
Koji Wakimoto

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10EESumio Usui, Junichiro Tsuji, Koji Wakimoto, Satoshi Tanaka, Junshiro Kanda, Fumiaki Sato, Tadanori Mizuno: Evaluation of Positioning Accuracy for the Pedestrian Navigation System. IEICE Transactions 88-B(7): 2848-2855 (2005)
9 Sumio Usui, H. Higuchi, Junshiro Kanda, Koji Wakimoto, Satoshi Tanaka, F. Satoh: Nation-wide RTK-GPS based on FKP method and applications for human navigation and location based services. ICME 2004: 1587-1590
8EEHideaki Maehara, Koji Wakimoto, Satoshi Tanaka, Sumio Usui, Kazuo Kamata: Pedestrian Navigation Based on 3D Map and Mobile Interaction. MVA 2002: 214-219
7 Junshiro Kanda, Koji Wakimoto, Hironobu Abe, Satoshi Tanaka: Video Hypermedia Authoring Using Automatic Object Tracking. Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE) 1998: 108-117
6EEAkira Maeda, Koji Wakimoto, Hiroto Nagahisa, Itsuji Nakamura: An interactive tool for recognizing structured figures with variable shapes. Mach. Vis. Appl. 11(1): 24-36 (1998)
5EEAkira Maeda, Koji Wakimoto, Hiroto Nagahisa: Method of line drawing recognition based on intersection model. Systems and Computers in Japan 28(7): 48-55 (1997)
4 Hironobu Abe, Koji Wakimoto: Content-based Management of Video in a Multimedia Authoring Environment. Multimedia Tools Appl. 2(3): 199-214 (1996)
3 Ramesh Jain, Koji Wakimoto: Multiple Perspective Interactive Video. ICMCS 1995: 202-212
2 Arun Katkere, Don Y. Kuramura, Saied Moezzi, Patrick H. Kelly, Deborah Swanberg, Koji Wakimoto, Edward Hunter, Li-Cheng Tai, Shankar Chatterjee, Ramesh Jain: Multiple Perspective Interactive Video. IJCAI 1995: 2063-2064
1 Koji Wakimoto, Mitsuhide Shima, Satoshi Tanaka, Akira Maeda: Content-Based Retrieval Applied to Drawing-Image Databases. Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE) 1993: 74-84

Coauthor Index

1Hironobu Abe [4] [7]
2Shankar Chatterjee [2]
3H. Higuchi [9]
4Edward Hunter [2]
5Ramesh Jain [2] [3]
6Kazuo Kamata [8]
7Junshiro Kanda [7] [9] [10]
8Arun Katkere [2]
9Patrick H. Kelly [2]
10Don Y. Kuramura [2]
11Akira Maeda [1] [5] [6]
12Hideaki Maehara [8]
13Tadanori Mizuno [10]
14Saied Moezzi [2]
15Hiroto Nagahisa [5] [6]
16Itsuji Nakamura [6]
17Fumiaki Sato [10]
18F. Satoh [9]
19Mitsuhide Shima [1]
20Deborah Swanberg [2]
21Li-Cheng Tai [2]
22Satoshi Tanaka [1] [7] [8] [9] [10]
23Junichiro Tsuji [10]
24Sumio Usui [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)