]
17Thomas R. Gruber (Tom Gruber) [12]
18Nicolas Helft [8]
19Jerry R. Hobbs [11]
20Robert C. Holte (Robert Holte) [25]
21Holger H. Hoos (Holger Hoos) [25]
22Marcus Huber [7]
23David J. Israel [11]
24Nathalie Japkowicz [25]
25Peter Jarvis [27] [29] [32] [33]
26Megumi Kameyama [11]
27Peter D. Karp [12]
28Kurt Konolige [2] [5] [6] [7] [8] [15]
29David Kortenkamp [7]
30Miroslav Kubat [25]
31Thomas J. Lee [22] [27]
32Yves Lespérance [25]
33John D. Lowrance [8]
34Teresa F. Lunt [32] [33]
35Rajiv T. Maheswaran [30]
36David L. Martin [11]
37Tom M. Mitchell [25]
38Angelo Montanari [25]
39David N. Morley [26] [28] [31] [36]
40Daniela Musto [8]
41Alexander Nareyek [25]
42Kanna Rajan [34]
43Enrique H. Ruspini [7] [8] [15]
44Alessandro Saffiotti [7] [8] [15]
45Alan C. Schultz [25]
46David E. Smith [1]
47Milind Tambe [30]
48Mabry Tyson [11] [29]
49Pradeep Varakantham [30]
50Gerd Wagner [25]
51J. Paul Walser [25]
52Leonard P. Wesley [8]
53David E. Wilkins [10] [17] [19]
54Michael Wolverton [29]
55Neil Yorke-Smith [36]
56Nina B. Zumel [21] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)