
Hudson Turner

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25EEHudson Turner: Strong Equivalence for Causal Theories. LPNMR 2004: 289-301
24EEVarol Akman, Selim T. Erdogan, Joohyung Lee, Vladimir Lifschitz, Hudson Turner: Representing the Zoo World and the Traffic World in the language of the Causal Calculator. Artif. Intell. 153(1-2): 105-140 (2004)
23EEEnrico Giunchiglia, Joohyung Lee, Vladimir Lifschitz, Norman McCain, Hudson Turner: Nonmonotonic causal theories. Artif. Intell. 153(1-2): 49-104 (2004)
22EEHudson Turner: Strong Equivalence Made Easy: Nested Expressions and Weight Constraints CoRR cs.LO/0312029: (2003)
21 Hudson Turner: Strong equivalence made easy: nested expressions and weight constraints. TPLP 3(4-5): 609-622 (2003)
20EEHudson Turner: Polynomial-Length Planning Spans the Polynomial Hierarchy. JELIA 2002: 111-124
19EEHudson Turner: Strong Equivalence for Logic Programs and Default Theories (Made Easy). LPNMR 2001: 81-92
18 Hudson Turner: Order-consistent programs are cautiously monotonic. TPLP 1(4): 487-495 (2001)
17EEHudson Turner: Order-consistent programs are cautiously monotonic CoRR cs.LO/0011042: (2000)
16EEVladimir Lifschitz, Hudson Turner: Representing Transition Systems by Logic Programs. LPNMR 1999: 92-106
15 Vladimir Lifschitz, Lappoon R. Tang, Hudson Turner: Nested Expressions in Logic Programs. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 25(3-4): 369-389 (1999)
14EEHudson Turner: A Logic of Universal Causation. Artif. Intell. 113(1-2): 87-123 (1999)
13 Norman McCain, Hudson Turner: Satisfiability planning with Causal Theories. KR 1998: 212-223
12 Norman McCain, Hudson Turner: Causal Theories of Action and Change. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 460-465
11 Teodor C. Przymusinski, Hudson Turner: Update by Means of Inference Rules. J. Log. Program. 30(2): 125-143 (1997)
10 Hudson Turner: Representing Actions in Logic Programs and Default Theories: A Situation Calculus Approach. J. Log. Program. 31(1-3): 245-298 (1997)
9 Hudson Turner: Splitting a Default Theory. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 645-651
8 Norman McCain, Hudson Turner: A Causal Theory of Ramifications and Qualifications. IJCAI 1995: 1978-1984
7 Teodor C. Przymusinski, Hudson Turner: Update by Means of Inference Rules. LPNMR 1995: 156-174
6 Vladimir Lifschitz, Hudson Turner: Splitting a Logic Program. ICLP 1994: 23-37
5 Norman McCain, Hudson Turner: Language Independence and Language Tolerance in Logic Programs. ICLP 1994: 38-57
4 Vladimir Lifschitz, Hudson Turner: From Disjunctive Programs to Abduction. NMELP 1994: 23-42
3 Hudson Turner: Signed Logic Programs. SLP 1994: 61-75
2 Hudson Turner: A Monotonicity Theorem for Extended Logic Programs. ICLP 1993: 567-585
1 Vladimir Lifschitz, Norman McCain, Hudson Turner: Automated Reasoning About Actions: A Logic Programming Approach. ILPS 1993: 641

Coauthor Index

1Varol Akman [24]
2Selim T. Erdogan [24]
3Enrico Giunchiglia [23]
4Joohyung Lee [23] [24]
5Vladimir Lifschitz [1] [4] [6] [15] [16] [23] [24]
6Norman McCain [1] [5] [8] [12] [13] [23]
7Teodor C. Przymusinski [7] [11]
8Lappoon R. Tang [15]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)