2009 |
128 | EE | Matthew Frampton,
Raquel Fernández,
Patrick Ehlen,
Chris Mario Christoudias,
Trevor Darrell,
Stanley Peters:
Who is "You"? Combining Linguistic and Gaze Features to Resolve Second-Person References in Dialogue.
EACL 2009: 273-281 |
127 | EE | Trevor Darrell:
Invited talk: image recognition for intelligent interfaces.
IUI 2009: 1-2 |
2008 |
126 | EE | Tom Yeh,
John J. Lee,
Trevor Darrell:
Photo-based question answering.
ACM Multimedia 2008: 389-398 |
125 | EE | Tom Yeh,
Trevor Darrell:
Dynamic visual category learning.
CVPR 2008 |
124 | EE | Raquel Urtasun,
Trevor Darrell:
Sparse probabilistic regression for activity-independent human pose inference.
CVPR 2008 |
123 | EE | Ariadna Quattoni,
Michael Collins,
Trevor Darrell:
Transfer learning for image classification with sparse prototype representations.
CVPR 2008 |
122 | EE | Chris Mario Christoudias,
Raquel Urtasun,
Trevor Darrell:
Unsupervised feature selection via distributed coding for multi-view object recognition.
CVPR 2008 |
121 | EE | Raquel Urtasun,
David J. Fleet,
Andreas Geiger,
Jovan Popovic,
Trevor Darrell,
Neil D. Lawrence:
Topologically-constrained latent variable models.
ICML 2008: 1080-1087 |
120 | EE | Tom Yeh,
Trevor Darrell:
Multimodal question answering for mobile devices.
IUI 2008: 405-408 |
119 | EE | Kate Saenko,
Trevor Darrell:
Unsupervised Learning of Visual Sense Models for Polysemous Words.
NIPS 2008: 1393-1400 |
118 | EE | Ali Rahimi,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
Trevor Darrell:
Reducing drift in differential tracking.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 109(2): 97-111 (2008) |
117 | EE | Gregory Shakhnarovich,
Trevor Darrell,
Piotr Indyk:
Nearest-Neighbor Methods in Learning and Vision.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 19(2): 377-377 (2008) |
2007 |
116 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Ariadna Quattoni,
Trevor Darrell:
Latent-Dynamic Discriminative Models for Continuous Gesture Recognition.
CVPR 2007 |
115 | EE | Ariadna Quattoni,
Michael Collins,
Trevor Darrell:
Learning Visual Representations using Images with Captions.
CVPR 2007 |
114 | EE | Kristen Grauman,
Trevor Darrell:
Pyramid Match Hashing: Sub-Linear Time Indexing Over Partial Correspondences.
CVPR 2007 |
113 | EE | Ashish Kapoor,
Kristen Grauman,
Raquel Urtasun,
Trevor Darrell:
Active Learning with Gaussian Processes for Object Categorization.
ICCV 2007: 1-8 |
112 | EE | Tom Yeh,
John J. Lee,
Trevor Darrell:
Adaptive Vocabulary Forests br Dynamic Indexing and Category Learning.
ICCV 2007: 1-8 |
111 | | Sy Bor Wang,
David Demirdjian,
Trevor Darrell,
Hedvig Kjellström:
Multimodal communication error detection for driver-car interaction.
ICINCO-RA (1) 2007: 365-371 |
110 | EE | Sy Bor Wang,
David Demirdjian,
Trevor Darrell:
Detecting communication errors from visual cues during the system's conversational turn.
ICMI 2007: 323-326 |
109 | EE | Raquel Urtasun,
Trevor Darrell:
Discriminative Gaussian process latent variable model for classification.
ICML 2007: 927-934 |
108 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Trevor Darrell:
Conditional Sequence Model for Context-Based Recognition of Gaze Aversion.
MLMI 2007: 11-23 |
107 | EE | Kate Saenko,
Trevor Darrell:
Object Category Recognition Using Probabilistic Fusion of Speech and Image Classifiers.
MLMI 2007: 36-47 |
106 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Candace L. Sidner,
Christopher Lee,
Trevor Darrell:
Head gestures for perceptual interfaces: The role of context in improving recognition.
Artif. Intell. 171(8-9): 568-585 (2007) |
105 | EE | Leonid Taycher,
John W. Fisher III,
Trevor Darrell:
Combining object and feature dynamics in probabilistic tracking.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 108(3): 243-260 (2007) |
104 | EE | Ali Rahimi,
Ben Recht,
Trevor Darrell:
Learning to Transform Time Series with a Few Examples.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(10): 1759-1775 (2007) |
103 | EE | Ariadna Quattoni,
Sy Bor Wang,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
Michael Collins,
Trevor Darrell:
Hidden Conditional Random Fields.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(10): 1848-1852 (2007) |
2006 |
102 | | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Candace L. Sidner,
Christopher Lee,
Trevor Darrell:
The Role of Context in Head Gesture Recognition.
AAAI 2006 |
101 | EE | Kristen Grauman,
Trevor Darrell:
Unsupervised Learning of Categories from Sets of Partially Matching Image Features.
CVPR (1) 2006: 19-25 |
100 | EE | Leonid Taycher,
David Demirdjian,
Trevor Darrell,
Gregory Shakhnarovich:
Conditional Random People: Tracking Humans with CRFs and Grid Filters.
CVPR (1) 2006: 222-229 |
99 | EE | Sy Bor Wang,
Ariadna Quattoni,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
David Demirdjian,
Trevor Darrell:
Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Gesture Recognition.
CVPR (2) 2006: 1521-1527 |
98 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Chris Mario Christoudias,
Trevor Darrell:
Recognizing gaze aversion gestures in embodied conversational discourse.
ICMI 2006: 287-294 |
97 | EE | Chris Mario Christoudias,
Kate Saenko,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
Trevor Darrell:
Co-Adaptation of audio-visual speech and gesture classifiers.
ICMI 2006: 84-91 |
96 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Trevor Darrell:
Head gesture recognition in intelligent interfaces: the role of context in improving recognition.
IUI 2006: 32-38 |
95 | EE | Kristen Grauman,
Trevor Darrell:
Approximate Correspondences in High Dimensions.
NIPS 2006: 505-512 |
94 | EE | Chris Mario Christoudias,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
Trevor Darrell:
Non-parametric and light-field deformable models.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 104(1): 16-35 (2006) |
93 | EE | K. W. Wilson,
Trevor Darrell:
Learning a Precedence Effect-Like Weighting Function for the Generalized Cross-Correlation Framework.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(6): 2156-2164 (2006) |
2005 |
92 | EE | Tom Yeh,
Kristen Grauman,
Konrad Tollmar,
Trevor Darrell:
A picture is worth a thousand keywords: image-based object search on a mobile platform.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 2025-2028 |
91 | EE | Ognjen Arandjelovic,
Gregory Shakhnarovich,
John Fisher,
Roberto Cipolla,
Trevor Darrell:
Face Recognition with Image Sets Using Manifold Density Divergence.
CVPR (1) 2005: 581-588 |
90 | EE | Ali Rahimi,
Ben Recht,
Trevor Darrell:
Learning Appearance Manifolds from Video.
CVPR (1) 2005: 868-875 |
89 | EE | Leonid Taycher,
John W. Fisher III,
Trevor Darrell:
Combining Object and Feature Dynamics in Probabilistic Tracking.
CVPR (2) 2005: 106-113 |
88 | EE | Chris Mario Christoudias,
Trevor Darrell:
On Modelling Nonlinear Shape-and-Texture Appearance Manifolds.
CVPR (2) 2005: 1067-1074 |
87 | EE | Kristen Grauman,
Trevor Darrell:
Efficient Image Matching with Distributions of Local Invariant Features.
CVPR (2) 2005: 627-634 |
86 | EE | Kate Saenko,
Karen Livescu,
Michael Siracusa,
Kevin Wilson,
James R. Glass,
Trevor Darrell:
Visual Speech Recognition with Loosely Synchronized Feature Streams.
ICCV 2005: 1424-1431 |
85 | EE | Kristen Grauman,
Trevor Darrell:
The Pyramid Match Kernel: Discriminative Classification with Sets of Image Features.
ICCV 2005: 1458-1465 |
84 | EE | David Demirdjian,
Leonid Taycher,
Gregory Shakhnarovich,
Kristen Grauman,
Trevor Darrell:
Avoiding the "Streetlight Effect": Tracking by Exploring Likelihood Modes.
ICCV 2005: 357-364 |
83 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Candace L. Sidner,
Christopher Lee,
Trevor Darrell:
Contextual recognition of head gestures.
ICMI 2005: 18-24 |
82 | EE | Tom Yeh,
Trevor Darrell:
Doubleshot: an interactive user-aided segmentation tool.
IUI 2005: 287-289 |
81 | EE | Leonid Taycher,
John W. Fisher III,
Trevor Darrell:
Incorporating Object Tracking Feedback into Background Maintenance Framework.
WACV/MOTION 2005: 120-125 |
80 | EE | David Demirdjian,
Teresa Ko,
Trevor Darrell:
Untethered gesture acquisition and recognition for virtual world manipulation.
Virtual Reality 8(4): 222-230 (2005) |
2004 |
79 | | Rajeev Sharma,
Trevor Darrell,
Mary P. Harper,
Gianni Lazzari,
Matthew Turk:
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI 2004, State College, PA, USA, October 13-15, 2004
ACM 2004 |
78 | EE | Tom Yeh,
Konrad Tollmar,
Trevor Darrell:
IDeixis: image-based Deixis for finding location-based information.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 781-782 |
77 | EE | Christopher Lee,
Neal Lesh,
Candace L. Sidner,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
Ashish Kapoor,
Trevor Darrell:
Nodding in conversations with a robot.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 785-786 |
76 | EE | Ali Rahimi,
Brian Dunagan,
Trevor Darrell:
Simultaneous Calibration and Tracking with a Network of Non-Overlapping Sensors.
CVPR (1) 2004: 187-194 |
75 | EE | Kristen Grauman,
Trevor Darrell:
Fast Contour Matching Using Approximate Earth Mover's Distance.
CVPR (1) 2004: 220-227 |
74 | EE | Tom Yeh,
Konrad Tollmar,
Trevor Darrell:
Searching the Web with Mobile Images for Location Recognition.
CVPR (2) 2004: 76-81 |
73 | EE | Chris Mario Christoudias,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
Trevor Darrell:
Light Field Appearance Manifolds.
ECCV (4) 2004: 481-493 |
72 | EE | Ali Rahimi,
Brian Dunagan,
Trevor Darrell:
Tracking People with a Sparse Network of Bearing Sensors.
ECCV (4) 2004: 507-518 |
71 | EE | Kristen Grauman,
Gregory Shakhnarovich,
Trevor Darrell:
Virtual Visual Hulls: Example-Based 3D Shape Inference from Silhouettes.
ECCV Workshop SMVP 2004: 26-37 |
70 | EE | Leonid Taycher,
John W. Fisher III,
Trevor Darrell:
Combining Simple Models to Approximate Complex Dynamics.
ECCV Workshop SMVP 2004: 94-104 |
69 | EE | Kate Saenko,
Trevor Darrell,
James R. Glass:
Articulatory features for robust visual speech recognition.
ICMI 2004: 152-158 |
68 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Trevor Darrell:
From conversational tooltips to grounded discourse: head poseTracking in interactive dialog systems.
ICMI 2004: 32-37 |
67 | EE | David Demirdjian,
Kevin Wilson,
Michael Siracusa,
Trevor Darrell:
Real-time audio-visual tracking for meeting analysis.
ICMI 2004: 331-332 |
66 | EE | Konrad Tollmar,
Tom Yeh,
Trevor Darrell:
IDeixis - Searching the Web with Mobile Images for Location-Based Information.
Mobile HCI 2004: 288-299 |
65 | EE | Ariadna Quattoni,
Michael Collins,
Trevor Darrell:
Conditional Random Fields for Object Recognition.
NIPS 2004 |
64 | EE | Konrad Tollmar,
David Demirdjian,
Trevor Darrell:
Navigating in virtual environments using a vision-based interface.
NordiCHI 2004: 113-120 |
63 | EE | Sharon L. Oviatt,
Trevor Darrell,
Myron Flickner:
Commun. ACM 47(1): 30-33 (2004) |
62 | EE | John W. Fisher III,
Trevor Darrell:
Speaker association with signal-level audiovisual fusion.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6(3): 406-413 (2004) |
2003 |
61 | | Sharon L. Oviatt,
Trevor Darrell,
Mark T. Maybury,
Wolfgang Wahlster:
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 5-7, 2003
ACM 2003 |
60 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Patrik Sundberg,
Trevor Darrell:
Pose Estimation using 3D View-Based Eigenspaces.
AMFG 2003: 45-52 |
59 | EE | Konrad Tollmar,
David Demirdjian,
Trevor Darrell:
Gesture + play: full-body interaction for virtual environments.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 620-621 |
58 | EE | Kristen Grauman,
Gregory Shakhnarovich,
Trevor Darrell:
A Bayesian Approach to Image-Based Visual Hull Reconstruction.
CVPR (1) 2003: 187-194 |
57 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Ali Rahimi,
Trevor Darrell:
Adaptive View-Based Appearance Models.
CVPR (1) 2003: 803-812 |
56 | EE | David Demirdjian,
Teresa Ko,
Trevor Darrell:
Constraining Human Body Tracking.
ICCV 2003: 1071-1078 |
55 | EE | Kristen Grauman,
Gregory Shakhnarovich,
Trevor Darrell:
Inferring 3D Structure with a Statistical Image-Based Shape Model.
ICCV 2003: 641-648 |
54 | EE | Gregory Shakhnarovich,
Paul A. Viola,
Trevor Darrell:
Fast Pose Estimation with Parameter-Sensitive Hashing.
ICCV 2003: 750-759 |
53 | EE | Teresa Ko,
David Demirdjian,
Trevor Darrell:
Untethered gesture acquisition and recognition for a multimodal conversational system.
ICMI 2003: 147-150 |
52 | EE | Michael Siracusa,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
Kevin Wilson,
John W. Fisher III,
Trevor Darrell:
A multi-modal approach for determining speaker location and focus.
ICMI 2003: 77-80 |
51 | EE | Kimberle Koile,
Konrad Tollmar,
David Demirdjian,
Howard E. Shrobe,
Trevor Darrell:
Activity Zones for Context-Aware Computing.
Ubicomp 2003: 90-106 |
50 | EE | Frank Bentley,
Konrad Tollmar,
David Demirdjian,
Kimberle Koile,
Trevor Darrell:
Perceptive Presence.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23(5): 26-36 (2003) |
2002 |
49 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Ali Rahimi,
Trevor Darrell:
Fast 3D Model Acquisition from Stereo Images.
3DPVT 2002: 172-176 |
48 | EE | Alice Oh,
Harold Fox,
Max Van Kleek,
Aaron Adler,
Krzysztof Gajos,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
Trevor Darrell:
Evaluating look-to-talk: a gaze-aware interface in a collaborative environment.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 650-651 |
47 | EE | John W. Fisher III,
Trevor Darrell:
Probabalistic Models and Informative Subspaces for Audiovisual Correspondence.
ECCV (3) 2002: 592-603 |
46 | EE | Gregory Shakhnarovich,
John W. Fisher III,
Trevor Darrell:
Face Recognition from Long-Term Observations.
ECCV (3) 2002: 851-868 |
45 | EE | Gregory Shakhnarovich,
Trevor Darrell:
On Probabilistic Combination of Face and Gait Cues for Identification.
FGR 2002: 176-181 |
44 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Ali Rahimi,
Neal Checka,
Trevor Darrell:
Fast Stereo-Based Head Tracking for Interactive Environments.
FGR 2002: 390-395 |
43 | EE | David Demirdjian,
Trevor Darrell:
3-D Articulated Pose Tracking for Untethered Diectic Reference.
ICMI 2002: 267-272 |
42 | EE | Kevin Wilson,
Vibhav Rangarajan,
Neal Checka,
Trevor Darrell:
Audiovisual Arrays for Untethered Spoken Interfaces.
ICMI 2002: 389-394 |
41 | EE | Louis-Philippe Morency,
Trevor Darrell:
Stereo Tracking Using ICP and Normal Flow Constraint.
ICPR (4) 2002: 367- |
40 | EE | Ali Rahimi,
Trevor Darrell:
Location Estimation with a Differential Update Network.
NIPS 2002: 1049-1056 |
39 | EE | Leonid Taycher,
John W. Fisher III,
Trevor Darrell:
Recovering Articulated Model Topology from Observed Rigid Motion.
NIPS 2002: 1311-1318 |
38 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Konrad Tollmar,
Frank Bentley,
Neal Checka,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
Ali Rahimi,
Alice Oh:
Face-Responsive Interfaces: From Direct Manipulation to Perceptive Presence.
Ubicomp 2002: 135-151 |
37 | EE | David Demirdjian,
Konrad Tollmar,
Kimberle Koile,
Neal Checka,
Trevor Darrell:
Activity maps for location-aware computing.
WACV 2002: 70- |
36 | | David Demirdjian,
Trevor Darrell:
Using Multiple-Hypothesis Disparity Maps and Image Velocity for 3-D Motion Estimation.
International Journal of Computer Vision 47(1-3): 219-22 (2002) |
35 | | Leonid Taycher,
Trevor Darrell:
Range Segmentation Using Visibility Constraints.
International Journal of Computer Vision 47(1-3): 89-98 (2002) |
2001 |
34 | EE | Gregory Shakhnarovich,
Lily Lee,
Trevor Darrell:
Integrated Face and Gait Recognition From Multiple Views.
CVPR (1) 2001: 439-446 |
33 | | David Demirdjian,
Trevor Darrell:
Motion Estimation from Disparity Images.
ICCV 2001: 213-218 |
32 | | Ali Rahimi,
Louis-Philippe Morency,
Trevor Darrell:
Reducing Drift in Parametric Motion Tracking.
ICCV 2001: 315-322 |
31 | | Trevor Darrell,
David Demirdjian,
Neal Checka,
Pedro F. Felzenszwalb:
Plan-View Trajectory Estimation with Dense Stereo Background Models.
ICCV 2001: 628-635 |
30 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Michele Covell:
Correspondence with Cumulative Similiarity Transforms.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(2): 222-227 (2001) |
2000 |
29 | EE | Michele Covell,
Ali Rahimi,
Michael Harville,
Trevor Darrell:
Articulated-Pose Estimation Using Brightness and Depth-Constancy Constraints.
CVPR 2000: 2438-2445 |
28 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
John W. Fisher III,
Paul A. Viola,
William T. Freeman:
Ausio-visual Segmentation and "The Cocktail Party Effect".
ICMI 2000: 32-40 |
27 | | John W. Fisher III,
Trevor Darrell,
William T. Freeman,
Paul A. Viola:
Learning Joint Statistical Models for Audio-Visual Fusion and Segregation.
NIPS 2000: 772-778 |
26 | | Trevor Darrell,
Gaile G. Gordon,
Michael Harville,
John Woodfill:
Integrated Person Tracking Using Stereo, Color, and Pattern Detection.
International Journal of Computer Vision 37(2): 175-185 (2000) |
1999 |
25 | EE | Michele Covell,
Trevor Darrell:
Dynamic Occluding Contours: A New External-Energy Term for Snakes.
CVPR 1999: 2232-2238 |
24 | EE | Gaile G. Gordon,
Trevor Darrell,
Michael Harville,
John Woodfill:
Background Estimation and Removal Based on Range and Color.
CVPR 1999: 2459-2464 |
23 | EE | Michael Harville,
Ali Rahimi,
Trevor Darrell,
Gaile G. Gordon,
John Woodfill:
3D Pose Tracking with Linear Depth and Brightness Constraints.
ICCV 1999: 206-213 |
1998 |
22 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Gaile G. Gordon,
Michael Harville,
John Woodfill:
Integrated Person Tracking Using Stereo, Color, and Pattern Detection.
CVPR 1998: 601-609 |
21 | EE | Trevor Darrell:
A Radial Cumulative Similarity Transform for Robust Image Correspondence.
CVPR 1998: 656-663 |
20 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Gaile G. Gordon,
Michael Harville,
John Woodfill:
Magic Morphin' Mirror: Person Detection and Tracking.
CVPR 1998: 964 |
19 | | Trevor Darrell,
Gaile G. Gordon,
John Woodfill,
Michael Harville:
A Virtual Mirror Interface Using Real-Time Robust Face Tracking.
FG 1998: 616-622 |
18 | EE | Trevor Darrell:
Example-Based Image Synthesis of Articulated Figures.
NIPS 1998: 768-774 |
1997 |
17 | EE | Christopher Richard Wren,
Flavia Sparacino,
Ali Azarbayejani,
Trevor Darrell,
Thad Starner,
Akira Kotani,
Chloe M. Chao,
Michal Hlavac,
Kenneth B. Russell,
Alex Pentland:
Perceptive Spaces for Performance and Entertainment Untethered Interaction Using Computer Vision and Audition.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 11(4): 267-284 (1997) |
16 | EE | Christopher Richard Wren,
Ali Azarbayejani,
Trevor Darrell,
Alex Pentland:
Pfinder: Real-Time Tracking of the Human Body.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(7): 780-785 (1997) |
15 | | Pattie Maes,
Trevor Darrell,
Bruce Blumberg,
Alex Pentland:
The ALIVE System: Wireless, Full-Body Interaction with Autonomous Agents.
Multimedia Syst. 5(2): 105-112 (1997) |
1996 |
14 | EE | Irfan A. Essa,
Sumit Basu,
Trevor Darrell,
Alex Pentland:
Modeling, Tracking and Interactive Animation of Faces and Heads Using Input from Video.
CA 1996: 68-79 |
13 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Baback Moghaddam,
Alex Pentland:
Active Face Tracking and Pose Estimation in an Interactive Room.
CVPR 1996: 67-72 |
12 | EE | Christopher Richard Wren,
Ali Azarbayejani,
Trevor Darrell,
Alex Pentland:
Pfinder: real-time tracking of the human body.
FG 1996: 51-59 |
11 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Irfan A. Essa,
Alex Pentland:
Task-Specific Gesture Analysis in Real-Time Using Interpolated Views.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(12): 1236-1242 (1996) |
1995 |
10 | EE | Pattie Maes,
Trevor Darrell,
Bruce Blumberg,
Alex Pentland:
The ALIVE system: full-body interaction with autonomous agents.
CA 1995: 11-18 |
9 | | Pattie Maes,
Bruce Blumberg,
Trevor Darrell,
Alex Pentland,
Alan Wexelblat:
Modeling Interactive Agents in ALIVE.
IJCAI 1995: 2073-2074 |
8 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Alex Pentland:
Active Gesture Recognition using Learned Visual Attention.
NIPS 1995: 858-864 |
7 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Alex Pentland:
Cooperative Robust Estimation Using Layers of Support.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 17(5): 474-487 (1995) |
1994 |
6 | | Pattie Maes,
Trevor Darrell,
Bruce Blumberg,
Alex Pentland:
ALIVE: Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment.
AAAI 1994: 1506 |
5 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Irfan A. Essa,
Alex Pentland:
Correlation and Interpolation Networks for Real-time Expression Analysis/Synthesis.
NIPS 1994: 909-916 |
4 | | Michael Patrick Johnson,
Pattie Maes,
Trevor Darrell:
Evolving Visual Routines.
Artificial Life 1(4): 373-389 (1994) |
1993 |
3 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Alex Pentland:
Classifying Hand Gestures with a View-Based Distributed Representation.
NIPS 1993: 945-952 |
1991 |
2 | EE | Trevor Darrell,
Alex Pentland:
Against Edges: Function Approximation with Multiple Support Maps.
NIPS 1991: 388-395 |
1987 |
1 | | Ned Batchelder,
Trevor Darrell:
PSFIG - A DITROFF Preprocessor for Postscript Figures.
USENIX Summer 1987: 31-42 |