
Yuval Davidor

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11 Jonathan Maresky, Yuval Davidor, Daniel Gitler, Gad Aharoni, Amnon Barak: Selectively Destructive Re-start. ICGA 1995: 144-150
10 Jonathan Maresky, Yuval Davidor, Daniel Gitler, Gad Aharoni, Amnon Barak: Profiling Communication in Distributed Genetic Algorithms. IJCAI (1) 1995: 961-966
9 Yuval Davidor, Hans-Paul Schwefel, Reinhard Männer: Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN III, International Conference on Evolutionary Computation. The Third Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Jerusalem, Israel, October 9-14, 1994, Proceedings Springer 1994
8 Ryohei Nakano, Yuval Davidor, Takeshi Yamada: Optimal Population Size under Constant Computation Cost. PPSN 1994: 130-138
7 Yuval Davidor, Takeshi Yamada, Ryohei Nakano: The ECOlogical Framework II : Improving GA Performance At Virtually Zero Cost. ICGA 1993: 171-176
6 Yuval Davidor, O. Ben-Kiki: The Interplay Among the Genetic Algorithm Operators: Information Theory Tools Used in a Holistic Way. PPSN 1992: 77-86
5 Yuval Davidor: A Naturally Occurring Niche and Species Phenomenon: The Model and First Results. ICGA 1991: 257-263
4 Yuval Davidor: Lamarckian Sub-Goal Reward in Genetic Algorithm. ECAI 1990: 189-194
3 Yuval Davidor: Epistasis Variance: A Viewpoint on GA-Hardness. FOGA 1990: 23-35
2 Yuval Davidor, Yaron Goldberg: An Evolution Standing on the Design of Redundant Manipulators. PPSN 1990: 60-69
1 Yuval Davidor: Analogous Crossover. ICGA 1989: 98-103

Coauthor Index

1Gad Aharoni [10] [11]
2Amnon Barak (Amnon B. Barak) [10] [11]
3O. Ben-Kiki [6]
4Daniel Gitler [10] [11]
5Yaron Goldberg [2]
6Reinhard Männer [9]
7Jonathan Maresky [10] [11]
8Ryohei Nakano [7] [8]
9Hans-Paul Schwefel [9]
10Takeshi Yamada [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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